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Nama : Natalia Gracia Dwi Ninta S

Nim : 2211031081
Uas : Bahasa Iggris
Rombel : 31


In very course, we will find so 9many students from within the country who want to
study abroad because it will provide many benefits for them and of course new
experiences. Studying abroad and studying in your own country both have defenite
benefits for a student. As a students who can study abroad, you should make the best use
of this, because it will provide many benefits to gain broader knowledge, besides that
studying abroad can also provide great success and it will be to get a job in the future.


The benefits or studying in your own country both have many benefits. But it would be
better if you try to study abroad because it will provide new things for students, because
everything will be much more different than your own country. Overseas students will
experience many challenges, for example a different environment and a different culture
will give courage and increase self-confidence. As well as being able to learn another
language, which can make it easier to interact with people living in that country.


The benefits of studying in your own country can be close to family and friends, can save
costs, in your own country you already know a lot of things or habits so that everything
doesn’t fell foreign anymore.

The benefits of studying abroad and studying in your own country both have many
benefits, it’s just that what is different from abroad is in terms of the way of learning and
the different culture. Studying abroad can provide many exciting experiences because
everything seems so new and provides many challenges. And also living abroad can learn
other languages and can get to know foreign cultures and can make friends with native
speakers. While studying in your own country can be cheaper than living abroad, and can
save a lot of money. In your own country of course, all things or habits will no longer feel
feel foreign and you can understand your own culture and can be family and friends,

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