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Unit 8 Test | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 08 Listen to an interview with a meteorologist and choose the correct answers.
1 What connection does Lisa make between weather forecasting and medical practice?
A The symptoms commonly lead to an incorrect prognosis.
B Their accuracy depends on the amount of input data received.
C Neither of them needs to rely on modern technology.
D Both of them are fairly simple processes.
2 Lisa says that the meteorological devices developed recently
A are still rather simple ones.
B are not yet reliable enough.
C give specific data on one meteorological feature.
D provide huge amounts of data.
3 Which of the following is true about geostationary satellites?
A Each can collect various kinds of meteorological information.
B All of them were launched decades ago.
C They orbit the Earth above the Poles.
D They must be improved to detect pollution.
4 Lisa believes that the computer models of the future will
A be based on completely different methods.
B provide much more precise forecasts.
C be better at indicating possible forms of violent weather.
D result in longer-term weather forecasting.
5 One purpose of the interview is to
A present the historical origins of meteorology.
B discuss various climatic changes in recent years.
C show how meteorology is different from other natural sciences.
D point out how weather forecasting depends on technology.
___ / 5

2 Read the text and match paragraphs 1‒4 with headings A‒F. There are two extra headings.
While we can boast a vast amount of knowledge in various areas, from time to time, scientists are baffled
by a phenomenon that can evade logical explanation. Observations of space quite regularly provide scientists
with discoveries like those described below, which are difficult to explain.
1 ___
On the face of it, comets are very different from asteroids. While the former are easily recognisable by their
bright tails caused by their high ice content, the latter are usually made of rock and heavier elements.
So imagine how puzzled astronomers were when the Hubble Telescope discovered an asteroid that looks like
a comet ‒ it boasted six bright tails. One explanation for this unique phenomenon could be that it is rotating
so fast that it releases huge amounts of dust into space. Sadly, in this way, the asteroid is quickly heading
towards its death, as it will be losing a lot of the material it’s made up of.
2 ___
Why did the scientists at the Kepler Space Observatory spend four years observing the KIC 2856960,
a seemingly typical triple-star system? Well, when the data from their observation work was compared
to common models of such systems, it simply did not appear to work in the same way as the other observed
star systems of its kind behaved. One theory, a rather far-fetched one, suggests that there is a hidden fourth
star whose orbit is identical to that of the third one, thus producing an illusion that they are the same stellar
body. In contrast, some other scientists are inclined to think that the strange data remains yet to be
interpreted in the correct way.
3 ___
Would you not be surprised if you walked into an extremely bright room and only found a few dim light bulbs
in there? A disproportion of this kind seems to apply to the case of ultraviolet light production. Ultraviolet
radiation is known to be generated primarily by two sources: young stars and massive black holes. The problem

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is that there is much more UV radiation than what these two sources would be capable of producing. Scientists
think that the phenomenon is probably caused by processes that we haven’t discovered yet. One of these
might involve the decay of dark matter.
4 ___
In 2013, the Cassini spacecraft took radar images of an odd phenomenon on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.
The phenomenon was a mysterious ‘island’ that suddenly appeared on Ligeia Mare, one of the moon’s large
hydrocarbon seas. It was even more baffling to observe that the mentioned area sank into the translucent sea,
only to resurface again later, this time larger. One likely explanation could be that despite the name ‘island,’
as it was called by the astronomers, the area is just part of a sea surface which is able to reflect radar waves
back. Alternatively, it could also be caused by large amounts of solid matter floating on the surface of the sea.
A Puzzling appearances and a disappearance
B Figures that didn’t match the assumption
C A phenomenon possibly generated by unknown sources
D A perfectly comprehensible phenomenon
E Phenomena that have been puzzling astronomers for centuries
F Spinning to self-destruction
___ / 4

3 Replace the parts in brackets with synonymous phrases.
a X: Excuse me, I’m looking for a new smartphone. Can you help me, please?
Y: Certainly. 1 ______________________ (I’m glad I can help you). This model here is very good. It’s got
a modern design. 2 ______________________ (An additional thing about it is that) it has got an
amazing camera.
X: 3 ______________________ (What else has it got)?
Y: Well, it has Bluetooth and NFC connection.

b I’m writing to you because 4 ______________________ (I am not pleased with) the photo frame which
I ordered from your online store. First of all, it arrived several days late. 5 ______________________
(Because of this) problem, I wasn’t able to give it to my grandmother as a birthday present.
Secondly, the frame screen is badly scratched. I’d like you to refund my money immediately. Thus,
6 ______________________ (it would be nice of you to take) prompt action.
___ / 6

4 Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. The first letters have been given.
1 The new machine is difficult to program, so f____________ the instructions in the manual carefully.
2 Suddenly, a dog ran out into the street and I had to b____________ hard to avoid hitting it.
3 Could you s____________ on the heating, please? It’s getting really cold in here.
4 I’ve inserted the coins, but the machine won’t d____________ the drink I chose. What a nonsense!
5 I’ve tried to t____________ in the password a few times, but it doesn’t work.
___ / 5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 We’ve made use of several _______________ (innovate) solutions on our new assembly line to boost
2 The local residents are concerned about the _______________ (pure) of the tap water because
of the chemical plant nearby.
3 Alexander Graham Bell was the _______________ (invent) of the telephone.
4 My friend is an _______________ (adventure) who loves extreme sports and exciting trips.

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5 He’s incredibly _______________ (invent) when it comes to solving practical problems.
6 The initial _______________ (receive) of her new theory was rather critical, but further tests suggested
that it might actually be true.
7 The experiment was on the verge of getting out of hand. _______________ (fortune), the team leader
managed to bring the situation under control.
___ / 7

6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences in brackets into English.

1 During the conference, they’re going to _____________________ (przedstawić hipotezę) on the existence
of a yet unknown type of energy.
2 It will probably take years to _____________________ (rozwinąć tę teorię).
3 However, if they manage to prove it, it will certainly be regarded as a _____________________ (znaczący
___ / 3

7 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The final decision about the project _________________ (not make) until we’ve received the results
of the market research.
2 An anti-burglar alarm _________________ (install) on the front wall of our house at the moment.
3 His latest novel _________________ (not translate) into Polish yet.
4 Thousands of models of this device _________________ (buy) by people all over the world every week.
___ / 4

8 Write complete passive sentences using the prompts. Add any extra words where necessary.
1 the order / not pay for / since last week
2 next month’s conference / attend / over a thousand participants
3 the installation / must repair / insulated tools
___ / 3

9 Rewrite the sentences using the beginnings and endings given and impersonal passive constructions.
1 People say she made the discovery on her own.
She _______________________________ the discovery on her own.
2 They expect that the results of the experiment will be announced next month.
It _______________________________ the results of the experiment will be announced next month.
3 People believe that he is the greatest authority on brain surgery.
He _______________________________ the greatest authority on brain surgery.
___ / 3

10 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences in brackets into English. Use no more than five words.
1 Although buses in my hometown are supposed to run according to schedule, _________________________
(faktyczny czas oczekiwania) can be up to half an hour.
2 All my friends were _________________________ (bardzo współczujący) when I failed my driving test.
3 Just before our yoga class, Greg went straight up to the clothes shop and bought ______________________
(niebieski dres).
4 I’ve found a great summer job – helpful colleagues and and _________________________ (sympatyczna
5 I wouldn’t recommend that holiday resort because of rather _________________________ (obskurne
pokoje) and unpleasant service.
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11 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Od niedawna masz problemy z domowym Internetem bezprzewodowym (wireless internet connection),
który nie działa poprawnie. Napisz do administratora list z zażaleniem (200‒250 słów), w którym opiszesz
problem i wyjaśnisz, jakich działań oczekujesz w celu jego rozwiązania.


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