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How do the principles of evolution may lead to perpetuating or changing human behavior over

 According to 10, the principles of evolution, specifically natural selection, can lead to changes
in the genetic makeup and behavior of organisms over many generations. Organisms that
have traits enabling them to struggle more effectively than others will pass on these genes to
more offspring, resulting in some traits being naturally selected over others. Evolutionary
psychology assumes that the psychology of behavior is well informed by evolutionary
biology. Therefore, it is possible that certain behaviors that were adaptive in ancestral
populations may have been passed down through generations and still exist in modern
humans. However, current environmental conditions are also important to the expression of
evolutionary predispositions, and behaviors that were once adaptive may no longer be so in
today's society. As a result, cooperative behaviors must be strengthened with sufficient
practice and training to become dominant over more instinctual behaviors.

How do synaptic changes, like long-term potentiation, contribute to the process of learning and
memory formation?
 According to 3 (Page 2), synaptic changes such as long-term potentiation (LTP) are involved
in the process of learning and memory formation. LTP is a process by which the strength of
synaptic connections between neurons is increased, leading to more efficient communication
between them. This process is thought to be involved in the formation of long-term
memories. Specifically, LTP is believed to play a role in the strengthening of synapses that are
activated during learning, allowing for more effective communication between neurons and
the formation of new neural pathways. Therefore, synaptic changes like LTP are thought to
be a key mechanism underlying the process of learning and memory formation.

How does cognitive load theory influence the design of instructional materials and educational
 Cognitive load theory suggests that instructional materials and educational experiences
should be designed in a way that minimizes extraneous cognitive load and maximizes
germane cognitive load. According to 29, extraneous cognitive load refers to the cognitive
load imposed by instructional materials that does not contribute to learning, while germane
cognitive load refers to the cognitive load that is directly related to the processing and
construction of new knowledge. To minimize extraneous cognitive load, instructional
materials should be designed in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. This can
be achieved by using simple language, avoiding unnecessary information, and presenting
information in a logical and organized manner. Additionally, multimedia materials should be
designed in a way that does not overload the learner's working memory, such as by reducing
the number of visual and auditory elements presented simultaneously. To maximize germane
cognitive load, instructional materials should be designed in a way that encourages active
processing and construction of new knowledge. This can be achieved by providing learners
with opportunities to apply new knowledge in meaningful ways, such as through problem-
solving activities or real-world simulations. Additionally, instructional materials should be
designed in a way that is aligned with the learner's prior knowledge and cognitive abilities, as
this can help to facilitate the integration of new knowledge into existing mental schemas.
In what ways do hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, impact our ability to learn during stressful
 According to 33 (Page 17), hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline can have a significant
impact on our ability to learn during stressful situations. Cortisol is a hormone that is
released in response to stress and can have a negative impact on learning and memory. High
levels of cortisol have been associated with impaired memory retrieval and reduced
hippocampal volume, which is a brain region involved in memory formation. Adrenaline, on
the other hand, can have both positive and negative effects on learning and memory. In
small doses, adrenaline can enhance memory consolidation and retrieval, but in larger doses,
it can impair these processes. Overall, the impact of hormones on learning during stressful
situations is complex and depends on a variety of factors, including the type and intensity of
the stressor, the individual's physiological response to stress, and the timing of hormone
release relative to the learning task.

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