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BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning




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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning


Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation...................................4

Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation...........................7
Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation ...............12

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Aaditya kumar sharma Nepal

Student name:



Prime TM 100
Organization this
assessment is based

reviewed as

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Section 1: Understand innovation in your organization

1 Describe the organization you are basing this project on.

1.1 What is the name of the organization?
PrimeTM100 is the name of organization.
1.2 What are the main activities of the organization?
The major activities of organization to manufacture pet food.
1.3 What is your role in the organization?
I am production manager at the PrimeTM100.
1.4 How does your role fit into the organizational structure?
I will be guiding production and packing staff in the organization.
1.5 Identify at least two stakeholders who will be associated with or impacted
by innovation in your organization.
Human resource manager and Operating Director are two stakeholders
that will be associated with innovation in the organization.
1.6 How are your identified stakeholders associated with or impacted by
The management team is essential to the success of innovation
inside the firm without their support and efforts, innovation
would not be possible. Therefore, the transformation in the
company is related to the human resources manager and
academic managers.
1.7 Summarize any existing organizational requirements relating to identifying,
introducing and promoting innovative practices, processes, products and/or
services (for example, communication policies and procedures, risk
management policies and procedures etc.)?

The remainder of Section 1 of your portfolio requires you to do research. You

must access at least three different sources of information to do your
research (for example, discussion with stakeholders, internet searches, industry
standards, best practice examples etc.).
You may also use the additional information in the Simulation Pack to assist
you in answering the questions.
Attach proof of your sources to this section of your portfolio (e.g. screen shot
of search results, list of website links etc.)
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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

There are certain requirement to identify and promote innovative practices

in organization such as:
A. Curious Employees
A creative mindset depends on curiosity. It encourages us to investigate,
look for, learn, try things out, and pose questions. Curiosity creates grit.
Without a burning curiosity, we are unable to persevere long to make
significant new contributions.
B. A Culture of Rewarding Failure
According to Kaufman, resilience is essentially a must for creative achievement.
Creative’s employee at least the successful ones learn not to take failure so
personally because doing creative work is sometimes described as a process of
failing repeatedly until you find something that sticks.
C. Strong Communication Skills
Human organizations are only as strong as their communication skills. Teams
have to communicate and coordinate among themselves, leaders and CEOs
have to communicate with those teams, and company representatives have to
communicate with the outside world.

2 Research innovation:
2.1 Choose at least one past and one current innovation theory. Compare
and contrast these theories and the associated thinking behind these
One The Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by
E.M. Rogers in 1962, is one of the oldest theories in social science. It was
initially employed in communication to explain how an idea or product gains
popularity before it diffuses (or spreads) among a population or social
system. Marketers frequently employ the principle of the spread of
innovations to encourage the adoption of their goods. When this occurs,
marketers typically identify a group of people who are enthusiastic about
the product early on. These early adopters are in charge of promoting its
usefulness to general audiences.
A foresight technique that can help us organize our future thinking in a way
that encourages creativity is the "Three Horizons" framework. It explains
the relative importance and relationships of three patterns or ways of doing
things, as well as how they change through time. The second horizon's
activity links the established pattern of the first horizon to the emergence of
fundamentally new patterns in the third. According to the diffusion theory,
time, communication, and social systems, also known as adopter

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Categories, are the main elements that affect the adoption of a new idea or
product. According to the three horizon model, if you don't strike a balance
between all three viewpoints, you can't guarantee a bright future. By doing
this, you'll not only maximize your development potential but also reduce
the risk in your firm portfolio.

2.2 Summaries relevant workplace conditions, including:

2.2.1. Specific conditions that facilitate innovation (e.g. critical thinking).

The specific conditions that facilitate innovation are:

A. Shared Vision
To show your coworkers what they are working toward and the new habits
they will need to develop to get there, create a visual picture of your
team's future. A vision for the future should not only outline the changes
that must be made, but also provide justification for those changes. An
effective team and an effective organization benefit from a unified vision.

B. Critical thinking
It is easy to understand why critical thinking encourages innovation: it is
used when judgment is needed to get a desired set of desirable results.
Because of this, the majority of innovations arise in little advancements
built on well-considered concepts.

C. Change management
Both the execution of innovations and the adoption of innovation
management necessitate change. These changes won't succeed unless all
workers agree with them and the workforce is ready to change. As a result,
change management is a very important talent that every innovation
manager needs to have.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

2.2.2. Specific issues that impact innovative thinking and creativity.

The specific issues that impact innovative thinking and creativity are:
a. Misunderstanding
Employees who lack creativity in their work processes may have
misconceptions about innovation within an organization. Management might
not be fully aware of the type of labor needed to create creative ventures. A
false understanding of what creativity is could result in office conflicts that
impede innovation and productivity.

b. Judgement
Criticism and perhaps harsh judgment are common signs of fear about a
novel idea. People make fun of and mock what they don't comprehend.
Employees who have ideas are reluctant to share because they worry that
no one will like the idea. They are afraid of ridicule or the implications of
possible failure.

c. Policies by rules
Policies and procedures, rigid organizational structures, traditions, and a
culture of obeying the rules all prevent employees from participating and
stifle any innovative or creative initiatives.

d. Hard work
It frequently takes a lot of work or time to turn concepts from development
into results. The majority of businesses and employees are unwilling to put
in the necessary time or effort to finish a creative project.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
2.3 Analyze at least two potential barriers and two potential risks associated with
introducing and maintaining innovation in an organization.
The two potential barriers and two potential risks linked with maintaining
innovation in an organization are:
Two potential barriers:
a. Lack of funding
Because innovation is a continuous process with long-term goals, it could be
challenging to evaluate its impact. Since financing may be reduced if
innovation takes longer to produce results, this could result in a stressful
back-and-forth with those in charge of the business budget. However, it will
be extremely problematic if financing for innovation is cut

b. Closed-minded leadership
Due to the alleged costs, delays, and hazards associated with innovation,
many managers are apprehensive. Yes, it can be challenging to assess
return on investment, and risks must be carefully considered. However, this
shouldn't make CEOs and managers overly risk-averse. Then again,
employees won't feel comfortable sharing their ideas unless they believe
management will do so.

Two potential risks:

a. financial risks
Prior to getting started, it's important to think about the benefits of
innovation. Some inventions may not be accepted by consumers, in which
case they won't be purchased or used. Ineffective innovation efforts may
result in financial loss.

b. Operational risk
Innovations don't always work out. While some don't achieve the desired
results, others succeed in surprising ways. The business might not be able to
meet its goals for quality, pricing, or timing.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
2.4 Describe strategies that may be used to respond to the barriers/risks.
A. Explore to open innovation
Employees that are exposed to startups may gain a fresh perspective and
discover new methods to innovate. Employees may be encouraged to
attempt new things as a result, gradually altering the workplace culture.

B. Incentive structure
By offering financial rewards for innovative ventures, bonuses, like Google
does, or even potential equity in the product if it becomes successful, can be
a smart approach to influence culture. All of these can encourage your staff
to work on innovation projects, which will ultimately impact the culture of
the company.

2.5 Summaries at least four techniques and tools that can be used in your
organization to generate ideas and facilitate creative thinking.
The four techniques and tools that could be used in organization to generate
ideas and facilitate creative thinking are:

1. Brainstorming
Your ability to generate fresh ideas may be aided through
brainstorming sessions. They help you come up with additional
ideas, so they're especially helpful if you have a big team. Include
every member of the team or group, even if they aren't actively
working on the project or have jobs that don't frequently need
problem-solving. These people could provide fresh ideas since
they have different perspectives and may approach the issue
differently than you do.
2. Affinity Diagrams
You usually wind up with a ton of information that needs to be
sorted through and organized after a brainstorming session,
meeting, or research. The affinity diagram is useful here. Using
the affinity diagram, you can organize your data into themes. This
makes it simpler to identify connections and patterns among the
data you have acquired, enabling you to generate fresh concepts
or solutions.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
3. Concept map
The concept map is a teaching and learning techniques that help
visualize the connections between concepts and ideas. It helps
organize thoughts and discover new relationships, ideas or

4. Mind Map
The central idea of your brainstorming is where the mind map
begins. Lines connecting related concepts to the center. It enables
you to write down your free-flowing ideas and arrange them on a
canvas in a way that will later enable you to make new
connections and potentially find a solution. A more original way of
thinking is possible since it links text and a visual arrangement.

2.6 Identify three examples of leadership styles and discuss the impact on
innovation, specifically whether the style of innovation encourages or inhibits
innovation within an organization.
The three examples of leadership styles and their impact on innovation

1. Directive and participative leadership

Directive leadership is "related with a leader's positional power and is
characterized by behaviors intended at actively structuring
subordinates' work by offering explicit directions and expectations
regarding compliance with instructions. On both situations, the leader
has the final say in all decisions. The key variations include both how
much leaders consult with their followers and how much influence
followers have over the decision-making process. The distinct
advantages of directive and participative leadership with relation to
various innovation-related goals are supported by research on
innovation. One the one hand, studies demonstrate that directive
leadership is especially helpful for creating clear guidelines. On the
other side, numerous studies demonstrate that participative
leadership fosters innovation and the generation of fresh ideas.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
2. Interactive leadership
The idea of interactive leadership first emerged in Rosener's study of
female leaders (1990). In this study, Rosener identified four key traits
of interactive leadership: promoting involvement, extensive power
and information exchange, enhancing employee self-worth, and
energizing workers for various tasks. Bossink has stated that the
interactive leader "empowers people to innovate, cooperates with
them to innovate, and explains how to become innovation leaders in
the organization themselves" with relation to innovation.
3. Autocratic leadership
One person tries to make choices for the entire business under this
sort of leadership. The employees are not properly involved in the
decision-making process. As a result, it limits the organization's use
of innovation. While authoritarian leadership has a detrimental effect
on the inventive process, transformational and entrepreneurial
leadership foster innovative practice.

3 Research, analyses and review the culture of innovation in your organization.

3.1 An analysis of internal and external environmental culture and trends that
shape your organization’s:
3.1.1. Current thinking and practice regarding innovation.
 Attracts better talent
 Supporting staff for innovation
 Retain talent
 Collaboration with employee to enhance the strategy

3.1.2. Future thinking and practice regarding innovation.

 Proper leadership style in organization
 Brainstorm with employee
 Increase in idea pool
 Train employees in design thinking

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

3.2 A review of innovation drivers and enablers in your organization.

Innovation drivers:
The catalysts for innovation in an organization are effective
communication, holding everyone accountable for creativity, diversity,
and a culture of innovation. Various factors encourage and drive an
organization to innovate. Each of these drivers demands continuity and
learning. Drivers create a sense of urgency to create new
organizational. The term innovation is often associated with products,
but can also occur in processes that make products, services, or deliver
products and services, including intangibles. Generate new ideas for
meeting these goals.

Innovation enablers:
The organization's ability to innovate is enabled by the leadership's
vision and support. Every team member in this corporation embraces
innovation, which improves organizational success. Similar to this, an
open mind and staff cooperation for innovative practice are also
organizational facilitators. Manage the risks associated with change for
Incremental, Sustainable and Disruptive Innovation

3.3 An assessment of the current resources that are available to ensure

innovation occurs.
The current resources that are available to ensure innovation occurs are:
 Money
Dedicated funding that enable employees to implement their ideas,
innovation cannot occur. This means you should allocate a suitable
portion of your money to fostering innovation. And if there is a
budgetary gap elsewhere, it shouldn't be relocated. This might be
10%, or it might be higher.
 People
Businesses that value innovation must be aware that this talent and
time commitment is required. Your top employees will be encouraged
to work on initiatives that interest them even if they don't directly
relate to their regular job responsibilities since you'll be giving them
the freedom to do so.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

 Time
Time is another essential resource for fostering innovation. You might
not consider time to be a resource as a business. You might not even
give time any thought other than the fact that there is never enough
of it. Do what you can, when you can mentality began to prevail as a
result, encouraging innovation to occur outside of the traditional 9 to

 Equipment
This equipment, whether it is software or hardware, is likely being
used for core business purposes. If an employee is not engaged in a
project assigned to them, they are often discouraged from using
workplace equipment or may not have access to it. Sometimes, even
if a company allows its team members to use the equipment for
innovative projects, it is only possible to do so when the equipment is
not being used for something “more important.”

4 Summaries the requirements necessary to lead innovation in your organisation.

4.1 An assessment of at least three requirements to integrate innovation as
a sustainable part of your organization’s activities.
The three requirements to integrate innovation as a sustainable part
of the organization's activities are:
 Allocating funds for the application of creative ideas
 Acceptance of failure and danger
 Giving employees a sense of freedom

4.2 a list of at least two ways to:

4.2.1. Capture ideas and practices relating to innovation in your
The two ways are:
1. Implementing creative work culture strategies
2. Recognition and rewards for invention

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

4.2.2. Communicate with stakeholders relating to innovation (different

methods may be appropriate for different stakeholders).
The two ways are:
1. Email
2. Face to face communication
4.2.3. Promote the transfer of relevant innovation knowledge within in your
The two ways are:
1. Noticeboards
2. Email

4.3 A summary of at least two strategies that may be implemented in your

organization to foster a workplace culture that encourages innovation.
1. Motivate employee to be Intrapreneur
Employees that are already employed by your company and
have the creativity and ingenuity to create are known as
Intrapreneur. Consider them as business owners who also
happen to be your employees. Finding and inspiring
Intrapreneur within your company is a great strategy to
promote a more creative method of problem-solving.
2. Ensure staff psychological safety
You must get this important aspect right. Employees don't want
to believe that initiatives at innovation could endanger their jobs
if they fail, after all. Your employees must feel free to suggest
new products and processes without fear of retribution or
negative impacts on their work.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

4.4 Review at least two innovative practices, processes, products and/or

services that may suit and be implemented in your organization.

Yes, the organization could use several innovative tools and services that
could enhance innovation and growth of organization.

1. Conveyor belts systems

Conveyor belts system is innovative equipment that implement in our

company. As common knowledge, conveyor belts are an integral part of
the manufacturing industry. It transport the raw material production
section to packaging section. Conveyor belts: automation of product
transport systems within a facility tend to reduce the amount of human
labor involved in the overall production system. After installation of this
system there is reduction of cost which give profit in the long run.


 Easy to use

 Can have changes in elevation

 Can be loaded from any place along the belt

 Easy to transport raw-material.


 Belt can be difficult to clean and generally does not leave a very
successful result

 The simplicity means very limited features

 Sticky material can get stuck on the belt and transfer to the return
side, the rolls, idlers and pulleys.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

2. Creating creative working environment

A creative workplace fosters innovation among your team, which can

inspire employees to do their jobs more effectively. To comprehend how
a creative work environment might benefit the organization, have a look
at its qualities. Company should accept different approach to make a
creative working environment.

Some of them are given below:

1. Give the office a makeover

The physical layout of the office can influence the creativity of

employees. Consider reorganizing the workspace to enable professionals
to exchange ideas more easily and have more room to brainstorm their
strategies. For example, instead of closed offices, you might introduce
large, open spaces in the building that make supervisors more accessible
and enable colleagues to work in greater proximity to one another.

2. Allow flexible schedules

Giving employees the freedom to work when they choose is

another strategy for creating a creative work environment. Take
into account the constraints on working hours that can give your
employees greater flexibility while still achieving the goals of your
company. Employees can work when they are motivated and
productive by setting their own schedules, which may be
important for creativity to develop.

3. Coordinate workplace gatherings

Give employees the chance to develop relationships with their

peers. From their teammates, they can pick up new abilities that
will help them approach their jobs more imaginatively. Plan
enjoyable office events like birthday parties for coworkers or
anniversaries of company milestones. You can also advise that
workers get together away from the office so they can unwind
after a long day and support their coworkers.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
4. Hire personnel from a diverse range of backgrounds

A diverse workforce can invite innovation in the office environment.

Each member of your team may have distinct expertise, so they can
contribute an idea that you may not have considered. When recruiting
new employees, contemplate how the candidate's professional
background can positively influence the success of your team. Search
for associates with the education or work experience that can prompt
a novel approach to work projects.

5 Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of implementing innovation strategies,

practices, processes and systems. Present the information in an appropriate
format (e.g. table and/or graph).

The student conduct a cost/benefit analysis and present the information in

an appropriate format. If they are using the case study, a sample answer
may include:

The table of cost benefit analysis is given bellow:

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

6 Present the work you’ve done in this section as a written report to a relevant
stakeholder (e.g. Board of directors). Use the space below to list which
stakeholders will receive the report.
Note: Attach your report to this section of your portfolio.
The Written report table is given below:

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Information sources ☐

Written report ☐

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation

Use the work you completed in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio and if
relevant, the additional information in the Simulation Pack to help you
complete this section.

1 Assess your personal leadership style, including:

1.1 using an appropriate tool to assess your leadership style (e.g.
1.2 a description of your leadership style
Democratic leadership, also known as participatory leadership or shared
leadership, is a style of leadership in which members of the organization take
a more active role in decision-making. This type of leadership can be
observed in a number of contexts, including public institutions, commercial
businesses, and educational institutions. Leadership that's designed around
the thoughts and opinions of your team members.

1.3 An explanation how your leadership style already models (or should be
improved to model) positive innovative thinking and practice.
Note: Attach proof of your leadership style assessment to this section of your
Since group members are encouraged to voice their viewpoints,
democratic leadership may result in better ideas and more inventive
solutions to problems. Group members are also more committed to and
immersed in activities, which makes them more likely to be concerned with
the result. According to research on leadership philosophies, democratic
leadership boosts group members' productivity.

2 Develop and apply at least two strategies to make innovation an integral part of
your organization. Complete the table below (you have already identified the
strategies in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio).
Note: Attach proof of your developed and applied strategies. If necessary,
provide separate proof of a develop strategy (e.g. list of rewards) and how it has

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
been applied (draft email to all staff notifying them of the strategy). If your
organization requires more than two strategies, attach the additional details to
this section of your portfolio.

Description of the How will you How will you How does the
strategy develop the apply the strategy
strategy? strategy? build/maintain
The inventiveness
Giving the Not giving
and motivation in
precise external the team could be
Motivate employee to objective and intervention to boosted by
be intraprenuer make employee their work properly
act like within the communicating the
goals and
entrepreneur specific time objectives.
within the frame.
Ensure staff
Meeting and Not giving Ensure staff
psychological safety
discussion on burden of work psychology boost
board about the and keep them creative thinking
psychological away from and spread
state of staff. mental innovative
pressure. technique among
the team

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

3 Establish at least two processes/systems in your organization by completing

the table below. Your processes/systems must:
 support innovation (and the strategies you developed in the previous
 Confirm an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to
innovative thinking and practice.
Note: if your organization requires more than two systems or processes, attach
the additional details to this section of your portfolio.

Description of Details of How do How will I

process/system process/system processes/systems monitor the
support innovation and system/process?
confirm ongoing
awareness of
contributions to

Conveyor belts Two motorized A mechanical handling Two motorized

system pulleys that device for quickly and pulleys that loop
loop over a effectively moving over a lengthy
lengthy section loads and materials section of robust,
of robust, thick automatically around a thick material are
material are space is a conveyor how a conveyor
how a conveyor system. Among other belt operates.
belt operates. advantages, this The belt moves
The belt moves technology minimizes between the two
between the human error, lowers when the motors
two when the workplace risks, and in the pulleys spin
motors in the lowers labor expenses. in the same
pulleys spin in direction and at
the same the same speed.
direction and at
the same
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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
Creative working Engagement is This helps staff to The analysis of
environment. key in a creative motivate them to achieve performance could
work innovative outcomes be done
When your staff
members are
allowed to
interact with you,
one another, and
their minds are
able to form novel
connections that
lead to an
increase in

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

4 Plan to communicate with stakeholders by completing the table below. You

need to:
 communicate with at least two stakeholders
 Use at least two tools to communicate (e.g. email, verbal, social media etc.)
 Provide at least one resource to support your communication (e.g. fact
sheet, flowchart etc.)
Note: You can communicate more than one requirement in a single form of
communication (e.g. you can discuss all the requirements listed in the table
below as part of a single weekly team meeting, send an email to summarize
what was discussed and provide a fact sheet for all employees to reference at
a later stage). Attach your resource(s) to the section of your portfolio.

What must I Who will I How will I Which

communicate? communicate to? communicate? resource will
I provide?

Board of directors Draft email with written Written report

Promote and report attached
share innovation

Sales and Marketing Training session with a Fact sheet about

Introduce and Assistant, Promotions PowerPoint presentation creative thinking
promote Officer, Office Assistant, about creative thinking techniques
creative Receptionist, Student techniques.
Services Officer and
thinking trainers and assessors
Management team Description of the
Introduce and
Email explaining the processes e.g.
promote innovative new processes flowchart.
practices, (brainstorming
processes, products sessions )
and/or services
(established in the
previous question).

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

5 Summaries your communication with stakeholder(s) to:

 Promote and share innovation knowledge.
 Introduce and promote creative thinking techniques.
 Introduce and promote innovative practices, processes, products and/or
Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your
communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of a team
meeting, PowerPoint presentation, email to employees). You will attach at least
two different forms of communication.
The employees
Our organization has concentrated on enhancing inventive practice, and
there are specific areas that you must pay attention to. It is difficult to
innovate since it requires a good structure and resources. In order to enable
staff members better comprehend innovation, training and collaboration
should be conducted in the near future. Additionally, the course will
concentrate on a number of creative thinking methods, including affinity
diagrams, mind maps, and brainstorming. Your capacity for original thought
will be strengthened through the process, which could aid the organization's
I want to tell you about the cutting-edge equipment we'll be using for our
innovation practice. A mechanical handling device that moves loads and
materials rapidly and efficiently around an area automatically is a conveyor
system, which is a cutting-edge manufacturing equipment. This technology,
among other benefits, reduces labor costs and risks at work while minimizing
human mistake. Regarding innovation in our company, I hope that all of the
staff members will become accustomed to manufacturing tools.
Thank You.

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
6 Confirm that your organization values a team approach to communication,
consultation and development for innovation.
Note: Attach proof of your confirmation to this section of your portfolio (for
example, survey results or draft email to all managers etc.)

The employees

Organization is built on a basic set of principles that represent the priorities

of the co-founders and guide staff priorities and company culture. While
communicating values to your team is an important step in changing
community culture, the process should start from the top. Your team should
live and lead by example, showing that have taken these values to heart.
Innovation is a dynamic process through which problems and challenges are
defined, new and creative ideas are developed, and new solutions are
selected and implemented. Communication and consultation Networks
among the employer have bring new ways of thinking, diverse perspectives
and people from different backgrounds outside the paradigm that created
the problems to the table to innovate new solutions. Your ability to think
creatively will be improved through the process, which could help our
organization flourish.
I would like to inform you about the innovative tools that would be used
during our innovation practice. Communications practices and help to organize
and elevate the role that values play in connecting and engaging with
partners, stakeholders, and communities. Any communications improvement
initiative must include regular results measurement, but manufacturing
organizations advance steadily and consistently.

Thank You.

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Leadership style assessment ☐

Proof of developed and applied strategies ☐

Resources to support innovation processes ☐

Proof of communication with stakeholders ☐

(at least two)

Proof of confirmation ☐

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation

Use the work you completed in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio and if
relevant, the additional information in the Simulation Pack to help you
complete this section.

1 Monitor at least one system/process established on Section 2 of your

Project Portfolio that confirms an ongoing awareness of individual and team
contributions to innovative thinking and practice:
1.1 Has the system or process been implemented?
Yes, the system has been implemented for innovating practices.
1.2 Are employees following the process/system?
Obviously. The employees is eager to utilize the manufacturing equipment
and demands for other innovative tools in near future.

2 Plan to generate innovate ideas for your organization in collaboration with

relevant stakeholders by completing the table below. You will meet with at least
two stakeholders to:
 identify issues in the organization
 Generate and evaluate possible solutions to the issues.
 select the most appropriate option to focus on
 Seek feedback.

Who will I meet with? Human resource manager

The absence of staff integration

Which issues will be discussed?

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Which creative thinking techniques and

Discussing potential solutions can be done through
tools will I use (at least one) to generate brainstorming. A resolution to the problem will be
solutions? helped by the conversation among all staff
members and the presence of the academic
Analyzing the causes of the problems will need
How will I include critical thinking?
using critical thinking, as the team had previously
had faith in corporate innovation.

Prioritizing the opinions and choices of each

How can I be inclusive, collaborative
member will enable everyone to contribute and see
and seek the perspectives of others? things from different viewpoints.

I'll strive to comprehend the staff's annoyance and

What am I willing to negotiate?
endeavor to meet their needs.

Make a reasonable offer

Which negotiation techniques
Make use of the power of silence.
will I use (at least three)? Seek advice.

All of the staffs will vote in order to make the

How will we evaluate the solutions
decision to select the suggested solutions
to choose the best one? transparent.

The academic manager and staff members could

How will I seek feedback about the
be asked to participate in a survey for feedback
meeting to generate and evaluate and idea evaluation.
Note: You may seek feedback in any
appropriate format (e.g. survey,

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Questionnaire, face-to-face discussion at the

meeting etc.)

3 Summarize the outcomes of your meeting with relevant stakeholders to generate

and evaluate innovate ideas for your organization.
Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your
communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of
brainstorming session).
The meeting with relevant stakeholders was carried out. The main reason
behind the issues among team members was due to lack of proper training
and information regarding the innovation tools. The discussion among team
members make it clear about the lack of training for some employees that
led to issues in the organization. Therefore, through negotiation techniques,
the meeting helped to take a suitable decision on behalf of all staffs in the
organization. Innovation practice is crucial and every employees should be
responsible for their role, so all the information and training regarding the
innovation system and practice would be provided.

4 Summarize the feedback from stakeholders about their experience of the

meeting to generate and evaluate ideas. Summarize the feedback in the
table below.
Note: Attach proof of the feedback to this section of your portfolio (unless the
feedback was provided face-to-face during the meeting).
The open communication
What did stakeholders like about the
idea generation/evaluation

In some situations, relying on staff members'

What did the stakeholders NOT innovative ideas may generate better solutions.
like about the idea
generation/evaluation process?

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning
suggested for upcoming idea creation and evaluation
What improvements for future idea sessions? Staff members have urged that, despite
generation and evaluation sessions growing worries about organizational effectiveness,
have been suggested? more attention be paid to creative human ideas.

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

5 Complete the table below to identify, evaluate and manage at least two risks
associated with the option you selected as part of your stakeholder meeting in
the previous question.
Note: If your organization uses a specific template for risk management
planning, use that template and attach the completed risk management plan
to this section of your portfolio.

Risk Consequence Severity/ Likelihood Risk rating Control Resource

actions requirement
damage (scale (scale of 1 (severity x
– 4) likelihood)
of 1 – 4)

Technical improper 3 3 Medium Monitoring Manufacturin

risk participation prior the g machinery
during the open communication such as
conversation process conveyor
belts system

Negative It will have an 2 3 High Collaboration Emails

response of effect on the and
staff innovation conversation
process whole or must be done
in part. properly.

6 Analyses and reflect on your own innovative performance:

6.1 How have you applied innovative, creative and critical thinking to
understand, lead, support and implement innovation in your organization?
In order to better engage the college employees, I have adopted
creative practices. Every employee is mandated to concentrate on the
organization's goals under the innovative organizational practice.

6.2 What have you done well?

I've used innovative techniques to better engage the organization staff. Under
the creative organizational practice, each employee is required to focus on
the organization's objectives.

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

6.3 What can you improve on?

As different staff showed their concern over working condition of
organization, in the future, the more ideas will be collected for staffs.
Although an area for technology will be remain to enhance innovative
practice in emergency.

7 Make improvements considering the feedback from stakeholders and your own
personal analysis:
7.1 Develop at least one strategy to improve innovation in your organization.
Maintaining favorable culture in the organization. By practicing culture that
provide everyone with their freedom and choice of decision, it will engage them
in goal of organization. Therefore, I will try to maintain diverse networks of staffs
within one favorable culture zone.
7.2 Make at least one change to innovative practices in your organization.
Note: Attach proof of the changes to this section of your portfolio (e.g. amended
fact sheet).
I would like to implement creative working environment which inspire employees
to do their jobs more effectively.

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning

Proof of meeting (if relevant) ☐

Proof of feedback (if relevant) ☐

Proof of changes to innovative practices ☐

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V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

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