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High Note

6)What is the equivalent of these sayings in your language? A leopard cannot change
its spots. Old habits die hard. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Do you agree
with their meanings? Say why.

A leopard cannot change its spots-means that it's impossible for one to change their
character, even if they will try very hard.(вовк линяє, а натури не міняє)
Old habits die hard-means people are often not willing to change their way of doing
something, especially something which they have been doing for a long time.(горбатого
могила виправить)
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks-means that it is very difficult to teach someone new
skills or to change someone's habits or character.(кривого дерева не випрямиш).
I don’t really agree with the meaning of these sayings. Everything depends on what kind of
person you are. If you are determined and ready to work with your bad habits,you will
definitely reach your goal no matter how challenging it might be. Breaking a habit is not
easy,you have to make a lot of effort,but at the end you will notice that you’ve become a
better version of yourself. There’s nothing we can’t do,there’s always a way out,so these
sayings might even be used as excuses for weak people,who are not self-motivated enough
to change themselves.

8) Think about a habit you have that you would like to change or a new habit you'd
like to develop.
What can you do to help yourself give up this habit or start the new habit? How will
things be different in six month's time?

There’s a lot of habits I’d like to develop,but the habit of not putting everything off until the
last day is what I actually need. What can help me to break the bad habit is realize how
much it bothers me and how hard is it to gather my thoughts when I have a day to finish all
the stuff I had to do during a month. I can also start planning my days,so that I can keep an
eye on how productive I am during the day. I should also focus on what kind of person I will
become if I keep pushing myself forward. I bet the result will be noticeable in a month. But I
should in no way stop until people tell me how much I’ve changed.
It’s not so easy to break a habit,but you have to be mentally prepared that something in your
life will start to change. In a nutshell,if you set yourself a real goal and motivate yourself
enough,you’ll be able to achieve a lot,without noticing. There are no bad or good habits,it’s
just that some habits help us in some way,while others don’t,but it can work quite the
opposite for others. We just have to praise ourselves for any little step we do and progress
won’t make us wait for it.

Analytical Reading

6. Comment upon the meaning of the following saying and illustrate it: We face
neither East or
West: we face forward"
(Kwame Nkrumah).

I think this saying has a lot of contexts,but how I understand it is that we shouldn’t copy
others. We shouldn’t be like everyone else. Everyone has their own path,and everyone's
unique. It’s good to take examples from someone, but you should anyways remember that
your own opinion is the most valuable thing and only your own decisions will be right for you.
Never be influenced, be impartial and never take sides. Be rational and self-aware. Do
things the way you want to do them and you’ll for sure reach your goals. Never let anyone
put you down for your views and perception of the world. Don’t be like most people,be
yourself. Look for your owns ways out and never wait for anyone’s help,because at the end
you have only yourself. To sum up,it’s really important to be who we are,we all have our way
of developing,so we should always remember it and never be like others.

11. Comment upon the meaning of the following saying and illustrate it: "People
spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses
for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting
themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives"

People nowadays have a huge amount of excuses to defend their weakness. Blaming is
always easier than admitting. People got used to blaming everything on their past,saying
they can’t change because that’s what they are. But in fact, if a person actually wants
something,they will do everything it takes and even more to achieve the goal. Saying that
you’re not capable of doing something doesn’t mean you have no capabilities,it means that
you haven’t found your powerful sides yet,or it means you’re too weak and capricious to see
what you can do. It’s just about outgrowing and setting the mindset in the right way. It’s also
about taking responsibilities and being aware of what the consequences might be if you
show weakness instead of courage.

5. Speak about your personal interests
Personally,I have a lot of interests,that can say a lot about me. One of them is traveling and
everything that is related to it. I really love visiting new countries,cognizing different cultures
and just seeing how people live out there. I feel like it broadens my horizons and the
experience I get from every trip is priceless. Another interest of mine is fashion. I’ve never
been really interested in it until the last year. Something happened that all those fashion
shows or events became really exciting to look at. Just knowing what changes that industry
went through makes me want to respect it more,because it’s not just cat-walking,it’s about
showing who you are and influencing others.

6. Analyze and contrast the human personality today with that of a few hundred years

People nowadays are so independent. Everyone has a right to share their opinion and
spread awareness. Everyone is so determined and knows what they are doing. If we
compare our generation to what people were like in 18th century,we could definitely say that
a lot changed. People back then were so pliant. Racism and inequality problems were at
their highest and no one did a thing about it because they were closemouthed and reserved.
People nowadays are sociable and affable,while people,who lived 300 years ago were aloof
and grumpy. The only people they had contact with were their relatives and family. Back in
18th century your personality could be determined by your physical appearance and facial
expressions. But it doesn’t work this way anymore. Even if a person looks fragile and of a
poor build,it doesn’t mean they are cowards,even more,they can be very brave and strong-
willed. A lot of appearance stereotypes have been ruined through the years,but there’s still a
lot to work on. In a nutshell, people who lived a few hundred years ago and us are
completely different generations. They shouldn’t be compared much as we live in different
conditions. Previous generations had more difficulties and it reflected on their characters.

11. Dwell on the topie "Appearance of famous fiction story hero*

Harry Potter- has brown hair,which is not so long. His face is clean,has no pimples,and is
pale. His cheeks are a little bit hollow.He has a high forehead and a big bolt-shaped scar on
it. His eyebrows are brown and bushy. His eyes are big and green. His eyelashes are long.
He also has a straight nose,which is not so big. His lips are thin and he has straight teeth.
His face is pretty thin and we can clearly see his jawline. He also has small ears and always
wears glasses. He has no face hair like mustache or a beard. He’s in a good physical
shape,of an average build and is not so tall. His legs are pretty short,the same as arms.

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