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Most of the times students think, they are not easily influenced by anyone, but the irony is

that, it is the influence of the peers that runs the show, hold sway over their thoughts and

behaviors far more than they imagine. Peer effect is so strong, that they affect the mental

state, the ebb and flow of their moods and emotions and even colour the moral values. Peer

influence is the strongest psychological influence whether it is positive or negative, that

determines the child’s learning and moral journey at times. Peer rejection is another aspect

that enhances the chances of getting influenced by peers. Many a times, students change their

attitude and thought process to fit in and mingle with others in class.

Influences on student learning in an academic environment is numerous and can be

contradictory. Peer influence can be peer pressure sometimes, even though the term

‘pressure’ connotes negative meaning, it need not always be a negative influence. Usually

peer pressure denotes the fact, that children are prone to socially undesirable behaviors, such

as fashion, choice of games, movies and hangout places. One can tend to observe that, the

peer influence increases as the child grows depending on the degree of bonding that the

children have with their parents, siblings and caregivers.

The seed of peer influence or pressure arises when the child tends to realize the idea of

‘individuality’ and finds freedom when shared the views with classmates. Children learn

more easily and quickly when they are taught by their peers. Professor George Oduro cited

the same, by stating that his daughter shared her experience that she learned better from her

peer in the absence of the teacher more conveniently and that is how they made arrangement,

without suffering the loss of classes. According to Brammer and Walker (1995), “Peer group

education is a method of information transference or role modeling where a specific behavior

is promoted, or information transferred.”

Children often find motivation and desire to learn from their peers and friends, instead of

attaining values from their parents and teacher and this was promoted in Montessori method

of learning and teaching where children learn from their senior peers who mentor them in the

class. Senior children relate to juniors in class, guide and mentor them, the role of the teacher

is just a facilitator who bridges the gap, if there is any. Many great thinkers like Abraham

Maslow, Albert Bandura and Lev Vygotsky proposed theories and ideas related to peer

influence and their effect on children in the learning process. The theories like Maslow’s,

hierarchy of motivation and idea of love and belongingness changed the permutations and

combinations of entire learning methodology of student centered learnig.

Positive side of peer pressure is that, it can lead the children to make right choices in their

learning process. Good peer influence pushes the child to try and succeed as the peers are the

best mentors which boosts the child’s morale. Drugs, eccentric behavior with parents and

sibling and alcohol are the negative influences of peer influence. Children who do not have

good relation with their parents or often have parents who neglect them, search for an

identity, so in the name of being modern, get themselves in to alcohol and drugs and try to

forget their pain in that drowsy world. Such kind of children influence the other children by

provoking their peers under the idea of liberty and individuality.

Peer influence is the strongest impact on all children in their learning journey, be it positive

or negative, children learn through imitation, motivation and guidance. Peers with similar

interests, similar academic standing and enjoy doing same things tend to gravitate towards

each other. Peer influence need not necessarily be negative as it is culturally stereotyped but

can be regarded as a beginning, in children growth process, to incorporate individuality and

maturity. Peer influence is dynamic, as children change their relations depending on their

interests and necessities. Parents, teachers and school counsellors should encourage healthy

peer relationship irrespective of the cultural, socioeconomic, gender and ethnic backgrounds
to reap good results, and also should maintain good relationship with children to bring out the

best by engaging them with different activities, projects and games.

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