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Learning foreign languages is very important for young people


Today‘s world is a world without borders, today‘s people are the people of the
world. These people are all different and speak all kinds of languages, so learning
some of them would be a wise decision. Learning foreign languages for young
people today is important because it expands your possibilities and broadens your
First of all, learning foreign languages provides you many new opportunities.
Therefore, you can study at any university in the world. Knowledge of foreign
languages also provides you a chance to choose working and living space. For
example, your dream is to live in Canarian islands, but you have no work and little
money. If you know how to talk in foreign languages like German, Spanish or
English you will surely get a job in the tourism sector (places like Canarian islands
attracts a lot of tourists from Europe). Thus, knowing foreign languages will not
only give you new possibilities but also will help fulfill your dreams.
Secondly, learning foreign languages boosts your brainpower. So, it improves
memory. It is widely known that the more the brain is used, the better its functions
work. It will be easier to recall names, directions, and facts if you learn foreign
languages. Moreover, it enhances the ability to multi-task. Multi-tasking is very
stressful for those who are not used to it. According to a study from the
Pennsylvania State University, multilingual people have become much better
multi-taskers, reducing stress levels. Thereupon, learning foreign languages does
not only increase your intelligence but also helps you to prevent stress.
On other hand, there is no need to learn foreign languages anymore because of
these days advanced technologies. You can simply download an app that records
the speaker's voice and translates it into the selected language. No need to spend
months studying, no need to attend expensive classes. All can be done with several
taps on your phone screen. Although this technology is not yet fully developed I
am sure that it will improve in the near future. So, advanced language technologies
will not only save you time but also your money.
In conclusion, learning foreign languages provides you many benefits, strengthen
your thinking skills, let‘s you choose from a wider range of choices. For many
years, people used to learn languages for previously mentioned and a lot of other
advantages. But can it be, that technology will replace old-school learning? Could,
that robotic voice from your phone app will replace live, warm conversations?

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