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Why is euthanasia the negation of medicine?

“The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the
-William Osler

Good morning/afternoon, my name is María José Zambrano and today I would like to talk
about euthanasia and why it is considered the negation of medicine.

To begin with, I will give a definition of euthanasia. In the Law, euthanasia is defined as
"the deliberate act of ending the life of a person, produced by the express of the person
himself and with the purpose of avoiding suffering". It is also defined as medical aid in
dying. This can be done because it is requested by the person who wants to die or it can
be done with the aim of avoiding suffering, which can be present or future, but
predictable; or because it is considered that the victim's quality of life will not reach or will
not maintain an acceptable minimum.

Having the concept clear, it can be inferred that it is not very well received by everyone,
including physicians as well since some consider that it goes against the basis of the
medical act: the patient's trust in the physician.

According to the professional deontology of physicians, euthanasia and medical aid, for
suicide are incompatible with medical ethics.
The reason for being of medicine is the cure of the patient at any stage of his ailment, the
reduction of his pain, and the idea of coping with the concept of death when a cure is not
possible. Euthanasia, on the other hand, consists of the decision to practice precisely the
opposite of medicine, to give death to another. Anyone can see the difference between
helping a sick person to die with dignity and causing death.

I consider that euthanasia is more valid if the patient is in terminal stage, when he no
longer responds to any treatment and the probability of being cured is almost null, but if it
is the case that the patient loses confidence in his doctor, and feels afraid that medicine or
the disease will be the ones to decide whether his case is worthy of a cure or susceptible
to euthanasia, because if so, I do not believe that the existence of medicine is possible.

If euthanasia really is the negation of medicine, I would believe that it is because

euthanasia is not a resource of medicine, but leaves it aside or simply replaces it.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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