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Week 1

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment


Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

SUBJECT & Grade 11

QUARTER 4 WEEK 1 DAY ________________
GRADE/LEVEL Physical Science dd/mm/yyyy
 Greek views of matter, motion, and the universe
 Competing models of the universe
1. Explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical.
2. Cite examples of astronomical phenomena known to astronomers
before the advent of telescopes. (S11/12PS -IVa -4)
3. Explain how Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data
in observational astronomy paved the way for Kepler’s discovery of
his laws of planetary motion. (S11/12PS -IVb -44)
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper (answer sheet). Do not forget to answer all the Self-Assessment
Questions (SAQs).

Greek’s view on the shape of the Earth, Astronomical phenomena before the advent
of telescopes and the Use of Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data
in Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

How the Greek knew that the earth is spherical?

Greek History
It all started as a philosophical concept
developed by the Greeks around the 6th century
BC. It was not until the 3rd century BC when
Hellenistic astronomy concluded that the earth
was in fact physically spherical.

At first, there was no real explanation of

how the Greeks came up with this conclusion,
other than their observation on the change of
the stars when they travelled.

 Pythagoras and Plato taught their

students that the world was
round, but they had no
justification or proof.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

 The round Earth theory did not get a proper explanation until
Aristotle (384-322 BC) made three important observations.

ARISTOTLE’s Important Observations:

 Every portion of the Earth tends toward the center until by compression and
convergence they form a sphere.
 Travelers going south see southern constellations rise higher above the horizon.
 The shadow of Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is round.

The Sphere of the World

By the 5th century B.C., it was widely accepted that the Earth is a sphere. This
is a critical point, as there is a widespread misconception that ancient peoples thought
the Earth was flat. This was simply not the case.
In the 5th century B.C., Empedocles and Anaxagoras offered arguments for
the spherical nature of the Earth. During a lunar eclipse, when the Earth is between the
sun and the moon, they identified the shadow of the Earth on the moon. As the shadow
moves across the moon it is clearly round. This would suggest that the Earth is a

Experiencing the Sphere of the Earth

Given that opportunities for observations of a lunar eclipse do not come along
that often, there was also evidence of the roundness of the earth in the experiences of
When a ship appears on the horizon it is the top of the ship that is visible first. A
wide range of astronomy texts over time use this to illustrate the roundness of the Earth.
As the image suggests this is exactly what one would expect on a spherical Earth. If
the Earth were flat, it would be expected that you would be able to see the entire ship
as soon as it became visible.

SAQ-1: Explain the basis of Pythagoras that the Earth is round.

The Size of the Spherical Earth

Lunar eclipses also allowed for another key understanding about our home here
on Earth. In 3rd Century B.C., Aristarchus of Samos reasoned he could figure out the
size of the Earth based on information available during a lunar eclipse. When the Earth
is in-between the sun and the moon it causes a lunar eclipse and measuring the size
of the Earth's shadow on the moon provided part of the information, he needed to
calculate its size.
Ancient scholars tried to provide proof of a spherical Earth and its circumference
through calculations. It was Eratosthenes who gave the most accurate size during their
LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

time. While he was working at the Library of Alexandria in Northern Egypt, he received
correspondence from Syene in Southern Egypt which stated that a vertical object did
not cast any shadow at noontime during the summer solstice. But this was not the case
in Alexandria where, at noon time during the summer solstice, a vertical object still casts
a shadow. These observations could only mean that the Sun, during this time in
Alexandria, was not directly overhead.

Fig. 1 Erastothenes’ diagram

Eratosthenes then determined the angle the Sun made with the vertical direction by
measuring the shadow that a vertical stick cast. He found out that in Alexandria, the Sun
makes an angle of 7.2° from the vertical while 0° in Syene. To explain the difference, he
hypothesized that the light rays coming from the sun are parallel, and the Earth is curved.
Because the Sun’s rays striking the two cities are parallel to one another, why would
the two rays not make the same angle with Earth’s surface?
Eratosthenes reasoned that the curvature of the round Earth meant that “straight
up”was not the same in the two cities. And the measurement of the angle in Alexandria,
he realized, allowed him to figure out the size of Earth. Alexandria, he saw, must be 1/50
of Earth’s circumference north of Syene. Alexandria had been measured to be 5000 stadia
north of Syene. (The stadium was a Greek unit of length, derived from the length of the
racetrack in a stadium.) Eratosthenes thus found that Earth’s circumference must be 50
× 5000, or 250,000 stadia (a stadium is a unit of measurement used to describe the size
of a typical stadium at the time), about 40 000 kilometers.
It is not possible to precisely evaluate the accuracy of Eratosthenes solution because
there is doubt about which of the various kinds of Greek stadia he used as his unit of
distance. Even if his measurement was not exact, his success at measuring the size of
our planet by using only shadows, sunlight, and the power of human thought was one of
the greatest intellectual achievements in history.

Astronomical phenomena before the Invention of Telescopes

The Telescope

The telescope is one of the humankind’s most important inventions. The simple device
that made far away things look near gave observers a new perspective. In 1608, a Dutch
eyeglass maker named Lans Lippershey apply for a patent and laid to claim to a device that
could magnify objects three times. His telescope had a concave eyepiece aligned with a
convex objective lens.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

If telescope was invented during 1608, what are the astronomical phenomena observed
before its invention? Let’s learn that in this lesson.
Even before the invention of the telescope, ancient people have already observed different
astronomical phenomena. The most observable objects in the sky are the sun and moon.

Rising and Setting of the Sun

Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations used a primitive version of a sundial,

called gnomon, in systematically observing the motion of the sun. By looking at
the shadows that the gnomon casts, they were able to observe that the sun rises
in the eastern part of the sky, reaches its highest point in midday, and sets in the
western part of the sky.
Also, they recorded that the points where the sun rises and sets on the horizon
varies over a year and these variations happen periodically. They observed that
these variations are related to weather and so concluded that seasonal changes in
climate happen during a course of one year.

Phases of the Moon

Ancient people have observed that

the moon changes its path and its
appearance within a period of 29.5
days. They observed that the moon
changes its appearance from thin semi-
circular disk to full circular disk. These
phases of the moon are the basis of
ancient calendars.

Lunar Eclipse

Besides their observation in the different phases of the moon, they also noticed
that there are times when the moon or part of it seemed to be covered by a shadow
for a moment. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow on the moon
when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. A phenomenon such as this is
known as a lunar eclipse wherein the moon changes into a dark or blood red color.

The Motion of the Stars

It was also observed that the stars appear to

be attached to a celestial sphere that rotates
around an axis in one day. This axis intersects
the celestial sphere at a point in the northern sky
and is presently close to the northern star,
Polaris. Also, the constellations’ positions in the
night sky vary depending on the time of the year.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

Solar Eclipse

Aside from lunar eclipse, the occurrence of a solar eclipse was also observed. Solar
eclipse occurs when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and the moon
partially or completely blocks out the sun.

Visibility of Planets

Astronomers have discovered that Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are
planets because they have noticed that the stars are in a fixed position with respect
to each other (like how constellations are always grouped). But there are very bright
stars that change positions periodically. These “stars” do not belong to any group of
constellations in the sky. Thus, they are called "wanderers” or planetes in Greek

SAQ-2: How would an observer distinguished a planet from a star?

Evidence that Earth is not the center of the Universe

As Europeans emerged from the "Dark Ages,"

their technical skills improved. This painting of an
astronomer (by Vermeer) shows the progress. The
astronomer is looking at a book and an accurately
rendered celestial globe, made by Jodocus Hondius in
1600. On the table, on a rich oriental tapestry, is an
astrolabe, precursor of the large instruments
developed by Tycho Brahe to measure planetary
positions. ("The Astronomer," by Vermeer, photo by G.

Tycho Brahe was born in Denmark in 1546 to a noble family. He was the nephew of
Jorges Brahe, a sailor who gave his life to save the life of King Fredrik II of Denmark.
Tycho Brahe benefited greatly from King Fredrik's generous support. Brahe received an
island called Hven from the king. He turned this island into his own little country. Brahe
built a castle on Hven and named it Uraniborg after Urania, the goddess of the sky. He
also built an observatory on the island. For over 20 years, Brahe used the island as his
base from which to make astronomical observations.
LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School


 He made the most precise observations that had yet been made by devising
the best instruments available before the invention of the telescope.

 His observations of planetary motion, particularly that of Mars, provided the

crucial data for later astronomers like Kepler to construct our present model of
the solar system.

 He made observations of a supernova (literally: nova= "new star") in 1572 (we

now know that a supernova is an exploding star, not a new star). This was a
"star" that appeared suddenly where none had been seen before and was
visible for about 18 months before fading from view. Since this clearly
represented a change in the sky, prevailing opinion held that the supernova
was not really a star but some local phenomenon in the atmosphere
(remember: the heavens were supposed to be unchanging in the Aristotelian
view). Brahe's meticulous observations showed that the supernova did not
change positions with respect to the other stars (no parallax). Therefore, it was
a real star, not a local object. This was early evidence against the immutable
nature of the heavens, although Brahe did not interpret the absence of parallax
for stars correctly, as we discuss below.

 Brahe made careful observations of a comet in 1577. By measuring the parallax

for the comet, he was able to show that the comet was further away than the
Moon. This contradicted the teachings of Aristotle, who had held that comets
were atmospheric phenomena ("gases burning in the atmosphere" was a
common explanation among Aristotelians). As for the case of the supernova,
comets represented an obvious change in a celestial sphere that was supposed
to be unchanging; furthermore, it was very difficult to ascribe uniform circular
motion to a comet.

 He made the best measurements that had yet been made in the search for stellar
parallax. Upon finding no parallax for the stars, he (correctly) concluded that
either the earth was motionless at the center of the Universe, or the stars were
so far away that their parallax was too small to measure.

 Not for the only time in human thought, a great thinker formulated a pivotal
question correctly, but then made the wrong choice of possible answers: Brahe
did not believe that the stars could possibly be so far away and so concluded
that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that Co Copernicus was wrong.

 Brahe proposed a model of the Solar System that was intermediate between the
Ptolemaic and Copernican models (it had the Earth at the center). It proved to
be incorrect but was the most widely accepted model of the Solar System for a

Thus, Brahe's ideas about his data were not always correct, but the quality of the
observations themselves was central to the development of modern astronomy.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

SAQ-3: Who among the scientist has made precise astronomical observations
even before the invention of the telescope?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answer on your answer sheet.)

Direction: Answer the given questions based on the above information.

A. Insert the key words below into the correct sentences. Re-read to check they
make sense!

Key words: see ships shadows flat ideas question


1. Long ago many people believed that Earth was _________________.

2. Their only evidence came from what they could _________________.
3. Slowly, _______________ started to change.
4. Some very clever ancient Greeks started to ______________ ideas about the
shape of the Earth.
5. They made _______________ and used this evidence to support their ideas.
6. The evidence included the way ________________ sailed across the sea.
7. Also, it was due to the _______________ cast on the Moon by the Earth during a
lunar eclipse.
8. Give four ways to demonstrate that Earth is spherical.
9. What are two ways in which Aristotle deduced that Earth is spherical?

B. Given some symbols of different heavenly bodies, cite and discuss some
astronomical phenomena that was observed by ancient astronomers related to
that symbol.

Symbol Astronomical phenomena

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

C. Read the following passage of the life entanglement of Tycho Brahe and
Johannes Kepler then answer the questions provided.
Kepler became interested in science and mathematics when in school at about the
age of 18. He was not particularly interested in astronomy until 1600 when Kepler met
Tycho Brahe in Prague, and Tycho asked him to be his assistant. Tycho would pay him
well. However, Tycho died one year later, and even though Kepler was appointed
astronomer to the court, he found so little official support for his position that he had to
survive by making astrological predictions for noblemen who wanted their fortunes told.
Tycho was a scientist who worked by direct observation. Kepler was a scientist who
worked by calculation and testing one idea after another. Tycho's life's work of
measuring the positions of objects in the sky was useless without someone like Kepler
to come along and make sense of those measurements. In the same way, Kepler's
efforts to understand how the planets moved would be nothing but speculation,
guessing, and mysticism if he did not have the basic data – the accurate measurements
made by Uraniborg – Tycho’s Observatory in Denmark. Tycho – against which to test
his ideas and theories. Each one’s work is meaningful because of the work of the other.
The contributions to science by these two astronomers from radically different
backgrounds was set against a time of great turmoil in European history – the early
1600's. It was a time of upheaval, superstition, and fear – a time when court astrologers
were powerful, and the stars were thought to predict and guide one's destiny.
No wonder the so-called collaboration was strange and stormy. During the first
months of their time together, the pair pouted at each other, argued constantly,
quarreled frequently and finally – in a fit of anger and disappointment – Kepler walked
out. But Tycho had the good sense and magnanimity to relent, and finally the differences
were patched up. Kepler was given the formidable task of studying the erratic movement
of Mars, which neither Tycho nor any of even his best assistants could tackle. This was
providential since the path of Mars deviated most from the circular path, and Tycho’s
accurate data were able to render this deviation perceptible.
Tycho’s untimely death in 1601 also turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Kepler
since this led him to become the prestigious Imperial Mathematician in Prague and gave
him relatively free access to Tycho’s data. Although he struggled with the Martian orbit
for several years, he was finally rewarded with the discovery of the first two laws of
planetary motion that now bear his name. He discovered the third law several years
later while working on musical harmony applied to the motion of planets.
1. How important is Tycho Brahe’s data towards building the foundations of Kepler’s
Planetary motion?
2. Could we classify Kepler’s usage of Brahe’s data as an intellectual property theft?
At what point did Kepler’s utilization of Brahe’s discoveries signified the start of the
formula of Laws of Planetary Motion?

Key Points

The following observations led the Greeks to conclude that the Earth is sphere:
 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) concluded that the earth is sperical because of the curved
shadow it casts on the moon during eclipse. The Earth casts a circular shadow on
the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
 The North Star has different positions depending on the location of the observer.
 A sailing ship becomes smaller and then its hull disappears first before the sail as if
it is being enveloped by the water until it completely disappears.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

 The angle of the Sun with the vertical direction at noon time during a summer
solstice varies from place to place.
 Eratosthene measures the circumference of the earth using principles of geometry.
 Even before the advent of the telescopes, ancient astronomers were able to
observe the following:
 Rising and setting of the sun
 Phases of the moon
 Lunar eclipse
 Movement of the stars
 Solar eclipse
 Visibility of planets
 Kepler became the assistant of Tycho Brahe, who asked him to define the orbit of
Mars. Brahe had collected a lifetime of astronomical observations, which, on his
death, passed into Kepler’s hands. Using Tycho Brahe's observational data, Kepler
was able to fine tune the movements of the planets and demonstrate that the
movement of Mars could be described as an ellipse.
 In Brahe's model, all the planets orbited the sun, and the sun and the moon orbited
the Earth. Keeping with his observations of the new star and the comet, his model
allowed the path of the planet Mars to cross through the path of the sun.

Let’s see how much you have learned today!
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter corresponding to your
answer. (Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper (answer sheet).)
_____ 1. The ancient Greeks realized that _____ 9. What astronomical phenomena is
the Earth was not a flat surface, but being exhibit in the picture below?
rather what shape?
A. cube C. a sphere
B. A pyramid D. a rhombus

_____ 2. Which of the following ancient

Greek philosophers computed A. Solar Eclipse C. Meteor Shower
the circumference of the Earth? B. Lunar Eclipse D. Planetary
A. Anaxagoras C. Erastothenes Alignment
B. Pythagoras D. Aristotle
_____ 10. Ancient astronomers observed
_____ 3. According to Eratosthenes’ the movement of the sun wherein it
Computations, what is the rises in ______ and sets in ______.
circumference of the Earth? A. east: west C. west: east
A. 250 000 stadia C. 7.2 stadia B. north: south D. south: north
B. 500 stadia D. 40 000 stadia
_____11. Why are planets (Mercury,
_____ 4. In which of the following events Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn)
can the circular shadow of the Earth considered by ancient astronomers
be observed most notably? as “wanderers”?
A. solar eclipse C. summer solstice A. because they can be found in
B. lunar eclipse D. winter solstice different orbits
B. because they do not belong to
_____ 5. According to Eratosthenes, any constellation.
which of the following explain why C. because they appear and
a vertical stick casts a shadow in disappear every other day
Alexandria but not in Syene? D. because they do not have fixed
I. The Sun is directly overhead in location in space
Syene while in Alexandria, it is
only almost directly overhead.
LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

II. The light rays coming from the _____ 12. What was not a critical
sun is parallel, and the Earth component to Eratosthenes
is curved. deducing the circumference of
III. The light rays coming from the the Earth?
sun is curved, and the Earth A. The size of the Sun
is flat. B. The number of degrees in a
IV. The Sun is directly overhead in circle
Alexandria while in Syene, it is C. The distance from Syene to
only almost directly overhead. Alexandria
A. I only C. III and IV D. The angle of a shadow.
B. I and II D. II and IV For items 13-15 Imagine yourself as one of
the ancient astronomers, identify the
astronomical phenomena being exhibit in
_____ 6. Which piece of evidence is the each picture.
most important in proving the
Earth is spherical?
A. Sailors made observation
about the position of the stars
and sun.
B. Planets have flown around
the world and never seen the
C. Ships have sailed all the way 13. ____________ 14. ____________
around the world.
D. Shadows cast by the Earth
on the Moon during a lunar

_____ 7. During which time did

Eratosthenes observe the shadows
cast by a vertical stick?
A. noon time in summer solstice 15. ______________
B. noon time in winter solstice
C. during a lunar eclipse II. Construct a timeline on the
D. during a solar eclipse interconnectedness of Brahe and Kepler’s
life and the emergence of their discoveries.
_____ 8. Lunar and solar eclipse do have Based on the timeline you have
some similarities. Which among the constructed, expound how Brahe’s
following does not belong to the observational data led to Kepler’s
group? formulation of the Planetary Laws of Motion.
A. It requires alignment of three
heavenly bodies (Earth, moon
and sun)
B. It involves casting of shadow
to one of the celestial objects
C. It can be predicted when and
where will happen
D. It all happens during daytime

"Conceptual-Questions--1: ASTRON 001 : Elementary Astronomy -

Khan M. - SPRING 2019 - SECTION# 14582".
2020. Ilearn.Laccd.Edu.

LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

Cox, Lauren. 2020. "Who Invented The Telescope?". Space.Com.

Ferguson, FKitty. 2020. "Kepler And Tycho Brahe: The Odd Couple.".

"Iopspark". 2020. Spark.Iop.Org.


"Lesson 6.3 How The Greeks Knew That The Earth Is Spherical |
Facebook". 2020. Web.Facebook.Com.


Invention Of The Telescope". 2020. Copernicus.Torun.Pl.

Orias, J. 2018. "Greek Views Of Matter Motion And The Universe".

"Planetary Motion: The History Of An Idea That Launched The

Scientific Revolution". 2020. Earthobservatory.Nasa.Gov.

"Search Results From Digital Collections, Available Online". 2020.

The Library Of Congress.

"What Could Life On Earth Be Like If It Is Not A Sphere? - Quora".

2020. Quora.Com.
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LOWIESON S. FALCASANTOS, SST – I, Vitali National High School
REYCARL F. JUMAWAN, SST – II, Vitali National High School

Week 2

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment


Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”



Grade 11
Physical QUARTER 4 WEEK 2 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy
TOPIC Newton’s Laws of Motion
6. Explain the subtle distinction between Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
(or Law of Inertia) and Galileo’s assertion that force is not
necessary to sustain horizontal motion (S11/12PS-IVd-51).
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Previously, we LAWS OF MOTION

learned that…

Law of Inertia

Law of Acceleration

Law of Interaction

What does the Law of Inertia states?

Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion

which is known as the Law of Inertia
describes the behavior of a massive body
at rest or in uniform linear motion, i.e., not
accelerating or rotating. The First Law
states, "A body at rest will remain at rest,
and a body in motion will remain in motion
unless it is acted upon by an external
This simply means that things
cannot start, stop or change direction all
by themselves. It requires some force
acting on them from the outside to cause
such a change. While this concept seems
simple and obvious to us today, in Newton's time it was truly revolutionary.



Newton published his laws of motion in 1687, in his seminal work "Philosophiæ
Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) in which he
formalized the description of how massive bodies move under
the influence of external forces.

Newton expanded upon the earlier work of Galileo Galilei,

who developed the first accurate laws of motion for masses,
according to Greg Bothun, a physics professor at the University
of Oregon. Galileo's experiments showed that all bodies
accelerate at the same rate regardless of size or mass.

Sir Isaac Newton

Two Clauses and a Condition
There are two clauses or parts
to this statement - one that predicts the behavior of stationary
objects and the other that predicts the behavior of moving objects.
The two parts are summarized in the following diagram.

The behavior of all objects can be

described by saying that objects tend to
"keep on doing what they're doing"
(unless acted upon by an unbalanced
force). If at rest, they will continue in this
same state of rest. If in motion with an
eastward velocity of 5 m/s, they will
continue in this same state of motion (5
m/s, East). If in motion with a leftward
velocity of 2 m/s, they will continue in this
same state of motion (2 m/s, left). The

state of motion of an object is maintained as long as the VOCABULARY

object is not acted upon by an unbalanced force. All
objects resist changes in their state of motion - they tend Inertia – is a property of an
to "keep on doing what they're doing." object tends to resist a
change in its state of rest or
Isaac Newton unified the work motion. Mass is a measure
of Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler of Inertia.
into one scientific theory that has
stood the test of time. Inertial Reference Frame –
is a 3-dimensional
coordinate system that is
What is Galileo’s assertion of Motion? neither accelerating nor
rotating; however, it may be
Galileo Galilei laid down the first accurate laws of in uniform linear motion with
motion for masses. Galileo measured that all bodies respect to some other
accelerate at the same rate regardless of their size or inertial reference frame.
Force - is the push or pull on
Among his key investigations are: an object with mass that
 the concept of motion in terms of velocity causes it to change velocity
(speed and direction) through the use of (to accelerate).
inclined planes.
 the idea of force, as a cause for motion.
 determined that the natural state of an object is rest or uniform motion, i.e. objects
always have a velocity, sometimes that velocity has a magnitude of zero = rest.



 objects resist change in motion, which is called inertia.

Experiments in Motion
Long before the time of Galileo and Newton, scientists had
asked themselves, “What is the natural state of motion?” The early
Greek scientist Aristotle had presented a theory prevailed for almost
20 centuries after his death. According to this theory, an object
required a force in order to remain in motion. The natural state of an
object was one of the rest, with the exception of celestial bodies,
which are naturally in motion. It is easily observed that moving
objects such as a rolling ball tend to slow down and come to rest,
so a natural state of being
at rest must have seemed logical to

Galileo studied motion using a

ball rolling down an inclined plane on to
a level surface. The smoother he made
the surface, the farther the ball would
go. He reasoned that if a very long
surface could be made perfectly
smooth, there would be nothing to stop
the ball, so it would continue to slide in
the absence of friction indefinitely or until something stopped it. Thus contrary to Aristotle,
Galileo concluded that objects could naturally remain in motion rather than coming to rest.
Newton also recognized this phenomenon, and Galileo’s result is incorporated in Newton’s
first law of motion.
Also, the law of falling bodies is one of Galileo's key contributions to physics. It states
that objects fall at the same speed regardless of weight or shape. Through his experiments,
Galileo countered the pervasive Aristotelian view, which held that heavier objects fall faster
than lighter objects. The distance an object travels, he calculated, is proportional to the
square of the time it takes the object to reach the ground. Galileo also first developed the
concept of inertia — the idea that an object remains in rest or in motion until acted on by
another force — which became the basis for one of Isaac Newton's laws of motion.

Galileo Galilei is an Italian physicist and astronomer whose

ground breaking inventions and discoveries earned him the title as
"Father of Modern Science.''

SAQ-1: In what way does Galileo’s assertion that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal
motion oppose or support with the Newton’s 1st Law of Motion? Cite at least one
supporting information.
SAQ-2: How can you use and apply Galileo’s concept of motion and Newton’s first law of
motion to your advantage?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answer on the separate sheets provided.)

I. Sentence Completion:
Direction: Complete the statements below by filling out the missing word in every given
sentence. Use the terms inside the box to complete the sentence.
net external force lesser remain greater acceleration

1. Galileo concluded that objects ______________ in motion without a net force.

2. An object will remain at rest or in uniform, straight – line motion if not acted upon
by a(n) _________________.

3. The greater the mass of an object, the ____________ is its inertia and vice versa.



II. Short Answers

Direction: Provide a short and concise answer in each of the following situations.
Write your answer on the Learner’s Activity and assessment sheets.
1. An old party trick is to pull a table cloth out from under dishes and glasses on the table.
Explain how this trick is done without pulling the dishes and glasses with the cloth
applying Galileo’s concept of Horizontal Motion and Newton’s First Law of Motion.

2. Consider a picture scenario of two

children playing soccer. One child has
kicked a soccer ball toward the goal.
The other child is attempting to block
the goal. (See image at the right)

a. Write an explanation of how Newton's first

law of motion is being illustrated by the
soccer player kicking the soccer ball.
b. Suppose the goalie catches the ball. How does that further illustrate Newton's first
law of motion?

Key Points
 Newton’s first law of motion or the law of inertia states that a body at rest remains at
rest and a body in motion continues to move with constant velocity, unless acted upon
by an external force.
 An object in uniform motion would travel in a straight line until acted upon by some
external unbalanced force, so in free space with negligible gravity an object would travel
 Object’s relative inertias can be compared by their masses that is the greater the mass
of the object the greater is its inertia, and vice versa.
 Galileo asserts that force is not needed to maintain uniform motion but is needed to
produce acceleration.
 A body moving along a frictionless horizontal surface does not require any external
force to maintain its uniform velocity.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Direction: Read and understand the following questions carefully. Choose the BEST answer
from the given choices. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment Sheets.)
_____ 1. What happens to an object if the net ______ 6. Complete the sentence:
force acting on it is zero? The greater the mass of an object, the ___.
a. remain at rest a. more balanced it is
b. begin moving backward b. greater is its inertia
c. decelerate at a steady rate of speed c. more space it takes up
d. accelerate in the direction of the d. easier it is to be moved
strongest force



_____ 2. Object A has twice as much mass ______ 7. Based on Galileo’s view about
as Object B. Therefore object A also has motion, force is not needed to ___________.
twice as much ___________. a. sustain the motion of the object
a. Acceleration c. Volume b. change the direction of the object
b. Density d. Inertia c. change the speed of the object
_____ 3. Which of the following is NOT a d. oppose the motion of the object
possible state of an object in the absence of ______ 8. As an implication to Galileo’s
a net external force? concept of motion, what is the amount of force
a. at rest needed to keep the cannonballs going after it
b. zero acceleration is being fired into frictionless space?
c. increasing velocity a. twice the force with which it was fired
d. constant speed b. the same amount of force with which it
_____4. What can be infer about the was fired
relationship of Galileo’s concept of Motion to c. 1/2 the force with which it was fired
that of Newton’s Law of Inertia? d. zero, since no force is requires to keep
a. It contradicts with the first law of it moving.
motion stating that force is not ______ 9. What do you think will happen to a
necessary to sustain horizontal planet if the force of gravity acting on it
motion suddenly stopped?
b. It is not related to the First Law of a. It will move slowly toward the sun in
Motion. spiral motion
c. It has a different idea of Force which b. It will continue moving in their orbits for
causes motion a short time
d. It is incorporated in Newton’s First c. It will move in straight lines tangent to
Law of Motion as its concept on its orbits
Motion revealed that objects could d. It will fly straight away from the sun
naturally remain in motion without the ______ 10. An object following a straight-line
presence of external force. path at a constant speed has _____.
______ 5. What type of force(s) shall cause a. zero acceleration
a change in an object's motion? forces acting on it
a. balanced forces c. gravity c. a net force acting in the direction of
b. unbalanced forces d. zero net force motion
d. decreasing acceleration

“Galileo Galilei's Invention & Contributions,” Sciencing, accessed

June 06, 2020,

“Inertia & Newton's First Law of Motion,” Live Science, accessed June
06, 2020,

“Newton’s First Law,” The Physics Classroom, accessed June 06, 2020,

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WEEK 3.1 – Dual Nature of Light
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the wave
model and the particle model of light.
What happens to light when it hits a surface?

Learn about it!

Propagation of Light, Reflection, and Refraction
There were two prominent theories about the nature of light back in the seventeenth century.
These are the wave theory and the particle theory.

The Wave Theory of Light

In 1690, Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch astronomer and physicist, proposed the wave theory
of light. This theory states that light is a longitudinal wave transmitted through an aether ‒ a
mystical substance that exists and fills all the spaces in the universe. He believed that
the aether moved in the same direction as light and formed a wave which carried the light waves.

The Corpuscular Theory of Light

In 1675, Isaac Newton proposed the corpuscular theory, also known as the particle theory
of light. This theory states that light was composed of tiny particles called corpuscles. According to
Newton, light traveled through a vacuum in a straight line, and cannot be considered as a wave.

According to the wave theory, when a beam
of light travels into two different refractive indices,
the beam undergoes refraction by changing its
direction as it passes from the first medium into
the next medium. Some of the light waves would
pass through, while the rest of the waves travel at
a slower rate in the first medium due to the high
refractive index of the second medium. Since the
wavefront is traveling at two different speeds, it will
bend in the second medium thus, changing the
angle of propagation. Just like how the sound
waves and water waves refract, light follows the
same way.

On the other hand, the particle theory of

light suggested that when the light particles pass
through a medium like water, they experience an
attractive force towards the water. When light
passes from air (less dense medium) to water
(denser medium), it slows down and bends towards
the normal which means away from the surface.


According to the wave theory, when light

waves struck a mirror, they are reflected according to
their angles, but the wave turned back to front and
produced a reversed image. The shape of the waves
depends on the distance of light from the mirror. Just
like sound waves, which echoes upon striking a
surface, light waves behave the same way.

In the particle theory, an emitted light,

whether near or far, is reflected as it arrives at the
mirror surface. A huge number of particles travel side
by side with each other and they bounce at different
directions upon reaching the interphase, producing a
reversed image as depicted in the figure above. Light
reflects the same way as a ball hits a surface.

The Speed of Light
In 1638, Galileo Galilei conducted an experiment to measure the speed of light by positioning
two observers, each with lanterns equipped with shutters.
The time between the openings of the shutters of the two observers indicated the time for the
light to travel back and forth between lamps. Light traveled so fast that made it impossible to measure
the time interval with just using the shutters.
This led to his basic principle or relativity, which states that the same laws of motion are
applied to any system that is moving at a constant speed, regardless of their specific speed and
Ole Roemer in 1678 was the first person to measure the speed of light. He was observing the
orbit of Io, the closest of the four large moons of Jupiter. His goal was to get an accurate value for the
moon’s orbital period by the eclipses of Io by Jupiter.
The orbital value of Io is 1.769 Earth days. The moon is eclipsed by Jupiter once every orbit.
As the years past, Roemer noticed that the time interval between eclipses became shorter as Earth
moved toward Jupiter and longer when it moved away from it.
He concluded based on the collected data that the time difference was due to the finite speed
of light. The light coming from Jupiter had to travel farther to reach Earth when they are on the
opposite sides of the sun than when they are close to each other. He estimated that the time required
for light to travel across Earth’s diameter is twenty minutes. Thus, the speed of light can be
computed by dividing the diameter of Earth’s orbit by the time difference.

Try it!
Try to observe the smoke that comes from a barbeque stand or from a grill. Looking from afar,
does the smoke appears like a wave? Try to move closer to the smoke and observe it. What do you

What do you think?

Will it be possible to see the dual nature of light at the same time?

Key Points

• In 1690, Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch astronomer and physicist, proposed the wave theory,
which states that light was a longitudinal wave transmitted through an aether.
• In 1960, Isaac Newton proposed the corpuscular theory also known as the particle theory,
which states that light was composed of tiny particles called corpuscles.
• Galileo Galilei tried to measure the speed of light, but needed much longer distance to have a
significant measurement.
• Ole Roemer was able to measure the speed of light by studying the changes in the time of
orbit of Io, a moon of Jupiter.

WEEK 3.2-The Photon Theory

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
• explain how the photon theory of light accounts for atomic spectra;
• discuss why red light is used in photographic dark rooms;
• determine why you easily get sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light; and
• explain how you see colors.

Have you ever wondered how we see colors?

Learn about it!

The Photon Theory of Light
Atoms are composed of electrons, protons,
and neutrons. Inside an atom, electrons are located
at specific energy levels, and they can move to higher
energy level when given a certain amount of energy,
for example through collisions with light.
Light is composed of photons. Based on the
photon theory of light, a photon is a discrete bundle
of electromagnetic energy moving at the speed of
light, has no rest mass but has momentum, and
carries energy. This energy is given to an electron upon their collision, which causes it to move up to
the next energy level. After about 10-8 s, it will go back to its original level and emit light in the form
of photons.
The emitted light has a certain wavelength that corresponds to different colors. It can be
observed as a series of colored lines with black spaces in between. This is called atomic spectra.
Each element has its unique set of spectral lines.

The Photoelectric Effect

The photoelectric effect refers to the ejection of electrons from a surface of a metal in
response to light directed to the metal.
Albert Einstein proposed that light consisted of individual photons, which interacted with the
electrons in the surface of the metal. For each frequency or color of the incident light, each photon
carried energy.
Increasing intensity of light corresponded to increasing incident of photons while the energy of
the photons remained the same. More electrons are ejected upon the increase in incident light.
Increasing the frequency of light would increase the energy of the ejected electrons.
The energy carried by a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. The arrangement of the visible
spectrum of light shows that red color has the least frequency, which means it also has the least
Since photographers use light-sensitive photographic papers, red light would not overexpose
and ruin the pictures during the developing process.

Color Spectra
Colors are not innate to objects. They give off
light that appears as colors. Colors only exist in the
human visual system and is determined by
frequencies. When light reaches the eye, it falls into a
receptor cell at the back of the eye or retina and gives
signals to the brain, which interprets the image with

Colors are based on frequencies.

Given an ample bright light at around 400
THz, a person would be able to perceive a dull
red. As the frequency increases, the color
gradually changes from red to violet.

Ultraviolet Radiation
Different colors of light have photons of different energies. Based on the frequency and
wavelength in a visible light, red has low frequency and long wavelength, which means that it
contains less energy. Blue, on the other hand, has high frequency and short wavelength, which
means it contains more energy. Beyond the visible light, the ultraviolet light has greater frequency
and shorter wavelength, which means it carries greater energy than the visible light. This explains
why we easily get sunburned under the ultraviolet rays of light than under the visible light.

Imagine you are looking at a rainbow. You can see the ROYGBIV colors namely red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and violet. They are seen under a visible light. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes
right after violet. How come UV is invisible to us?

Try it!
Get three (3) different colored pieces of cellophanes (red, blue, and green), one red apple, one green
leaf, and a cotton ball. Place each object behind each cellophane one at a time.
What do you think happens to the color of the object when it passes through colored screens like

What do you think?

Infrared and ultraviolet fall outside the visible light. Under certain conditions, can infrared be seen
with the naked eye?

Key Points

• The photon theory of light states that a photon is a discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy
moving at the speed of light; it has no rest mass but has a momentum and carries energy.
• Atomic spectra is the unique set of frequencies emitted by an atom whenever its electron
undergoes excitation and returns to its original energy level.
• The frequency of a photon is directly proportional to the energy it carries. The higher the
frequency of the photon, the greater is its energy.
• Since red light has the least frequency in the color spectrum of light, it also has the least
amount of energy and can therefore be used in photographic dark rooms because it would have
the least effect on a very sensitive paper film.
• Given that ultraviolet has a higher frequency than the visible light, it follows that it would also
have greater energy, which causes us to get easily sunburned under the UV light compared to
visible light.
• The colors we see depends on the frequency of light that the object absorbs and reflects.


1. What did the experiment of Galileo and Roemer want to prove?

a. The speed of light is finite. b. The speed of light is infinite.
c. Speed of light is slow. d. The speed of light is immeasurable.
2. What instrument did Galileo used in his experiment?
a. lighted candle b. shutter lantern c. flashlight d. light bulb
3. Which of the following did Roemer study closely that led him to measure the speed of light?
a. The time of orbit of Io around Jupiter b. The revolution of Io around Jupiter
c. The rotation of Io on its axis d. The time of rotation of Io on its axis
4. How long is the time required for light to travel across the Earth?
a. forty minutes b. ten minutes c. thirty minutes d. twenty minutes
5. Why reflection of light can be explained by its particle nature?
a. It is an electromagnetic wave.
b. It acts like sound wave that echoes when it hits a surface.
c. It has the fastest speed.
d. It acts the same way as a ball that hits a surface.
6. Which of the following statements is true about atomic spectra?
a. It is an energy given to the electron.
b. It is a series of colored lines with black spaces in between.
c. It is also called photons.
d. It is discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy moving at the speed of light.
7. How is frequency related to the energy an electron carries?
a. increasing the frequency would increase the energy of the ejected electrons.
b. increasing the frequency would decrease the energy of the ejected electrons.
c. increasing the frequency would not change the energy of the ejected electrons.
d. increasing the frequency would split the energy of the ejected electrons.
8. Given the following electromagnetic waves, which order shows an increasing amount of
energy carried by the waves?
a. Visible light, microwave, gamma ray b. Infrared, visible light, ultraviolet
c. X-ray, gamma ray, radio wave d. Gamma ray, x-ray, ultraviolet
9. Which of the following is not TRUE about colors?
a. It is not innate to objects. b. It only exists in the human visual system.
c. It is innate to objects. d. It is determined by frequencies.
10. Why do we get easily sunburned by ultraviolet light but not under the visible light?
i. Ultraviolet radiation has greater frequency than visible light.
ii. Ultraviolet radiation has greater energy than visible light.
iii. Ultraviolet has longer wavelengths and greater frequency than visible light.
iv. Ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths and greater frequency than visible light.
a. i,ii,iii b. i, ii, iv c. i, iii, iv d. ii, iii, iv

WEEK 4.1 – Electrons Can Behave Like Waves

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• Cite experimental evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves
Light has a dual nature––a wave and a particle. Can a particle also behave like a wave?

Learn about it!

Louis de Broglie Wavelength
In 1924, French physicist Louis de Broglie postulated in his PhD dissertation that if light with a wave
phenomenon acts like a particle, then a particle may also have a wavelike behavior. He further theorized that
the wavelength of a particle is related to Planck’s constant and inversely proportional to its momentum. This
relationship is represented by the equation known as the de Broglie wavelength:
The Planck’s constant relates the amount of energy that a photon carries to the frequency of its
electromagnetic wave.
This wavelength is too small that it can no longer be observed and cannot be bent even when it
encounters an opening. This is true with other macroscopic objects. However, for microscopic particles like
electrons, their wavelengths are also very small but have the same size as the inter-atomic spacing in crystal
solids. This small inter-atomic spacing can cause electrons, which have small wavelengths, to be bent or
diffracted, a phenomenon associated with waves that encounter a barrier or small opening. This was proven
experimentally by Davisson and Germer.

Davisson and Germer Experiment

In 1927, American physicists Clinton Davisson and Lester
Germer tried to verify a prediction of classical physics that
scattered electrons will appear from all directions with little
dependence on their intensity, on scattering angle, and
energy of the primary beam.
They expected that because of the small size of the
electrons, they would still be experiencing diffused reflection
even if they hit a smooth surface like that of a crystal.
The diagram shows a picture of the instrument used in their
To prevent other molecules from hitting the electrons, the
setup is placed in a vacuum chamber. They performed the
experiment by bombarding a beam of electrons coming from
an electron gun, which is positioned perpendicularly to a
single crystal of nickel. They measured the intensity of the
scattered beam after hitting the nickel crystal using a
movable detector, where a galvanometer is attached.
A galvanometer is a device which detects and measures
small electric currents.
They found nothing significant in their experiment until their setup was broken. When air accidentally entered
the setup, the nickel was oxidized. To decrease the oxide in the pure nickel, extreme heat was applied to the
nickel and was used again to continue the experiment. After bombarding the recrystallized nickel with a beam
of electrons, they observed that the intensity of the scattered beam was at the maximum at 50°. They noted
that this peak in the intensity is where constructive interference occurs. Constructive interference is a
process where two waves meet and add up.

Recrystallizing the nickel made small holes in the crystal which served as a diffraction grating. A diffraction
grating is an optical device made of glass or metal with a band of equidistant, parallel lines. When a wave
encounters a diffraction grating, it bends or diffracts. In the experiment of Davisson and Germer, the beam of
electrons that passed through several small holes was diffracted. This diffraction of electrons shows one of the
properties of a wave.

Waves that come from different openings or diffraction gratings, which are the small holes in the recrystallized
nickel, meet and form interference patterns. Interference is a process where two waves meet. Waves can add
up or interfere constructively. They can also interfere destructively when they cancel each other.

If the electrons exhibit only the behavior a particle, they will produce a pattern of two bands on a screen after
passing through a double-slit barrier as shown in the diagram below. However, electrons also behave like waves
and produce an interference pattern of bright and dark fringes, as shown in the experiments by Davisson and
Germer and other succeeding experiments using modern setups.

The diagram shows an electron diffraction

tube, an instrument used in modern setups
of the experiments that show the wave
nature of electrons.

In this vacuum tube, a narrow beam of
electrons is fired by an electron gun. The
electron beam passes through a carbon
in the form of graphite, which acts as the
diffraction grating. When the electron
beam hits the phosphor screen, the
screen glows. The interatomic spacing in
the carbon causes the electrons to
diffract, producing ring patterns in the

It took scientists a long time to reconcile the dual nature of light, which led to the idea of the duality of matter.
To further see an evidence of this concept, try to observe the smoke coming from a barbecue grill. From a
distance, you will see a wave flow of smoke going up, but look closely into it, what do you see? Does your
observation tell something about the dual nature of matter?

What do you think?

Aside from diffraction, what are the other characteristics of a wave that differentiates it from a particle?

Key Points
• In 1924, French physicist Louis de Broglie postulated that a particle, like an electron, may also behave
like a wave.
• The de Broglie wavelength shows that the wavelength of a particle is related to Planck’s constant and
is inversely proportional to its momentum.
• Electron is one of the subatomic particles in an atom that has a wave-like behavior. The experiments
done by Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer in 1927 showed that it can be bent or diffracted, a
characteristic behavior of waves.

WEEK 4.2 – Dispersion, Scattering, Interference, and Diffraction of Light

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction
Light is a wave and a particle at the same time; as a wave, it can be dispersed, scattered, interfered, and

Learn about it!

Dispersion is the separation of white light into its seven
color components when there is a refraction or bending of
light. White light is composed of the different color
spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet. Each color has its own wave frequency; different
light frequencies bend at different amounts when they pass
through a prism. When white light passes through a prism,
it will refract two times making the separation of the colors

Light Scattering
Light scattering is the ability of particles to absorb light and scatter it in all directions. Scattering of light
components depends on the size of the particles or scatterers; small particles scatter components of short
wavelengths (high frequency) while larger particles scatter longer wavelengths (low frequency).
Our atmosphere is composed of tiny particles that scatter the color components of white light. The atmosphere
has an abundance in nitrogen and oxygen particles, which can scatter higher frequency components of white
light. They scatter violet the most, followed by blue, green, and so on. This selective scattering is called
the Rayleigh scattering. Our eyes are more sensitive to blue frequencies of light, which is why we see the sky
as blue.

Another example is the clouds. Clouds appear white because the water droplets in the clouds are larger than
the wavelength of light which scatter all the colors of light equally. This type of scattering is known as Mie

Diffraction is the bending of light when it encounters an
obstacle or an opening. A shadow is usually formed when
light meets an obstacle. The bending of light is not very
much noticeable, but when you look around the edges of a
shadow, you will notice blurred areas or diffraction fringes;
these are the areas where diffraction of light occurs.
The amount of diffraction depends on the wavelength of light
and the size of the obstacle. Also, the smaller the opening,
the greater is the diffraction of light as shown in diagrams
A, B, and C below. The longer the wavelength, the greater is
the diffraction of light as shown in diagrams D and E below.
Diffraction effects are sometimes not helpful when viewing objects under the microscope. When the wavelength
of light has the same size as the object, diffraction blurs the image. When the wavelength of light is larger than
the size of the object, there is no image seen.

Interference is the result of the superposing of waves from different sources. If you examine a shadow formed
by the diffraction of light, you will see fringes on the edge of the shadow. These fringes or the interference of
light waves are the result of the diffraction of light at different sides of the objects or obstacle which causes the
shadow to be fuzzy. When this property was observed in the visible light, it was considered as a clear proof of
the wave nature of light.

Constructive and Destructive Interference

Constructive interference happens when two identical
parts of two waves meet such as a crest of one wave
meets the crest of another wave of the same wavelength;
this would result in a new wave with the same
wavelength but twice the amplitude.
Destructive interference happens when two opposite parts
of two waves meet for example a crest of one wave meets the
trough of another wave which would result in the cancellation
of the two waves.

The image below shows diffraction of light from two

sources or openings. As the waves from these two
openings meet, they interfere and produce interference
patterns. The bright fringes are the areas where the
waves interfere constructively, while the dark
fringes are the areas where the waves interfere

A rainbow is a phenomenon that involves the dispersion of light which results in a visible spectrum. It usually
occurs after a rain shower when there is huge amount of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. Is it
possible to see two rainbows at the same time?

Try it!
Try to see diffraction and interference by holding two pencil leads side by side then shine a laser beam on the
slits and project the image on a wall. Describe what you see. Can you distinguish interference from diffraction?

What do you think?

How do dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction of light prove the wave nature of light?

Key Points
A. Dispersion is the separation of white light into its seven color components when there is a refraction or
bending of light. When white light passes through a prism, it will refract two times, making the
separation of the colors noticeable.
B. Light scattering is the ability of particles to absorb light and scatter it in all directions.
C. Diffraction is the bending of light when it encounters an obstacle or an opening.
D. Interference is the result of the superposing of waves from different sources.
E. Constructive interference happens when two identical parts of two waves meet, such as when a crest
of one wave meets the crest of another wave of the same wavelength.
F. Destructive interference happens when two opposite parts of two waves meet, for example a crest of
one wave meets the trough of another wave, resulting in the cancellation of the two waves.


1. Who among the following theorized that a particle can also exhibit wave characteristics?
A. Louis de Broglie B. Clinton Davisson C. Lester Germer D. Albert Einstein
2. Which property of a wave was observed in the behavior of electrons in Davisson and Germer’s
experiment using recrystallized nickel?
A. Interference B. Diffraction C. Polarization D. Reflection
3. Which of the following is the characteristic of the nickel crystal that made the electrons to diffract
in Davisson and Germer's experiment?
A. The interatomic spacing of the nickel crystal is greater than the wavelength of electron.
B. The interatomic spacing of the nickel crystal is lesser than the wavelength of electron.
C. The interatomic spacing of the nickel crystal is of the same size as the wavelength of electron.
D. Electrons are not bent when they pass through the nickel crystal.
4. Which of the following best explains why the experimental setup of Davisson and Germer should be
placed in a vacuum chamber?
A. To prevent the protons from hitting other molecules.
B. To prevent the neutrons from hitting other molecules.
C. To prevent the electrons from hitting other molecules.
D. To prevent the nickel crystal from hitting other molecules.
5. In Davisson and Germer's experiment, which of the following best describes the area where a peak in
the intensity of scattered beam of electrons was observed?
A. It is the area where destructive interference occurs.
B. It is the area where constructive diffraction occurs.
C. It is the area where destructive diffraction occurs.
D. It is the area where constructive interference occurs.
6. After recrystallizing the nickel Davisson and Germer used in their experiment, it was the time when
they found significant results wherein the electrons produced a diffraction pattern. Which of the
following best explains the observed significant results?
A. Recrystallizing the nickel made large holes that diffracted the electrons.
B. Recrystallizing the nickel made it a stronger target and diffracted the electrons.
C. Recrystallizing the nickel made it a weaker target and diffracted the electrons.
D. Recrystallizing the nickel made small holes that diffracted the electrons.
7. Which of the following best describes the pattern those electrons produce on a screen when they pass
through a double-slit barrier that exhibit their wave-like nature?
A. Two-band pattern B. Interference pattern of bright fringes
C. Interference pattern of bright and dark fringes D. Interference pattern of dark fringes
8. Which of the following refers to the separation of white light into its component colors when it is
A. Dispersion B. Diffraction C. Scattering D. Interference
9. In which of the following phenomena can diffraction of light be observed?
A. shadows B. rainbows C. blue sky D. white clouds
10. Which of the following must occur to produce a wave that has the same wavelength but twice the
amplitude of the two waves that meet?
A. Constructive interference should occur where opposite parts of two different waves meet.
B. Constructive interference where identical parts of two different waves meet.
C. Destructive interference should occur where opposite parts of two different waves meet.
D. Destructive interference should occur where identical parts of two different waves meet.
11. Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between the amount of diffraction and size
of the obstacle?
A. The larger the size of the obstacle, the greater is the diffraction.
B. The size of the obstacle does not affect the amount of diffraction.
C. The amount of diffraction depends only on the wavelength of light.
D. The smaller the size of the obstacle, the greater is the diffraction.
12. Which of the following BEST explain why the sky is blue?
A. The atmosphere is composed of tiny particles that scatter components of light with shorter wavelengths.
Blue is a component of light that has short wavelength and is scattered easily by particles of the
B. The atmosphere is composed of tiny particles that scatter components of light with longer wavelengths.
C. Blue is a component of light that has long wavelength and is scattered easily by particles of the
D. The atmosphere is composed of tiny particles that scatter components of light with larger wavelengths.
13. Which of the following BEST explain why light is dispersed when it passes through a prism?
A. The speed of light does not change as it travels from air to the prism.
B. The speed of light remains constant as it travels from air to the prism.
C. The colors of light have different frequencies; thus, they are refracted by the same amount.
D. The speed of light changes as it travels from air to the prism. The colors of light have different
frequencies; thus, they are refracted at different amounts producing ROYGBIV.
14. Which of the following BEST explain why clouds are white?
A. The water droplets in the clouds are larger than the wavelength of light. All the components of light are
scattered equally by the water droplets; thus, we see white light.
B. The water droplets in the clouds are smaller than the wavelength of light.
C. The water droplets in the clouds are smaller than the wavelength of light.
D. Only white light is scattered by the water droplets; thus, we see white light.
15. Which of the following BEST explain why diffraction is sometimes not helpful when viewing objects
under the microscope?
A. When the wavelength of light is smaller than the size of the object, there is no image seen.
B. When the wavelength of light is smaller as the object, there is no image seen.
C. When the wavelength of light has the same size as the object, diffraction blurs the image.
D. Diffraction of light helps magnify the size of the object observed under the microscope.

WEEK 5.1 – Light Phenomena I
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain various light phenomena such as:
• reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon;
• mirages;
• light from a red laser passes more easily through red cellophane than green cellophane;
• clothing of certain colors appear different in artificial light and in sunlight;
• dark rainclouds; and
• red sunsets.
How do different light phenomena occur?

Learn about it!

Reflection on a Spoon
The two surfaces of a metal spoon are examples of a curved mirror. The front of the spoon that curves
inward represents a concave mirror while the back part which bulges outward is the convex mirror. When you
try to look into the front part of the spoon, you will see a smaller and inverted version of yourself. On the other
hand, if you look at the back part of the spoon, you will see a smaller but upright image of yourself. Why is this
Your image appears differently on both parts of the spoon because light reflects differently upon hitting
the concave and convex mirrors. When light rays hit the surface of a concave mirror, the rays tend to meet or
converge at the focal point of the mirror creating a real and inverted image. When light rays strike a convex
mirror, the rays tend to scatter or diverge from the focal point. This means the real rays will not meet and create
the image but the imaginary ones will converge and create the virtual and upright image.

Have you ever experienced seeing a puddle of water
where the sky is reflected on an asphalt road a few meters
in front of you while walking on a hot sunny day? And then
when you pass over that part where the water is supposed
to be, there was none? This is referred to as heat haze or a
highway mirage.
A mirage is an optical phenomenon which creates a
displaced image of an object due to refraction of light. This
happens because the air just above the asphalt road has a
higher temperature than the layer of air above it. The
differences in temperature cause differences in optical densities or refractive indices of the different layers of
air which bends or refracts light.
The image below is another example of a mirage. The sunlight that hits the tree is reflected towards the
observer's eyes. Some reflected light rays that do not pass through layers of air with differences in temperature
reach the observer's eyes without bending (represented by the straight arrow coming from the tree to the
On the other hand, other reflected light rays will have to travel through the layers of air with different
temperatures. The differences in the temperature of the layers of air bends or refracts the reflected light rays
(represented by the curved broken line coming from the tree to the observer). The refracted light rays produce
a displaced image of the tree or a mirage (represented by the broken straight line coming from the observer's
eyes to the ground).

A filter can either be a colored glass or cellophane that absorbs certain frequencies of visible light and
transmits a particular color frequency that matches the filter's natural frequency. Light transmission occurs
when a transparent object allows light to pass through it.
When white light hits a blue glass, the glass will absorb all the color frequencies except for blue. When
a red laser hits a red cellophane, the cellophane will transmit red because their frequencies match. On the other
hand, when a red laser hits a green cellophane, the cellophane will absorb the red light instead of transmitting
it because their frequencies do not match.

Objects Under Sunlight and Artificial Light

The color of an object that we see depends on the reflected color frequency of visible light that reaches
our eyes. Different objects absorb and reflect different color frequencies. For example, the petals of a yellow bell
appears yellow because the petals absorb all the color frequencies of white light except for yellow which is
reflected. The reflected yellow light reaches our eyes that makes us see the color of the petals.
Objects reflect certain color frequencies based on the source that illuminates them. Incandescent light
bulbs emit lower frequency colors such as red, orange, and yellow. Thus, the objects with these colors are
enhanced under the incandescent light. On the other hand, higher frequency colors, such as blue, are emitted
by fluorescent light bulbs. This means that a red shirt will appear redder under an incandescent light than in
a fluorescent light. In the same way, a blue shirt will appear bluer under a fluorescent light. We see the objects'
"true" colors when they are illuminated by sunlight or daylight.

Dark Rain Clouds
From the previous lesson, you have learned that clouds appear white because the water droplets in the
clouds scatter all the color frequencies of white light equally. On the other hand, rain clouds appear dark
because they are too thick that sunlight needs to pass through a lot of water droplets and be absorbed before
it can reach the observer’s eye.

Reddish Sunsets
Recall that the atmospheric particles scatter higher
frequency light which makes the sky appear blue. In a similar
way, sunsets appear red because sunlight travels a greater
distance as it reaches the horizon and encounters more
atmospheric particles, scattering higher frequencies of light
until only the red light is left.

What do you think?

How do other light phenomena such as haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and
supernumerary bows occur?

Key Points
• The front of the spoon that curves inward represents a concave mirror while the back part which bulges
outward is the convex mirror.
• A mirage is an optical phenomenon which creates a displaced image of an object due to refraction of
• A filter can either be a colored glass or cellophane that absorbs certain frequencies of visible light and
transmits a particular color frequency that matches the filter's natural frequency.
• Light transmission occurs when a transparent object allows light to pass through it.
• Different objects absorb and reflect different color frequencies.
• Objects reflect certain color frequencies based on the source that illuminates them.
• Incandescent light bulbs emit lower frequency colors such as red, orange, and yellow.
• Fluorescent light bulbs emit higher frequency colors like blue.
• Rain clouds appear dark because they are too thick that sunlight needs to pass through a lot of water
droplets and be absorbed before it can reach the observer’s eye.
• Sunsets appear red because sunlight travels a greater distance as it reaches the horizon and encounters
more atmospheric particles, scattering higher frequencies of light until only the red light is left.

1. What property of light is responsible for the occurrence of a mirage?
A. Refraction B. Reflection C. Scattering D. Dispersion
2. It is a material that only allows specific color of light to pass through it.
A. Clay B. Filter C. Wood D. Metal
3. In which of the following will a yellow flower appear yellow when observed behind it?
A. Blue Glass B. Red Glass C. Yellow Glass D. Green Glass
4. Which side of the spoon is like a convex mirror?
A. The front part that curves inward.
B. The back part that curves inward.
C. Either side of the spoon can be a convex mirror.
D. The back part that bulges outward.
5. Which of the following best explains why clothes of a certain color appear differently under daylight
and incandescent light?
A. Incandescent light emits color of lower frequency light more than the higher frequency colors.
B. Incandescent light emits color of higher frequency light more than the lower frequency colors.
C. Daylight emits color of lower frequency light more than the higher frequency colors.
D. Daylight emits color of higher frequency light more than the lower frequency colors.
6. Which of the following best explain why rain clouds are dark?
i. Rain clouds contain a lot of water droplets which absorb all the frequencies of light.
ii. When light is absorbed in the rain clouds, nothing reaches the observer’s eye.
iii. Rain clouds contain a lot of water droplets which reflect all the frequencies of light.
iv. When light is reflected in the rain clouds, nothing reaches the observer’s eye.
A. i and iv B. I and ii C. i and iii D. ii and iii
7. Which of the following best explain why sunsets appear red?
i. Sunlight travels a greater distance as it reaches the horizon encountering lesser atmospheric particles.
ii. Atmospheric particles scatter lower frequency light until only the red light is left.
iii. Sunlight travels a greater distance as it reaches the horizon encountering more atmospheric particles.
iv. Atmospheric particles scatter higher frequency light until only the red light is left.
A. i and iv B. i and ii C. iii and iv D. ii and iii
8. Which of the following best describes an image that is produced by the front of the spoon?
a. real and upright b. real and inverted
c. virtual and inverted d. virtual and upright

9. Arrange the following processes to explain how a mirage is formed.
i. The sunlight that hits an object is reflected off to the observer's eyes.
ii. Some of the reflected rays travel in a straight line to the observer's eyes.
iii. Some of the reflected light rays travel through layers of air with different temperatures.
iv. Different temperatures of the layers of air cause light to be refracted creating a displaced image of the
A. i, iii, iv, ii B. i, iv, ii, iii C. i, ii, iii, iv D. i, iii, ii, iv
10. Your friend looks at his reflection on a spoon. He describes his image as upright. On which side of
the spoon is he observing his image?
A. Back part B. Either back or front part
C. Spoons do not reflect light. D. Front part

WEEK 5.1 – Light Phenomena II

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain various light phenomena such as:
• Haloes;
• Sundogs;
• primary rainbows;
• secondary rainbows; and
• supernumerary rainbows.
How do haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and supernumerary bows occur?

Learn about it!

Solar halo, which is also called gloriole, ice bow or nimbus, is a light
phenomenon that happens when light shines through clouds that are composed
of ice crystals. Light refracts upon passing through the ice crystals and reflects
upon hitting the crystal’s faces; these events cause the formation of the bright
ring around the Sun or Moon. Halo is usually bright white ring but may also
have colors due to the dispersion of light upon striking the ice crystals. Below
is a picture of a halo produced around the Sun.

Sundogs, or parhelion (with the sun),
happen due to the refraction of light upon
hitting the small crystals that make up
cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. These
crystals are hexagonal in shape and with
faces almost horizontal upon drifting;
these cause the formation of spots of light
(sundog) on either side of the Sun, or the
Moon, when light strikes them at a
minimum angle of 22 degrees as shown in
the image below. Since red light is the
least refracted compared to blue this makes the inner edge of a sundog to be red hued.
The image below shows an actual sundog which has a red-hued inner edge.

Learn about it!

A rainbow is a light phenomenon formed from the combination of several light properties like refraction,
reflection, and dispersion. Rainbows are usually seen after rainfall because they are formed when light strikes
the scattered raindrops in the atmosphere.
As shown in the image below, light is refracted upon hitting a raindrop that serves as the prism. Due to
the differences in the frequency of the colors of visible light, they are refracted at different amounts and are
dispersed. The dispersed colors reflect upon hitting the other side of the raindrop and then refracted again as
they go out. The colors go out dispersed and reach the observer’s eyes.

What do you think?

Have you seen colors formed when gasoline spills on the ground? Can this be considered as rainbow formation?
Why or why not?

Key Points
• Haloes are light phenomena which are formed when light passes through clouds and strikes the ice
crystals in them.
• Haloes are bright ring which can be colored, or just plain white light formed around the sun or moon.
Sundogs are spots of light formed on either side of the sun or moon which is formed when light strikes
the hexagonal ice crystals whose faces are aligned horizontally.
• Due to the dispersion of light upon passing through the ice crystal, sundogs can be seen with red colored
inner edge since red is the least refracted color.

• Rainbow is usually after a rain shower and with sun shining.
• Primary rainbow is formed when light hits a raindrop, refracted and single reflection happens inside the
• Secondary rainbows are formed when two inner reflections are done instead of one; this causes the
reversal of colors in a secondary rainbow in comparison to a primary rainbow.
• Supernumerary rainbows are formed when light strikes small raindrops with almost the same size.
These are bands of green, pink, and purple colors found inside the primary rainbow.

1. What other names are used to mean the light phenomenon halo? Choose all that apply.
A. Rainbow B. Gloriole C. Ice Bow D. Nimbus
2. Which of the following correctly describes how a halo looks like?
A. Bright ring formed around the sun or moon.
B. Bright spots of light formed in either side of the sun or moon.
C. An arc of colors that forms opposite the sun.
D. An arc of light composed of green, pink, and purple colors.
3. In the formation of sundogs, how should the ice crystals (which light strikes at an angle 22 degrees)
be oriented as they drift?
A. The ice crystals are oriented horizontally.
B. The ice crystals are oriented vertically.
C. The ice crystals are oriented diagonally to the right.
D. The ice crystals are oriented diagonally to the left.
4. Why is the inner edge of a sundog red hued?
A. The inner edge of sundog is red hued because red is the color that is refracted the least.
B. The inner edge of sundog is red hued because red is the color that is refracted the most.
C. The inner edge of sundog is red hued because red is the color that is reflected the most.
D. The inner edge of sundog is red hued because red is the color that is reflected the least.
5. What light phenomenon is seen usually after a rain shower when the atmosphere is filled with tiny
droplets of water?
A. Rainbow B. Sundog C. Halo D. Parhelion
6. What rainbow is formed when light refract upon hitting a droplet of water and a single internal
reflection occurs in a droplet?
A. Primary Rainbow B. Secondary Rainbow
C. Supernumerary Rainbow D. Tertiary Rainbow
7. Which of the following correctly distinguishes a primary rainbow and a secondary rainbow?
A. The colors in the secondary rainbow are in the reverse arrangement compared to the colors in the
primary rainbow.
B. The secondary rainbow is fainter compared to the primary rainbow.
C. The secondary rainbow is wider compared to the primary rainbow.
D. The secondary rainbow is as high as the primary rainbow from the ground.
8. What causes the reverse of the colors in a secondary rainbow as compared to a primary rainbow?
A. Secondary rainbow is formed when two internal reflections occur causing the reverse of the colors as
compared to primary rainbow where single internal reflection happens.
B. Secondary rainbow is wider and fainter making the colors in reverse arrangement.
C. Secondary rainbow is formed when single internal reflection occurs causing the reverse of the colors as
compared to primary rainbow where two internal reflections happen.
D. Secondary rainbow is formed in front of a primary rainbow which makes the colors in reverse
9. What condition must be satisfied in order for supernumerary rainbow to be formed?
A. Light must strike small droplets of water with different sizes.
B. Light must strike small droplets of water with almost the same sizes.
C. Light must strike droplets of water with various sizes.
D. Light must strike droplets of water with the same altitude from the ground.
10. How are supernumerary rainbows unlike primary and secondary rainbow?
A. Supernumerary rainbow is not composed of the seven colors.
B. Supernumerary rainbow does not form an arc.
C. Supernumerary rainbow is not after a rain shower.
D. Supernumerary rainbow is seen on the same side of the source of light.

WEEK 5.2 – How Hertz Produced Radio Pulses
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• describe how Hertz produced radio pulses.
Recall that visible light is only one of the seven electromagnetic (EM) waves. Another type of EM wave is the radio
wave which is widely used for communication and transmission of information regardless the distance of the
sender and receiver. Radio waves are naturally created by astronomical bodies or lightning but can also be
created artificially to serve its purpose.
When and how was the first man-made radio wave created and who first generated it?

Learn about it!

In 1865, James Clerk Maxwell published his theory about EM waves. According to Maxwell’s theory, EM waves
move at the speed of light, c=3x108m/s, and is created by oscillating electric and magnetic fields moving
perpendicular to each other, in which a changing electric field yields changing magnetic field and vice versa.
The first person to succeed was Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. In 1886, Hertz was able to create the first man-made
radio wave by using induction coil, Leyden jar as a condenser and a spark gap.

Hertz' First Transmission of Radio Waves

The poles of the spark gap are made up of two 2-cm radius spheres.
The picture below depicts the image of Hertz’ set-up. Inducing high
voltage to the induction coil caused a spark discharge between the
spark gaps. Relating this to Maxwell’s theory, where changing
electric fields or magnetic fields will produce EM waves, Hertz
thought that whenever a spark is produced, EM waves will be
transmitted. To check if this was true, he created a receiver made
of looped copper wire whose ends were made of small knobs with
small gaps in between. He ran the experiment again and saw that a
spark was produced at the receiver loop, which means that EM
waves were transmitted. His experiment was the first transmission
and reception of radio waves.

The Speed of Electromagnetic Waves

To calculate the speed of the EM waves, Hertz performed another
experiment that aimed the radiation into a wide metal sheet. A standing wave was formed from which he was
able to measure the distance between nodes which served as the wavelength (λ) of the EM wave while the
**frequency** (f) was calculated from the frequency of the oscillator. From these two quantities, Hertz was able
to calculate the speed of the EM wave (v=λf).
The speed of the EM wave was equivalent to the speed of light which served as a proof of Maxwell’s theory.
The frequency of a wave, which is the number of cycles created in a unit of time, was named hertz, in honor of
his name.

Try it!
Research about other experiments that tried to prove Maxwell's theory.

What do you think?

What do you think would have happened to our communication system if Hertz was not successful in his

Key Points
• Maxwell’s theory states that EM waves are produced by oscillating electric and magnetic field and moves
at the speed of light.
• Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was the first scientist to prove Maxwell’s hypothesis by conducting an experiment
showing the first transmission and reception of radio waves.
• Hertz' experiment proved that EM waves travel at the speed of light and is created by changing electric
and magnetic fields.

1. EM waves travel at the speed of _________.
A. Light B. Sound C. Energy D. Wind
2. According to Maxwell’s theory, a changing electric field produces a _____________.
A. Changing magnetic field B. Constant electric field
C. Changing electric field D. Constant magnetic field
3. Hertz is a unit given to the number of cycles created or completed in a unit of time known
as _______.
A. Frequency B. Speed C. Amplitude D. Wavelength
4. Which of the following sentences are true about Maxwell’s theory?
A. A changing magnetic field induces changing electric field.
B. A changing electric field induces changing magnetic field.

C. The electromagnetic waves propagate at a speed equal to the speed of light.
D. The electromagnetic waves propagate at a speed greater than the speed of light.
5. How did Hertz calculate the wavelength and frequency of EM waves in his experiment?
A. Measured the distance between nodes which served as wavelength of EM waves.
B. Calculated the frequency of the oscillator to get the frequency of EM waves.
C. Calculated the frequency of the nodes to get the frequency of EM waves.
D. Measured the distance between oscillators which served as wavelength of EM waves.
6. What event in Hertz’ experiment made him think that EM waves are being transmitted?
A. Production of Spark B. Production of Light
C. Production of Sound D. Production of Wave
7. What quantities were needed to solve for the speed of the wave?
A. Wavelength and frequency B. Amplitude and wavelength
8. Which of the following statements are true about how Hertz calculated the speed of the EM
A. Hertz made the radiation hit a broad metal sheet.
B. He was able to create a standing wave from which he measured the frequency of the wave.
C. He was able to create a standing wave from which he measured the wavelength of the wave.
D. He was able to provide evidence that light cannot be absorbed.
9. Which of the following statements is true about the idea proven by Hertz’ experiments with
regards to the speed of EM waves?
A. The speed of EM waves is equal to the speed of light.
B. The speed of EM waves is more than that of the speed of light.
C. The speed of EM waves is less than that of the speed of light.
D. The speed of EM waves is immeasurable.
10. For EM waves to be generated, how should changing electric and magnetic fields be oriented
to each other?
A. Perpendicular B. At the right angle
C. At any angle D. Parallel


Week 6.2

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment


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SUBJECT & Physical

QUARTER 4 WEEK 6.2 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL Science dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Special Theory of Relativity.

15. Explain the consequences of the postulates of the Special Relativity ( e.g. Relativity
LEARNING of simultaneity , time dilation, length contraction , mass-energy equivalence , and cosmic
COMPETENCY speed limit) . (STEM_GP12MP - IVg -39)

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

The Special Theory of Relativity

What does Special Theory of Relativity Explain?

The Theory of Special Relativity explains how space and time are linked for objects that are
moving at a consistent speed in a straight line. One of its most famous aspects concerns objects
moving at the speed of light.

The Special Relativity are based on these two postulates:

1. The Relativity Principle: the laws of Physics are the same in all inertial frames.
2. The Constancy of the speed of light: the speed of light, c= 299,792 km/s is the same for all inertial
observers, independent of their velocity of motion relative to the source of light.

The theory of special relativity was developed by Albert Einstein in 1905, and it forms part of the
basis of modern physics. After finishing his work in special relativity, Einstein spent a decade pondering
what would happen if one introduced acceleration. This formed the basis of his general relativity,
published in 1915
From the two postulates of Special Relativity, some consequences are derived:
1. Relativity of Simultaneity

Einstein’s revelation was that observers in

relative motion experience time differently:
it’s perfectly possible for two events to
happen simultaneously from the perspective
of one observer, yet happen at different
times from the perspective of the other. And
both observers would be right.

Imagine that you once again have an observer standing on a railway embankment as a train goes
roaring by. But this time, each end of the train is struck by a bolt of lightning just as the train’s midpoint
is passing. Because the lightning strikes are the same distance from the observer, their light reaches
his eye at the same instant. So he correctly says that they happened simultaneously

Meanwhile, another observer on the train is sitting at its exact midpoint. From her perspective, the
light from the two strikes also has to travel equal distances, and she will likewise measure the speed
of light to be the same in either direction. But because the train is moving, the light coming from the
lightning in the rear has to travel farther to catch up, so it reaches her a few instants later than the
light coming from the front. Since the light pulses arrived at different times, she can only conclude the
strikes were not simultaneous—that the one in front actually happened first.



Two events are defined to be simultaneous if an observer measures them as occurring at the
same time (such as by receiving light from the events). Two events are not necessarily simultaneous
to all observers.

2. Time Dilation
Another strange conclusion of Einstein's work
comes from the realization that time moves
relative to the observer. An object in motion
experiences time dilation, meaning that time
moves more slowly when one is moving, than
when one is standing still. Therefore, a person
moving ages more slowly than a person at rest.
So yes, when astronaut Scott Kelly spent nearly
a year aboard the International Space Station in
2015-16, his twin astronaut brother Mark Kelly
aged a little faster than Scott.
Time dilation is an actual difference of
elapsed time between two events as measured This is known as the proper time, Δt’ is
by observers either moving relative to each other. the time interval between those same
the formula for determining time dilation is: events, as measured by another
observer, inertially moving with velocity v
Δt′=γΔt=Δt√1−v2/c2Δt′=γΔt=Δt1−v2/c2 with respect to the former observer, v is
the relative velocity between the observer
where Δt is the time interval between two co-local and the moving clock, c is the speed of
events (i.e. happening at the same place) for an light, and γ=1√1−v2/c2
observer in some inertial frame (e.g. ticks on his

3. Length Contraction
The object is actually contracted in length as
seen from the stationary reference frame. The
amount of contraction of the object is dependent
upon the object's speed relative to the observer.
Note that the length contraction is only
significant when the object is moving at
relativistic speeds - i.e., speeds which are a
significant fraction of the speed of light.
One of the peculiar aspects of Einstein's Furthermore, note that the contraction only
theory of special relativity is that the length of occurs in the dimension of the object's motion. If
objects moving at relativistic speeds the object is moving horizontally, then it is the
undergoes a contraction along the dimension horizontal dimension which is contracted; there
of motion. An observer at rest (relative to the would be no contraction of the height of the
moving object) would observe the moving object.
object to be shorter in length. That is to say, The shortening of distance experienced by an
that an object at rest might be measured to observer moving with respect to the points whose
be 200 feet long; yet the same object when distance apart is measured is called length
moving at relativistic speeds relative to the contraction. Proper length, L0, is the distance
observer/measurer would have a measured between two points measured in the reference
length which is less than 200 ft. This frame where the observer and the points are at rest.
phenomenon is not due to actual errors in The observer in motion with respect to the points
measurement or faulty observations. measures L.
(see equation in the figure above)



4. Mass- Energy Equivalence

One of the most famous equations in

mathematics comes from special relativity. The
equation — E = mc2 — means "energy equals
mass times the speed of light squared." It shows
that energy (E) and mass (m) are
interchangeable; they are different forms of the
same thing. If mass is somehow totally
converted into energy, it also shows how much
energy would reside inside that mass: quite a lot.
(This equation is one of the demonstrations for
why an atomic bomb is so powerful, once its
mass is converted to an explosion.) Near the speed of light, the mass is so
This equation also shows that mass high that it reaches infinity, and would
increases with speed, which effectively puts a require infinite energy to move it, thus
speed limit on how fast things can move in the capping how fast an object can move.
universe. Simply put, the speed of light (c) is the The only reason light moves at the
fastest velocity at which an object can travel in a speed it does is because photons, the
vacuum. As an object moves, its mass also quantum particles that make up light,
increases. have a mass of zero.

5. Cosmic speed Limit

In 1865, Scottish physicist James Clerk The cosmic speed limit, why can’t we
Maxwell demonstrated that light is a wave with travel the speed of light?
both electrical and magnetic components and The speed of light in a vacuum is an
established the speed of light (186,000 miles absolute cosmic speed limit. Nothing can go
per second). Scientists supposed that the light faster than 3.0 x 108 meters per second
had to be transmitted through some medium, (that's 300,000,000 m/s or 1,080,000,000
which they called the ether. (We now know that km/h!). According to the laws of physics, as
no transmission medium is required, and that we approach light speed, we have to
light in space moves in a vacuum.) Twenty provide more and more energy to make an
years later, an unexpected result threw this into object move. In order to reach the speed of
question. Physicist A.A. Michelson and chemist light, you'd need an infinite amount of
Edward Morley calculated how Earth's motion energy, and that's impossible!
through this "ether" affected how the speed of
light is measured, and found that the speed of You may have heard that an object
light is the same no matter what Earth's motion traveling at the speed of light gains infinite
is. mass. But that's not exactly true. The object
doesn’t actually gain physical mass but it
behaves like it has. For example, if a 65kg
person was travelling at 50% of the speed
of light, they would behave like they had a
mass of 87kg. At 90%, they would behave
as if they weighed 172kg.
So, if mass can't travel at the speed of
light, how come light can? Light is made up
of photons, which are mass less particles
and therefore they don't require energy to

SAQ-1: Why is it that we cannot travel with the speed of light?

SAQ-2: How does this special relativity theory affect each one of us?
SAQ-3: Why do you think Einstein’s Mass and Energy Equivalence hits the
breakthrough in revolutionary energy production?



Suggestion: A video clip maybe viewed at:

Let’s Practice!

(Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Instructions: Complete the table below to explain the Special Theory of Relativity. For every
situation given in the first column, draw a happy face if you agree and a sad face if you
disagree on the second column, then provide your explanation with the corresponding
consequences of the special theory of relativity.



1. Astronauts age slower in

2. As you move with the
speed of light, your mass
becomes infinite.

3. A moving metric rule
approaching speed of light
appear longer

4. Speed of light is greater in

a vacuum than in air

5. OBSERVER B measures the

flashes to be simultaneous
relative to him but not relative to



Key Points

 Special Theory of Relativity explains that there is no "absolute" frame of reference.

Every time you measure an object's velocity, or its momentum, or how it experiences
time, it's always in relation to something else. Second, the speed of light is the same
no matter who measures it or how fast the person measuring it is going. Third, nothing
can go faster than light.
 Time dilation affects us all the time in everyday life, but its effects are so small we can't
see it. According to the theory of relativity, “moving clocks run slow.” Meaning that if
you throw your clock off a cliff, the time it showed would be slightly behind a clock that
wasn't thrown off a cliff. This is the case for all clocks, mechanical and biological. You
actually age slower at such high speeds, but you would have to travel pretty fast to
notice much of a difference.
 One of the most common effect of special relativity in our life is through the Global
Positioning System ( GPS). Emergency vehicles, package delivery services, electronic
maps and communications devices are just a few common uses of GPS. GPS satellites
rely on precise time measurements to communicate. The relativistic speeds. Without
corrections for time dilation, the satellites could not communicate, and the GPS system
would fail within minutes.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
_____1.What is meant by the sentence, “Simultaneity is not absolute.”
A. Events may appear simultaneous in all frames of reference.
B. Events may not appear simultaneous in all frames of reference.
C. The speed of light is not the same in all frames of reference.
D. The laws of physics may be different in different inertial frames of reference.
_____2. Relative to a stationary observer, a moving object
A. Appears shorter than normal.
B. Appears longer than normal.
C. Keeps its same length time.
D. Can do any of the above. It depends on the relative velocity between the observer and the
_____3. Suppose one twin takes a ride in a space ship travelling at a very high speed to a distant
star and back again, while the other twin remains on Earth. The twin that remained on Earth
predicts that the astronaut twin is
A. younger.
B. the same age
C. older.
D. Cannot be determined from the given information.

_____4. Relative to a stationary observer, a moving clock

A. Always runs slower than normal.
B. Always runs faster than normal.
C. Keeps its normal time.
D. Can do any of the above. It depends on the relative velocity between the observer and the
_____5. Which of the following explains Einstein’s famous equation E=mc 2?
A. Mass is always greater than energy.
B. Energy and mass are equivalent.
C. Energy and the speed of light are equivalent.
D. Mass and the speed of light are equivalent.
_____6. One of the two identical twins becomes an astronaut, while the other becomes a



real estate broker. The astronaut embarks on a high-speed space travel and is
gone for several years. Upon the astronauts return, the two twins reunite and
compare their physical appearances. The result will be that…
A. The real Estate broker has aged less because of less pressure at work.
B. The astronaut has aged less because it has experienced time dilation.
C. Both have aged the same.
D. We cannot tell due to lack of information.
_____7. If an object reaches the speed of light, its length changes to zero,
A. Because length contracts as it approaches speed of light.
B. Because its mass becomes zero.
C. Because its mass becomes infinite.
D. Because we cannot see the object moving too fast.
_____8. Which of the following best explains the Special Theory of Relativity?
A. The speed of light is constant for all inertial frames of reference.
B. Physics for accelerated and non-accelerated frames are not the same.
C. Gravity and acceleration are equivalent.
D. Physics for moving and non-moving frames are not the same.
_____9. According to the Special theory of relativity, the term “relativistic” refers to effects
that are,
A. Noticed about moving object.
B. Observed when speeds are near the speed of light.
C. Observed when objects move back in time.
D. Measured by stationary observers only.
_____10. As an object approaches the speed of light , it’s mass becomes
A. Zero that they prevent light to escape.
B. Infinite, that it requires infinite amount of energy.
C. Double due to high speed.
D. Remain the same.

 Google Search. Google. Accessed January 18, 2021.

 Google Search. Google. Accessed January 18, 2021.

REFERENCE/S  Google Search. Google. Accessed January 18, 2021.

 “Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity” (Video): Accessed

January 18, 2021

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of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright
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printed reference to the learning continuity plan of this division in
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use but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of
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Week 7

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

SUBJECT & Physical
QUARTER 4 WEEK 7 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL Science dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC General Theory of Relativity.

LEARNING 16. Explain the consequences of the Postulates of General Relativity.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

General Theory of Relativity

What does General Theory of Relativity Explain?

We have learned that objects always move in a straight line at uniform acceleration, but
Albert Einstein thought of the effect of gravity on these moving objects. He proposed the
General Theory of Relativity, a new theory of Gravitation, which explains that gravity is based
on the way space can “curve”. It associates the force of gravity with changing Geometry of
space-time. He presented this theory to explain the effect of gravity on accelerating objects.

Einstein made predictions that could be tested and were confirmed by other scientists
that made him and his theory a celebrity after several years.

What are the consequences of General Relativity?

There are several consequences of General Relativity being tested and proven. Some
to mention are as follows:

1. Motion of Mercury
All Planets orbited around the sun in an ellipse manner. Mercury, the closest planet
to the sun, did something unusual/weird; Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury. In
Mercury’s case, the amount of rotation (or orbital precession) is a bit larger than can
be accounted for by the gravitational forces exerted
by other planets; the difference is precisely explained
by the general theory of relativity. It has its orbit most
affected by the warping of space-time near the sun.
The change from orbit to orbit has been significantly
exaggerated on this diagram.

Einstein further emphasized that gravity is not a

force between massive objects, but it is something
that emerges from the interaction of space and
massive objects.
Figure 1: Mercury’s Wobble

2. Gravitational Bending of Light

Gravity causes the curvature of space; this has been proven by Marcel Grossman
(Mathematician) in his study of the Geometry of curved-space, which is the basis of
General Relativity. Since space-time is more curved in regions where the gravitational
field is strong, we would expect light passing very near the sun to appear to follow a
curved path. Sir Arthur Eddington (English Astronomer), in 1919, confirmed the
deflection of light; photographed stars near the sun during a total solar eclipse. The
position of the star near the sun would appear different than those predicted location
based on where they are seen at night. This happened as light passes near the sun, it
bends by the curvature of space.
Observations further made that it is not only
space of light distorted but also time since speed
of light remains constant both on Earth and in the
outer space such that time slows down in the
outer space at longer distance due to the
curvature of space to keep speed constant. This
is why time is considered distorted by gravity
along with space. This makes the clock runs
slower in an empty space; but comparing
between space station and on earth clock runs
Figure 2: Apparent location of the star slightly bit faster. However, light in earth seems
to travel in a straight path; this is because light is
taking the shortest path due to its speed. This violates the principle of equivalence.
Analysing further, if traveling on Earth’s surface is never straight, but curved due to
gravity, light must bend in the same way as it pulls any object down. In the equation;
E=mc2, where light’s velocity is constant, energy and mass are proportional to each
other, thus gravity affects energy as well. The diagram below is a clear picture of the
bending of light.

Figure 3: Light Bends

A: in a traveling space ship B: on earth as we observe C: on Earth due to gravity

The bending of light on curved space/ time led to another consequences; the
gravitational time dilation and Black Hole

3. Black Hole
The theory also predicts region of space
where space-time can get so distorted that
nothing escapes including light that is called
Black Hole. Within the black hole lies something
seems impossible and that is a mass
concentrated to the infinitely small point with an
infinite density; this is called the singularity; and
it is theorized to exist within the black hole. This
leads to another theory explaining what gravity
is – “Quantum Gravity”.

Figure 4: A bright ring of material surrounding a dark center that marks the shadow of the
M87’s supermassive black hole. The image also provides a key confirmation of General

Suggestion: A video clip maybe viewed at:

SAQ-1: Explain the given statement of John Wheeler; “Space-time tells matter how to move;
matter tells space-time how to curve”.
SAQ-2: We have learned that gravity pulls on a mass and that light has no mass. How come
light can be bended by gravity?
SAQ-3: Will a person at the top of a skyscraper age more than or less than a person on the
ground level? Explain why?

Let’s Practice! (Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Instructions: Complete the paragraph below to explain the Consequences of the

Postulates of General Theory of Relativity. (Note: Word(s) are provided at the word bank for
you to choose your answers.)

Word Bank
At a very young age, __(1)__ got interested in his life’s passion of  Albert Einstein
physics. In his experiences as a scientist, led him to propose two theories;  Black Hole
 Curvature
the __(2)__ and __(3)__ theories of Relativity. In his general relativity, he  Deflected
explained the effect of __(4)__ in __(5)__ and __(6)__ where he  Equivalence
 General
concluded that it is the cause of the __(7)__ of space-time. The principle
 Gravitational
of general relativity was tested and proven by several observations or field
consequences such as; __(8)__, to which it orbited around the sun to  Gravity
 Mercury’s
different points of __(9)__. Gravity also affects the traveling of light along Precession
__(10)__, to be __(11)__, which also confirms by the principles of  Perihelion
 Space
__(12)__ and __(13)__. __(14)__ , another consequence of this theory  Special
led to another theory called __(15)__.  Time
 Time dilation
 Quantum

Key Points

 General Theory of Relativity explains the effect of gravity on space and time.
 In the presence of mass and energy, space must be curved.
 The major axis of the orbit of Mercury rotates in space slightly because of various
 Light must be a gravitational field.
 Both space and time are distorted by gravity.
 Black Hole causes space time to get more distorted that nothing escapes even light.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
_____1. Which of the following explains Einstein’s famous equation E=mc 2?
A. Mass is always greater than energy.
B. Energy and mass are equivalent.
C. Energy and the speed of light are equivalent.
D. Mass and the speed of light are equivalent.

_____2. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the postulate of General theory of
A. motion is relative C. precession
B. light deflection D.gravitational time dilation
_____3. Which of the following consequences does Einstein’s equation E=mc 2 explains?
A. The formation of black hole C. The gravitational red shift
B. The precession of Mercury D. The gravitational bending of light.
_____4. Which of the following best explains the General Theory of Relativity?
A. The speed of light is constant.
B. Physics for accelerated and non-accelerated frames are not the same.
C. Gravity and acceleration are equivalent.
D. Physics for moving and non-moving frames are not the same.
_____5. Einstein said that gravity exist because
A. massive objects attract one another.
B. massive objects warp space.
C. light moves randomly throughout the universe.
D. of the existence of black holes.
_____6. Which of the following describes a Black Hole?
A. It is so massive that they prevent light to escape.
B. It appears randomly in various solar systems.
C. It does not permit light to enter.
D. It has no effect on any other bodies throughout the universe.
_____7. What happens as a beam of light passes by the sun and heads towards earth?
A. Light is reflected away from the earth.
B. The mass of the sun deflects the motion of the beam of light.
C. The sun absorbs the light.
D. The massive sun warps space-time, causing the light to bend slightly.
_____8. If you were to arrange the following triplets (T 1,T2,T3) according to their descending
order of aging, how could it be?
I. T1 is in spaceship, traveling in space.
II. T2 is at the steady satellite space station.
III. T3 is a teacher/scientist in a university.
_____9. A body falling from a building is affected by only the pull of gravity and become
weightless, in the same way as the body is in the outer space. Which principle explains this
A. Principle of Gravitation C. Principle of Equivalence
B. Principle of General covariance D. Mach principle
_____10. Which situation does NOT explain the General Theory of Relativity?
A. The astronaut that floats in the outer space.
B. The moon orbiting the Earth.
C. The different position of a star seen at night.
D. The light crossing a lens.

Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, 9th Edition pp. 720-730

Reference topic:


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Week 8

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment


Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”


SUBJECT & Physical

QUARTER 4 WEEK 8 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL Science dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Planets in and beyond the Solar System

17. Explain how the speeds and distances of far-off objects are
estimated (e.g., Doppler effect and cosmic distance ladder).
18. Explain how we know that we live in an expanding universe, which
used to be hot and approximately 14 billion years old.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Planets in and beyond the Solar System
What is a Cosmic Distance Ladder?
Measuring distance across the Universe is fundamental to astronomy. Without
knowledge of distance, it is virtually impossible to study the physical properties of celestial
objects. Understanding distance allows astronomers to explain where the Universe came
from, and where it might be heading.
Astronomers use various methods to measure relative
distances in the Universe, depending upon the object being
observed. Collectively these techniques are known as the cosmic
distance ladder, a succession of methods used to estimate
the distance of far-off objects. It’s called a ladder for good
reason — each rung or measurement technique relies upon the
previous step for calibration. The ladder evolved from the fact that
there is no single method that can measure all the distance of star
or galaxy that can be seen from earth. The greater the distance
measured, the more steps astronomers have used to get there.
The base of the ladder is a distance measurement done
directly without any assumptions about the stars’ characteristics.
For example, the measurement of one astronomical unit (AU),
which is the measure of the distance of Earth from the Sun, is
considered the base. One AU is approximately 1.50x 1011m. This
value is used in measuring the parallax of a star.
Stellar parallax is the only ‘direct’ method
astronomers have to measure distance outside
the Solar System.
Parallax is the apparent change in the
position of an object due to change in the way it
is perceived. It is used in measuring distance of
stars that are approximately 300 light years
In measuring parallax, astronomers take a
picture of a specific star, wait for six months to
pass so that the Earth has moved two AU, and
then take a photo of the same star to compare
the change in its position.
The image of the star in the two photos will appear to shift slightly due to the change in
the position of how the star was seen. These shifts serve as the angles of an isosceles
triangle. The base of the triangle is two AU, and the length of the sides is equal to the distance
of the Earth to the star.
The d is the distance of the star and is expressed in parsec. Parsec (parallax second)
is the distance of a star that has a parallax of two arcsecond. Arcsecond is the 60th part of
one arcminute and one arcminute is the 60th part of one degree.
One parsec is approximately 3.26 light years or 3.09 x 1013 km. α and β are angles
whose difference divided by two will give the parallax angle of the star expressed in
For example, the difference between α and β is 0.6 arcsecond, the parallax angle (P)
can solve by dividing this value by two so P = 0.3 arcsecond.
If P = 1 arcsecond (1/3600 degree), distance d can be calculated by the formula :
D = r/(tan P ) = 150000000000/(tan 1 ") = 3 x 1013 m
This calculated d is equivalent to one parallax second (parsec) which is the basic unit
for measuring astronomical distances. The distances in parsec can be calculated by the
d= 1/(P in arcsecond)
From our first problem, distance d will be:
d= 1/(0.3 arcsecond) = 3.3 parsec

SAQ-1: What is the basic unit for measuring astronomical distances?

How does Doppler Effect estimate the speed of far-off objects?

Doppler Effect is used by astronomers to estimate the speeds of far-off objects. It is

the shift in the wavelength of the emitted light of an object which is proportional to the speed
with which the object moves. Doppler Effect occurs when the star emitting light is moving with
respect to an observer. The Doppler formula used for speeds relatively smaller than the speed
of light is:

λ is the measured wavelength
λo is the original or rest wavelength
v is the speed of the object
c is the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s)

A certain absorption line found in the lab have a rest wavelength of 5x1010 km and is found to
have a measured wavelength of 5.05x 1010 km in analyzing a galaxy. What is the velocity of
the galaxy?
Since speed (v)is being asked, the formula will be:

SAQ-2: How does a Doppler effect occur in space?


Explain how we know that we live in an expanding universe.

The universe was born with the Big Bang as an

unimaginably hot, dense point. When the universe
was just 10-34 of a second or so old — that is, a
hundredth of a billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a
second in age — it experienced an incredible burst of
expansion known as inflation, in which space itself
expanded faster than the speed of light. During this
period, the universe doubled in size at least 90 times,
going from subatomic-sized to golf-ball-sized almost

According to NASA, after inflation, the growth of the universe continued, but at a slower
rate. As space expanded, the universe cooled and matter formed. One second after the Big
Bang, the universe was filled with neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons, photons and
In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the universe was not static. Rather,
it was expanding; a find that revealed the universe was apparently born in a Big Bang.
After that, it was long thought the gravity of matter in the universe was certain to slow
the expansion of the universe. Then, in 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope's observations of
very distant supernovae revealed that a long time ago, the universe was expanding more
slowly than it is today. In other words, the expansion of the universe was not slowing due to
gravity, but instead inexplicably was accelerating. The name for the unknown force driving
this accelerating expansion is dark energy, and it remains one of the greatest mysteries in
SAQ-3: What is the unknown force that drives the expansion of the universe?

(Write your Answer on the separate Learner’s

Let’s Practice! Activity and Assessment sheets provided.)

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer using the word bank.
Cosmic Distance Ladder Astronomical unit Speed of light Inflation
Degree Parsec Dark energy Electrons
Doppler Effect Arcsecond Edwin Hubble Parallax

1. _____________ is the measure of the distance of Earth from the Sun.

2. The 60th part of one arcminute is called ____________.
3. The unknown force driving the accelerating expansion of the universe is known as the
4. __________________is a succession of methods used by astronomers to estimate the
distance of far-off objects.
5. The apparent change in the position of an object due to change in the way it is
perceived is called ____________________. It is used to measure distance of stars
that are approximately 300 light years away.
6. The universe experienced an incredible burst of expansion known as
______________, in which space itself expanded faster than the speed of light.
7. ______________is the distance of a star that has a parallax of two arcsecond.
8. The shift in the wavelength of the emitted light of an object which is proportional to the
speed with which the object moves is called ___________________.
9. The value of the ____________________ is 3 x 108 m/s.
10. The astronomer who discovered that the universe was not static in the 1920’s
rather, it was expanding is __________________.


Key Points

 Cosmic Ladder is a succession of methods used by astronomers to estimate the

distance of far-off objects. The ladder evolved from the fact that there is no single
method that can measure all the distance of star or galaxy that can be seen from earth.
 Parallax is the apparent change in the position of an object due to change in the way
it is perceived. It is used to measure distance of stars that are approximately 300 light
years away.
 Doppler Effect is used by astronomers to estimate the speeds of far-off objects. It is
the shift in the wavelength of the emitted light of an object which is proportional to the
speed with which the object moves. Doppler Effect occurs when the star emitting light
is moving with respect to an observer. The Doppler formula used for speeds relatively
smaller than the speed of light is:

λ is the measured wavelength
λo is the original or rest wavelength
v is the speed of the object
c is the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s)

 In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the universe was not static.
Rather, it was expanding; a find that revealed the universe was apparently born in a
Big Bang.
 The expansion of the universe was not slowing due to gravity, but instead inexplicably
was accelerating. The name for the unknown force driving this accelerating expansion
is dark energy, and it remains one of the greatest mysteries in science.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Test A: Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
(Write your Answer on the separate Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets
1. It is the shift in the wavelength of the emitted 6. Measuring distance across the
light which occurs when the source of light is Universe is fundamental to astronomy.
moving relative to an observer. Hence, it is virtually impossible to study
 A. Astronomical Unit C. Parallax the
 B. Doppler Effect D. Light years A. physical properties of celestial objects
B. chemical properties of celestial objects
C. components of celestial objects
2. What method can be used to determine the
D. integral composition of celestial objects
distance of stars that are approximately 300
light years away?
7. Which of the following is used by
 A. parallax C. spectroscopy
astronomers to estimate the speeds of
 B. photometry D. standard candles
far-off objects?
A. Parallax C. Spectroscopy
3. What is cosmic distance ladder? B. Light years D. Doppler effect
 A. method used in determining the distance of
 far-off objects which involves several 8. Parsec (parallax second) is the
 processes that are not related to one distance of a star that has a parallax of
 another. two arcsecond. Approximately how many
 B. method used in determining the distance light years are there in one parsec?
 of far-off objects which involves several A. 3.26 light years or 3.09 x 1013 km
 processes that build on one another. B. 13.26 light years or 3.09 x 1013 km

 C. method used in determining the distance of 1013
C. 3.26 light years or 3.16 x km
 far-off objects which involves one process D. 13.26 light years or 3.09 x 103 km
 only.
 D. method used in determining the distance of 9. The universe experienced an incredible
 far-off objects which involves several burst of expansion known as inflation, in
 processes that can only measure limited which space itself expanded faster than
 distances. the speed of light. During this period, the
 universe doubled in size at least
4. Which of the following correctly defines one A. 70 time C. 90 times
astronomical unit? B. 80 times D. 100 times
 A. the distance of the Earth from the Sun
 B. the distance of the earth to the nearest 10. A certain absorption line found in the
planet in the solar system lab have a rest wavelength of 10x1010 km
 C. the distance of the earth from the nearest and is found to have a measured
galaxy wavelength of 10.10 x 1010 km in analyzing
 D. the distance that the earth travels in a year a galaxy. What is the velocity of the
5. According to NASA, after inflation, the growth galaxy?
of the universe continued, but at a ______. A. 0.3 x 106 m/s C. 30 x 106 m/s
 A. faster rate C. maximum rate B. 3 x 106 m/s D. 300 x 106 m/s
 B. slower rate D. minimal rate

REFERENCE/S bang-to-today.html

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of

which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We
are developing this CapSLET in our efforts to provide printed reference
to the learning continuity plan of this division in this time of pandemic.
This material is not intended for uploading nor for commercial use
but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of Zamboanga
City Division only.


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