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The Internet has revolutionized 1 the way we live, work and communicate.

It has
provided us with an immense number of advantages, but it also comes with certain
disadvantages. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this technology and
draw a conclusion.

To commence with, the Internet has many good sides. Firstly, it is easy for people to
access vast amounts of information from anywhere in the world. They can learn new
things, share creative ideas, stay updated on current events, inventions, and research
topics that interest them. For example, ScienceDirect is a digital library that provides
access for people to thousands of academic journals, books, and reference works in the
fields of science, engineering, technology, health, and social sciences. Another good point
would be that the Internet has made communication more convenient and efficient.
People can easily connect with their loved ones and friends who live far away through
various social media platforms and messaging apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Busuu,
etc. Thirdly, it has opened up new opportunities for businesses. Companies can now reach
a global audience and promote their products or services at a much lower cost than
traditional marketing methods. Moreover, the Internet has made online shopping
possible, allowing people to buy products from all over the world without leaving their

On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages of the Internet. Firstly, the
biggest concerns are privacy and security. With so much personal information stored
online, there is always a risk of data theft, identity theft, and other forms of cybercrime.
Online harassment and cyberbullying are also major issues that have arisen since the
advent of the internet. Secondly, the Internet can be addictive, leading to excessive 2 use
and addiction3. According to research conducted by the University of Education, this can
have negative impacts on individual mental health and productivity 4. Furthermore, the
Internet has made it easier for people to spread 5 false information, leading to
misinformation and manipulation6 of public opinion.

To conclude, there are two sides to everything, and this situation is no exception. The
Internet has brought many advantages to our lives, including access to information,
efficient communication and new business opportunities. However, it also has its
disadvantages, such as addiction, cybercrime, and misinformation. It is important for
individuals to use the Internet responsibly and for governments to regulate 7it properly
to ensure that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.

1 /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ to completely change the way that something is done

2 Quá mứ c
3 Nghiện
4 Nă ng suấ t
5 Truyền tả i, truyền bá
6 Lô i kéo
7 B2 (v) /ˈreɡjuleɪt/ to control something by means of rules

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