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31 1:03 PM
Right Time

Once upon a time during Halloween all the children go outside to have fun but
suddenly the boy saw his childhood friend as he approaches the girl asking if she
still remembers him as they get along and start to talk to each other

As the time pass by both of them decide to go to the beach. As they reminisce the
beautiful and unforgettable memories they have together.

As the waves gently splash to the shore and both of them looks to the stars and the
moon above and as they watch the fish splash to the deep blue sea

When there saying goodbye to each other the boy have given the girl a flower as a
gift before saying goodbye. As tears drop in there eyes hoping that they will meet
again someday.

As many years passed by they already became successful And they meet again at
That time they confessed thier feelings in each other then while living there
happily ever after

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