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FOUR PILLARS of DESTINY AF RRA UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE JERRY KING Tabir or CONTENTS Author's Preface... Chapter x Introduction Chapter 2 Rob Wealth (2574) Rob Wealth at its Finest: The Story of Nick Leeson and the Collapse of Barings (Shi 9818) ae When Output Breeds Wealth, Rob Wealth Reaves Fortune (eA, bea A)...... AP esnins 24 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Relationships Rivalry and Relationships (7) 248 18). sei ‘Too Many Guide Stars: Romance and Love (easepeseae). 49 Greed for Wealth Ruining Resources (#460) Four Pillars and Giving Birth (A852). Ad ment (8 8) Absence of an Element (HAF) Plan of Action for Romance .... ‘Tormenting Life (3) Chapter 6 Death and Reality. 87 Chapter 7 ‘The Fate of a Nation...... 92 Chapter 8 Eating God Controlling Killings ~ Fame and Status... 103 Chapter 9 The Good and The Bad -- Examples from the Classics wae 1 Chapter 10 ‘Young Talent... Chapter xx Going to Jail. Conclusion. Appendix... 133 se 139) Four Pillars of Destiny Unlocking the Mysteries of Life SFR) Author’s Preface BFP less to prescribe remedies because all problems between inevitable fate work? And if so, what are it would be much i rough times. PREFACE ii “The realizacion that many classical Chinese texts get lost in translation prompted me co continue contributing to the subject of destiny. This book ‘may nor have much in the way of organization, structure, or a proper flow ‘The goal of this book of contents, and I would like to apologize for chi sof my consultations, accompanied by research used to support che theories 15 of Destiny system, Over fe consulted many people from all walks of life who wanted to destiny. I would like to share my findings with fellow Four ny enthusiasts. Whether my analyses are ngs can prove to be useful to all who are the topic of destiny. T hope that this book will provide stories of people feom all walks of life that would be entertaining and, ar the same time, educational interested ‘Writing and reading are two of my favourite hobbies, and they are part of my daily routines for work and pleasure. By documenting all of my find ings, [ hope to nor only increase my own knowledge and remind myself of the mistakes that I have made, but also shed new light on the subject of des- tiny. Many readers may disagree with my findings and my ide the energy in a birth char, for there is much diversity among the different schools of thought in the Four Pillars practice, Sometimes, these disagree- ments are caused by masters who are reluctant to pass on their secrets to their students, leading these students to misintexpret birth charts. I ave en- countered people who aze constantly sceking the truth but have never found its unfortunately, there are some who fear being faced with the fact chat chey have learned the Four Pillars system incorrectly. These practitioners react by grasping onto their old ways and refusing to change their methods, Ie is important to practice the Four Pillars with an open mind. This is not a book about “me” being right or “me” being a greae master of anything. For those who are i PREFACE. iii Prior to reading birth charts, Feng Shui profess in order to be proficient in the practice of Four Pillars, they must diste- ‘gard all emotions when looking at the birth system. Iris pure energy that is being analyzed. By injecting our fears, emotions, or enthustasm over a birth system, we may end up providing an incorrect reading and suggesting. remedies that may not work. Even on a bad day when our birth system is completely “destroyed” or energetically unstable because of a clash, we must stay focused; this isthe number one priority for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in practicing Four Pillars and Feng Shu ‘Asan author on this subjece matte, I have tested theories of the Four Pillats on thousands of people and I myself have also been a subject of many different life-teading methods. I have gone as far as looking for a dearly-beloved dog in the afterlife and undergoing hypn of a psychic. The subject of destiny came to me out of cui anything else, but from this simple beginning, I ended up doing some tunexpected learning about various divination practices. In Hong Kong, came actoss @ practitioner who uses an abacus to calculate destiny from Four birch year of my parents, my profess memorable events of my past. That method is known as “Ait 7#BK" (there are no English translations for this method at the moment). Then there is or “MEfAESHE", a method that became popular in the 1990s, Thete are striking simuilariies between Purple gy and Four Pillars. T also learned about the I Ching Divi

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