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Zero Malaria - Draw the Line Against Malaria

--Dhruvika Sachan(21BKT0139)
As I sat in my college hostel room, I could not help but reflect on the impact that malaria has
had on the world. It is hard to imagine that a tiny mosquito could cause such devastation, but
the reality is that malaria has killed millions of people, most of whom were children under the
age of five.
But despite these grim statistics, I have hope for a future free of malaria. That hope is fuelled
by organizations like Zero Malaria, which are working tirelessly to draw the line against this
deadly disease.
Zero Malaria's mission is simple: to eradicate malaria by 2030. It is a lofty goal, but it's one
that I believe is achievable. With the right resources and the right approach, we can make
malaria a thing of the past.
I was first introduced to Zero Malaria through a volunteer program at my university. We spent
a week in a small village in Uganda, distributing mosquito nets and educating the locals on
how to prevent malaria. It was an eye-opening experience, and it made me realize just how
important organizations like Zero Malaria are.
But it is not just about distributing mosquito nets and spraying insecticides. Zero Malaria
takes a holistic approach to malaria prevention and treatment. They work with communities
to improve sanitation and access to clean water, which can also help reduce the spread of
malaria. They also provide training and resources to healthcare workers, ensuring that they
have the knowledge and tools they need to diagnose and treat malaria effectively.
I believe that education is key to eradicating malaria. Many people in malaria-endemic
regions do not fully understand how the disease is transmitted or how to prevent it. By
educating people on these important topics, we can empower them to take control of their
own health and reduce the spread of malaria.
But it is not just about education. It is also about advocacy. Zero Malaria is working to raise
awareness about the devastating impact of malaria and to push governments to invest more
resources in malaria prevention and treatment. By raising our voices and demanding action,
we can make malaria a priority on the global agenda.
In conclusion, I am passionate about Zero Malaria's mission to eradicate malaria by 2030. It
is an ambitious goal, but it is one that I believe is achievable with the right approach. By
working together, we can draw the line against malaria and create a future free of this deadly

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