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Task I Sesi III

Nama: Achmad Fajar Miftakhul Fadli

Nim: 050641338

Matkul: Writing II

I completely agree with your perspective on the value of learning foreign languages. While
technology, such as translation apps, has made it easier to communicate across linguistic barriers,
the benefits of learning a foreign language extend far beyond mere communication.

The advancement of internet applications that can quickly and accurately translate languages has
undoubtedly made communication across linguistic barriers more accessible and convenient. While
this technology has its merits, claiming that learning foreign languages is a waste of time is a rather
shortsighted perspective.

Learning a foreign language goes far beyond the mere act of communication. It is a gateway to
understanding different cultures, fostering cross-cultural relationships, and broadening one's
horizons. Language is not solely about words; it carries the essence of a culture, its history, values,
and traditions. Proficiency in a foreign language can enable you to delve deeper into literature, films,
and art that may otherwise remain inaccessible. It allows for a richer travel experience, as you can
engage more meaningfully with locals.

Moreover, language learning enhances cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, multitasking, and
memory. It fosters empathy and cultural sensitivity. While translation apps serve a practical purpose,
they cannot replace the profound and holistic learning experience that comes with mastering a
foreign language. In conclusion, learning foreign languages is far from being a waste of time. It is an
investment in personal growth, cultural enrichment, and cognitive development that transcends the
capabilities of mere translation apps.

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