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1. How concerned are you about environmental issues in your daily life?

What actions do you take

to minimize your impact on the environment?

2. What are some common environmental problems in your country? How do these issues affect
the people and the ecosystem?

3. Do you think it's more important for individuals or governments to take action to protect the
environment? Explain your reasoning.

4. In your opinion, what role should education play in raising awareness about environmental
issues? How can schools and teachers promote environmental consciousness among students?

5. Why do you think some species become endangered? What are the main threats they face?

6. What role do humans play in the extinction of species? How can we change our behavior to
prevent further loss of biodiversity?

7. How can individuals contribute to the protection of endangered species? What actions can we
take in our daily lives to make a positive impact?

8. If you could raise awareness about one endangered species, which one would you choose, and
how would you go about educating others about it?

9. What are some benefits of regular physical exercise? How does exercise contribute to overall
health and well-being?

10. What are some common health issues that are linked to a sedentary lifestyle? How can
individuals incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines?

11. What are the potential risks associated with unhealthy eating habits, such as consuming
excessive amounts of fast food or sugary drinks?

12. What are some common misconceptions or myths about health and fitness? Can you provide
examples and explain why they may not be accurate?

13. How do you envision the future of transportation? What advancements or changes do you
expect to see in the coming years?

14. What role do you think electric vehicles will play in the future of transportation? What are some
benefits and challenges associated with electric vehicles?

15. How might self-driving or autonomous vehicles impact transportation in the future? What are
some potential advantages and concerns related to this technology?

16. In what ways do you think transportation will become more sustainable and environmentally
friendly in the future? Can you provide examples of innovative solutions or concepts?

17. How have customs and traditions in your country changed over time? Can you provide examples
of customs or traditions that have been adapted or modified?

18. Can you think of a specific tradition or custom that has been successfully adapted to meet
modern needs or values? How has it changed, and what is the significance of its adaptation?
19. Can you think of a custom or tradition that you would like to see adapted or modified in some
way? Why do you think it is necessary or beneficial?

20. In your opinion, what is the most groundbreaking invention of the 21st century so far? How has
it revolutionized a particular industry or aspect of our lives?

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