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My Philosophy of Education Now:

Education for the Soul

Gianna Fuentes

Vanguard University, Department of Education

EDUG 524 Foundations in Teaching for Single Subject Teachers

Dr. Jeff Hittenberger

May 5, 2023

Education at its Core

The process of learning is different for every person, and we learn things for various

reasons. Some things are learned to be imitated, to be used as tools, or to be expanded upon.

Others we learn just to entertain ourselves or bring awareness and evade ignorance. What

Education does for us is provide a key. This key can open many doors, and often the more you

become educated the more doors you have access to. In our atmosphere, k-12 in California,

education is not just about creating working citizens but rather people who can thrive in and

better our society. I feel as though some of the greatest goals of education are to serve people,

enhance people’s understanding of the world, and deepen their understanding of themselves.

Learning in itself is not to be confused with the act of going to school, as learning takes place

through curiosity, inquiry, discovery, and practice. In action, education is for enhancing the

abilities and capacities of people in a way that they can harness and broaden.

If you cannot tell who my influence is already, I take much inspiration from Rousseau.

As a historian I have studied his beliefs in the natural order several times, and the biggest

takeaways I have when I am reminded of him are that children deserve the freedom to act on

their curiosities, and that compassion can only come from self-preservation. Relative to

education these guide me to believe that within the classroom there needs to be community,

fostering of curiosities, and social-emotional mentorship.

Education in Practice

As an educator I want to teach students under the philosophy of social reconstructionism.

I am one who believes that students can be agents of change and progress in the sociopolitical

sphere, and teaching kids history/political science is the perfect opportunity for doing so. It is my

goal to guide students into cultural intelligence, humility, inclusion, awareness, and tolerance.

These things combined with the idea that all students are worthy and valuable will help me to

create students who ask questions and entertain the ideas of others, both past and present, to

mold their understanding of the world around them. The foundation of my philosophy comes

from a place of inclusion, care, and enlightenment. I want students to listen to their minds and

bodies, stay curious, and both seek and accept wisdom.

There are several controversies within the realm of education, and these include the rights

of the LGBTQIA+, sex education, and ethnic studies. These areas are powerful as they can

influence the way children accept themselves, others, and understand their role in the world,

which creates fear among those who do not support the teaching of these topics in k-12. Many

believe that education is for the essentials of academics only, others believe heavily in separating

the classroom from politics, and more focus only on traditional ideas and texts that seem

“everlasting”. In my opinion, to address each of these controversies, is that students need to

know what goes on in the world around them and that compassion is a virtue. Children need to

be aware of those within the LGBTQIA+ in order to understand them better, get an idea of who

they are developing as, and have access to resources that serve them or those they care for. They

also need to learn about their bodies. Children deserve to get an education in a safe and inclusive

environment that teaches them about their bodily functions, processes, and how to protect

themselves. This is not approved of by many but optional within schools and provides students

with access to information they may not get safely or accurately at home. Lastly, children

deserve to be taught about different ethnicities and exposed to various minorities and cultures

around them. This way students can better understand the lives of those who they share

community with and the stories behind their people.


Within my vision as an educator, I hope that one day we can see peace between the rights

of children and parents when entering k-12 and lay a foundation that serves the needs of our

students. I intend to provide grace and mentorship rooted in my faith to students whose lives I

get to enter and guide them to understanding why learning is important to them. In history and

political science I hope education one day becomes more open-minded and inclusive rather than

oppressing and hateful, and I mean this more toward those who seek to limit educational

standards. Being a Christian pursuing the social reconstructionist philosophy I want to give

students the opportunity to express themselves and shape their identities first before moving on

to understanding those of others. When students leave my class I hope that they are able to

understand the foundation on which everyone’s rights rest, the wisdom that comes from

interacting with those different than you, and the power within their mind that can progress the

world they are going to grow up in .

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