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1- Learning a new language will never be a waste of time.

It can be a world of discoveries

and new experiences.

We can't think in the basic only.

The advancement of technologies has brought possibilities to communicate with people

around the world, using smartphones and translator applications. Computers have made
this communication easy and convenient. As we enter a comfort zone, learning something
new is no longer attractive.

2- However, translation tools are not perfect and are more suitable for quick things, as they
are unable to understand the context of sentences. If we are not careful, we can say or
understand something wrong. Often the true meaning gets lost somewhere.

Translation tools also struggle to translate local slang and dialects.

Books are examples of how difficult it is to translate something from its original language.
The meaning of many things will be different, as well as the understanding.

Nowadays, those who don’t have at least knowledge of a different language may miss out
on many opportunities. Both in the professional area and in living with people from other
cultures. Most companies require you to speak more than one language. Language skills
also lead to hiring bonuses and increased salaries.

One additional language empowers us to access information that would otherwise be off-
limits. For example, individuals proficient in other languages are able to navigate the
Internet as genuine global citizens, consuming and assessing foreign media and

3- Studying foreign languages improves listening and memory skills, increases analytical
skills, and develops aptitude for problem solving and working with abstract concepts.
Creativity grows and, of course, boost your confidence.
One of the most beautiful things about learning a new language is being able to be
immersed and connect with the culture of the country you are studying, in addition to
being able to communicate with anyone. Greater understanding, in turn, promotes greater
tolerance, empathy, and acceptance of others. All this, allows us to see the world with
different eyes.

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