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A Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Assessment of Solong-on Bay,

Northwestern Siquijor Island, Philippines: A Project Proposal



The Philippines is one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world, with high species richness and
endemism (Heaney & Regalado, 1998; Ong et al., 2002; Brown & Diesmos, 2009). At the same time, the
Philippines shares only with Madagascar the distinction of also being one of the world's top 25 global
conservation hotspots (Myers et al., 2000).

Siquijor is a coralline island with an area of 344 km 2 located in the Visayan region of central Philippines.
The island has been isolated geologically during the last glacial maxima (Heaney, 1986; Voris, 2000).

In Siquijor, more than two thirds of the population (c. 88,000) lives in coastal barangays and small-scale
fisheries contribute significantly to income and food security (Weeks et al., 2010). Such dependence to
fisheries caused exploitation of coastal resources such as finfish and shellfish (Bendijo et al., 1994; Barut
et al., 2004).


Solong-on Bay is located within the municipality of Siquijor of Siquijor Province, Central Visayas,
Philippines (Figure 1). Found in the northwestern part of the Siquijor Island, it is characterized by
different terrestrial coastal ecosystems and marine ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass beds, coral
reefs, among others.

Figure 1. The study site: Solong-on Bay, Siquijor, Siquijor, Philippines

Figure 2. A panoramic view of part of the Solong-on Bay from the dock


The general objective of the baseline study is to collect biological, socio-economic, and physic-chemical
data for Solong-on Bay, Siquijor, Siquijor. Available data from previous studies and other secondary data
for the specific project site will be gathered. The available data sets will be compared to determine data
and information gaps, and thus fill in the gaps if available. This data will facilitate the profiling and
mapping of the utilization of marine environmental resources, assessing, developing and monitoring and
evaluation of sustainable coastal people livelihoods strategies in the area.

The specific objectives of the study under each of the major components are:

Biological Component:
a. To examine classes of habitats and resources found in the coastal area;
b. To assess the benthic composition of coral life forms, macroinvertebrates, seagrasses,
c. To assess the plankton and fish composition;
d. To determine coliform levels;
e. To assess the coastal vegetation; and
f. To assess the coastal vertebrate animal groups present.

Physico-chemical Component
a. To describe the physical parameters such as substrate characterization, temperature, humidity,
current system, turbidity;
b. To describe the chemical parameters including pH, salinity, phosphate and nitrate levels; and
c. To develop a GIS map of the data gathered.

Socio-economic Component:
a. To understand demographic characteristics of the coastal areas;
b. To find out how the extent of social differentiation in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, and social
status influence exploitation and management of coastal and marine resources;
c. To understand means for local resource ownership: sea/land tenure systems;
d. Investigating the social and economic forces that drive utilization of coastal and marine
e. To understand the traditional use of natural resources and how this has changed with
developments in consumption, production systems, technology, and political arenas.
f. To investigate the farm and non-farm activities structure and their linkages;
g. To identify causes and solutions to conflicts among competing users and differing value systems,
including those that pit economic concerns against environmental protection in stressed coastal

h. To examine livelihood options and alternative opportunities: activities with potential for reducing
pressure marine and coastal resources, which provide employment and subsistence fish and
seaweed farming and tourism/eco-tourism, related services.
i. To examine economic and social issues of importance in relation to sustainable utilization of
coastal and marine resources such globalization, and macro-economic policies.


The study site is known for its rich marine and coastal resources, with abundant fishing grounds and high
productivity therefore there is a need to document and protect the resources of the area as it provides
benefits to all stakeholders. The results of the study can be used as a comprehensive baseline information
for Solong-on Bay, Siquijor, Siquijor. Valid information collated from published reports and studies and
other secondary data will be compared with the results of the proposed project to evaluate and confirm the
present biodiversity and socio-economic status of Solong-on Bay, Siquijor, Siquijor.

The data gathered can also be utilized as a possible tool for the coastal resource management by
stakeholders such as national government agencies (e.g. DENR, BFAR), local government units (LGUs),
non-government units (NGOs), landowners and academic institutions. This will directly benefit the
inhabitants of the area, as well as resource users from adjacent municipalities. It is also through this study
that information can be derived to capacitate local users for successful and sustainable management.

Several scientific papers will be produced and published in refereed journals with wide readership.
Information Education Communication (IEC) campaign materials and eco-tourism brochures can be
produced later based on the findings of this survey. The local government units (LGUs), national
government agencies (e.g. BFAR & DENR), local non-government organizations (NGOs) will be
provided with copies of the above-mentioned papers.


The study team conducted a reconnaissance of the study site last May 28-29, 2011 and conducted Key
Informant Interviews with residents of the study site. Preliminary surveys were conducted on the possible
project spatial design to identify key sites for the study. Initial letters are being drafted and addressed to
local government units involved in the proposed project.

Figure 3. Reconnaissance pictures of the study site showing dock site for fishing
boats (left) and mangrove stands (right)


8.1 Procedure/Methodology

Published standard methodologies will be followed, which are often designed to a specific group of plants
and animals to be surveyed as well as on the socio-economic survey methods. These techniques are as
described below:

8.1.1. Biological Component

8.1.1.a. Habitats and Ecosystems

The habitats and ecosystems of the coastal and marine environment will be identified based on the
vegetation on the types of biomes.

8.1.1.b. Benthic Composition

The benthos of the marine environment can be further subdivided according to the type of organisms
based on its tophic level. The study aims to determine four classes of benthic organisms, these are: coral
life forms, macroinvertebrates, seagrasses, and macroalgae.

Using the same transects used in each site, the following benthic categories will be estimated (in percent
coverage) visually following the methodology outlined by English et al. (1997) and Uychiaoco et al.
(2001): seagrass, algae, sand, rubble, and live hard coral.

8.1.1.b.1. Coral life forms

Reef Spot Check - Manta tow reef spot checks will be used to measure changes of benthic communities
along shallow coral reef patch through visual assessment following a schematic category of coral percent
cover (English et al., 1997 and Uychiaoco et al., 2001). This technique enables visual measurements
using percent coral cover categories and is useful in selecting survey sites that may statistically represent
the entire reef area. Geographic coordinates of these reef spot check stations will be noted using a GPS.

Line-Intercept Transect (LIT) - The Line-Intercept Transect (LIT) method will be used to assess the
sessile benthic communities and to gather information on the coral cover and health status along the said
area (English et al, 1994). The LIT uses a classification system based on structural attributes of lifeforms
(De Vantier, 1986). Benthic communities will be characterized using lifeform categories which will be
recorded on underwater slates. Observations from a transect line will be placed parallel to the reef,
between the upper reef slope zone and the reef crest and length estimates of coral lifeform cover will be
noted to the nearest meter. For future monitoring, GPS coordinates of the stations will be recorded.

8.1.1.b.2. Macroinvertebrates

Sampling of macroinvertebrates will be done using the belt-transect method consisting of three replicate
transects measuring 50 m x 2 m. Each transect covers an area of 100 m 2 (adapted from Hermodia &
Norido, 2007). These transects will be laid on the substrate in both intertidal and subtidal zones of each
sampling site. Once transects are laid, the gleaners collect individuals of macroinvertebrates (including
other commercial gastropods) within the 100 m 2 while swimming using improvised goggles and fins. All
the shells will be placed in labeled polynet bags. After every collection, the bags containing the shells will
be brought onshore for species identification (using Abbott & Dance, 2001), counting, and morphometric

assessment. Live samples will be measured for shell length (from the apex to the siphonal notch) using a
ruler and weighed using a digital balance. Taxonomic identification will be done at the highest possible
level. Photodocumentation will also be taken of macroinvertebrates encountered during the survey. In all
sampling stations, indicator species will be identified, mean and relative abundance will also be recorded.

8.1.1.b.3. Seagrasses and macroalgae

Seagrasses and macroalgae will be surveyed using quadrats measuring 0.5m x 0.5 m, following the
methodology outlined in English et al. (1997). Identification of seagrasses will follow Philipps & Meñez
(1988) and Calumpong & Meñez (1997) while seaweeds or macroalgae will be identified using
Calumpong & Menez (1997).

8.1.1.c. Plankton

A plankton net with an attached flow meter will be used to collect plankton from the water column. The
water collected will then be transferred to collection bottles. One part of formaldehyde will then be added
for every 9 parts water sample to preserve the plankton samples. This will then be stored for later
identification and analysis. Plankton identification will utilize a compound microscope and Sedgewick
Rafter Counting Chamber to view and identify plankton using

8.1.1.d. Fishes

Fishes will be surveyed using modified fish visual census technique and timed-swim method as described
by English et al. (1994, 1997), Uychiaoco et al. (2001) and Alcala et al. (2008). Based on the benthic
category and fish biomass and density data, the study site will be rated according to Alcala et al. (2008),
while the management aspect will be evaluated using the category by White et al. (2008).

A 50-m transect will be laid at the upper reef slope adjacent to the highest reef crest portion for the
sampling site. All fishes encountered within 5 m at each side and 5 m above the transect line will be
identified to species level, counted and the total length or size of the fishes observed will be noted and
estimated to the nearest centimeter (English et al., 1994, 1997). The estimated lengths will then be
converted to weight estimates using the formula and conversion constant from published length-weight
relation table (Kulbicki et al., 1993). All data (name of species, abundance, and fish size) will be
recorded on an underwater slate at every 5 m segment of the transect line. The noted coral reef fishes will
be grouped into commercially important species, health indicator species and major species. Target
species are those fishes with high commercial value; thus, targeted or favored by most fishermen.
Indicator species are fishes regarded to be highly associated with their ambient habitats; thus, give an idea
of the relative condition of the reefs where they are present. Major species are those fishes of ecological
importance that occupy various trophic positions in the reef ecosystem. The groups’ rank and proportions
will then be calculated. The Species Diversity Index will be computed using the Shannon- Weaver
(1968) formula.

Catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) and income-per-unit-effort (IPUE)

Catch Per Unit Effort will be calculated by using total catch measured as total wet weight in kilograms
(Tewfik et al., 1996; del Norte Campos et al., 2006) for a species per collector and gleaning time records
in hours for each collector:

Income Per Unit Effort (IPUE) will be computed by using the formula:

8.1.1.d. Coliform

An appropriate volume of a water sample (100 mL of seawater) will be filtered through a 47-mm, 0.45-
μm pore size cellulose ester membrane filter that will retain the bacteria present in the sample. The filter
will then be placed on a 5-mL plate of MI agar and the plate will be incubated at 35°C for up to 24 hours.
The bacterial colonies that grow on the plate will be inspected for the presence of blue color from the
breakdown of IBDG by the E. coli enzyme S-glucuronidase and fluorescence under longwave ultraviolet
light (366 nm) from the breakdown of MUGal by the TC enzyme S-galactosidase.

8.1.1.e. Coastal vegetation

The plotting method as described by English et al. (1997) will be used to survey the mangroves and
adjacent beach forests. Species identification will follow Primavera et al. (2001) and Calumpong &
Menez (1997).

8.1.1.f. Coastal vertebrate animals

The coastal animal groups present in the study site will be represented by four vertebrate groups:
avifauna, mammalian fauna and reptiles and amphibians. As these animal groups exhibit varied habitats
and habitat requirements, different techniques will be utilized to sample them. The sampling techniques
are presented by vertebrate group:

8.1.1.f.1. Avifauna (birds)

Birds will be surveyed using transect walk method, point counts, and mist netting (Bibby et al. 1998). To
maximize effort, mist nets measuring 6m x 4m will be set near fruiting trees and flyways. Captured birds
will be measured, weighed, photographed then released immediately.

Identification will be done with the aid of binoculars (Bushnell 10×50, Focus 8×23, 10×60) and the field
guide Birds of the Philippines by Kennedy, Gonzales, Dickinson, Miranda, & Fisher (2000). Online
databases such as those of the Oriental Bird Club ( and the Internet Bird
Collection ( will be utilized for further confirmation.

8.1.1.f.2. Mammals

Volant mammals (bats) will be surveyed using mist nets set near fruiting trees and flyways. Captured bats
will be placed in cloth bags, then weighed, measured and photographed prior to release. Non-volant
mammals will be sampled using baited snap-traps and other indigenous trapping devices. Species
identification will follow available taxonomic references (Heaney et al., 1998; Sedlock & Ingle, 2010).

8.1.1.f.3. Amphibians and reptiles

Amphibians and reptiles will be surveyed using plotting, male-call, and cruising methods (Alcala et al.,
2004; Alcala & Alcala 2005). Photographs will be taken for each species for documentation purposes.
Identification will follow Brown & Alcala (1978, 1980), Alcala (1986), and Alcala & Brown (1998).

Deliberate search will be employed for seasnakes and sea turtles, supplemented with photographs.
Identification will follow Alcala (1986) and Rasmussen (2001).

Survey sites and stations, including transect points, will be marked using GPS for all vertebrate groups
and will be plotted on a map.

8.1.2. Physico-chemical Component

Physical parameters will be measured and recorded for each ecosystem type. Substrate characterization
for the coastal ecosystem will include texture, surface temperature and depth of leaf litter using the
Ribbon method, thermometer, and ruler respectively. Relative humidity will be measured using a
hygrometer. For the marine ecosystem, the physical parameters to be measured will be turbidity and
current system using Secchi disk and a drogue respectively.

To describe the chemical parameters of the study site: pH, salinity, and phosphate and nitrate levels will
be measured using pH meter, refractometer and spectrophotometer respectively.

A GIS (Geographic Information System) map of the data gathered will be generated using Quantum GIS,
version 1.6.0.

8.1.3. Socio-economic Component:

The socio-economic data will be generated using questionnaires and focus group discussion (FGD)
method. The socio-economic survey will find out how the extent of social differentiation in terms of
gender, age, ethnicity, and social status influence management of coastal and marine resources. It also
helps to evaluate the potential for tourism and how the industry can benefit a sustainable cultural, social,
economic and ecological development in local communities. This study would also examine economic
and social issues of importance in relation to sustainable utilization of coastal and marine resources such
globalization, and macro-economic policies and to understand demographic characteristics of the coastal

8.2. Available facilities

The available facilities and equipment to be used in the proposed project are summarized as follows:

Equipments/Facilities Available To be Leased To be Purchased

Transect line x
Manta tow x
Snorkel, mask and fins x x
hygrometer x

polynet bags x
ruler x
digital balance x
digital camera x
quadrant x
field manuals x
plankton net x
flow meter x
collection bottles x
Ziploc bags x
microscopes x x
Sedgewick rafter x
formalin x
slate boards x
underwater camera x x
Petri dish x
agar x
incubator x
autoclave x
tape measure x
mist nets x
caliper x
binoculars x x
spotting scope x
cloth bags x
snap trap x
ropes x
thermometers x
Secchi disk x
drogue x
pH meter x x
refractometer x
spectrophotometer x
spectrophotometry reagents x
Quantum GIS program x
questionnaires x
Laboratory/processing rooms x

8.3. Compliance with Ethical Research

The pertinent permits, such as Gratuitous Permit for specimen collection, and LGU permits will be
applied from their respective issuing offices. Only the allowed number of voucher specimens will be
collected. Other specimens will be photodocumented and released immediately ensuring utmost care
during handling to prevent undue stress on the animals. Voucher specimens will be deposited at St. Paul
University of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. Courtesy calls to the barangay, municipality and
provincial offices will be done prior to the conduct of the project.

8.4. Schedule of Activities

% Work
Activities Expected Output Amount
1st Quarter
 Hiring of researchers, research  Delineation of work loads,
assistants and field assistants financial agreement and signing
of contract
 Application for insurance  Provision of insurance
 Processing of Permits  Issuance of permits 5%
 Courtesy Call to Offices  Approval from LGUs
 Printing of Questionnaires  Questionnaires for dissemination
 Establishing research station  Research Station and sampling
and sampling sites sites identified and established
 Monthly Meetings  Monthly Progress Charting and
2nd Quarter
 Preparation and acquisition of  Materials prepared
 Sampling for Socio-economic,  Raw data
Biological and Physico-
chemical Components 30%
 Processing of Data  Summary of data
 Submission of Preliminary  Preliminary report
Reports by Component
 Monthly Meetings  Monthly Progress Charting and
3rd Quarter
 Preparation and acquisition of  Materials prepared
 Sampling for Biological and  Raw data
Physico-chemical Components
 Processing of Data  Summary of data 30%
 1st Writeshop  Preliminary report
 Submission of Preliminary
Reports by Component
 Monthly Meetings  Monthly Progress Charting and
4th Quarter
 Processing of Data
 Monthly Meetings  Monthly Progress Charting and 35%
 2nd Writeshop
 Submission of Final Report  Final Report


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1. Project Leader 12 x 3,500.00 21,000.00 21,000.00
2. Component Leader
Biological (1) 12 x 3,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
Physico-chemical (1) 12 x 3,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
3. Research Assistants
Socio-Economic (2) 12 x 2,500.00 x 2 30,000.00 30,000.00
Biological (2) 12 x 2,500.00 x 2 30,000.00 30,000.00
Physico-chemical (2) 12 x 2,500.00 x 2 30,000.00 30,000.00
4. Field Assistants (2) 12 x 1,500.00 x 2 16,000.00 16,000.00
Per Diem
1. Project Leader 25 days x 800.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
2. Component Leader
Biological (1) 25 days x 800.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Physico-chemical (1) 25 days x 800.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
3. Research Assistants
Socio-Economic (2) 25 x 800.00 x 2 20,000.00 20,000.00
Biological (2) 25 x 800.00 x 2 20,000.00 20,000.00
Physico-chemical (2) 25 x 800.00 x 2 20,000.00 20,000.00
4. Field Assistants (2) 25 x 800.00 x 2 10,000.00 10,000.00
Total for Personal Services 526,000.00 263,000.00 263,000.00 526,000.00
1. Travel (6 trips x 11)
Dgte-Siguijor 6 x P160 x 11 5,280.00 5,280.00
Siquijor-Solong-on 6 x P1,500.00 5,280.00 5,280.00
Solong-on-Siquijor 6 x P1,500.00 5,280.00 5,280.00
Siquijor-Dgte 6 x P160 x 11 5,280.00 5,280.00
2. Supplies and Materials
polynet bag 20 x P10 100.00
Ziploc resealable bags 4 x P200 800.00
batteries 10 x P180 x 6 10,800.00
masking tape 12 x P40.00 480.00
marking pens 4 x P50.00 200.00
duct tape 4 x P500 2,000.00
ropes 2,000.00 2,000.00
record books 3 x P20 60.00
collection bottles 3 x 3 x 3 x 4 x P10 1,080.00
formalin 3 x P180 540.00
syringes 3 x P20 60.00
toilet paper 2 x P20 x 6 240.00
slate boards 2 x P300 600.00
pencil 1 box x P100 100.00
tape measure 2 x P25 50.00
ruler 3 x P50.00 150.00
3. Sundries
spectrophotometer reagents 10,000.00 10,000.00

field manual rental 5,000.00
insurance policies 11 x 2,400.00 13,200.00 13,200.00
12mos x 11 pax x
meetings P150 9,900.00 9,900.00
writeshop 2 x 11 pax x 1,500 16,500.00 16,500.00
4. Miscellaneous
E. coli test 4 x P3,150.00 6,300.00 6,300.00
motorized outrigger rental 6 x 2 x P1,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
questonnaire printing 1,000 1,000.00
2 x 3 days x
LCD rental (for writeshop) P500.00 3,000.00
report printing 2,000.00 2,000.00
Total for Maintenance and
Other Operating Expenses 93,820.00 87,480.00 5,000.00 186,300.00
GPS 1 x P10,000.00 10,000.00
Hygrometer 1 x P5,000.00 5,000.00
Sedgewick rafter 2 x P1,500.00 3,000.00
Manta board 1 x P500.00 500.00
snorkel set 6 x P4,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
plankton net 1 x P8,000.00 8,000.00
flow meter 1 x P5,000.00 5,000.00
pH meter 1 x P5,000.00 5,000.00
thermometer 2 x P50 x 25 days 2,500.00
digital balance 1 x P100 x 25 days 2,500.00
quadrant 1 x P2,000.00 2,000.00
compound microscope 50,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
binoculars 10,000.00 2,500.00
spotting scope 1 x P100 x 25 days 2,500.00
digital camera 3 x P500 x 25 days 12,500.00 25,000.00
2 x P1,000 x 25
underwater camera days 25,000.00 25,000.00
cloth bags 20 x P5 100.00
mistnets 3 x P5,000.00
snap trap 10 x P150 1,500.00
transect line 2 x P50 x 25 days 2,500.00
printers 2,000.00
computer set 25,000.00
calculators 500.00
Total Equipment 108,100.00 91,000.00 57,500.00 256,600.00
Total 464,920.00 441,480.00 62,500.00 968,900.00
10% Contingency 48,445.00 48,445.00
10% Administrative Cost 96,890.00
Total Project Cost 513,365.00 586,815.00 62,500.00 1,162,680.00


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