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Monthly Test – January 2017

Subject : English Literature
Class : 9 (National) ..........
Duration : 2 periods Date : ..................................
Candidate's name : ................................................................ Admission no : ...................
Answer ALL the questions.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below each question.
(1) “Flash point in Paradise”, ‘Racial pot boils over”
a) Identify the work and the writer. Where do these titles appear?
(1 mark)
b) What does the paradise refer to? Is the line conveying some event disturbing or placid?
(2 marks)
c) Write a phrase in the line with metaphorical significance. Explain the metaphor.

(2 marks)
[Total=5 marks]

(2) A woman in a yellow jacket, she is going in

a) Identify the work and the writer.Who is the speaker ?
(1 mark)
b) Where does she enter? What event is anticipated in no time?
(2 marks)
c) Where is the speaker? Is the woman a survivor or ill –fated?
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]
(3) Thirteen seventeen and forty seconds
(a) What is significant about this countdown?
(1 mark)
(b) What is the time span of the poem? How does the reader feel?
(2 marks)
(c) Is the speaker a symapathiser or a ruthless watcher of tragedy ? Why do you say so?
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks] page 2
Grade 9 English Literature contd.....from page 1
(4) In a tall house dim with old books and pictures
(a) Who is the speaker? Who lives in the house?
(1 mark)
(b) What is his ethnicity? What is tragic about him?
(2 marks)
(c) What does each of the underlined phrases signify?
tall house -
old books and pictures -
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]
(5) Peace reigned at home, with speech reduced to a minimum between father and son.
1. Who are the father and son?
(2 marks)
2. What was the clash that preceded this peace at home? Explain.
(2 marks)
3. Why is each one peaceful?
father -
son -
(3 marks)
4. Who intervened in bringing about the peace? How did s/he help?
(3 marks)
[Total = 10 marks]
Section B

Answer any two questions from questions 1-4.

1) Discuss the significance of the title “Big Match 1983?.
[Total = 10 marks]
2) What qualities of Jagan’s character are revealed in Chapter 4? Explain with reference to the novel.
[Total = 10 marks]
3) What dramatic tensions are presented in the poem ‘Big Match?’ Explain with reference to the poem.
[Total = 10 marks]
4) How is brutality of war presented in the poem ‘The terrorist..’? Explain with reference to the poem.
[Total = 10 marks]

Ref : NK

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