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Esteemed members of the conference, greetings!

My full name is Bolysbek Shugyla

Nurbolqyzy, and it is an honor to be here today as the youngest member of this
distinguished gathering. As a student in my second year of the "Foreign Language:
Two Foreign Languages" specialty at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, I
am excited to present my research on "The Role of Virtual Assistants and Robots in
Teaching Foreign Languages."


As a young and enthusiastic language learner myself, I have been passionate about
exploring the intersection of technology and language education.

In today's fast-paced world of technology, virtual assistants and robots have become
an integral part of our lives. In particular, their role in teaching foreign languages is
significant as they provide students with new opportunities to improve their language
skills. Virtual assistants and robots enable students to communicate in a foreign
language, provide answers to questions, help improve pronunciation, conduct lessons,
and assist with language practice.

They also offer access to various materials in foreign languages, such as books,
articles, movies, and music, allowing students to immerse themselves in the language
environment and expand their vocabulary and cultural knowledge.

Main Body:

The use of virtual assistants and robots in teaching foreign languages offers several
advantages. First, they are highly accessible, as they can be used by students at any
time and from any place, reducing the need for additional classes or courses. This
flexibility allows students to study at their convenience and pace. Second, virtual
assistants and robots can improve student motivation through gamification, making
language learning more fun and interesting.

They can also be equipped with programs and technologies that help students
improve their language skills, such as speech synthesis for pronunciation and speech
recognition for better understanding of speech in a foreign language. Additionally,
virtual assistants and robots can help students develop confidence in using the
language by providing opportunities for practice without fear of making mistakes,
which can lead to improved results in language learning.

Furthermore, the use of virtual assistants and robots in teaching foreign languages
provides access to a variety of additional resources, such as language learning
applications and games that can enhance language skills. These technologies can also
be used to create joint projects with students from other countries, allowing for not

only language skill improvement but also cultural knowledge and exposure to other

One notable example of the use of virtual assistants and robots in language learning is
the Duolingo application, which utilizes gamification, speech recognition, and speech
synthesis to make language learning engaging and effective. Another online platform
that can be mentioned is Skyeng, which offers foreign language teaching using virtual
assistants and robots, providing students with an interactive and flexible learning


In conclusion, virtual assistants and robots play a significant role in teaching foreign
languages, providing students with unique opportunities to improve their language
skills. Their accessibility, ability to improve motivation, support in language practice,
and provision of additional resources make them valuable tools in language learning.
With the continuous advancement of technology, virtual assistants and robots are
likely to continue to play a pivotal role in language education, offering innovative and
effective ways for students to learn foreign languages.

As a student in my second year of a specialized language program, I hope I could

bring a fresh perspective to this topic, with a deep understanding of the needs and
expectations of language learners in today's digital era. I am eager to share my
findings and insights with all of you, and I hope that my research will contribute to
the ongoing discussions on the future of language education in the digital age.

Thank you for your attention, and I am looking forward to engaging in stimulating
discussions with my esteemed colleagues.

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