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Criteria Not yet proficient Developing Proficient Highly Proficient


Drawing and Students did not Student Student drew, Student

Labeling draw, label, or somewhat drew, labeled, and accurately drew,
accessorize their labeled, and accessorized labeled, and
Mayan. accessorized 3 three features accessorized
features on their on their Mayan three or more
Mayan with with color. features on their
color. Mayan in detail,
with color.

Writing Student did not Students partly Students Students

answer the answered the answered the answered the
writing prompts writing prompts, writing prompts writing prompts
using evidence and used little to using evidence using evidence
from their no evidence from their from their
drawing. from their drawing. drawing and
drawing. information from
the slides.

Self-Assessment Student did not Students were Students Student was

use the able to partly completed the able to complete
self-assessment complete the self-assessment the
self-assessment saying mostly self-assessment
and somewhat yes with some with all 'yes' and
showed this in no’s and showed perform them in
their work. this in their work. their writing.
⅘ Example:
5/5 Example:
5/5 Example 2:

5/5 Example 3:
⅗ Example:

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