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Learning a new language takes time and dedication.

Once you do, being fluent

in a second language offers numerous benefits and opportunities. Learning a
second language is exciting and beneficial at all ages. It offers practical,
intellectual and many aspirational benefits
In today's world, there is over 7000 languages and learning at least one will
help you in life massively. Although it has been proven that it is easier for
children to learn a second language, it is certainly never too late to learn, and
the benefits definitely reward the effort and dedication.
Whatever your age, being bilingual certainly has its advantages, especially in
today's global society. Here are the top benefits of learning a second language:
Better job prospects
In today's business dominated society, being bilingual can only be an
advantage and gives you a competitive edge when searching for jobs, or
maintaining your current employment.
Companies who plan to expand into overseas market are constantly looking for
bilingual staff, who of which are well-paid and receive excellent benefits, as
they will ultiamtely give the company a huge competitive advantage.
By learning a second language, you will be indispensable at your place of
work as you can easily bridge the cultural gap between the two countries, and
those with the ability to speak a second language are more likely to find a job.
Brain health
Medical studies has shown the positive effects learning a second language has
on the brain.
Studies showed that learning a second language significantly delayed the onset
of many brain related diseases such as Alzheimer and dementia, compared to
those who can only speak their native tongue.
Travel and leisure
Learning a new language opens up a world of new opportunities. If you choose
to learn a commonly spoken language, such as Spanish, French or German,
you can travel practically anywhere in the world and not have trouble with
You can confidently go about your business and in another country and speak
freely to locals and other travellers. You will have a much better experience as
you can effectively communicate with much more people, which will
ultimately open up your mind and put things into different perspectives
regarding the different cultures of the world.
Improved first language
As we go about our everyday lives, we rarely give a second thought to our
own grammatical structure and vocabulary. However, when learning a new
language, many people find they have a greater understanding of their first
Learning a second language focuses your attention on the grammatical rules
constructions of that language. This experience gives people a new insight into
their own language and ultimately leads to them improving their mother
tongue, which will improve their everyday lives.
Improved understanding of the world
Learning a new language gives you a greater global understanding of the
world we live in. Even by learning a few phrases, never mind a whole
language, you will access many fascinating cultures around the world and
understand the differences between the two countries.
You will have access to a whole new array of film, music and literature, and a
greater understanding of the history and culture of the nation and ultimately a
better understanding of the way the world works, including politics and
Experience new cultures
The world is a cauldron of rich and interesting cultures. Learning a new
language allows you to access many different cultures across the world.
You will have the chance to see fascinating new things from a new
perspective, which not many people can, and connect with the new people all
over the world.
Different culture has its own music, style, history, literature and many more
interesting things which you will be able to enjoy and understand. You will be
able to connect through books, TV, the internet and converse with a whole
countries worth of people, ultimately broadening your horizons, interests and
views. A whole new world will be open to you.
Learning a new language is a an achievement anyone can be proud of and is
extremely satisfying. Once the hard work and effort has paid off, you will
experience the many benefits associated with learning a new language and you
will have a new found confidence.
Learning a new language will open up our world in ways a monoglot a
monoglot would never have the chance of experiencing. Your mind will be
constantly be engaged and you will gain an insight into many different
cultures. Learning a second language also makes it easier to learn a third,
which will certainly broaden your horizons.

As the world is developing rapidly,the needs of communication also

increases.Because of this,it is vitally important to study a foreign language.In
my perspective,I totally agree with the idea that study foreign languages have
variety of benefits

Firstly,studying foreign languages helps people to communicate more easily.In

many cases in life,we may need foreign languages to talk to others.For
instance,one day, you may meet a Japanese traveller on the road,and he ask you
for the way to somewhere.If you do not know Japanese at that time,how can you
help him?Another good example is when you have a trip overseas,maybe to the
United States.If you do not know some essential words or phrases in
English,how can you manage a good holiday there?Everything seems very
difficult without knowing variety of languages.

In addition,foreign languages may help in studying.Indeed,foreign languages

such as English or French now have become an important subjects on the
timetable of many schools around the world.In some developing countries,in
which the economics development still slow,there is often not enough modern
teaching aids and limited study environment,which make it difficult for teaching
and studying.Therefor,people frequently desire to study abroad in a richer
country.However,to study abroad in a country,student have to know that
country’s language completely.For example,if you want to study in an English-
speaking country,you have to prove that you can listen,speak,read and write in
English fluently.Of course,you have to pass some tests before study abroad.If
you do not pass the tests,there will be no opportunities.

In conclusion,I restate my opinion that it is extremely necessary to know one or

more foreign languages.On the other hand,I highly recommend that foreign
languages teaching programme will be developed and applied in
education,especially at high schools and at an early age.

A lot of people of various ages start learning a second language due to a number
of reasons. In reality learning a foreign language could bring a lot of benefits to
children, as well as adult people, thus us it is important to remember that it is
never too late to start and that there are never too many languages to know.
Learning a new language seems to be not an easy task, as it demands dedication
and some time. At the same time if to consider all the benefits and
opportunities, which are brought by the process of learning already and
certainly by the result of learning, then it is evident that learning a second
language is worth it. Learning could become a really exciting time, if it is
perceived with enthusiasm and clear understanding of the potential
opportunities and outcomes. There are around 7000 languages in the modern
world and there is a great choice of what second language a person could
acquire. There is a theory that it is easier for children to learn foreign language,
in fact under the condition of dedicated attitude any person at any age could be
successful in learning a second language. As for children – learning a second
language is utterly beneficial for their academic success in general, as the
researches prove that those children, who learn a second language, are more
successful with standardized tests in comparison to those, who do not. Taking
into consideration the active formation of global society nowadays, it is evident
that learning a foreign language will positively benefit one mentally, socially,
and will one a better more competitive and well-rounded worker in the
competitive job market.
All individuals, irrespective of their age and specialization, are interested in
getting better job position. Modern world is business dominated and bilingual
candidates are highly appreciated for most positions. Thus in order to be
competitive in searching a good job or even maintaining of the current position,
workers should consider learning a second or even a third language. A lot of
modern companies and corporations are interested in expanding of their
productions and contacts to the overseas markets and this forced them look only
for bilingual employees. At the same time these employees are able to get
higher wages and other benefits, because they are able to contribute to the
development of their company’s competitive advantage. Along with learning a
foreign language, people are learning some aspects of the culture of the
countries, where this language is spoken. This is a good opportunity to break the
possible cultural gap either in professional or personal relations.
Languages are made up of rule systems, structures and a lot of words. Any
foreign language learner is to manage this complexity, perceive the patterns and
learn a great number of new works. All these processes make human brain
actively operate, develop new learning skills, develop cognitive thinking and
problem-solving. All these skills are beneficial for personal and professional
spheres. In addition learning a second language has positive impact upon
delaying of such processes as dementia and Alzheimer. In the process of
learning it is necessary to remember a lot of new information, rules, words,
patterns, and this process is a kind of drilling exercise for human memory,
because it operates on the basis of a simple rule – either it is used or it is lost.
There is a number of commonly spoken languages, for example Spanish,
German, French. Any of these languages could be useful for better organization
of travel trips and leisure time, spent in other countries. There is no need to look
for an interpreter and there is an opportunity to travel to many countries of the
world. During business trips personal communication could never be substituted
with communication with the help of an interpreter. Those travelers, who know
several foreign languages, have open minds for new things and experiences
gained from various cultures all over the world.
When people use their native language, they rarely think about grammatically
and lexically correct structures, they use in their everyday situations. As soon as
they start to learn a foreign language, grammar and vocabulary of their native
language gain more importance and they learn to develop better understanding
of their own language. Foreign language learners are able to get new insights
into their native languages, improving their knowledge of it as well.

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Perception of the surrounding world depends upon each single individual, his
education, his experience, his character and his knowledge. Those, who learn
foreign languages, are able to develop better global understanding of the whole
world; they learn about the differences between various cultures of the world,
they could compare them and focus upon important socio-cultural values of
other countries. In reality there are a lot of rich cultures in the world. If an
individual is limited in the frames of his native language only, he would be
deprived of the opportunities of broadening of his horizons and views.
Psychologically learning a foreign language brings it advantages as well. It is
utterly important for any individual to be self-assured and satisfied with his
achievements. The achievement of learning a foreign language is very
satisfying. Learners are to contribute their time and effort into the process of
learning and then they could be proud of their achievements and new
All the mentioned advantages are applicable for foreign language learners of
any age group. There are also certain benefits for children. It was already
mentioned that those children, who learn foreign languages, show better results
in their standized tests. The researches prove that foreign language lessons
contribute to development of verbal skills, children show better results in other
subjects as well. Numerous studies support the assumption that there is a
positive correlation between the study of second language and improvement of
comprehension and reaching fluency. Spelling tasks, word-reading tests are
completed with better results by students, studying foreign language in
comparison to monolingual students. Those students, who studied only foreign
language, are able to acquire another foreign language much easier. “One study,
conducted by T.H. Cunningham and C.R. Graham in 2000, showed that students
who participated in a Spanish immersion program experienced improvement not
only in Spanish vocabulary but also in their native English vocabulary. Middle
school students in the Spanish immersion significantly outperformed English
monolinguals on a Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT).” (Bamford & Mizokawa,
1991, p. 13). Development of verbal skills and activity of students is considered
to be the direct positive outcomes of their learning of a foreign language.
Each academic level is more difficult for students, however, the transition from
school to college, from college to university could be easier for those students,
who learnt foreign languages in comparison to their counterparts, who did not.
This happens most luckily thanks to positive impact of foreign language
learning upon cognitive abilities of the students and their memory development.
Overall, learning a foreign language has numerous advantages and benefits,
which should not be ignored either by adult people or by children; it contributes
to their mental, social, intellectual development, widening of their world view,
better professional perspectives and personal development. There are no limits
either for the age of the learners, or for the number of languages, a person
would like to acquire.

Top Ten Reasons to Learn Languages

1. Connect!

One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is our ability to
connect with others. Being able to communicate with someone in his or her
language is an incredible gift. Bilinguals have the unique opportunity to
communicate with a wider range of people in their personal and professional
lives. Knowing the language makes you a local no matter where you are,
opening up your world literally and figuratively. You will be shaped by
communities. You will be humbled by the kindness of strangers. You will build
lifelong friendships. And for these reasons alone, you will see the reward of
learning languages for many years to come.
2. Advance Your Career

Language skills can be a significant competitive advantage that sets you apart
from your monolingual peers. They are among the top eight skills required
of all occupations—no matter your sector or skill level—and the demand for
bilingual professionals is rising exponentially. In fact, between 2010 and 2015,
the number of U.S. job postings specifically geared toward bilingual
candidates more than doubled.1 Employers are seeking professionals who can
communicate seamlessly with customers in new and expanding overseas
markets, as well as serve and sell to a large foreign-born population here at
home. With more than 60 million U.S. residents who speak a language other
than English at home, you don’t need to get on a plane to put your language
skills to work.2 As an added incentive, in many instances, language skills also
lead to hiring bonuses and increased salaries. Whatever your career aspiration—
with language skills added to the mix, you’re ahead of the crowd!

3. Feed Your Brain

The many cognitive benefits of learning languages are undeniable. People who
speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and
critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better
listening skills. They switch between competing tasks and monitor changes in
their environment more easily than monolinguals, as well as display signs of
greater creativity and flexibility. If that weren’t enough, as we age, being
bilingual or multilingual also helps to stave off mental aging and cognitive
4. Deepen Your Connection to Other Cultures

Language is the most direct connection to other cultures. Being able to

communicate in another language exposes us to and fosters an appreciation for
the traditions, religions, arts, and history of the people associated with that
language. Greater understanding, in turn, promotes greater tolerance, empathy,
and acceptance of others—with studies showing that children who have studied
another language are more open toward and express more positive attitudes
toward the culture associated with that language.

5. See the World

Traveling as a speaker of the local language can revolutionize a trip abroad.

While monolingual travelers are capable of visiting the same places, travelers
who know more than one language are more easily able to navigate outside the
tourist bubble and to connect and interact with the place and its people in a way
that is often inaccessible to those without the language. Learning a second
language also opens additional doors to opportunities for studying or working
6. Go to the Source

In a world of more than 6,000 spoken languages, we sometimes require

translation, but speaking at least one additional language empowers us to access
information that would otherwise be off-limits. For example, individuals
proficient in other languages are able to navigate the Internet as genuine global
citizens—consuming and assessing foreign media and entertainment.
7. Become a Polyglot

Not only does learning a second language improve communication skills and
multiply vocabulary in your first language—yes, really!—but research shows
that it makes picking up additional languages a much easier feat, especially
among children.3 That’s because when you learn a new language, you develop
new brain networks that are primed and ready when you embark on learning
a third language.
8. Boost Your Confidence

Any language learner can attest to making his or her share of mistakes while
discovering a new language—often in front of an audience. It’s a necessary part
of the learning process! Learning a language means putting yourself out there
and moving out of your comfort zone. The upside is the amazing sense of
accomplishment you’ll feel when conversing with someone in their native

9. Strengthen Your Decision Making

Studies show that decisions made in your second language are more reason-
driven than those made in your native language.4 Contrary to popular
assumptions, when we deliberate in a second or third language, we actually
distance ourselves from the emotional responses and biases deeply associated
with our mother tongue. The result? Systematic and clear-headed decisions
based on just the facts.
10. Gain Perspective

As we explore a new language and culture, we naturally draw comparisons to

what is most familiar. Learning about another culture sheds light on aspects of
our own culture—both positive and negative—we may not have previously
considered. You may find a greater appreciation for what you have, or you may
decide to shake things up!

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