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There are many bad effects of smoking related to health, social and

psychological level which can harm the life of a person in great detail. For
smoking people grow the tobacco tree whose leave which are mostly smoked or
chewed and sniffed for many different effects. Smoking which involves tobacco
which then contains a certain chemical known as nicotine. Nicotine is highly
addictive chemical, and a smoking person can become a slave of nicotine for
very long time if he/she is not cautious a first time. Tobacco other than nicotine
contains nineteen different cancer causing chemicals, and together these
chemical are called tar. People smoke for different reasons such as they want to
produce a sense of being well, to boost their mood, and to improve short term
concentration and memory. Until recently smoking was consider good thing,
and there were many advertisements for smoking in newspaper, television, and
other mass media.
Smoking is major health risk, but still people give different reasons for smoking
most of these justifications are not very reasonable. Smoking is mostly starts at
young age because teenagers think that if they start smoking they will be
considered as mature, but of course they are wrong and causing serious health
risk for themselves. Smoking by many is way to relax, but it comes with greater
health risk for damaging the brain. Smoking is very bad habit thus it should be
quitted by people, smoker don’t risk their lives but lives of other which inhale
the smoke (Greaves, 2002).

Smoking effects differ from a person to another person depending upon

exposure to chemicals of the cigarette. Smoking is not only public health issue,
but also it has great financial cost on the nations. Until we stop smoking, more
people will be addicted, more people will get sick, more families will be
devastated by loss of loved ones, bring great damage to medical system of the
nations. Harm of smoking on body of a person is enormous, and smoking
should be ban from all public places. Smoking can easily make a body weak,
and cause a slow and steady death. There many facts related to smoking and
deaths, for instances in United States there were about 443,000 deaths by
smoking, which is about one in five death every year. It is also believed that
each year more deaths happen due to smoking compared to combine the deaths
by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), alcohol, suicides, illegal drugs,
murder and vehicle injuries. Due to smoking ninety percent of all lung cancer in
men is caused, and eighty percent of all lung cancer deaths in women. It is also
estimated that deaths ninety percent of all deaths by chronic obstructive lung
diseases are caused by smoking.

Human body is very vulnerable to harmful effects of smoking, and it can harm
our heart, lungs, blood circulation, bones, stomach, mouth, eyes, skin,
reproduction and fertility. Smoking effect on heart and lung in very serious
manner, in case of heart nicotine raises blood pressure and blood gets clot
easily. Carbon monoxide raids the blood of oxygen and causes development of
cholesterol deposits in artery walls. In case of lungs smoking causes chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is group of disease that includes
asthmatic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
(COPD) are well known as silent killer diseases. Most of smokers don’t know
that they are affected by it until it is too late to save them. There is no cure for
such type of diseases and almost fifteen percent of smokers develop chronic
obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Harm to blood circulation start at by
smoking, and veins and arteries get hard, narrow, and also get coated by fat
deposits. This can then lead to problems such as cold skin, ulcer, cramps, pain
and blockages in veins which can cause a stroke and heart attack. Smoking
makes bones weak and breakable, and women need to be careful because they
are more likely to suffer by osteoporosis than non-smokers. Smoking can harm
stomach, eyes and skin. Stomach damages can affect vital organs in the body,
and increase the chance of stomach cancer. There are even more danger for eyes
such as eye diseases related to Graves’ ophthalmopathy, glaucoma and cataract.
Worst thing which can be done by smoking is causing a permanent blindness.
Smoking lessens the amount of oxygen for the skin. This can mean that skin
start to age more quickly and making you look like dull and grey. Smoking
effect on reproduction and fertility are very serious. Smoking can increase risk
of feebleness, and can damage sperm by reducing sperm count and casing
testicular cancer (Team, 2009).

Everybody knows the harm of smoking but nobody cares to stop it, this attitude
towards smoking should be changed. Smoking is vilest habit of about 1.2 billion
which are addicted to smoking. It has no benefit for smoker and the society.
Smoking impact on society is beyond health and illness. Smoking regularly
impacts the financial resources of smoker especially when people have limited
resources. For instance in England economically poor households spend about
2.5 percent of income on smoking per week. It is believed that economic burden
of smoking exceeds one percent of European GDP. Society has to pay the cost
of smoking by morbidity and mortality. Direct cost of smoking is related to
health care and indirect cost is related to the loss of human capital due to
premature deaths, productivity losses, and unpaid income taxes. Currently
estimate the total smoking attribute cost of two leading groups of smoking
related diseases in COPD and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), amount between
105.83 to 130.31 billion euros. In Australia smoking net social cost is between
2.1 to 3.4 percent of their GDP (Kaiser S, 2009 ).

Smoking effect on children and teens are intense. Smoking passively can impair
child’s ability at mathematics and reading by leading researchers claims. Study
of smoking environment is essential, and one such study shows that if people at
home smoke regularly then children get low marks in test. In journal of
Environmental Health Perspectives measure that exposer to smoking at home
leads to cotinine in children. Cotinine is common in children by second-hand
smoke. Exposer of smoking at home to children is important issue which
government must resolve to keep the children’s safe (Society Guardian, 2005 ).
Teenager starts to smoke at very young age thus cause the buildup foundation of
diseases in their bodies. Teenage at large think smoking as fashionable thing
and get involved in smoking. Children and teenager are building blocks of our
society if they are in safe environment then society are in safe environment.
Implication of life is lost due to smoking, and as result average person’s loses
10 to 15 minute of exquisite life whenever smoking. Smoking is largest
preventable cause of unwanted deaths around the world. Smoking cause more
than twenty five diseases and most of them are life intimidating, and strappingly
suspected to relate to smoking. Average smoking reduces the total life
expectancy to 6.8 years, heavy smoking reduces the total life expectancy to 8.8
years. Furthermre smoking reduced the number of disease free life by 5.8 years.
Stop smoking at age of forty and increase your life expectancy to 4.6
years(Baijal, 2010).

Over the years smoking has proven harm for our society and one such harm is at
psychological level. Smoking seems to take control of our mind and make us do
illogical things. Some strong smoking people are increasing becoming threat for
their families and a burden on the society. Most smokers being during young
age, and this leads to risk taking or rebellion later in their lives. Presence of high
status model and peer also leads to encouragement of smoking. Smokers say
they smoke to relieve the feeling of stress but in truth they have higher stress
level than non-smokers. Psychologist Hans Eysenck has developed a personality
profile of smokers, and Extraversion is trait in smoker in which they tend to be
impulsive, sociable and excitement seeking individuals (Eysenck, 1965).
Psychologists also believe that personality and social factors are great causes of
smoking. Now it is responsibility of government around the world to take action
against smoking and ban it from public places. Governments around the world
should provide quitting treatments of smoking in different society so we can
eradicate the diseases from our society.

In conclusion smoking is not only harmful to you but all the people around you.
People who smoke have increased their chance of getting heart diseases and
lung cancer. Smoking is bad addiction and as soon we can get rid of smoking
it’s better for people around us. We should reduce the number of people who
smoke in our society because it destroys our society from its core. It is absolute
necessity to fully understand the harms of smoking and stop it from taking lives
of virtuous peoples. The smoking should be quitted by smoker to avoid
financial losses the harmful effects of health. Smoking strongly contributes to
sterility thus both male and female should discourage it. We know almost every
disease which is linked to smoking and causing the deaths thus it is time to say
no to harmful effects of smoking.

Smoking is one of the major problems in society. This habit usually begins at
school years and despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of
smoking, people continue to smoke. The effects of smoking are really serious.
There are physical, psychological, and economic effects of smoking.

The first effects of smoking are physical effects. Every year thousands of people
around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. Smoking is
the number one reason of cancer. Besides, heart disease and strokes are also
more common among smokers than non-smokers. It also causes tiredness.
Smokers do not have enough energy. They get tired easily.

All these physical consequences could cause a slow way to die. The second
effects caused by smoking are psychological effects. When people suffer from
stress, they want to smoke feeling as if nicotine can rescue them from their
problems. They feel that, they really need to smoke in order to solve the
difficulties. When they have no chance to smoke, they become more furious and
depressed.In other words, the lack of smoking increases anxiety and causes
depression. As a result smoking causes changes of behavior.
The third effect of smoking is the economic effect. Smoking is not cheap.
Nowadays governments have been trying to prevent smoking, therefore, they
add extra taxes. If you smoke a packet of cigarette in a day, that means you
spend approximately 150 - 200 TL for smoking in a month. That is a huge

In conclusion, the effects of smoking which are physical, psychological, and

economic can cause many problems that affect your life in all aspects. Smoking
causes numerous terrible diseases. It is also addictive and you feel yourself
terrible, nerveous, tense when you do not smoke. It alters your
psychology.Besides, smoking is expensive. Finally, I invite you to think about it
and quit smoking from now on.

Whether smoking affects people negatively or positively is a controversial

issue. Some support the view that it brings a lot of benefits to smokers, whereas
others hold the view that smoking is completely disadvantageous to not only
smokers themselves but the surroundings as well. I am totally convinced by the
latter’s point of view. This essay will grant as a chance to discuss the issue in
more detail.

Those who are critical of cigarette smoking usually put forth a convincing
argument that it is a waste of money to adopt a smoking habit. In the first place,
reports show that, on average, a heavy smoker spends almost a third of his
income on cigarettes. It is also admitted that heavy smokers are supposed to
spend far more on healthcare services than non-smokers. Last but not least, they
waste a large sum of money on deodorizing their smell of cigarettes as well.

Another persuasive argument against smoking is that cigarette smoke is

hazardous to not only smokers themselves but also the surrounding. From a
scientific perspective, cigarette smoke is harmful to health on grounds that at
least 1,500 toxic chemicals are found in cigarettes. It is those hazardous
chemical in cigarettes that increase the risk of serious diseases, namely lung
cancer, peptic ulcer, heart disease, mental disorder and other cancer. According
to a survey conducted by WHO, every 5 seconds, one person died of a disease
relating to cigarettes in the world. In relation to the effects of cigarette smoke on
the surroundings, it has been scientifically proved that cigarette smoke does
have adverse impacts on fetal development.

In conclusion, it is apparent that smoking is not only hazardous to human health

but also costly. Governments should force smokers to quit smoking by adding
more taxes on cigarettes to raise cigarette’s prices, or imposing stricter
punishments/ fines upon those who smoke in the public.

smoking is a dangerous bad contains causes different diseases

and damages our brain and lungs.most of the people are addicted it by
someone ,specially our teenagers are affect by their friends.every year the
number of people are death for this reason and sometimes they are avoided their
family,which really shock-able.

smoking has a lot of disadvantage .it causes different diseases such as cancer of
different part of the body and brain stoke which makes para lashed our
body.first of fall someone addicted by others and after some days they become
chain smoker which really unthinkable.our young generation are involved day
by day but they do not know about the effect of smoking.they couldn't
understand how many diseases and naturally they fall in death.

from the religious point of view it is prohibited .it is clearly shown our holy
Quran ,if someone waste their valuable body parts with out excuse than they
will be destroy in future.

it harmful not only smoker but also non smoker, if someone smoke infornt of
their family member than each member get nicotine by smoke.that harms both

on the other hand it has no advantage but some one think that it gives relaxation
and our young stars think that it becomes smart.

so i think that smoking is a really harmful to mankind and it waste our valuable
life and valuable many thing like property and so many everyone should
conscious about the bad effect of smoking and our government should try to
increase awareness .
lastly i would like to say if we want to get good health and wealth than we
should avoid it.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

The dangers of smoking are well known, yet many people continue with this
What are the causes of this? How can we reduce smoking in society?
Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.

Everyone is well aware that smoking is injurious to health. Government
campaigns are there to make the public aware and we see everywhere hoardings
with a statutory warning regarding ill health effects of smoking. It causes mouth
and lung cancer. Incidences of such cancers are increasing at an alarming rate
including the youth population suffering from cancer. Smoking not only harms
the active smoker, but it also has harmful effects on passive smokers. For
instance, if someone in the family smokes in front of their family members,
others will also inhale the harmful smoke and may have an impact on their

Despite being aware of the harmful effects of smoking on health people still
continue smoking. These days people are smoking tobacco and marijuana.
Tobacco contains nicotine which causes psychological dependence and
marijuana contain cannabinoids and these are central nervous system

People are getting addicted to it and it gives a feeling of calmness. I have seen
people smoking weed to cope up with stress. Some people start smoking to look
cool and some because their favourite celebrity does so. And eventually, they
become habitual.
Also, in middle eastern countries, hookah smoking is famous. Recently, there
were a lot of cases for lung dysfunction in people using vape pens. It was found
that it caused pneumonia and maybe death.

Now, the question arises on how we can reduce smoking in society?

Possible solutions could be by active government campaigns, prohibiting public

smoking and smoking on television, increasing tax on tobacco products,
stringent policies to criminalize sale and distribution of marijuana and other
such narcotics. Recently, the Indian government passed a rule to show a picture
of patent suffering from cancer on tobacco products. It would be an alarm for
the smoker.

There should be more strict laws about sales of tobacco products.

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