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Hello, my name is Benicio Regalado and today I will talk about the

importance of study English in the school. My presentation is about the

access of the resources and the knowledge of the English.
We know that learn english is the best option if you want to a better job
because you can have very better oportunitties.
In the new era of globalization, the learning of English is of vital
importance mainly for university students. Most of the basic
bibliography of the different careers is in English, as well as the
necessary information on the Internet. University Teaching is the last
step towards professionalization, which is why it represents the last
opportunity from the school point of view, so that students have a
correct command of this language.
Knowing English opens the doors to more job
opportunities than not knowing it, from working abroad,
in a multinational or being able to start your own
business project. In the current economic and business
market, where globalization and the Internet have
eliminated borders, communicating with people from all
over the world is almost essential.
Having a good level of English makes it possible to
access all kinds of international resources: web pages,
applications, reports, videos, bibliography... which
becomes an excellent socio-professional resource. In
addition, knowing how to function with ease is of great
help when collaborating with clients, suppliers or
colleagues from other countries.
The presentation of Axel Artaza is about the
professional perspective of the English learning and
the cultural interaction.
53% chance of getting a job is achieved by mastering
English. Knowing this language increases your chances
of getting a good job in a multinational company
within your home country or finding work abroad.
This language has managed to expand
communication, opening doors to multitudes of
people on a professional level. In other words, English
is the language of international communication,
finance and world trade.
The academic benefits will allow you to: Have access
to updated and complete information. Know and
obtain in advance the latest advances and most
scientific, academic and technological texts that are
originally written in English. Help boys and girls
support each other, correct mistakes, know
their main skills.
In learning a foreign language, the
inclusion of cultural aspects increases
cognitive capacity, in addition to causing
greater linguistic ability. There is also an
improvement in the knowledge of the
mother tongue and communication skills
are developed.

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