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Unit 4 Test Standard | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź przewodnika. Na podstawie informacji z nagrania uzupełnij
luki w zdaniach 1–5.
0 The guide is going to talk about exploration rovers.
1 The rovers provided ____________________________.
2 ____________________________ that there had been water on the planet in the past.
3 The rover called Opportunity lasted fourteen years – longer than ____________________________.
4 Each rover has ____________________________ which has an elbow and a wrist.
5 In the Space Shop, you can buy food that ____________________________, for example freeze-dried
strawberries and ice cream.
___ / 5

2 Połącz słowa z ramek A i B tak, aby powstały wyrażenia. Następnie uzupełnij zdania powstałymi
A come up generate reset run out transfer

B the system with a solution power quickly your files

0 Why don’t you transfer your files to the cloud? You’ll have more space on your hard drive.
1 It took me about two hours to _____________________________ to this problem.
2 I think you should _____________________________ and wait. Sometimes it helps the computer to start
over again.
3 I love those bikes that you use to _____________________________ to make a smoothie with.
4 While using a digital camera, you must remember that the batteries _____________________________
when you view the photos.
___ / 4

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.

attached back up equipment delete impractical movement settings wireless
0 You can use a memory stick to back up your files.
1 Don’t open this email. It’s got a virus that can _____________________ all your files.
2 To turn aeroplane mode on and off, go to _____________________.
3 You need some electronic _____________________ for distance learning: a computer or laptop,
a microphone, camera and speakers.
4 His invention is _____________________. Another useless gadget.
5 I need a _____________________ speaker. Do you think I should buy Alexa or a JBL speaker?
___ / 5

4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika podanego w nawiasie w czasie Past Perfect
lub Past Simple.
0 The students understood the theory because the teacher had done (do) some experiments with them.
1 By the time I _______________ (finish) my test, everyone else had left the classroom.
2 Mrs Wilkinson _______________ (be) so happy to find out that her son had won the competition.
3 When the sailors saw the coast, they realised that they _______________ (discover) a new land.
4 Marie Sklodowska-Curie lived in Poland before she _______________ (move) to Paris to study.
___ / 4

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5 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
It has never been discovered who invented high heels. Ancient Egypt is one of the places 1 where / when /
which they were popular. One of the first women in Europe 2 which / who / when wore high heels was
Catherine de Medici in 1533, the year 3 where / when / whose she got married as a fourteen-year-old girl.
Catherine, 4 which / that / whose future husband was very tall, wanted high heel shoes 5 that / where / who
would help her small body look taller.
___ / 5

6 Uzupełnij obydwa zdania z każdej pary tym samym wyrazem.
0 A I couldn’t call you because my battery had run out.
B It took me quite a while to work out an acceptable solution.

1 A It’s hard to think about a time __________ there were no computers.

B We had just closed the door to the laboratory __________ we suddenly heard a strange noise coming
from there.

2 A I believe that using wind energy is the cheapest way of generating __________ in this country.
B Don’t turn the __________ switch on until everything is ready.

3 A The hotel is only ten minutes’ __________ from the airport.

B Do you often transfer your photos from your smartphone to the hard __________ of your computer?

4 A The police __________ a terrifying discovery of a dead body in that house.

B I love this 3D-printed toy car. It’s well-__________ and looks fantastic.

5 A How far can you __________ without stopping?

B You can’t take any more pictures. The battery has __________ out.
___ / 5

7 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

Teenager’s water discovery

It all started when Maria Elena Grimmett noticed that the well water at her family home in Florida, USA, wasn’t
clear – in fact, it was light brown. When she was only eleven years old, she began to investigate what was
causing the problem and discovered that it was connected to water pollution.
The pollution was caused by medicines that entered the water. These medicines were used on farm animals by
vets. She discovered that this type of water pollution is common in the countryside where there are a lot of
farms. She was angry and wondered why people were allowing this to happen.
After six years of research, Grimmett invented a way of removing the medicine from the water. When the
medicine enters the water, it creates bacteria which can’t be removed easily. These bacteria then become a
serious problem for people’s health in the area. Her invention was to use a material called MN250, which she
describes as being like tiny plastic balls. The balls have chemicals that make them sticky, and these balls can
then attract and remove the medicine from the water. She hopes that her invention will help water engineers
to design systems that could clean the water on a much larger scale.
In 2013, Grimmett became the youngest author to publish original research in the Journal of Environmental
Quality. She also won a $100,000 award, which she plans to use to do further research at university.
Grimmett is certainly a rising star in the science community, and it will be interesting to see her future

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1 What did Maria Elena Grimmett do her research on?
A Water pollution.
B Her hometown in Florida.
C Farm animals.
D Veterinary science.

2 Where was this type of pollution common?

A In the countryside with lots of farms.
B In the countryside with no farms.
C In Florida.
D In places where farmers allow it.

3 When the medicine enters the water, it creates bacteria. Who are the bacteria dangerous to?
A Vets.
B Farm animals.
C Useful bacteria.
D Everyone.

4 What is MN250 similar to?

A Plastic balls.
B Tiny bacteria.
C A special medicine.
D Nothing.

5 Where does Grimmett plan to continue her work?

A At her family home in Florida.
B In the Journal of Environmental Quality.
C At university.
D In scientific publishing.
___ / 5

8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
aren’t they did we didn’t we do you is it wasn’t he
Ahmed: I’d like to visit the Museum of Chocolate. Bartek was talking about it the other day, 0 wasn’t he?
Jameson: Yes, I think he was! Is it in Poznań?
Ahmed: Yes. It isn’t very far away from here, 1 __________?
Jameson: No, not very far. We saw the museum when we were in Poznań last time, 2 __________?
Ahmed: No. We missed closing time by twenty minutes.
Jameson: Ah, yes, I remember now. We didn’t want to leave the market, 3 __________?
Ahmed: Yes, that’s true. Let’s go there tomorrow. You don’t have any classes tomorrow, 4 __________?
Jameson: No, I’m free. We can go. What about the tickets? They are quite expensive, 5 __________?
Ahmed: I don’t think so.
___ / 5

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9 Dostałeś/Dostałaś pod choinkę gadżet elektroniczny, który okazał się niepotrzebny, więc zamierzasz
go sprzedać. Na swoim blogu:
– poinformuj, co to jest za urządzenie,
– krótko opisz, jak wygląda Twój gadżet, i opisz jego cechy,
– napisz, komu i do czego gadżet może się przydać,
– podaj cenę urządzenia i poleć je swoim czytelnikom.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hi everyone!
Remember when I wrote about …

___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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