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IELTS Speaking Band 9 British


Win The



Take it all from me take my money take

the jet take the house
I still got me I still got my courage I
still got who I know I am now for the
first time in my life I know I love you
guys for most of you that have ever
struggled in your life I come from a lot
of struggle okay in 1983 I was living in
that little joint right there was 200
rent was $275 a month I lived in one
half of it I was beat within 76 stitches
in my head and face I was beat with him
oh no inches of my life in 1983 I
started to turn my whole life around and
I want to share with you today what I
did to do that okay I was broke at that
time I was 25 years of age this was 35
years ago I'm 60 years old seems like it
seems like this was just like yesterday
and times past and how many of you like
god I can't believe on this old or this
age or that age right for 25 I remember
when I was 25 I can't believe I'm 25 I'm
an old man
right and so I was broke at that time I
was in debt how many have been in debt
before not a good feeling and that's
what everybody kept telling me and
that's one of the things that kept me
from being where I should be okay you're
getting misinformation right now it's
broke I was in debt I was I was
literally bankrupt in every way a person
could be bankrupt spiritually mentally
physically I weighed 138 pounds I weight
maybe 170 so it's about 32 pounds less
than I weigh right now it was sick that
was a mess but how many of you had have
you been a mess before in your life okay
good so we got a lot in common
I know this if you want things to change
they can change and they're not gonna
change this because you pray just
because you wish just cuz you hope and
they won't change this because your
family wants it to change it it did not
change it's still until I started
getting information and if you take a
notes today it didn't start changing
until I started getting rid of
information one of the most important
things that happened to me in my life
was to get rid of information a man told
me once he's like hey look man if things
don't go well somebody or something is
causing it not to go well how many agree
with that statement
okay things don't go well something or
someone is causing things not to go well
okay and before you guys take on the
Republicans or the Democrats or the
conspiracy he said grant before you take
on other people once you just take on
these 24 inches right here
okay before you take on change in the
whole world once you handle light
between your shoulders because you got
your hands full

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