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Unit 4 Test Higher | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź przewodnika. Na podstawie informacji z nagrania uzupełnij
luki w zdaniach 1–5.
0 The guide is going to talk about exploration rovers.
1 The rovers ____________________________ on Mars in 2004.
2 They discovered that ____________________________ on the planet in the past.
3 One of the rovers, Spirit, travelled almost ____________________________.
4 The rovers used cameras that ____________________________ high on each robot to take pictures.
5 You can ____________________________ in the Space Shop, which is near to the entrance.
___ / 5

2 Połącz słowa z ramek A i B tak, aby powstały wyrażenia. Następnie uzupełnij zdania powstałymi
wyrażeniami, stosując je w odpowiedniej formie.
A back up charge do make work out

B a discovery a solution his data research the battery

0 Daniel backed up his data and shut his computer down.
1 _________________________________ in my smartphone takes me up to two hours.
2 John first _________________________________ online and then wrote his history essay.
3 The scientists have _________________________________ which will change the course of history.
4 The students _________________________________ to a problem when suddenly their teacher shouted
that there was a fire in the laboratory.
___ / 4

3 Uzupełnij wyrazy w zdaniach. Pierwsza litera jest podana, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.
0 You can use a memory stick to b a c k up your files.
1 Open the email, please. There are two documents a _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2 I think I‘ll save my pocket money and get one of those w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ printers. You don’t need any cables
to use them.
3 Sometimes electronic e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doesn’t work the way we want it to, and it’s frustrating.
4 His ideas were quite i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ back in those days. People had not known such solutions before.
5 If you want to change the language in your phone, you need to go to s _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
___ / 5

4 Połącz części zdań i uzupełnij je, używając formy Past Perfect lub Past Simple czasowników podanych
w nawiasach.
0 When the sailors saw the coast, b
1 By the time I __________ (finish) my test, ____
2 Eunice didn’t want to move out because ____
3 The students began to understand the theory ____
4 Mrs Wilkinson __________ (be) so happy to find out ____

a because the teacher __________ (do) some experiments with them.

b they realised that they had discovered (discover) a new land.
c everyone else had left the classroom.
d that her son had won the competition.
e she _______________ (live) in that house all her life.

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5 Uzupełnij tekst poprawnymi zaimkami względnymi.
Anna Pavlovna Pavlova was the first ballerina 0 who toured around the world, including performances in South
America, India and Australia. She was also the dancer 1 __________ invention modernised the ballet pointe
shoe. Maria Taglioni was the first ballerina 2 __________ danced on her toes at a time 3 __________ the shoes
didn’t offer any support for the feet. However, it was Pavlova’s shoes 4 __________ made their way to modern
ballet stages. The Bakhrushin Theatre Museum in Moscow is the place 5 __________ you can see a pair of her
pointe shoes.
___ / 5

6 Uzupełnij obydwa zdania z każdej pary tym samym wyrazem.
0 A I couldn’t call you because my battery had run out.
B It took me quite a while to work out an acceptable solution.

1 A How did you manage to come __________ with such an incredible answer?
B If you don’t want to lose all your work, back __________ your files.

2 A I hate this guitar. It’s badly-__________ and sounds terrible. Where did you get it?
B Mum __________ an unexpected discovery when she was cleaning the bathroom – she found the ring
I had lost a year ago.

3 A __________ gadget would you like to get for Christmas: an iPhone or iPad?
B That’s the invention __________ will revolutionise the world of medicine.

4 A Press the __________ switch and leave it to heat up for ten minutes.
B How much __________ can a solar panel generate?

5 A __________ were you born?

B That’s the place __________ radium was discovered.
___ / 5

7 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

Teenager’s water discovery

It all started when Maria Elena Grimmett noticed that the well water at her family home in Florida, USA, wasn’t
clear – in fact, it was light brown. When she was only eleven years old, she began to investigate what was
causing the problem and discovered that it was connected to water pollution.
The pollution was caused by medicines that entered the water. These medicines were used on farm animals by
vets. She discovered that this type of water pollution is common in the countryside where there are a lot of
farms. She was angry and wondered why people were allowing this to happen.
After six years of research, Grimmett invented a way of removing the medicine from the water. When the
medicine enters the water, it creates bacteria which can’t be removed easily. These bacteria then become a
serious problem for people’s health in the area. Her invention was to use a material called MN250, which she
describes as being like tiny plastic balls. The balls have chemicals that make them sticky, and these balls can
then attract and remove the medicine from the water. She hopes that her invention will help water engineers
to design systems that could clean the water on a much larger scale.
In 2013, Grimmett became the youngest author to publish original research in the Journal of Environmental
Quality. She also won a $100,000 award, which she plans to use to do further research at university.
Grimmett is certainly a rising star in the science community, and it will be interesting to see her future

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1 Why was the groundwater at Maria’s family home not clear?
A It was polluted by substances used to treat farm animals.
B The house was connected to farms in the countryside.
C It was polluted by farm animals’ food.
D It wasn’t investigated enough.

2 Who caused the pollution?

A Maria’ family.
B Water engineers.
C Vets.
D Farmers.

3 When the medicine enters the water, it creates bacteria. Why are these bacteria dangerous?
A They are a serious health problem for people.
B They cause serious health problems in animals.
C They remove other bacteria.
D They are sticky and attract the medicine in the water.

4 What did Maria invent?

A Chemical plastic balls.
B A material called MN250.
C New effective medicine to eliminate bacteria.
D A new method of getting rid of chemicals from the water.

5 What does Maria plan to do with the money she won?

A Use it to help someone from the community.
B Spend it on more research.
C Publish her original research.
D Set up a fund to help rising stars of science.
___ / 5

8 Uzupełnij dialog, wpisując w każdą lukę pytanie typu question tag.
Ahmed: I’d like to visit the Museum of Chocolate. Bartek was talking about it the other day, 0 wasn’t he?
Jameson: Yes, I think he was! It’s in Poznań, 1 __________?
Ahmed: Yes. Not very far away from here.
Jameson: It was closed when we were in Poznań last time, 2 __________?
Ahmed: Yes. We missed closing time by twenty minutes. We spent too much time at the market,
3 __________?
Jameson: Yes, we did. Let’s go there early enough tomorrow then. We need to book tickets, 4 __________?
Ahmed: No, we can buy them right there, at the museum.
Jameson: They aren’t very expensive, 5 __________?
Ahmed: I don’t think so.
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9 Dostałeś/Dostałaś pod choinkę gadżet elektroniczny, który okazał się niepotrzebny, więc zamierzasz go
sprzedać. Na swoim blogu:
– poinformuj, co to jest za urządzenie,
– krótko opisz, jak wygląda Twój gadżet, i opisz jego cechy,
– napisz, komu i do czego gadżet może się przydać,
– podaj cenę urządzenia i poleć je swoim czytelnikom.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hi everyone!
Remember when I wrote about …

___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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