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Father God, we are grateful for this day, thank you for bringing as

together in the First Panagtapok sa MSGMS event. Thank you for all the
people who contributed to this event.

Lord, Thank you too, for the laughter through the years and for those
events, small or large, that bring us delight.

Thank you for mercy in the midst of suffering, for comfort when we are
afraid or distressed, for sleep that eases our sorrows.

Lord, as we share the love that you have given us, we ask you to be with
us, as we begin this day, may it be an event we shall forever remember.
Father God, may our time together be filled with joy as we share
memories of days gone by and news of where life's journey has
taken us. Give us grace to recognize our mistakes from the past, so
that we might have forgiving hearts. May our reunion be shaped
by kindness and laughter, and may the stories told and retold
today bring delight and good will.

Just as our long-ago graduation was a commencement and not an end,

this event today is another new beginning. It is an opportunity to share
memories and laughter, to be inspired by the contributions we are
making collectively and as individuals to the betterment of life in our

Help us always to use what we have learned and are learning to leave a
positive legacy behind for those who follow in our footsteps. May we use
the time still left to us, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be more
than we thought possible. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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