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8° Viradão de Inglês ESA, EsPCEx & EEAr | 19-20/06/21

Questão 01: EsFCEx 2017 - Oficial

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence below.
Which color do you like_________ , yellow or white?
A) more
B) most
C) the most
D) many
E) much

Questão 02: EsFCEx 2017 - Oficial

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right
use of articles:
When we cross the street we must wait for the green man on _____ crossing sign,
but in one Australian city, he no longer wears trousers._____ city of Melbourne is
now in the news because it changed some of the pedestrian lights from men to
women._____member of the Melbourne city board thinks that to see only___male
figure is not right. She hopes that _____female figure will make our world equal.
A) the - the - a - a - the
B) the - the - an - a - a
C) a - a - a - the - the
D) a - a -the - an - an
E) a - the - the - a - the
Questão 03: EsFCEx 2017 - Oficial
This news is about an 84-year-old woman from the UK. Her name is Ursula and she
left school in 1944 unable to read. She had no time to learn to read because she had
to look after her ill parents.
Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or books like other people. She
decided to learn to read now, in her 80s. She hopes that she can inspire other
people to read too.
According to the text, the meaning of the words ill parents is:
A) tired relatives
B) distant family members
C) old parents
D) good parents
E) sick parents

Questão 04: EsFCEx 2017 - Oficial

Write “T” if the sentence is grammatically correct, and “F” if it is grammatically
incorrect. Then choose the alternative with the correct sequence.
( ) Many animals are disappearing because of the greenhouse effect.
( ) Most of the dogs in the kennel are sick.
( ) There are only a little monkeys in the zoo.
( ) Birds need few water to live.
( ) Dogs eat a lot of meat.

A) T - T - F - F - T
B) F - T - T - F - T
C) T - F - F - T - F
D) F - F - F - F - T
E) T - T - T - T - F
Questão 05: EsFCEx 2015 - Oficial (adapted)
Mr Harris takes digital photographs of the footprints.
The alternative that correctly transforms the sentence above to the present
continuous is:
A) Mr Harris takesing digital photographs of the footprints.
B) Mr Harris taking digital photographs of the footprints.
C) Mr Harris has taking digital photographs of the footprints.
D) Mr Harris are taking digital photographs of the footprints.
E) Mr Harris is taking digital photographs of the footprints.

Questão 06: EsFCEx 2015 - Oficial

Chose the correct alternative that shows a superlative form.
A) There was at least one adult, too.
B) The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain.
C) Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s.
D) There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.
E) Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from

Questão 07: EsFCEx 2014 - Oficial

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:
My car wasn‟t big enough, so, I needed a ________ one. My new car is______ and
__________ than the one I had. It is _________ car in the world.
A) bigger – nicer – better – the most beautiful
B) more big – more nice – good – the beautiful
C) the biggest – the more nice – the better – the more beautiful.
D) the bigger – the nicer – better – the beautiful
E) the most big – nicer – the best – the more beautiful.
Questão 08: EsFCEx 2009 - Oficial
Choose the answer that appropriately completes the sentence: “Maria wants to talk
to me but I don’t want to talk to ____.”
A) she
B) he
C) her
D) hers
E) him

Questão 09: Exército - 2009 - EsSEx - Primeiro Tenente

____________ dinner at 7 o'clock?
A) Do he always has
B) Does he always have
C) Does he always has
D) Is he always have

Questão 10: Exército - 2015 - EsPCEx - Primeiro Tenente

Which option completes the sentence “She__________ early” correctly?
A) getting usually up
B) usually gets up
C) gets usually up
D) gets up usually

Questão 11: ESCOLA NAVAL 2014 - Aspirante

Which of the alternatives completes the sentence correctly?
If you need ____________about what to remove from your _______ to avoid
problems at check in, this leaflet is for you.
A) some information / luggage
B) the informations / luggage
C) information / luggages
D) an information / luggage
E) informations / luggages

Questão 12: EEAR - 2016 - Sargento da Aeronáutica

In “... Sam gets a cramp in his legs and he can’t swim...” we can infer that
A) he can’t feel his legs.
B) he can just move his legs slowly.
C) he has a suddenly contracting of muscle.
D) his legs are painful, because of the hot water.

Questão 13: Complete the sentence with the CORRECT alternative:

- Whose are these shoes?
- They are __________ shoes. They belong to __________. They are __________.
A) their – them – theirs
B) their – you – your
C) his – he – him
D) our – us – ourself
E) her – she – hers

Questão 14:
We don't know with __________ he was talking on the phone.
A) that
B) whom
C) what
D) which
E) whose
Questão 15: (EFOMM)
“Paul comes here every afternoon, but he ______________ tomorrow. His mother is
very ill”.
A) are coming
B) coming
C) isn’t coming
D) is coming
E) aren’t coming

Questão 16: EEAR - 2012 - Sargento da Aeronáutica

"If you have a lot of study, don't try to do the whole job at once."
In “…, don’t try to do the whole job at once.”, the underlined expression is closest in
meaning to
A) later.
B) finally.
C) occasionally.
D) at the same time.

Questão 17: (EN 2016)

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?
No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first
language are __________. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge
challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language __________ another. In
the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is __________
language in the world. (Adapted from
A) easier – more difficult – harder
B) the easiest – more difficult – harder
C) as easy as – the most difficult – the hardest
D) easier – more difficult than – the hardest
E) the easiest – more difficult than – the harder
Questão 18: EAM - 2019 - Marinheiro
In the sentence "Loch Ness is a lake (or ‘loch’ in Scottish Gaelic) located in the
Highlands of Scotland, near Inverness. People say there is a monster in it, which is
called Nessie." the pronoun “it” refers to
A) Inverness.
B) the lake.
C) Nessie.
D) the people.
E) the monster.

Questão 19: (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:

It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________ years of study.
A) many
B) much
C) little
D) lot of
E) any

Questão 20: (CESGRANRIO)

A synonym for the word ACTUALLY as in “This is actually the decaying of the tooth”
A) now
B) today
C) really
D) normally
E) theoretically

01- A
02- A
03- E
04- A
05- E
06- B
07- A
08- C
09- B
10- B
11- A
12- C
13- A
14- B
15- C
16- D
17- D
18- B
19- A
20- C

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