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A Pointy Hat Racial Option for Player Characters
Those who choose to become augmented are anything but a monolith. Most augmented
become so after losing a limb or the capability to hear, see, walk, even speak. Faced with the
challenges that naturally come from their situation, they reach out to master crafters: artificers
specializing in the making and installing of wondrous magical prosthetics to a living, humanoid

These artificers take incredible pride in their work, and each add a unique, personal touch to
their craft. As a result, no two augmentations look or work the same. They are personally made
for the person augmented with them.

Most of the time, a lost arm is replaced with an artificial limb, meant to work exactly like an arm
would, but artificers are inventive by nature, and so many augmented are given secondary
characteristics to their augmentations, not just allowing them to replace their lost limb or sense
but also giving them new capabilities that their original limb did not have.

Some augmented outfit their augmentations with combat capabilities, incorporating finely-tuned
weapons into them. Some are given incredibly powerful legs or fast seats that allow them to
move through the battlefield even faster than before, and some add tools to their
augmentations, opening up a myriad of possibilities from integrated musical instruments to
perfectly concealed thieves’ tools.

There are also some who decide to become augmented not after the loss of a sense or limb, but
because of the incredible capabilities that their augmentations would grant them. There are
assassin clans that augment their members, making them even deadlier at their sinister craft.
There are racers who choose to undergo augmentation to participate in the fastest ever races
involving living people. There are even whispers of truly heinous master craftsmen, artificers
who force their unethical augmentations on unwilling subjects. Regardless of why and how
someone becomes augmented, they all share in common one thing: their augmentations are all
as different and unique as the people attached to them.

A Note on Wording:
I’m aware that WotC have stated their intention to move away from using the word “race” in their
content, replacing it with “species”.
While I agree with this change and will be honoring it, we do not yet have an example of how
this will affect specific wording, since we’ve also seen the word “lineage” being used. The word
“species” also seems to be a placeholder for the moment, and the final word will be decided
after feedback is received from the latest survey.
Because of these two points, I’ll be using “race” in this document and all further documents until
we have the final word. Once we do, I’ll go back and update these documents to reflect the
For what it’s worth, I prefer the term “lineage” to “species” and hope they’ll be choosing that as
the replacement in the future!

Augmented Features:
Creature Type: You are a Humanoid.

Size: Your size is Medium or Small.

Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Starting Point: You can choose to keep certain elements of another race when picking
augmented as the race of your character: any skill proficiencies given to you with that race, and
any climbing, flying, or swimming speed.
If you instead choose to not keep those elements, you gain proficiency in two skills of your

Tinkerer: The routine upkeep of your augmentation has made you particularly proficient in the
usage of the necessary tools required to maintain your magical prosthetic. You have expertise
(your proficiency bonus is doubled when making checks) with tinker’s tools.

Patching Up: Your augmentation is magically connected to your own body, and therefore your
life force. As an action, you can make an ability check using your tinker’s tools on your
augmentation. The DC is equal to 15 if your current HP is above half of your hit point maximum
(rounding down), or 18 if your current HP is below half of your hit point maximum. On a success,
you gain an amount of hit points equal to 1d4 + your proficiency bonus. You can use this feature
a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Your body has been outfitted with a magical artificial augmentation that you can use in a variety
of ways depending on the specific augmentation. Choose one of the following augmentations
when choosing this race:

Utility Augmentation:
This magical augmentation grants you utility capabilities that far surpass the ones granted to
you by the original body part you have replaced.
You gain one expertise in one skill and one tool (doubling your proficiency bonus on any ability
checks made with them). The tool chosen is inlaid into your augmentation and cannot be
dropped unless you are somehow parted with your augmentation.
Enhanced Augmentation: At 10th level, provided you have access to a master craftsman
specializing in magical augmentations and 500 gold pieces to pay for their services, you can
choose an additional skill and tool to gain expertise with. It takes 1d4 days for the master
craftsman to outfit your augmentation with its new capabilities, during which you do not gain the
advantages that your augmentation grants you.

Examples of this augmentation include:

● An artificial eye that grants you expertise with navigator tools and the Perception skill.
● A set of magically-enhanced mechanical hands that grant you expertise with thieves’
tools and the Sleight of Hand skill.
● A clockwork voice box that grants you expertise with one musical instrument and the
Performance skill.

Combat Augmentation:
This magical augmentation grants you combat capabilities that allow you to use your
augmentation as a weapon.
Your AC increases by 1, and a weapon with which you are proficient with is fitted into your
augmentation. Attacks made with this weapon count as magical for the purposes of overcoming
resistances, and the weapon cannot be dropped. You can change this weapon by spending 1
hour fitting it to your augmentation and 30 gold in new parts.
Enhanced Augmentation: At 10th level, provided you have access to a master craftsman
specializing in magical augmentations and 500 gold pieces to pay for their services, you can fit
your augmentation with an additional weapon you are proficient with. Your AC increases by 1
again, to a total of +2, and you are able to stow one weapon into your augmentation and draw
the other weapon for free during your turn. This new weapon has the same capabilities as the
first weapon attached to your augmentation.

Examples of this augmentation include:

● A mechanical arm outfitted with a blade that comes out between the knuckles of your
hand augmentation
● A crossbow inlaid into your forearm
● Your artificial hand is attached to your arm by a chain, allowing you to use it as a flail.

Movement Augmentation:
This magical augmentation enhances your movement, allowing you to move faster, even
through hard to navigate terrain.
Your walking speed increases by 5 feet. Additionally, moving through non-magical difficult terrain
does not cost you extra movement.
Enhanced Augmentation: At 10th level, provided you have access to a master craftsman
specializing in magical augmentations and 500 gold pieces to pay for their services, you can
enhance your augmentation to grant you even faster movement and additional traversal
abilities. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet, bringing the total increase to 10 feet.
Additionally, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces without falling during the move.

Examples of this augmentation include:

● A set of mechanical hydraulic-powered legs.
● A seat that hovers 5 inches above the ground.
● A set of artificial calves with magically-powered jets of energy.

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