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Monthly Test – January 2018

Subject : English Literature
Class : 9 (National) ..........
Duration : 2 periods Date : ..................................
Candidate's name : ................................................................ Admission no : ...................
● Answer ALL questions.
● Marks will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling.
● Do not write anything on this paper. Use only the papers provided.

Section ­ A
Read the following extracts and answer the given questions.
(1) ‘Was she that dumb, did she go in or not
We’ll see when they carry them out”
(a) From which literary text are these lines taken? Who wrote them?
(1 mark)
(b) Who is referred to as ‘she’? Who is referred to as ‘them’ in the second line?
(2 marks)
(c) What can be understood about the situation created? What effect is created in the
reader’s mind through the situation ? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]

(2) Glimpsing the headlines in the newspapers

Tourists scuttle for cover
Cancel their options on rooms
With views of temple and Holy Mountain’
‘Flash point in Paradise ’‘Racial pot boils over’
(a) Name the work from which these lines are extracted? Who wrote them?
(1 mark)
(b) What is the incident that gave rise to this situation? What do the words ‘temple and
Holy Mountain’ signify?
(2 marks)
(c) What is the effect created through the last line? What is the tone of the narrator in the last line?
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks] page 2
Grade 9 English Literature contd.....from page 1
(3) “What I sing of, he suffers; what is joy to me, to him is pain”
(a) From which text is this extract taken? Who is the writer?
(1 mark)
(b) Who speaks here? Who is referred to as ‘he’?
(2 marks)
(c) What does the speaker attempt to analyse here? What is the significance of this analysis
to the upcoming events in the story? Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]

(4) “Screaming across our screens her agony”

(a) Identify the text in which you find this line. Who is the author ?
(1 mark)
(b) What is meant by ‘our screens’? What is the situation referred to?
(2 marks)
(c) What is meant by ‘her agony’? What is the purpose of the writer in using these two words?
Explain briefly.
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]

Section ­ B
Read the following extract and answer the questions given.
(5) “New things are coming your way; Your son wants to go to America. Didn’t I hint to you
long ago that it was coming?”
The first shock of the impact blanked out Jagan’s mind for a time and he caught his breath as
he had a momentary panic at the thought of his son’s removing himself geographically so far.
He inanely repeated “America! What America? What has happened to his book? Has he
written it? Hasn’t he written it?”
He thinks he will have to learn the art in America.
Jagan was furious at this notion; it was outrageous and hurt his national pride.
“Going there to learn story ­telling! He should rather go to a village granny” he said, all his
patriotic sentiment surging.

(a) Who are the two people involved in this conversation and what is the subject of their talk?
(2 marks) page 3
Grade 9 English Literature contd.....from page 2
(b) What was the news given by the first speaker? What was the other’s reaction to it?
(2 marks)
(c) Explain the meanings of the following in your own words
(i) Inanely
(ii) Patriotic sentiment
(2 marks)
(d) What qualities of Jagan can you gather through this extract? Explain
(4 marks)
[Total = 10 marks]


Answer question 6 or 7 and 8

(6) In the poem, ‘Big Match, 1983’ the poet intends to draw the reader’s attention to the way
humans can reduce to the level of beasts resulting devastation to the society at a larger scale.
Comment on this statement with reference to the poem
[Total = 10 marks]

(7) In the poem “The Terrorist, He’s Watching”, the poet creates tension and suspense throughout.
How does he do it? Explain with close reference to the language devices and techniques the
poet has used.
[Total = 10 marks]

(8) Mali’s character in ‘The Vendor of Sweets’ is portrayed as an absolute villain. Illustrate on
this statement with specific examples from chapter 1­4.
[Total = 10 marks]

[Total = 50 marks]


Ref : NR

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