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TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction ai 9 | CHINESE ASTROLOGY ‘The Origins of Chinese Ast 18 More about Chinese Astrology 16 Destiny and Luck, aul? The Four Pillers sone ‘The Thres Treasures 21 ‘Two Poleritios: The Prin 22. The Five Elements (Five Phases). 26 |THE FOUR PILLARS and Five Types of Luck savenly Stems ive Earthly Branches... 7 ity Pilars (ia Z) 7 . renee ‘Types of Luc! amen | YOUR SELF AND STEM COMBINATIONS, 58 8B ad 59 nent 83 65 67 69 a | VE IMANCHES ‘ouping of Branches Destructions and Punishments LIN -1H1): FOUR PILLARS ‘of Populaity and Attraction io Who Like to Travel 187 159 163 167 170 IX FENG SHUI and THE FOUR PILLARS Feng Shui... 24 Mountains Ring: Stems, Branches and Trigrams. How to activate your Nobiernen Luck How to activate your Peach Blossom Luck How to activate your Sky Horse Luck .. X CALCULATIONS. Find Your Year Pillar. Find Your Month Pillar . Your Four Pillars page... GLOSSARY APPENDIX Cheat Shost for Branches Interactions ... Hidden Stems in Earth Branches. fe Stages of Branches. ‘The Twelve Phases of Energy Personal Sky Horse Years (2017-2026) wn Personal Sky Horse Months (annually) Personal Noblemen Years (2017-2026) Personal Noblemen Months 0. sonal Peach Blossom Years (2017-202 sonal Peach Blossom Months. Fe Facing and Compass-reading Tips. 4 Mountains ring. 247 219 224 228 229 1.283 234 238 243 PA? 249 259 260 262 268 268 267 268 269 270 a 272 273 ny, Hemass Your Luck wth Fo book ean be used for ecursional purposee and mu en's sated. inatoata in INTRODUCTION ‘get this es our Ives are in constant flux land change, which can often be quite overwhelming. It can also cause us to forget that. Is precious gift - one that comes with an expiration date. Being but t dictate our specific interests and! desires, and also determine the way we aly do things. Whether we are quiet or loud, introverted or extroverted; whether for things. we wil be driven by ~ just as we can lose something that is very dear to us. Ind while some episodes car be vory painiul, they Jong run. Just as certain gains will slow us down or prevent vy. 1 parents, family background or childhood experiences. However to make our own decisions about which course of action we lead to suocess oF falure, What happens inte is seem attractive fo Us at the time or that don't ofr ary cing to habits and goals that wil lead us nowhere, We can also ue to the influence of certain innate dynamics ~ this is yo possicle that we wil also to.choose bumpy roads, inio a new retationshis (or maybe stay stay in a low paid but secure job (or iso happen that an individual's innate Gi is overpow- erent health Issues or serious hereditary condi- is at limes lie this thal one must learn ing situations that o in their parent’ ar n vary close to us suddenly mg and hardship, whila others Ive Wy major disturbances. order to make use of the bost cond! situations; informing us of negative autoome ar retal 3. They can also show the best solutions to spe- best to refrain from certain actions in orcler to 198 ‘though some charts can appear ic be similar (ust as |Ds can be), an experienced read- fr of the Four Pilars is able to grasp the subtleties and find uniqueness in every Four Pillars chart. Thus, just as there are dynamic, open, passionate and warm charts; there are also col, introverted, inactive and lonely ones. There are special charts which belong ‘great accomplishments, There themselves at certaln points in that some people really can change. Four Pifars chart shows it al: from the vary beginning of your fe, to ts very enc, tys your childhood, your parents, grandparents and even your famiy’s ancestral ton 1ese show your constitution, your health issues, love-| ren, old age ... end all your ac- ipishments, Even the quaity of the Fong Shui of your property can be seen In your chart, his information can then be used to improve your Feng Shull and tuck in general, 1¢ best timings, but everything else depends on whether YOU are ready to make the ef- persevere with what's important, to change your ways, ancl take the right actions, news is that sorne of the things that you currently don't have can either come tually to you at ceriain times, or you can just learn them. This allows you to alt wior in order to achieve wnat you want (and what yeople hold themselves back, avoiding the 2s they can receive the ight sort of guidance and In ime, which changes everything for them. There are is Who are able to change their ways by learning haw to handle things, better control over their emotions. Sometimes even going to techniques can create a miracie in a porson’s if, Ike taking CHINESE ASTROLOGY The Origins of Chinese Astrology More About Chinese Astrology Destiny and Luck The Four The Three Treasures Two Polarities: The Principles of Yin and Yang The Five Elements lars THE ORIGINS OF CHINESE ASTROLOGY MORE ABOUT CHINESE ASTROLOGY DESTINY AND LUCK THE FOUR PILLARS The Origins of Chinese Astrology cepts of nature and the universe. made up of 2w life and altering thing ry Was recognizing that energy, ly, the destiny of each individual is not determined only by also by thelr own deeds and the prevaliing energy of the lo- fr sun and moon calendar. The Chinese c: 1 Yellow Emperor (2837 BO), is based on the precise longitude and phases of the moon. the ‘Stoms’ and ‘Branches’ were invented in China for ‘month, day and hour alse play an important rete. is only the location of Branches (or Animals) and the interaction with other Branches that can provide the complete pic- ture of each person's cheracter and destiny. ‘The Chinese calendar is not only based on animal signs (Branches) but also on ‘sexage- nary eycles’, which most ikely originated during BO) Those cyces operat nt ont on vers, As we know there are 12 Branches and each Branch appears as either Yang or Yin; even years are Yang and odd years ae Vin, Every Yang Branch i also accompanied by a Yang the tunar and/or solar calendar to he solar calendar where New Year always appears Wg of February; usuelly on the third or fourth day of the month, depending on solar longitude. This means that people born between 01 January and 03 oF 04 February were actually born in the previous year. In addition to the year, Chinese astrology also deals with the month, day and hour of a .erson's birth ~ even down to the minute in certain cases, The mest important element 1 evaluation of Destiny and Luck, and the main point of reference, is the Day Pillar. Day resents ourseNves. Destiny and Luck to important developrnental ar also based on th ‘A good example philosophy, while also having has been acknowledged by the titutions, | by five factors: srs not only one’s jan, but also inherent talents sie materials that can be shaped, a plece of ravr 19 and polishing in ly shaped but also may requi 1@ and preciousness. nis and polarities. Dynamics — both internal predictable results. Therefore, the Chinese view of Dt n bo known and predicted. \e relevant information regarding Luck (Yun). An evel Knowing more about our Luck’ uch important the 10-year Luck Cyces (De Yun, or small luck). The Four Pillars Besicaly, Four Pars Chinese Astrology is based on the folowing concepts: Five Elements appet or Yang) ‘Ten Heaveniy Stems ( of birth), be- we tho day wT eu DAY MONTH. YEAR Xin Yin Metat Chou ion Hai Pig) a R Yingaren Yin Water Clashes 8 Combinations THE THREE TREASURES TWO POLARITIES FIVE ELEMENTS The Three Treasures he Influence of Heaven on an ovorything, reasures affect us equally, Heavens’ influence probably Chinese sages easier end sup d therefore our spirit, Earth provides not only the necessary nourlshment and maintenance of life. Earth eneray circulates ndforms and Feng Shul is the ancient science of using these in order to find the best placemant possible for a property. In Ww a property receives the energy fram the ground and sur- geal is designing the most beneficial home in the most sup- Improve an individual's luck end in certain cases it can or address other deficiencies. Therefore, having good Feng mote personal wellbeing, compensate for shortcomings and takos places between Heaven and Earth. The human spi= ited to an earthly existance, Human Luck encom: jin a human's control; things that can be improved with s destiny, changing one's own seactions, developing the nowledge and cultivating one’s personality are ‘and improve their luck. Polarities: rinciples of Yin and Yang Basically, Yang represents the sun and Yin represents the moon; Yang is frequently com pared to the aunny side of a hill while Yin represents the shady side. Each of these two principles exhibits its own movement: Yang moving fram the inside to the outside, gov- cerning the daytime, spring and summer when nature grows and flourishes; meanwhile the Yin phase of energy withdraws from the external to the internal, like autumn and win- ter when living things seek shelter, drawing their eneray deep inside, in order to conserve it for the spring The theory of Yin and Yang explains all natural phenomena, for everything Ie in “a con tinuous rise and fal of opposing yet complementary forces". Yin and Yang can also be viewed as expanding and reducing the breath of nature. Yang is active during the day- ight, while Yin rules over the night time; Yang is active in spring and summer, while Yin Jominates in autura ancl winter. in nature and Feng Shui, Vin s associated with moun tains (as nen-movable), whe Yang Is associated with waters (as movable). An Ide n should contain both mountains and water, just as an ideal mony that originates from the interplay of Yin and Yang, principles of Yin and Yang complement and balence each other; they depend on another iy fluctuating foward @ stale of dynamic balance, Yin is ba- ‘a nourishing female principle, complex andl very deep, wile Yang is a male prin- le, simple, quick and rather superficial. Yang is open, while Yin is more hidden. Yang) while Yin is more material. The nature of every Yin is soft, hidden, dark and whereas Yang is strong, more obvious and bright. Yin is more complex and y, while Yang describes the most productive stages of our preciated more fully by the statement that “they are able to move both human be- is and the heavens above”. ‘Yang concept is very Important in both Feng Shui and the Four Pilars. For ex- Four Pilars we lke to see females 2 Yin Day Master and males havi ‘Yang constantly interchanging in nature through the seasons and the warmth of spring that gives rise to birth, while the fire of of humans. Cycles or storage of vital suestances and Chi ang Large the lower Is Yin. The outside is Yang and the inside is Yin, whereas the exterior is Yang, 1e Weather conditions (hot/cold, wet/dry) can also affect turf our balance by simply consuming extremely hot or Yang enables grow ind Yang is not always wl 1 of the being resides at the place of Yin and e other hand, once the birth has occurred, The Five Elements (Five Phases) ‘The concept of the Five Elements, or Wu Xing, desctibes the five stages of every change In life. Wu Xing is actually the short version of the Wu Zhong Liu Xing Zhi Chi concept, ex platning that five types of eneray dominate at different times of the year - Wood mn and Water in winter, while the Earth governs ihe Five Elements has been used in various important state issues. ugh all natural phenomena can be classified and explained under understanding them. The Elements are continuous'y moving through nature, shaping and influencing net only the landscape but also the human body and mi the Four Pilars, certain Elements tend to be more prominent and some of regulate the overall climate of our Destiny; some may also be Important as arbitrators, re- iving conflicts and making life easier. Both the strongest and weakes| Elements can be derived from the bith month (season) and both can become the source of unhappiness issues. On the othar hand, the most useful and favorable Elemonts can bring About Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal The Five Elements are: Wood, Fite, Earth, Metel and Water. eats in a state of Yin and Yang, ign Yang Wood and Yin Wood, re, Yang Earth and Yin Earth, Yang Metal and Vin Metal, Yang Water Yang Firo and Yin sand Yin Wator the folowing pat ms: Jood phase, enieray moves i “re phase, energy is at its most active, and is bright and expancing, Earth phase, energy is at its mos s Metal rm ee a Ros Yin-Yang Lesser Yang Greater Yang , Lesser Vin Crestor Vin Seasons Sering Summerlin putumn Winter * Climate Wind Heat ‘Damp Dry Cold east Centr West rection BB coun Sorter wes North Shapes Elongated Tingle = Square wow Core areen ned Yotow ito pluck Jig-Yanging=Yana—-Wu-Yarg —Geng=Yang Ren Yang ‘Siena Yievin® —“Daowvin | “Wiz¥in® SSin=¥in? "Gui Vin beagen oe Teer spate EE ontoy ba me, Rats nd Ra 58 2 ee Hun shen x ro a \ 8 (cof coun (i) toes teorparst sou) waen shouting a Byes Teste Mouth ose cars sour Biter ——swest_——Pangent Salty oat rio Home nit ‘ave an effect on every Element by introducing the asso« For example, eating sour food encourages tt 1 ver and galibia ai ‘and the functioning of ‘accomplish their goals in a \ ple are deep and very emotional Elements make us who we are: the Strengths and individual Characteristics of the Elements ‘ter calculating our Four Pillars cheri and seeing how the Five Elements are distributed through the Four Pillars, we now become interested in understanding the overall strength 9 the Heavenly Stem of the Day Pillar (Sel). The fol- 10W certain Elements affect personal is week or strong. Water Zh rength, determines our , @ very strong Weod produces people /e and imaginative. Strong Wood can also Ive reactions, sudden changes of mind and anger outbursts. king, people can easly become indecisive and cha- is and @ proper sense ‘and passionate, whereas a lack o rong Earth is Element can lead he same manner, strong Metal signifies people ide, white a lack of Metal can negatively affect people's have a hip (Sheng) cl relationship (Ka) oN FN / \ etal } carta | NAN The Generating Cycle of Elements discover endless solutions, thereby improving net only your own but also other peoples’ ives. Since the strength of the Elements affects our Luck, here is a more detelled view of the Elements in different sessons, Wood as ft chops into it. Fire cor d Earth controls Wat Controis cE roy Sa SUMMER | AUTUMN PN) ‘Wood becomes: nsprre However, atthe bo tr enythn of Five Elements in the Four Seasons for the evaluation of each Element's strength is the BIRTH Jw the strength of the each Element in different seasons. Fire din erdortond | tobecome weak | the mother, hi balance, ferftom September | cren ang rend, ‘onwards, PROSPEROUS | STRONG | WEAK ase _ insoring, Earth | SummorEarh can | Mere eriv | Earth ip weak raw erotvery ‘become very dry | alot the ovid dew, | fer eventing is andisoftences- | Earth aay equte’ | razon, Fo the | peratefor Water | tha aucpartof tho mother and fonds, Earth in summer Wat becomes ¥ ‘Wolalis presooraue sow and everything c | tr ‘spring, Fie in summer, Metal in autumn and wintor as Metal is dead in summer, Earth is Motal THE FOUR PILLARS and Five Types of Luck The Four Pillars Explained Self or Day Master The Ten Heavenly Stems The Twelve Earthly Branches The Sixty Pillars Five Types of Luck THE FOUR PILLARS EXPLAINED fal's date of birth in terms of the year, tion, pillars are usually written from right to loft. and according to Day MONTH YEAR HOUR Heavenly Stem Earthly Branch Hidden ‘Stem ou Xin Ding ca = ae Wei (Goat) {Snake} Mao (Ret cS B op Yin Eartn Yin Fico Yin vlood above, we can see that the person was bom in a Ding Mao Snake) month, Xin Wei (Metal Gost) day and Gui Si (Water en that, in addition to the Iso associated with spe lars simply showing the year, people, subjects and age. influence of our grand- el ta aia) Parents Ancestors alth |S Grandparents wii pillar shows events from the age of 17 until 85. Day Pillar shows our mature and nost productive years {from 35 to retirement), whilo the hour pillar refers to our retire nont years. Accordingly, whan we want to examine our love prosper 2, we would look at the day pillar. If we are 1ur boss, we would go to the month, ordinates, then we would investigate our hour pi ur parents and siblings can be seen in the month pillar and this pillar is very ‘8s parents are always an Important part of our lives, no matter whether they are wosent or absent, low you most probably like to know what your Four Pilars look like. You Would like to calculate Branches in the old-iashioned way, more tables are provid- for you in the Calculations chapter Is quite easy nowadays to access n a look at mine on www.classicallyfengshuied. online calculators for tree. ELF OR DAY MASTER h and power at Luck). A weak Seif can also be more dependent on Luck the day Stem, and together with the birth Ina Ba JE TEN HEAVENLY STEMS R TEN SELVES) DES Ren - Yang Gui - Yin y 10 Stems; Five Elements in the Yin phase ng Shase, Each Stom hes its ‘ specific in the relationships it creates a METAL Geng - Yang Xin - Yin 4 Jia a Yang Wood ' | wo |e vin Woo EARTH Bln Yang Fi [eee eae | Wu - Yang 1 ping Yin Fire a t ! Wu Yang Earth Ji mall \ | Gong ae Yar Metal | fen a water 4E TWELVE EARTHLY BRANCHES Branches are known as the twelve animal Zt Pat chou x Yin Tger Mao Rabsit Dragon Shake You terns xu Ha Pap 150° 180° (south) winter spring summer THE SIXTY PILLARS (JIA ZI) roduces the sixty pilars that are a 2 Stems and Branches are both classified 28 Yin or Yang, Yang Stems are paired with Yang Branches, while Yin Stems are paired ith Yin Branches, Therefore, when the twelve Branches are muitipfed by five (the num= ber of Elements), it resulls in sixty Pilars. One oycle of the Sixty Pillars always begins with Wood Rat, and ends with Water Pig. iid pe a BE 3 e wa > en Woke ule nde, . oF 6 = Fa Sixty Pillars and corresponding years 1986 my soe way s R beagon 1988 Tow 1998 fem 2008 2018 goan 2030 FIVE TYPES OF LUCK we analyze a person's Destiny and Luck, not only based on what 0 far, but also on the Five Types of Luck. Five Types of Luck rep- of what a certain Element moans to a specific person. In Five Types of Luck are: id [pression Wealth Types of Luck are based on person's Self or Day Master. The Ftiend Element ‘as you. Expression is what you create. Weaith Is what you control, Power is Is you. And Resource Is the Element that produces you. ‘The Five Types of Luck table. 8 of the Five Types of Luck how a generally friendly attitude, but Luck: Friends, siblings and peopie might prove to be import. roates is known as the ive and performance-oriented mn going in too many different directions. Wealth: refers to the Wealth Luck Cycle, Anni ing @ business, heading volve both wealth and relationships. ‘ances and expand: his oycla/year may in: Power ‘The Element shat controls every Seltis known as the Power (or Influence) Element. This life aspect ba- sically represents status and influence, as well as reputation, In a female's life, Power also represents thelr husband or boyfriend, and in a male's Ife It rep- resents offspring, o ‘e, Annual Luck: In this tuck eycle/ is0 signily relationships and marriage. Resource {he Element that creates every Sel is known as the jource Element. This life aspect basically oon- voms health and a sense of comfort, ints the mother, ing Resource: means a person Is very rescuros- lable. it may also mean they are cam ‘and lazy when it comes to making necss- ‘anges. ree: may suggest the pers also rep nhas Gyole, Annual Luck: This Luck cycle/ ing and improving personal knowiedge and skis. However, take complacency does not st ne way of achievements. YOUR SELF STEMS COMBINATIONS SPECIAL STRUCTURES Jia Wood Yi Wood Bing Fire Ding Fire Wu Earth Ji Earth Geng Metal Xin Metal Ren Water a JIA WOOD as the various aspects of your life and Luck Cycles. JIA'S CHARACTERISTICS. eople are upright, direct, strong, impulsive and competitive. Inks, Jia Wood people people are not willing to adapt or change ind and set their goals, Their need for nk, direct and honest attituc coxpressing their opinion). They are also ¥ fir bellefs and what they percaive as being right. These people ues and the problems associated with injustices in society and icipate in order to fix them, vapettivenaes anc endency to anger aa stems from Jia peo- sia psople should lear how to con Id also be more aware of a situation before they blur Wane, depending on the orcumstances. 1:4, HA PEOPLE yi woop 2 our Self defines who you are. The rest of your Four Pillars chart explains the dynamics of your De 2a various aspects of your life and Luck Cycles. iny as well YV'S CHARACTERISTICS YI Self people are attractive, charming, elegant and adaptive. these people may also appear as gentle, soft and dependab ided by an exceptionally strong survival instinct. Furthermore, Yipgople in a couple of sentences, they might disco. ‘every effort to be defined or molded. In one mor they are in fact al- forent opinions, seeing this as a threat, and aggressively defending their ' i, HEALTH ;pople Is under the major influence of their corres meridian ~ the Yin Wood Gi. In Chinese medicine, the Liver stores our blood, reg- \d supports the nails, eyes and sinews. Every imbalance in the Liver he functioning of the liver organ. When can give jency and building thelr part of this process they should also learn how to be by io end peace equally as much as they enjoy being with oth: their opinion, they should leam to raly more on their own a sensible estimation tation. 1g and upgrading their ‘seeing’ of others and find- Using daily mecitation and breathing exercises can be BING FIRE A our Saif def jetween your Self and the rest of your Fe 3s chart explains the dynemics of your Destiny as well 1s various aspects of your life and Luck Cycles. BING’S CHARACTERISTICS ling Fire people are sunny, energetic, happy, friendly and social creatures. open, gentle, war and enthusiastic individuals are very good at moving and in. people they make contact with. Their charm and relaxed attitude together with ty for gocializing, going out and partying, helps meke Bing Fire people very pop- 2 people are able to Sense of humor and enteriain- meant, a . plum and peach kernels, and bergamot. 4 KS TO SUCCESS the full undorstancing of thelr Seff's image ~ ind passion, llurinating the lives of others. They should iply being themselves and lotiing their core self emanate from the thout judging or asking anything in celurn, Adding anything more: ‘exaggerate and to see each Bing people should improve their communica: wid tolerance. They should aiso replace thelr ex- more, otherwise t may be wasted, \dela, Lance Armstrong, David Copoertield, ‘a Carey, Roman Polanski, formula provcied inthe Calculations chapter, or you can DING FIRE | our Self rest of your Four Pilars chart explains the dynamics of your Destiny as wall 28 various aspects of your lite and Luck Cycles. IDING'S CHARACTERISTICS Fire people tend to be gentle, refined, warm, kind and considerate. Id, though they may also surprise peopie by acting impul- of great importance WEALTH menta he Heart is belleved to be the organ/meridian ‘ough, but also eventually preserved in. Joy ‘8 well as insomnia and excassh memory and various psychologicr ‘our Heart, an imbalanced Heart Gi can atfect also the strength jms. 4'H KL:YS TO SUCCESS people should accept the fact that their need to be iked ar ve anything to do with other people. They also need t of time and energy if they stop searching in the ex only find within, They need to be aware that 1688 are not supposed to come naturally, and in order to es: (o of balance, they need to cope with their own expecta- onto the outside world and other people. lack of self-confidence accompanied (9 be very meticu- people might be th WU EARTH IX ship between your Sef and the "8 the dynamics of your Destiny as well WU'S CHARACTERISTICS ‘Wu Earth people are friendly, trustworthy, loyal, hardworking and stable. 1s the rock that this Self represents, 1ge of Wu Earth is high ground earth - dry and hard to excavate ~ emphasizing Wu people are rich and deep, and not as sott, accessible and expressive as their Yin almplstic, but they are actually very well ground- : may not be so good PALTH ‘ey loa healthy Stomach, so Wu peopte benefit most from being con: ov and what they eat, minding that the Stomach doesn’t ke an ex erall health of the kip breaktast. The best the Stomach us and useful, and can rget that work by iteo'f, without adequate results and enough! Instead of feeling resigned or waiting for others to ead learning how ey ate, and to appreciate more of their own qual- 2118 WU PEOPLE JIEARTH & our & you are. The relationship between your rest of your Four Pillars chart explains the dynamics of your Destiny as well ‘as various aspects of your life and Luok Cycies. I'S CHARACTERISTICS ‘arth people have a Kind, giving, nurturing and productive nature, earthly disposi tend to be realist, practical and very keop thelr promise. Most Ji people are resourceful and very sh nplete any tasks at hand in a steady and patient manner... though noept of traditional Chinese m io usable nutrients and Ql. Wher Therefore, Ji people should avoid jon of cold foods and drinks and enjoy more easy-to-digest 10 eat regularly and to 1g salads) can be det ir Spleen, Beneficial foods for Ji people are well as squash, beef, barlay and pear! bariey. KrY# TO SUCCESS plo is to nurture, encourage and gather others around them, about themselves, for everybody needs ife st cople should avod the approach of “dinner is done, 2ad provide people with the oppor teach them how to take charge of ‘own boing, Ji people should also learn how to achieve Their ghving attitude is inherent and GENG METAL R tionehip between your Sef and the xxplains the dynamics of your Destiny as well pects of your ife and Luck Gycles, ‘our Setf defines rest of your ‘as various @ GENG'S CHARACTERISTICS Geng Metal people are strong, just and resilient. ‘the physical appearance of these rigid and strong-willed people may be coarse, are unlikely to waver from their course of a Ages, and fighting for the right cause makes them come alive, especially in winning, ALTH ‘main function is to recaive food from the Small Intestine, absorb actly affect ,, cold, greasy and as wlety and sadness. A pr the Lungs, which prevent testing (manifested in symy skills and instead of avoiding get rporate them more into thett fe into compartments, and learn to accept the tant in cectain pei ie. be very iinportant for the soff-development of hey don't Isolate themselves too much. The is based on their personal weak- 1esses is their avoidance of show- I GENG HELOPLE XIN METAL =F ‘8 various aspects of your life and Luck Cycles, XIN'S CHARACTERISTICS » Metal people are refined, attractive, entertaining and witty. ski's together with a telect, charm, goad ative creatures almost always have something to sey, most idely known as being inter fatal people are very sociable and gor in everyday life they are mostly #11 ALTH ynal Chinese medicine, because en, the Lungs are ‘essentially influencing the actual vitalty of an individual. When sathing is normal and the body has plenty of energy. On the organs and bod weak voice and gener the ‘tender orga ligue, The Lungs are very is downwards; when this down- 30, due to the Lung’s function of al presentation is not necessarily 1avo all developed certain defense je may lay within the process of exploring Instoad of search- y looking insice. JOU XIN PEOPLE Lionel Fi REN WATER = nship between your Sef and the 1@ dynamics of your Destiny as well sans Lia Oycles. NEN'S CHARACTERISTICS on people are intelligent, sharp and ambitious. reaented by a big and powerful body of water, such as big streams, lakes, the ‘ocean, Since the nature of Ren Water is Yang, beneath thelr tranquil apsearance people are usual dynamic. Al nature flows Ren people are not good at standing stil, fesling a constant need to move, ly. They are curious and courageous enough 10 try nor ‘what problem might arise, ion, just as the nature of Wat # UALTH function of transforming and excreting tluids is dependent on the fluids and symptoms jon or even incontinence, 10 depletion of Kidney energy, one should take care to avoid consum- 4 Kl'YS TO SUCCESS i potentials and qualities, Ren people should learn how to re- mm and increase their tolerance of differences, Next, they rong comatitive urges, for although compstitveness may drive yments, it can also make their ives much harder. th a constant interplay of winning and losing games, lent and careful Us contol 8, They should learn how to set proper bound- n people can easy Den Brown, Ray Bradbury, Paul McCartney, GUI WATER ps our Self defines rest of your Four ‘as various aspects of your you are. The relationship between your Self and chart explains the dynamics of your Destiny as and Luck Cycles, (QUP’S CHARACTERISTICS, motional, imaginative, deep and wise. 8 person, these people may give the Impression of being calm and , their peaceful appearance may hide a complex personality of deep and changeable emotions. Gui people are certainly very emotional and led, these people are ba- ‘ALTH n for Gul is fear. The Kidneys are the seat ofthe soul Zhi, which is willpower, so when Kidneys are weak, this can also affect the atrength nf, Peace and a sense of security aro crucial to the overall balance of Gul 1 Gus lack secur id almost lost Kidnay and the Heart are not In good condition, these people can to make money. stress levels and Improve the overall state of thelr health, ishing the'r projects at a hand and staying connect- ‘onal sphers of interest, without losing interest or leaving hie, Malcolm Forbes, Jay 1ic0 withthe formula provided the Calulations chapter or you can STEMS COMBINATIONS AND CLASHES ay there is always. learned some now Now you are about to see 8 you something pation aby w all your Stems interact known as your Day Mast th each other. ons and Clashes. Combinations actu- ion of Five 1wa basic Stems interactions: Combi jems transformations, as well as the f th each other easily — not only within the Four im difarent Luck Gycles, years, and jetain Stems however, have a special affinity with each other and they like to com ial Five Stom Combinations. They also lke to Clash with Elements Cycl is why we have Stem Clashes. MIIAL tnt WATER wooo Yinetal in) | Ren | ‘and | nd | and | _Yinood (vi Yinge(Oing) | YengFiretBingl_| STEMS TRANSFORMATIONS - TRANSFORMING QI swe have already discovered, it is possib'e that combining Stems will change their original Ch’, producing a new Element. The over know more about the net iat Type of Luck does it represent? Did ymibinations, thus there ere aiso five typas of transfor loment ~ Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal anc re five possible Elemer '. These are all named af |. Wood transformation Year Ren Ding yang wate Yn Fre woop is Wood and Wood is the Element of longevity, kindness and produced is Fire. This Element brings more passion, warmth, enthusi- Month Year EARTH \t brings a me jest and gener- Year ips make people just, lghteous and fair WATER FIVE SPECIAL STRUCTURES charts. People who have these charts exceptional a two spring months; it a'so gels stronger when there is the (Goat Rabbit-Pig). Tho condition for this structure t Is. Matic sts ‘also Known as an extreme Water or Moisturizing structure, occurs when a the extreme Fire or Blazing structure, and it occurs when 3 there is the sup- Jer-Horso-Dog). The cond: hort of a Water Brench frame (Monkey-Rat-Drago 1e person's Four ve is an absence of Earth in a person's Four Pills. ae iter nour Bay RB R = & = ‘tari Yong oud Verge) Yair Yn ter Ya or B & Ed R el Snake Horse Monkey Pig Monkey Fre Sokeon Feo taro a Wa a0son fas extreme Earth or the Sawing and Reaping structure, THE TWELVE BRANCHES Special Connections and grouping of Branches Six Combinations Three Combinations Partial Three Combinations The Six Clashes The Six Harms The Six Destructions The Three Punishments Four Self-Punishments SPECIAL CONNECTIONS AND GROUPING OF BRANCHES layered, xis the part of the winter season wher and Me n actually cont Wa ays that Branches can be grouped: itis possiole for each Branch to appear in several different produces Water, as tt is fame, together with Rooster and Snake. Although this may appear as il can be seen in the Four Peach Blossoms, Four Growths, Four Storages In the practice of Four Pilars you wil find the groupings of four Pea: Growths and four Storages regularly being referred to, FOUR PEACH BLOSSOMS © FOUR GROWTHS FOUR STORAGES Rabbit Tiger Dragon (Mao) (vin) (Chen) four of the Cercinals are well known in traditional Chinese astrology as Peach Blossom 3, or simply Peach Blossoms. Peach Blossoms appear in the Four Pilars as charm= ced social creatures. These eh oan port |; the malos (Horse ‘emale Peach lame as each corresponding Branch grows of the season It belongs to. Consequently, Tiger grows Wood, Snake grows and Pig grows Water. However, these Stars are also well known in their Four Pilers ate usually active and mo ind constantly on the move. Sometimes they may place, Individuals who have Growths in their they always seam to be up to some- jew ventures. In general, thoy sonal Connections from the same season occur togeths fons table SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER {tl snake Monkey % pig wren) al Ei Rooster F Rat re) 2 Dog Hl ox vu) (Creu ‘The Spring Season in the Four Pillars Hour Boy Year id Zz i Yngtiond —YnWece! Yr Rect bs ap Ir Tiger Rabbit Dragon om ac) spring people share a youthful ind a sense of playfulness. The Dragon pecial as it contains Earth as the main Gi. ‘Summer Season in the Four Pillars Bey Year T mw vinFre Yara Fee Yin ister * + B Goat Horse ~— Snake ro) wa 8 people are warm, passionate, expansive and full of life. The Goat Branch, de- Fy, also contains Earth as the main Qi. itumn Season in the Four Your & Yang Earn BK Monkey Dog jn Soason in the Four Pillars Rate ag voor X a ED ran Yeah YnFie argv f Bee tniiee ia OK Pig Rat re hog 2 ‘communicative and restless, but they can also be peaceful ig, The Ox Branch contains all the qualities of the late winter, |) produce Wood, as all three Branches make up part of the Wood! frame. WOOD frame FIRE frame = METAL frame —- WATER frame & pig & tiger & snake Monkey (Hei rn) sh (ren) ST Rabbit # Horse i Rooster F Rat (ao) (a) rou % Goat FR Dog Hox el oa (rad The Fire Frame in the Four Pillars. a Dog Horse Tiger uy mn) 4, Two Branches with Special Connection (Six Combinations) ided into pairs, and each pair is capable of producing a the Six Combinations can have an effect on the overall ele ¢ and this Is why they are such a crucial pert of the prac- woop FIRE EARTH = METAL = WATER FIRE ‘Six Combinations: Monkey and Snake Yoar Day Monkey (hen) Yoot Vear 12 Hate House Connection ne house and this is also a special kind of connection. boring Branches display simler and/or complementary Is Rat and Ox who ‘live in the house of oreativity and Monkey (Gren) Monkey and Roost tho house of AMBITION & ‘CAREER HOME & FAMILY CREATIVITY & EXPRESSION Classifications of all Branches - A Reminder Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig Rat Ox ay Spring Wieods Spring (ieod} ‘Summer fie) ‘Summer Fee} Autumn (Meta Autumn (era ‘Auturnn (Weta Winter (ater Wintor (ater Wintor (ster co Wood Water Metal Growth (raveing Sta) Poach Blossom (Carnal Storage (Gar Stay Growth (traveling Sta) Poach Bloseom (Carnet Growth Cravelng Stay Peach Blossom (Cntr) Storage (Gar Stag) th ‘Traveling Sted Pesch Blossom (Carcna) Growth & Development Growth & Development Intimacy & Relationships Intimacy & Relationships Ambition & Career Home & Faraily Home & Family Creativity & Expression Creativity & Expression RE ABOUT COMBINATIONS jalween the Branches depends individual's if, 2s well as on the person's age and Luck ‘be also aware that positve and negative the fact that every coin has about valuable (although pal t contacts, These along the way. \s make life easier, pro- things from us, especi e Elements. Combinations can affect the balance of the Four Pillars nd various other aspects of our lives, such as our marriage, career and finances. Six Combinations table wooo FIRE EARTH = METAL «WATER: FIRE R ie i is e Tiger Dog Dragon Monkey Horse rey Du} (Gren) ‘ere wh RK aD a B Pig Rabbit Ox Rooster. Sake ah (hao) (row ‘You i 1 Tiger and Pig meet they may produce Wood. Dog end Rabbit also tke to combine jay May produce the now Element of Fire. Rat and Ox may produce Earth, while ‘and Rooster may create Metal. When Monkey and Snake unite they may produce arfiage of Horse and Goat may produce Fire, imple Six Combinations. jons with @ Luck Cycle Month Year Goat (way ‘and can create powerful changes in people's lives. Sometimes, Three Combinations (Elemental Frames) tons of Three Combinations, certain Branches unite, producing anew Element vehich ied by the main Element ofthe Cardinal Branch in each Elemental amie, Each group is [Rabbit is the seat of Wood, Horse's the he seal of Metal and Rat is the seat cf the Water Element) sno dispute that the Three Combinations can add @ new quality to an incividual's ywever, the affect of the new Eloment depends entirely on its usefulness to a par- cdviduels will miss a specific Element and this lack may sig- the Four Pilars chart, When a useful or favorable is produced (in a specific Luck Cycle or year, this can certainly help ease a per- and significantly improve theit luck! ‘4 nowly created Element can also be unfavorable and with these dynamios, an may need to depend on the Luck Gycle or a year for some relet Hwee Combinations table ‘wooo Frame FIRE Frame METAL Frame ‘WATER Frame BR Tiger E snake & Monkey on 8) ‘Shen ‘FHorse B Rooster F Rat ou (vou) a AX Dog Hox RR Dragon tat 1) (Chen) ‘ombinations may introduce the characteristics of a certain Element into our byes, iendlly and family-oriented Branches. They signify peaceful, ensitive Incividuals who care for people and their surround: ife. Wood Frame people are creative and artist, oupis also referred ial Three Combinations 8 group is also known as the Yin-Wu-Xu group. Th hes ofthe Fire Frame a members of this dynami nn active approach and ast resuits, These people ar as soon as they set their objectives they can become unstoppabe, |) Taree Combinations occur when two of three s from the same frame and ng a new Element, The new Element may not be as strong as one the full Three Combinations, but t can stil affect the atmosphere of the Four Filars, i Complnetione: ‘WOOD Frame FIRE Frame METAL Frame WATER Frame Month Vear B % reansrann DH T00 W rrastadcar AF Howoendooe FE FA rcowterentOcH F ratansongn FR vorve’F BB seaboard rect FR venkey and fat F ‘Three Combinations Year mm and opinionated, ing value. Dragon (Chen) Your Monkey son) ORE ABOUT CLASHES, HARMS, ESTRUCTIONS AND PUNISHMENTS regard to internal Clashes, where the Clash takes place, is of great importance, When. there is @ Clash between a year and a month piler, this can actually affect both the Self jsCesh may seni {an individual moving away trom their such as the separation of parents or a hardship that ocourec vi ron was growing Up. fe Types of Luck they represent for a certain individual. ‘Six Clashes table Wi tiger “F Horse EB ae 5D Rabbit J Dragon A Goat () wy (00) (Chen) ‘web F Rat x Pig i Rooster FR Dog ox a Ha (vou) or) con Year 5p Rabbit > ish - direct and indirect Yoar 2048 Goat ce) cycle Shentn —-Yoar Dragon The Six Harms (Chen) futernal Harm rene Monti thea bay Monti MK Dog =F Rat FF Monkey 38 Tiger ma) 2 (Shen ry B snake © Rooster A Goat #& ua) (Wop Yoar Year a Monkey shen) or damaging actions, usually carried out many cases, an individual with the speatic action uction’ indicates destructive cceriein types of ad- or betrayed. Some Destructions may rs can cause physical harm. table so Bi Tiger F Rat Monkey FX Dog i ey Rabbit % Pig Rooster B Snake 7% Goat is ou) eo (Heh on ig a direct one, which ecours when Destructive Branches manner as with every other Branch relation- ruuction depends on both the pillars involved In the ay, Hour) and the type of luck affected (Resource, Wealth, Destruction Hour boy Double Destruction e 5p # Horse Rabb Monkey wan iMac) (shan) Hontruetion with the Luck Cycle han sey Your Yoor Year ‘Snake a voor Luck Gycto /extruction with the year ‘people's accompi ish xd, and this may mean it is difficutt n 1@ suffering ‘rom ont | Ce Poa a HH Monkey 5D Rabbit i 09) BT Vigo LY snake hoy, 1 dette The inconsiderate Punishments Inconsiderate Punishments A B Tiger Snake ory © Four Self-Punishment tables “ear FR Dragon Horse B Rooster (Chen mi) trou) I pragon F Horse B rooster & Pig (Creat ony (vou) (Hat and the type The result alse cepends 3} of external unishments Dragons Year owe bay m kk Dragon Dragon (oney (Oren) \-Punishments Pigs fn Snake i Day Month jonts Horses. Your Rooster (%ou) Year SHEN SHA IN THE FOUR PILLARS Shen Sha - Symbolic Stars Turning Adversity into Advantage The Art of Giving and Taking The Rules of Popularity and Attraction Busy People Who Like to Travel Style and Creativity Living on a Private Island Everybody has a Void The Mystery of Fu Yin and Fan Yin SHEN SHA - SYMBOLIC STARS plete without taking ce ugh Stars, some tend to be more significant than others, including PERSONAL rs, the Sky Horse and Peach Blossom Star. These Stars of the Symbolic Stars into positive and negative can only ever be very J. This is because the majority of Stars have the abllty to create both positive fe situations, depending on the Four Pilars chart and Luck Cycle. However, ossom Star may bring 19 damaging to an lossom and Sky Horse) INTELLIGENCE STAR: TURNING ADVERSITY INTO ADVANTAGE Monkey Rooster Monkey Rooster (Wou) Shon} fou) a Ox Rat Ok Tigor_—Rabbit (oro) bres) ao) (Shon) r + x OF - 8 F vat Plo Pig Goat Monkey Horse Snake Snake us wie (Hal (We) {Shen} (Wu) 8) 8) 11 Sky Horse finder ‘Asa rule, thay are usually keen observers who are also very resour igence they will often achieve substat thelr time and effort than others. These industrious end capable people \d the'r way through obstactes by tinding an instant escape pian, at Rooster Horse Rabbit Rat Rooster Hor ee ee eee) ong and favorable Intelligence Star usually like to write and are able 198 in a distinctive and precise manner. They are WwW w sidely believed, having more of these Stars does not make a person Is because these people can rely more on their inteligence ined effort. The quality of this Star is also important, because when performance may deoling. When itis alfa sn, many different scenarios are post ‘ovarything, to using 100 many shortcuts in order to achieve tho de- people gaining benefits trom an incividual’sinteligence. fuv'n Four Pillars: with Self sitting on the Intelligence Star Year 2 Ji Yin ath 5p Rabbit Meo Year NOBLEMAN STAR: THE ART OF GIVING AND TAKING ing with rude and preventing us from aci The Nebleman concept covers not only responsive and kind people who are there to and teachers; encouragin eps to edvancemer However, Noblemen Star actually work both ways - bringing that very same person to be help: information that may change lives, cuiaing them thr hem, supporting and teaching them. Stars, in order to be fully functional, the Nobleman Star neods improve relationships, craating more support and chart - Clashed Nobleman Your PEACH BLOSSOM STAR: THE RULES OF POPULARITY AND ATTRACTION tne Poach Blossom Star is present in the Four Pl 1coplo passionate, seductive and sensual, These people lke to be iked and wil ‘perience relationship issues associated wi 18 are very Important to them and they tend to tant element importance may ‘when clashed, harmed! or punished, this en someone's Peach Blossom eta is in Void or is Fu il most certainly affect their ove life! >each Blossom Star should be strong, present and favor ‘an certainy indicate popularity, good looks and tkeat posible to activate the Peach Increase sales and popularity a Peach Blossom, a personal Symbolic Peech Biassam Star always counts Blossom Yoar bing 1 Yin ire SKY HORSE STAR: BUSY PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO TRAVEL ion. Accordingly, it can Horse people enjoy wal ey can often be found working in tourism, ete, Sky Horse people also auick -car agencies, as 8, making them oment of Sky Horse Stars in specific pilars may provide us with a variance of in- ‘or example when a Sky Horse Star appears in the Mont ican suggest {1 dermends trave! or people with very busy parents. When in the Day Pilar, it the spouse ie very busy and always In a rush. Sky H needs to be strong, present and favorable. can certainly create a veling and a foous on ls one special rule for Sky Horses: they should fo move. The appearance of Clashes Month Pillars may indicate ivage. iplomacy, 'eers, etc, It can also appear inthe ARTS STAR: STYLE AND CREATIVITY people's lives through certain Luck Cycles and specific years, te the Sky Horse Star in find a better home or peractivty and confu- , avoiding anything that Job. Yoar Ren Yong Water 1g fashionable and fcluals who care about their looks and appear- thetic values to their home or work environment. ‘n «d your personal Aris Stars, you have to know your Day Branch, as showr below. Sky Horse Porsonal Arts Star finder ¥ a 0 R 8 £ F & HR R F B » SN ho CHN 5 WU WE SHEN YOU Mm CHOU Ter fant brooee Sooke Horse Gost Moniny Rooree 00 Paget OF ow © & R Bk k R HR RR B ‘wr goo Goat ovogon “Ox Dog Gast onagon Os oom Gost Oregon “Ox Ster should be strong, present and favorable. When it Hu titur chart LONELINESS STAR: eee onth Year LIVING ON A PRIVATE ISLAND = R Ren Geng Re ie Fagen ragon a om Arte Star |, Punishment ot juence, but a Vold may enhance 198 Star by simply activating el Ce! Rat Ox Tiger z chou Yin 5p ie B Rabbit Dragon ‘Snake Mao Chen 8 + * Ke whe Horse Goat Dragon wa Wal Chen Za z Dog Pig xu Hal u tinake lobes Bat Snake 3 ox chau Monkey Shen Goat Wei EVERYBODY HAS A VOID course of may incicate a lack of support and hard times during ear it may even tell of the premature death of ancestors or fe. Void in the Month Pi and help @ person achieve success and wealth, Unlike three Voids, foid through the the others come across Void in Luck ‘When it appears in Luck Oycies and years, Void can make it dficutt to best advice would be to mahntaina iow profte anc walt for better years or nes, Luck Gyles delver Void Star into peoples Ives, and at these tn thats in Void, When @ Year foid may affect one’s career end parents; wi in Void wl cer amage and relafonshps. When a specific Year is in Void with the Luck No 10 be fruless and the person's efforts wil go unrecognized. \Void depends on the Qi Phase (12 Phases), the presence of other Void. Some elernents Ig not as good as when phase may have the effect of (effects. In the practice of reduce the effects of Void, Void Branches table 2 A Tr 8 B&B KK ¥ vee wre ee toy te vee eS on “Re Me ME Ee a Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake | Horse Goat Moray Rooster Pig R eg Rg veg Yotet ver Rk OE eet Dragon Snake Goat ee & 2 RF vet vee ver Horse Ej ee er Drogen Snake Geet Goat Monkey Rooster T Rk @ Varga OK rake Horse Goat 60 Pil Branches Vold chart Year Goat Fan Yin with year poy Month = oar Hour Bay Month Year 2018 = me R A Fon wu erg Brg vere very Eath verge vingere + F # ff Horse Rat Tiger Monkey. fa zi en Shen Year m Wu Verge Yager 4 op # F ten Rabbit Horse: Rat : ve We zi Your Ja Yang Wood & Horse Wis THE FOUR PILLARS DYNAMICS Internal and External Dynamics How to Evaluate Rel fionships How to Evaluate Wealth How to Evaluate Health Character is Destiny INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DYNAMICS Ithough certain things are prod chichood and the way we are be changed as we evolve and grow. coxpecting, and soit's 6 hou toulding founcations set into it, together though we may not be able to change the basic structure of ife, we can slderably influencing ts ov couraga and s ns and add more floors, open windows to i 3m reams, change the fagade, choose now furniture introduce a certain level of color schemes and adiust the ui ly we can fl our space er we ike, starting from emotions mation and people. ies ~ timing and activation always depand into opportunities. Some Luck Cycles and years w nonious and peaceful environment 1d for small rewards. Thus External Dynamics oan be viewed as , activating, neutralizing or completing what Is already there; Je may succeed very we to Ww cople may achieve iy. Others may lose it all fo, everything is possible. External - Luck Cycles Year 85-44 25-84 15-24 5-14 2019 2020-2021 «2022 ternal to explore: In Four 8, we evaluate the External to explore: the appropriate times to perform oF avoid cet the new dynamics apoesring in a person's Ife, when they be exoected and how long they the appearance of usef ing and combining pos! the appearance and ing, weakening, co ion of the strength of the Five Types of Luck 2W TO EVALUATE RELATIONSHIPS I, while others can 8 strength of instead will the Spouse Star is. ip of he Soouse Star with the other Branch Clashes, jong, Punishments and Harms, for they will al help reveal the the ret 12 Wealthy/Power Element in the current Luck Cycle and the cur- rent year, 5. For people already in a relationship: look for Clashes, Combinations, Destr Punishments and Han he Spouse Star and Wealth/Power, In the c ycle and the next couple of years. Male and Female Relationship Luck ‘AMale's Relationship Luck can be evaluated through his We Rolationship Luok can be evaluated through he Ammale’s Relationship Luck: Wealth in the Spouse Palace Year Ren Yang Water = Horse wu Wealth A fomale's Relationship Luck: Power in the Spouse Palace Month Year ions, Clashes, Palace. Find out what is inside and how strong it is. Look for the nbolic Stars in the Spouse Palace. nt Luck Cycle and see whether there are interactions wit Element, int Year Luck and see whether there are interactions with the Yoalth Element. & Jspx in Examining Female Relationship Luck the preser the Spouse Palace. \o Power Star and look for all Combinations, Ciashes, ns. and strength of the Power ele- hat is inside and how strong itis. Look for the use Palace. 100 whether there ave interactions with the jer there are interactions ‘Spouse Palace: Clash with the Luck Cycle (Fan Yin) Day Bing Ben Yang Fie Yang Water Tiger Monkey Yo ‘Shen Spouse Palace: Harm and Punishment with the year u Day Month Year 2016 vi Bing Yin Earth Yeng Fre R A Pig Monkey Hal Shen ‘The Rules of Attraction in the Four Pillars ippans sometimes that one person totally lacks a certain Element, while their part- Joy Month — Year Hour Dy = Month Year R & = a Geng Geng Xin a Yang Metal Yang Welal Yin Metal Yn Ear a =F (ff oe Roos Dog Rat Snake sn Person A Person B erson A shows a very strong Wood Element, while the chart of mg Metal HOW TO EVALUATE WEALTH certanties ider to eustain the nancial security, Wealth can be acquired in ciierent ways: through inventions, due to an individual's awn talents and specialist sid's, or hard work end dedication. Some people find it easy to make money, but they may have problems with managing, Keeping or growing the wealth, Some are born lo work for someone else - counting other people's money ~ whi others are bom to keed and ‘nianage own employees, ars chert can reveal a pers ther peoples’ tendency to los lement produced by Branches/Stems and its interactions in certain nd the Right Career st Wealth Luck charts Wealth Luck 1 Year Geng Wu Fn Fen YengMatal — YargEann = YangWeter Yang Water Wealth Weaith a me mF Monk auf Dog Tiger Horse shen x Yin Wealth ws chert of a rocved iB person. Hs chart nasa strong Rasouros Eom doy Month Year B + Snake Horse a wu Wealth Wealth rath Luck and we can ccery soa the Sef siting on his Wealth Element aon I rovent in tho Branches Bing Yang Fre RF Goat Horse Wei Wi Woalth Wealth HOW TO EVALUATE HEALTH rong, health fends to be good and recovery from minor issues wil be speedy. In the Four Pilars, good foundations are all about Elemental bat \ce of certain Elements, Sometimes a person's he but under the influence of Clashes, Combinations, Harms, Punishments and stronger of a favorable or ust jogether with the presence or coming of Fu Yin, a = ing xin “ YongFie Yin Metal fF R H Re Pig Ox 7 Ha Chou ler, and since the Water Element is very strong In this chart, ry weak. ions, Harms, Punishments, Destructions... liyroid end head. Week or overly strong Earth can be related to the spleen, digestion is- ues and the body's abliy to transtonn food into nourishment and energy. Weak or overly ulation and blood pressure issues and a lack Weak or overly strong Wood concems digestic ladder issues. Weak or dominating Water can be related to fiuici metabolism, urinary 1d kidney Issues and hereditary influence, A person's favorable/unfavorable Ek in the very same way. Health Issues Related to the Five Elements .@ Elements Is an essertial part of Traditional Chinese medicine that dates explain both The theory can be n of our body and ‘emotions, relationships is- ing the strength of each Element gives us a clear picture ialhs and weaknesses. vw Hements and health ca CHARACTER IS DESTINY ad jes the idneys and systems, Wren Water ie Element overly stongy When Metal s prodapsed or problems ye stomach «overall body that the Element represents. For example, it someone lacks Wood and Wood Srenaty \WWeaith Elem person's relationship towards money might be rather vague. whatever is accentuated or missing will possibly laecome the source of a problem or Emotions relat Emotions relat inadequacy, edtotheEath —edte the Metal Elomentare Element are We con't usually move too far a from the COURAGE and GENTLENESS itiweeve en Opal SADNESS. ‘ond FEAR. mia joney also depends ‘we manage to develop a ceriain under- "6 and change ourselves under the ean accomplish and what we consider unreachable slso depends on ‘and what we think we are capable of doing. Our personal boundar- ied on what we don't have, don’t see and don’t believe in... and this jh the basic Elemental balance in our Pillars. Whatever Element we nt represents the things that are hidden from our view, lal what we have and what we don't have shapes our character... 1s our... Destiny. INSIGHTS INTO THE FUTURE Big and Small Luck Cycles Combinations, Clashes, Harms, Punishments, Destructions Five Types of Luck in Big and Small Luck Cycles Symbolic Stars in Big and Small Luck Cycles The Five Elements in Big and Small Luck Cycles BIG AND SMALL LUCK CYCLES come across about seven different Luck Cycles, Du! ifferent ways, depending mostly on how existing ‘These seven pil sms and Bren selves suddenly (0 - our destination. During spectic Luck Pilars and years, jously consider taki tative route and creating a strategy based, ok Oyole or year, but also on the energy coming our way in fol- jon the strength ! of Importance in one’s interaction with the Four Pillars. Naturally, we are all very interest ‘bo mest affected and the interpretation wil Include the meaning of 8, ete) the Five Elements gives us a rough picture of the major occurrenc- the appearance of certain Symbote Stars provides adai- years can prove to be especie Luck Cycles act in tandem even during the ing us great rel 18. In the samo manner, it is possible that during good prove to be very demand- find a granule of the pos- int, we can always exp ms, Punishments and Dest 'd, Expression COMBINATIONS, CLASHES, HARMS, PUNISHMENTS AND DESTRUCTIONS Combinations ive, Combinations can result in either fe. For example, when a person enters, Induce Skx Combinations with a Spouse lonship status. This is why singles mey find ling martiod, whiie those who are engaged could ‘xparience relationship challenges, which may result in extra-marital atfairs or separation. Atough they are typically considered to be pe tyood or bad consequences in an individual Wealth Element in man’s chart is combined away, this can announce beth a change ‘on the placement of the Weaith Element shes Harm with a year 1ed, Clashes herald the changes that ly affect a Pillar where Bay Year 2046 T a Ding Bing Yin Fire, Yang Fire SENSU TS RGR & fH Pig Moni 2 act of lhe, we need to analze any hidden Elements, ora Hal Shen gee SONATE ATS WOREFARPERS CEE ea CSRS ean even bing about postive cutooraa, although tls pro «Assen ene rns pres Kes ethan and Hee Tevet hae ei Sate TALC PONS WP ow 1 anges by cteatny moaifeeton of your own. Utiataly th i ores een ling a life based ing using Four Pllars and ‘The arrival of Punishments should be taken as a warning. It means that a person should thet other people may, without any reason, be unfair or unkind towards them. They |, act In an uncMllzed manner toward them or even harass them. It is Voor Ji Yin Earth z Pig Voor 2017 Tt Ding Yin Fire a Rooster ofthe punished Element, the Pitsr ee of Luck Cycles end years bringing Destructions, a person may rences of other people’ decisions or destructive behavier. Under the ons, pore can fla though hy ate bang fred to fake it them into a disadvantageous FIVE TYPES OF LUCK IN BIG AND SMALL LUCK CYCLES Wealth, Power, Resource, Friend and Expression Luck ith a Luck Cycle and a year 2620 BR wa Geng Yang Eath Yang Metal Rat Rat Z a Friend Luck lend Luck Cycles and years can make people feel stronger and more ‘portance of ina casructed Slament, the lar Ding Yin Fre B Snake ression Luck Luck Cycles and years bring more energy and a happisr out Ige to express and creste. In these Luck hey want to become Involved in them having jing that they ten Luck Cycles and years, people are inclined to start many things, fe care that they are not too scattered about, as they may find Inelmod by too mary unimportant matters, Females may exper to thelr own stubbornness and their need for freedom, Year buck Gycte Snake Expression ‘Luck alth Luck Wealth Luck Cycle Hour Pay Year Gui Ding yneer Yin Fre B ‘Snake SI Wealth Luck Power Luck panied by opportunities that require the in ters, People who ata in Pe nales can expect an improvement in thei relationship luck, an oppor- ‘Type of Luck can become and aggressive. Females may experience rah silso experience dificut times. ship Iseues and their husband may Power Luck year Day n Mook «2087 = T x org veld vats snake ’ re Resource Luck foe Luck Cycles and years may bring with them health issues and his Luck Gycle may 185 even displaying unt 1 In sovore cases becoming fanatical sbout religious and spit ok Cycle ixely. Certain peopie might appear to be complacent and indecisive, SYMBOLIC STARS IN BIG AND SMALL LUCK CYCLES Symbolic Stars affect luck through the basic qualities they represent. However, if they are badly afflicted, the negative aspects of each Star can be easily activated. Peach Blossom Star Appearing in Luck Cycles and Years ho are intent on increasing sales figures n. The appearance of approval. This lity of infidelty issues. \ch Blossom appearing in a Luck Cycle Ven via Yang Wood =z Rat Zz P. Blossom Luck alligence Star Appearing in Luck Cycles and Years ips make people alart and ready to seize opportunitias. The pres- assisting individuals to see 2048 & oui ven Wter / Horse Star Appearing in Luck Cycles and Years Ids action, and its appearance in certain si moving away. ft hi 1e Sky Ho \lividual is about to experien 19 Sky Hore is negative, a pc 19 Ina Luck Cyclo The Nobleman Star Appearing in Luck Cycles and Years people who are willing to aid and support our causes. This Star is valuable in many areas ail can help someone ‘win the game’ through the support of goth important people end, "the masses’. In Nobleman Luck, we can also potentially mest teachers who can help ‘change our lives, ar we may even slart teaching others Wis the Type of Luck it represents and both the Stare Yoar 2007 tr Ding Yin Fre gE Rooster x Nobleman 1E FIVE ELEMENTS IN BIG ND SMALL LUCK CYCLES the Five Elements can be analyzed through the main of each Element, od Luck Cycles and Years rowth phase in people's lives. ves creativity, imagination and ideas, It is also very possible ick will suddenly come across opportunities that will assist in the constant in this Cycle, the pace of the growth may cit 8 polarity and strength. fen and being indeck i lo digestive Issues, vig Fire Luck Cycles and Years A Fire Luck Cycle (as are Fire years) is about passion and expansion. is Luck Cyc’e, people usually become more active, social, optimistic and happy. Lite sm a greater variely of events as well me a z ng pen M var Venger Vinod Tiger Horse Goat Yin We Wel Fire Luck Bie LG aso eat) Earth Luck Cycles and Years ith Luck Qycle (and Earth years) is about stability and productivity. (ond to become more practical and realistic. They should o Water Luck Cycles and years Month Yon ‘A Water Luck Cycle (and Water years) is about emotions and movement. a this Luck, people usuc ind that they communicate with more case. As: Ji vinEatn Ox chou Earth Luck {aso Weta tal Luck Cycles and Years Water Luck ‘are Metal years) Is about becoming stronger and tougher. How Bay Voor ba become more just, ambitious and enterprising, and they ‘secome more usefull members of society. vw = ang Ron favorable, it may bring increased strength, stamina, vena hee Yen Water ir own personal interests. Health-wise, Metal Luck F fe conn = Z Tiger Yin Zi Water Luck PERSONAL CASE STUDIES Self-Made Man: John D. Rockefeller Born Rich: The Hotel Heiress Acting, Loving, Children and Humanity Beauty and the Beast: The Angel and the NBA Star Racket, Balls and Entertainment: The Rise of Tennis Star Music, Beauty and a Rich Husband Baking His Way to Success: Celebrity Chef Whiting, Fighting Addictions and Creating Success: Sci-Fi Master Talented, Eloquent and Popular: The Talk Show Host SELF-MADE MAN: JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER John D, Rockefeller was America's frat billionaire, and is often regarded as the richest person in history. He was the co-founder of the Standard Oil Company which was the lest USA business trust. He Is also well known for revolutionizing the petroleum industry. is from his biograghy: 1 (JDR) was born In Richford, New York, as the second child of judgment was always better than his and that “without vould be a poor man’, ‘of Darwinism (The growth of a large business is merely the sur | devoted Northem Bay ndedt the Univer he support- of Chicago and sonst Xn a 1 Yang ter Ya Mat Yar 7 B am z he Dog Goat Pig x we Ha wee born as Ren Water Self (Yang Water ie and resourceful, well known for their inteligence, quick thinking, ny other talents. They are born entrepreneurs and masters of an inherent knowledge of how to take care of their person int dacisions. the Stems show continuous Ch flaw and a smooth ‘ower Slar creates Resource, Resource creates Self, while Self and this in turn creates Wealth (Ch’l flows towards the ere nent Is obvious that this business: g distress and ratital am required a tot of traveling and mse from & iI Tue Combinations: partnerships and wealth, as @ big climb to the top cannot .ce both Branches involved in the Clash are Traveling Sars, this indicates a busy Ife and a lot of movement. Partial Seasonal Combination No matter how unimportant this Combination may seem, the fact is that Mr. Rockefeller was bom in the summer, and having two summer Branches in the chart certainly accen- lates the Element of the season - Fire (his Wealth St Birth Season ‘A Water person born in the summer months often has a natural ability to manage money ind run @ business, Being rooted in a Year Branch, this Self is not as weak, especially be- cause it has the support of the Resource Star right alongside, Four Pillars with Five Types of Luck ~ Five Gods Day ont Year Ren Xin Ji Yang Water Yin Mata Viner Expression Self Resource Powor ‘Snake Dog Goat Pig xu Wel Ha Wealth Power Power Friend born during the summer, but the dominant Ch'l of the month Branch is stil Power Star. Since this Power Ster Is rooted fend protruding in the Year In he considered strong, and keeping in mind the presence of two other wn conclude that he was ambitious, decisive, capabie, firm, authoritative, is reputation. Although he tended to be a iy, he was probably also quite WJ his Resource and been previously ex Day Branch isis considered @ good age. Being present and visible, the Wealth Star not only indicates his iso describes the wife as a practic nal and cautious per- .goment ski F's Luck Cycles 1949-1858 1859-1868 1869-1878 e ® T di Wu Ding YinEarth Yang Earth Yin Fire Power Power Wealth 6 Re 5p Snake Dragon Rabbit si ‘Chen Mao Wealth Power Expression 1069 - Commision 1870 - Founded Standard 01 672 - Standard is competors 1050 - Fst jo 1868 ~Reimvesting 1s rise began in the Dragon Luck Cycle. i Luck Pillar Day Pillar 1800-4670 Ding Yin Fire Wealth an Rabbit Mico Expression ‘Goth the Hesveniy Siems and Earh Branches combine, predusng ‘Wood and Fro, er das and money. ORN RICH: THE HOTEL HEIRESS '@ used to being followed by the media and the media, modeling, music end fashion indust began modating as a child {for charity) but in ‘agency and also worked with other top agencies, She handbags, a line of jewelry and a collection of watch The Heiress’ Four Pillars 8 Bay : Year a a = 5 rg xn aban Vangie Yanga) «Yin a Rg Ea a ox Tiger Tiger Rooster ona vn vn ‘es She was born as a Bing Self (Yang Fire), |, people with Bing Fire Self tend to be open, shiny and at nate and charming, well kno\ \erous. Bing Fire people's biggest virtue is that they knew how to inspire and motivate hers. They are generally regarded as happy and optimistic Individuals who always ex- 1e best. Although they ray appear to be confident, they can be also very seif-ab- jant ideas, Bing people are his Is why they need others to help them with Five Types of Luck at Wonth it BR 1 Geng vero rl prewnlon Slt Wealth I z R on Tigee Tioer Rooster ih vn ve %e Rosource Resource. Wealth ie and exposed, 80 It is very obvious that she is rich (some jaible or eccosalble), Her Wealth Star also has roots in the Year belongs to the Hotel Empl ‘Two subsequent Luck Cycles 2006-2015 2016-2028 A lel Yeng Wood Resource B e Snake Horse 8 wu Friend Friend Luck Cycles - In the 2006-2015 Luck Cycle, we can see that the missing Power Star finally appears, and this ia e good eign for relationships, However, the new Luck Oycle also brings (dou- ) Harm and Punishmet, affecting two pilars simultaneously (Day and Month: parson Shins and cereer, so despite the opportunties, smooth development In rela- nehips is not very likely, Meeting the wong men, feeling betrayed and hurt, oud be mon experiences, especially in 2013, which was her Fu Yin year (with the current ick Cycle) Now, let's examine the year of 2007, vihen she was sentenced to jail. This was a Pig ing Star (having a Combination jend Star (Brake, Luck Cycle) ‘and Punishment and was there- th Star, her personal ffe Nn were negatively affected by Harms and Punishments, resulting in many ‘Combinations (Fire frame) and one Harm with the ss can the heiress expect CTING, LOVING, CHILDREN ND HUMANITY icate beauty, acting car cynamic love le, commitment ‘and writing, Asa child, she often watched movies with her mother 1 model in Los Angeles, New lothing, experimented with knife play, acted as a with drugs, and suffered from depression and Career She made her sereen debut in 1982, Her fim career began in 1993 er in 1995, 1996, she appeared in the comedy, In 1997, she starred in the thriler, which was not well accepted; she then appeared in jev'sion film, 1997, she won a Goiden Globe Award. 198, she portrayed a suparmedel and again won a Golden Globe Award tor ‘ance and was nominated for an Emmy Award. She also won was in the er first leading role in a majo ning the Breakthrough Performance Awar same year, she won |, and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. lr 2000, she appeared in her first summer blockbuster, which also happenad to be a became an international superstar. woods highest-paid actress. 2005, she starred opposite ner future husband, in a movie which turned out to be & fe nancial success. 2006, she starred in another successful movie. 2007, she made her di but with the documentary. movie, provided her voice for the animated movie for an Academy Award, a Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and 6 SAFTA Award sha starred in yet another thriller, a huge inter | success. Sho received a + her performance in another popular movie. n actor torial feature debut and won the Stanley Kramer. of America, vi Yin Wood uy Rabbit Meo as a Xin Self (Yin Metal). of fine jewelry, a Xin Self lady is frm yet d ig placed above the Power St us metal 19s. Behind that ng intellect and pregmatic appr views on just about mes to the things they ips ¥ tend to focus very firmly on their own career, al Being ambitious, Xin poople tend to becor hing that they may be interested in Four Pillars with Five Types of Luck Yoor a Gu vi Yin Water Yin Wood Expression Self Wealth B B B 5p Snake ‘Snake ‘Snake Rabbit si 8 si ‘Maa Power Power Power Wealth more, when the Power Star ccan be vary active and iraquent- also the Traveling Star, it may indicate that the par ly away from home. Pillars hho star's Four Pillars clearly show the existence of Fu Yin. This can mean a lot of things, also possibly signifies a person who tends to identity easily with their siblings or a accepied that a person with often without even being nt 1105 1996-2005 2008-2015 z & %i Yang Wood Yin Wood Wealth Wealth a & Monkey Rooster ‘Shen (vo Friond titty 1005 2007: Adoption of so: ‘ord son 2008 Arathor mocle and thea mora awards Important Events in the Life of the Famous Actress. 2016-2026 Yong Power Be Dog Xu Resource ier hand, in this Luck Cy indicating huge expenses. + The year of 2018 was again her Fu Yin yeer (Hour Pilar); certainly a very sad year for her due to her double mastectomy. ‘The new Luck Cycle (2016-2028) steris with Fite Monkey (Bing Shen) yeer, which ful combines with with her Day massing up her martlaga. Thi the irporence of 1025 Luck Cycle In mere date! 7 in tha fe the Sars asia, Abo try to ea SEAUTY AND THE BEAST: ‘HE ANGEL AND THE NBA STAR months, she became engaged to an NBA player. rla's Socrot Angel The mode! was born as @ Xin Self (Yin Metal) lacy. Already wel is beauty, this refined Metal Selt is placed here above the Peach Blossom Star, making her very attractive and glamorous, In addition to this, the pres ence of Water in her chart makes her even more beautiful (Water always makes Metal more be: Xin Metal people don't only ahare an interest in good looks and appearance, but also hon, style, beauty, comfor rong; and always have nehip status are quite ely an unexpected -Punishment between two Roosters affects two separate Pillars, friends and popularity. n this king of Punishment, the is pereon is constant fing something new, and possibly b Birth Season 1 uund Five Types of Luck land Self Hat Rooster Yeu rewnion Friend 1 nd Star, It appears th ly makes her sought yostly due to having high exp S not very stable, dus to being under the in tis vary Luck Cycles and Important Events in this Angel's Life 1989-1998 1999-2008 2014 Zz A id § Bi sa Yn Woe veg Pre Yang Weos Wealth Power Power Wealth Eg a a e Goat Monkey Rooster Horse Wel Shen "you we Resource Friond Friond Expression 's Seoret Angel won Ford's “Supermodel of took second place in the Ford “Supermodel of the World" competi- lowing yoar and kicked off her career by signing with Elite Mode! Management New York. Keeping in mind the Six Combinations with the Month Pill, it's no wonder for the ap- is no wonder ipped out on top. The year of 2014 was very Important for this angel, as this was when she announced separation from her husband, an NBA star, interestingly enough, 2014 was her Fu so the crisis was rather predictable, especially because: het Power Star (representing the man in a female's \c0 of Self-Punishment in 2¢ ACKET, BALLS AND ENTERTAINMENT: HE RISE OF TENNIS STAR ~ sw ewer also well known as being a cheritable and fun personality te his colleagues, 1 tonnis star: luently 1 relationship (since 2008) with his high school ewostheart. ‘The Tennis Star’s Four Pillars Howe Day Monti eae & = zZ T Gui Xin yi Dig evi YN) Yad vate B # a uy ‘Snake Goat ‘Snake Rabbit 3 oo $ ime ‘This tennis star was born as @ Xin Self (Yin Metal), Xin Metal represents precious metals and fine jewelry, and if is no wonder that Xin Self people usually ike to surround themselves with the finer things in life. Along with their af finity with shine and glamour, these people are sharp and resourceful, well known for thelr talents and taining, acting, etc.), and Impeccable taste. Xin people tend to be expressive, talkative, loud and witty. They are also smart, curious formed; aiways up-to-date with various events and developments and con- ing thalr opinion and suggesting adaquate solutions. Metal Element makes peosle fim, strong, materialistic end ambitious, but when it comes to romance, Motel people can be traneformed into romantic, sensitive and thoughtful individuals. Duo their ambition and mulliple skils end talents, they can easily become the leaders of ‘chosen industry, ‘Stems and Branches Fo llars do not show any sign of hostile rel that Is, there are no Ciashes, Punishments, Harms or Destructions. We can ihe presence of an almost ful summer season is his chart (two Snakes and ono ). Also the Goat and Rabbit combine to produce more Wood ~ his Wealth Star. Birth Season nth (Snake month) and the Fire Element is Luck Cycles and Important Events in the Tennis Star's life sind Five Types of Luck 1992-2001 2002-2011 2012-2021 tee hey Month g Yang Wood = z Wealth Expression Xin Yi Ye Metal Yin Wood gE m If Wealth orem a eS B Resource Wealth Goat Snake : Wie si Resource Power Aqucvesetl 2016 and 2016 Ina Yin Wood year, when his Wealth improving his health Jvtng oer mnportentevonts in tho tennis a's caren an your USIC, BEAUTY ND A RICH HUSBAND mus’cal performer's biography 1d sang In a children’s ensemt later she look class she wrote m cove You won than 80 songs, and worked on her: t prize as the National Hit Parade’ South Ukraine» and «Miss Open ~ Odessa. istanl businessman, Interviewed celeb .gle Crazy in My Hear’ vi veel a Honke Hales ‘This Ukrainian beauty was born as a Yi (Yin Wood) Self. Being a Yi lady, she tends fo be charming, graceful and fun loving, By default, Yi people are fragile, emotionai and adaptatte; they are also masters ies when It comes t ful creatures are also wi edge af how to connect ough they can eppe many minor detal con that boring part of realty. Consequently, ¥ipeopie often tack the 80 their nanos can bbe rather chaotic and they may rely on others to make Important financial an tend sdand, Yiwoman is total way she looks. She is capable of werking hard! (and will make others work har to achieve hor goals. A Yi Seif neods a fo ton and approval from the people they are closest to, but they also enjoy expressing thelr own talents and being in the imalight. ‘Stems and Branches ‘occupations and plans... and occasion: sa smart move to marty aman wt unger husband would be so accommoxs Fo lars and Five Types of Luck Exprossion a Fy Hashes Haier Resouree - Sabiese! — BAKING HIS WAY TO SUCCESS : CELEBRITY CHEF AND PASTRY WIZARD Important Events in this Ukrainian Musical Performer’s Life his chef and n, 1877. He is an Italian 2008-2012 2019-2022 American celebrity chef, entrepreneur and realty TV personally Yong Earth vetath Wealth Wealth oat Monkey ogeier Jeased his frst ook, contalning stories and recipes from his Shen You Power Power red as the host of a baking comp 1ow about his own bakery in 2011 and a new show where hi bakery business (2019), mid-2011, the bakery branched out and opened the Cotfoo Shop in Times Square, York. the beginning of 2013, the bakery opened its frst full-range branch location makeovers of peo- Snake to be resourceful, capabl nal and conservative individu » value of marriage: ife, Home is very imgortant to these people feel secure, cozy and relaxed in their home - their ‘sacred! space. Like astry chef has a natural affinity towards leading a comfortable ife and Jarmn-Punishment is reasonable to presume the possibilty of a Four Pillars and Five Types of Luck Hour bay Ji Rea Yo Eath Yarng Water Self Wealth Resource Goat Tiger Snake Wei Yin s Friend Power Resource ity baker was born at the beginning of s Peoale with similar Pilars tend to be conservative, mor ‘are honest individuals, truly concemed abot reputation and this is why they do ir best to respect rules and follow regt se people are also true pattlots who value loyalty; respecting their elders and the community they live in, is Power Star was dorni- ic and righteous. They Luck Cycle and Important Events in Celebrity Chef's Life 1995-2004 2005-2014 2015-2024 2009 2011 2013 BR e 1m a = ES Geng di Wu J Xin Gui Yong Metal Yin Earth. Yang Earth YinEwth Yin Metal Yin Water Expression Friend Friend Friend Expression Wealth cs R i A op i. Rat Pig Dog ox Rabbit Snake Zi Hal xu chou Mao Si Wealth Wealth Friend Friond Powor Resource Luck Oyole; as we ted to love and lars were affected (year, mor sohed by change (wealth, WRITING, FIGHTING ADDICTIONS AND CREATING SUCCESS: SCI-FI MASTER utter, He has sold n copies of his books and many of them have been adapted into feature films, television movies and comic books. Mora infor master fom 1977 to 1981, he worked on his next big success, installments, The sequel was released in 1987, the late 70s and early 802, he published a handful of short novels, in 1977, 1979, 1982 and 1984, all uncier the pseudonym. 2007, Marvel Comics began publishing comic hooks based on this series, and the continues with other books in 2008 and 2009, he pubished an apocalyptic novel 1ubished a novel and a collection. Jor 2011 was nominated for the 2012 World Fantasy Ind to be gentle and hei s, Consequently. in order to keep their peace and maintain g¢ ten hold back from expressing their opinions or needs; that is ‘eagy to comprehend. Gui Four Pillars and Five Types of Luck Gui ui Yin Water Yin Water Friend Self Ox Rabbit Chou Meo Power Expression Resource ‘As wo can $99, the most powerful Luck in writer's charts are Resource and Friend. Resource provides ideas and inspiration while the Friend Star adds to people's fame and of events between Branch avery emotional and ing life, full of twist and furs, both internally and externally. The parallel exs- of psycho-physical crises anc exceptional inspiration might obviously leed in cer- 95 tot 0 Luck Cycles and Important Events in this Famous Writer's Life 4971-1980 1904-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010 Wenith Wealth Power Expression 1987: Ho ereatad 1996: His book became 92002, he announced He alo rlassed books 'n 1997 and 1299, novel por year) n 2017, ‘2012 and 2018 usty haerning his Oxin the Hour is salf-discipline and reputation wero TALENTED, ELOQUENT AND POPULAR: THE TALK SHOW HOST 10 on 25 February, 1975. She is an American co- vision host, writer and producer. She hosts @ network, dian, actress, aut night talk show on the ‘Tho Talk Show Host's Four Pillars nv host was bom as a Ren (Yang Water) Self. tatives of large bodies of water, len Water people are active, always on ‘to something naw. Ran Water people are curious and good psycholo ‘y miss observing anything. These intelligent and deep individuals tend to iyze a lot, memorizing both relevant and irrelevant things. Sometimes, they » be inconsistent and defensive, but they are actually freedom lovers who Ww thelr dreams an vests, They are also born ent Pillars When Seff sits on the Inteligence Stat, this tella us about an in ‘and understand things quicky, Two Peach Blossom Stars positively affect one’s appear ance, increasing personal at les, making a per istantly busy. The lack of @ Metal Element may indicate some in- herent (but hidden) hesith issues. Luck Cycles and Important Events in the Talk Show Host's Life 1998-2007 2008-2017 = Fon Yin Metal Yang Water Resource Friend B e Snake Horse si We Wealth Wealth book was released Ren ‘Yoig Weter Solt R wD is vey orstive, tis o 2 only as an outspoken host, but also as a tl ba hia ten ve books to dato, Exprossion Expression —_ Expression an older man; someone who can respect layfulness, sense of humor and exceptional month (July 20071), and as a result opening the door for the fantastic & Z wu v Dix Yonge — Ynibod YR FENG SHUI and ql seit Power Expression Wealth Wealth ee THE FOUR PILLARS Tiger Tiger Rabbit Pig Goat vn Ye ‘Mao Mei Wie Feng Shui 1 Exprossion Expression Expression —_ Friend Power 24 Mountains Ring & Floor plan How to activate Your Noblemen Luck How to activate Your Peach Blossom Luck How to activate Your Sky Horse Luck FENG SHUI Feng Shui, a branch of Chinese metaphysics, is e powerful too! for making the most of what we have and creating the life we want. id water”. Thi in the vicinity of water, and sheltered from the in- ing hil ng Shui (pronounce ‘what is considered as the ‘ideal jonce of harsh winds by gentle, low of energy, or Gi (“Chee"), , room oF office, In regards to osssing the quality ‘ough a certain location, site, building, house, stor profound history of some 6,000 years in China, iat Feng Shui pro- les good expianations as 1o why a certain place ural Earth ener- is ancient science may also explain why csttain properties hhoaith and communication within the fam- efficiency and cooperation, One Classical Chinese Feng Shui... many other methods 1e lg no place for assumptions and universal suggestions, for each evalu- ly on the field data, flowed by the relevant calculations. He and San Yuan systems are San He and San Yuan, ways in which a property can tap 198. The basic premise of San He is that Jos: Underlying Classical Chinese Feng Shui tne the praureer to contemporary geogteph of each and every occurrence, describe any 0 24 MOUNTAINS RING: STEMS, BRANCHES AND TRIGRAMS say and Feng Shui is "6 Feng Shui comass, Luo Ps ‘can be sean that each fo fundarmentaly and this Is why rn compass needle which points [that South represents the sun, and the arrangement the 24 Mountains ring shows how energy ascends and descends in ec ‘ovement of the sun, Feng Shui and its connection with the Four Pillars eng Shui and Four Pillars astrology allows us to use dar (Ten Thousand Year Calenc day you have chosen to clash with your Fou dit very easy to use th in the Feng Shul book by the same author) “ent copy of the 24 Mountains ring (found In t ‘can see the exact location of every Bran Activations dey. It may be your workplace, in your Nableman loc: the energy ation of @ cer narea can be physi- JOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR JOBLEMEN LUCK Juge floor plan, matching the facing facing degree (or North) on the ‘24 the center of the property, of your Noblemen Stars and ~ activate them! Wve a floor plan mh ewe lL ‘Step 2: Then you need to find the center ‘Step 3: Draw a Facing line (in the case below, It is due North) Int your Noblemen locations ;on, Chou-NE1 and Wei-SE1 are highlighted) OW TO ACTIVATE YOUR EACH BLOSSOM LUCK HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR SKY HORSE LUCK F Finding and Activating your Peach Blossom Star: 1d current Luck Pillar ighiight your Sky Horse Not Ce a Ph Markey Sooke Toe Fg your Sky Horse Si move away perin CALCULATIONS Find Your Year Pillar Find Your Month Find Your Day Pillar Find Your Hour Pillar Your Four Pil rs page FIND YOUR YEAR PILLAR vi ie x £ Yous Sine Yin Fire Yong Mota Yin Metal Vote Unter Tin Rotor x oh a F x fa Bi Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster T a 2 ¥ = Vin Fire Tone Bare Wie Yin tel Yang Uster ko & pe B * x Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Ba tot Yong fae Yone Gack Vin Earth Bi mR ¢ z Rooster Dog Pig = Rat_—=—Ox_— Tiger mw B Rabbit Dragon Snake Vin food Yong Aire Via Fire a & Goat Monkey Rooster ND YOUR MONTH PILLAR nd Your Month Branch Branch Earth Branch —_Fixed Weetern Dates i (Chinese) (English) Element February dth-March ‘get Poet Maxon eth-Apl 4 Dragon ‘oA th May 5 Sake May 6tn- Juno 6th dune 6th - iy 7th August 700 year Stem based on the first month (Tiger month) Stem ‘Stom of the first Solar month table 1 Ja Bing wu Yang Woo Yin Wood.=—=(Yana Fre Yang Earth Ri Geng Xin Rea ou Yingarh —Yergstal Yin Meta) Yarg Water Yrn Water wo Geng Ren Yerg Fre Yeng Earth Yarg Mita Yang Water 4, Find the Stem of your birth month, using the following Stem order: Stans Jia Yi Bing. Ding Wud Geng Xin. Ren Gul Sterne always flow each otha. Aer fllows Geng: aterXn comes Fen, and 20 cn. Example 4 parson bom on June 15, 1975. This year was Yi Mao or Wood Rabbit year. In the Month Stem tables we Yi appears. Brin Yoar Stoms | 2 a Ee pro a Yang Wood YinWood Yang fing = YinFe Yang Earth Sear Sire a atn — Yagetal = YnNlal Yang War Toe Mont stom ayiy a vanptam argh! arg Vr Yn ood oan find Wu, Yang Earth. 175 was Wu Yin — a Yang Earth Tiger month, moans t ith year, Tiger month is Wu Yin ~ Yang Earth Tiger ang Earth month, we just foflowv the usual th month, Wu or Horse month, th arr Jun dul Aug Sap Ck Moves an Stom order, in order to find the Stem of the designated SOLAR birth month, November Gong An Gul da omg vu i or Hal month. 1 vn Sag vey Sm ev mse Se cee wiser Water Wend Weed e So naw we know TWO Pitars of @ person who was bor in November 1988: woo cen Whimsy ity re ein saske Mose Gort Monkey Romer Gey Pig Rat Ox eee November 21, 1983 Hour Day Month Year fee Gui Gui sdy know TWO Pltars of a person who was born in June 1975; Yin Water Yin Water e1,1076 Hour = Day Month Year Brdhsth Pia Ps Fen vi Yang Weter Yin Wood Horse Rabbit wu ‘Meo 24, 1983, or Water Pig year (pg, 243), 3 for the column where Gui appears. jonth) in 1983 was Jia Yin~ Yang Wood Tiger month, = Yang Earth Tiger vi Brg wu Wood Yong iro IND YOUR DAY PILLAR y Pillar Calculation Formula leaveniy Stem and Earthly Branch of the Day Pillar is not as simple as nly Stem and Earthly Branch of the birth Year and Month, When It there is a formula for determining the Day Pillar, which contains lead to cartain number. uiteon) = 8 (AA) 4 (A-1)/4 + 154 B wo digit ofthe birth year, while 'B' represents the number of days year (January 1s!) to the relavant birth date. wen waren who was born on June 15, 1975. year. lu 4: A peition who was born on November 21, 1983 ‘year 2000, wo need (0 add 100 to the last two algits clive 16, 171 Example 2: A person born on November 21, 1983. ‘The year of 1969 was a Pig year, sot was also NOT a leap year + Raminder: January, March, May, uy, August, Ootober ane Dacember avy contan 81 days, wile al the cotter months, exoapk Facuary, conan 30 days Ml. Counting days from January 1st to our designated date-of-birth Example 1: A person born on June 15, 1975. B = 31 days in January + 28 days in February +34 days in March + 30 days in April+ 31 days in May + 15 days in June B= 168 Example 2: A person born on November 21, 1983, B= 31 days in January + 28 days in February + 81 days in March + 30 days in April + ‘31 days in May + 80 days in June + $1 days in July + 31 days in August + 30 days in September + 31 days in October + 21 days in November B=025 Applying the Formula to get ‘N’ (Number) N (number) = 5 (At) + (A-1)/4 +15 +B Example 1: A person born on June 15, 1975. A=75 B= 166 N= 5(75-1) + (75-14 + 18 +928 N= 8x74 +74 /44 15 + 928 N= 669 (absolute vate) Example 2: A person born on November 21, 1983. A= 83 NW jow to determine your Day Stem Self) from ‘N’ Gong jf sae MA w this works on birth date aw ie uw Il, How to calculate your Day Branch from ‘N’ |. Divide the Number by 12. Work out the remainder, Look for the related Earthly Branch Number in the following tab! Remainder arty Branch 1 Zi Rat) Chou Ti (Ox) Yin a (Tiger) (Rao) 5 Ghen i (Dragon) 8 81 E (Snake) Mao Wei 4 (Goa!) Shen # (Monkey) 0 You (Rooster) Xu J (Dog) Hai % (Pig) Let's now take a look at how this works on birth dates: Example 4: A person born on June 1, 1975. N= 569/12=47, the remainders 5, so the Earthly Branch of this person's Day is ~ Dragon, (Chen). dune 15,1975 Hour Day Month Year Ren Ren vi Water Yang Water Yin Wood Stem Dragon Horse Rabbit Branch Mo 2: A person born on November 21, 1983. he remainder is 2, and go the Earthly Branch of this person's Day Is — por 24,1988 Hour = Day Month Year cc Gui Gui ! YinWater —-YinWater Yin Water ox Pig Pig how Hi Hal FIND YOUR HOUR PILLAR 1, Find your Hour Branch Finding the Earthly Branch of the Hour Pillar is very simple. This is because the Branches" you need to do is to find your birth hour in the Earthly Branches of the birth hour Bi-Hours Earthly Branches 23pm - tam tam - 3am dam - Sam Sam - 7am Tam - 9am 9am - 11am Vam-tpm Wu 4 (oreo) 1 pm-3 pm Wei + (Gost Spm -5pm Spm-7pm Tpm~9 pm works on our birth dates: ne 15, 1975 at 9:30am 2 born in the Snake (S) hour! ne 15,1975 Hour Day Ren Yang Water Snake Dragon si yor 21,1988 Hour Goat aed wel Ind Your Hour Stem Chen lw 2; November 21 1983 at 2:30pm in the Goat (Wel) haur! Day Gui Yio Water ox chou Month Ren Yang Water Horse ws Yin Water Pig Hel Year Yi Yin Wood Rabbit Mao Year Gul Yin Water Pig Hai Example 1: June 15 1975, 9:30am The Day Master is Ren, so the Heavenly Stem of the Zi hour is ~ Geng The Stem of the next hour is Xin, followed by Ren, Gui, ete, However, we are interested in finding the Stem for the Snake (S) hour, so we start count- Ing cur Stems from Geng. Bi-Hours Earthly Branches Stom 2pm ~ tam Geng sam -2am Xn arn -Sa Yin 8 (ise en onan Mao J (aot oui 7am orn ‘chan 2 (Orager) sia gam Tem SiC, rake) w Ba Zi of a person born on June 15 1975, 9:80am June 15,1975 Hour Day ‘Month Year Yi Ren Ren vi Sten YinWood Yang Water Yang Water Yin Wood Snake Dragon Horse. =—‘Rabbit eo SI Chen wa Meo Example 2: November 21, 1983, 2:30pm The first hours’ Stem is Ren. Let's now find the Wei hour: Earthly Branch Stem ue en Chou 7: oul Yin i

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