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A Case for the Lunar Sabbath

Rebuttal to Angel Rodriguez
Director of the Biblical Research Institute
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

by Kerrie French

I n August of 2008 the page below appeared in the Adventist World Magazine. Angel
Rodriguez discussed six premises upon which He bases his views, and that of B.R.I.,
on the subject of lunisolar calendation and its corresponding lunar Sabbath. It is an
understatement to describe the influential position and responsibility of Angel Rodriguez
or his recent replacement at the B.R.I. (Biblical Research Institute). The doctrinal
decisions made by this organization regarding the principles that rule in the heavens, will
affect the eternal reward of so many.

The position the B.R.I clings to, at the time of this article, is in support of the modern
Roman calendar and its cycling week, claiming it to be in harmony with the time-keeping
of the Biblical seventh-day Sabbaths.

The intent of this rebuttal is to demonstrate from Scripture that Creator’s time system is
irrefutably defined by the three part orchestration of the sun, moon and stars as positioned
in the heavens at creation. In addition, it will be demonstrated that these principles that
rule in the heavens are not an original, but a duplicate copy of the time-system
surrounding the throne of heaven itself and unfallen worlds. A response is requested
from the B.R.I.

This subject of “TIME” is of vital consequence to

the faithful in the coming great and final conflict.
Here presented is weighty evidence for the
Creator’s lunisolar time system, ordained as the
principles that rule in the heavens. Although, this
system has been under a perpetual Satanic attack
by the enemy and Rome for centuries, it is by the
Spirit of truth, our Saviour is redirecting our
attention to His lunisolar principles, divinely
reserved for such a time as this. Its principles
unlock mysteries, never before realized, and stir
the soul to dig deeper in preparation for an eternal

Daniel 7:25 speaks prophetically that the beast

power would “change both times and laws.” The
Julian calendar, crafted in 45 B.C. served to
accomplished this. It was the brain child of Rome, and was the first step taken to sever,
for future generations, the knowledge of when to worship, according to the Biblical
criteria. In its infancy, the Julian week was eight days in length, and by design was freed
from all ties to the lunar phases by a twist of genius, known to modern society as the
“continuous-weekly-cycle.” Revolving on this early calendar, as the first day of the week,
was Saturday. Just over 300 years later, Constantine reformed the week to that of seven
days, in which Saturday was placed upon the seventh-day, all the while this improved
calendar continued to employ the “continuous-weekly-cycle.”

Who would be any the wiser, as this “new” calendar mimicked in form most of the
attributes of the time-keeping system put in place at creation? What affect might the
presentation of this new style week have had on the Hebrews, who continued to be in
Roman captivity, all the while resisting an eight day week in favor of their lunar Sabbath?
Might they have swapped their lunar week and Sabbath for this new style seven day week
to stop the ongoing persecution? History bears evidence, and Scripture reveals the truth,
so that under the heavenly Father’s direction and at the appointed time, His faithful may
have discernment to discover the truth and be restored to heaven’s rhythms for worship.
The Creator’s calendar has never been in harmony with the wall calendars crafted by
Rome. NASA is only able to keep accurate account of “time” as it consistently utilizes
the sun, moon and stars. Without the lunar phases there is no accurate divisions of years
or months.

Unfamiliar is no more synonymous with wrong

Than familiar is synonymous with right.
In responding to each point, it is my desire that the reader prayerfully weigh the evidence,
regardless of its popularity or the reader’s current familiarity to the themes and rhythm of

the lunar Sabbath. Simply because a subject is unfamiliar does not automatically
disqualify it as having intrinsic value and significance. Therefore, much of the outcome
of this rebuttal will depend on the reader’s current educated or uneducated paradigm in
recognizing all the ways in which Rome has already changed the times of the Creator.

• Years were changed from beginning in spring to commencing in winter.

• Days were changed to begin at midnight.

Is there a reason that the Creator’s weeks and months should be left untouched, when in
fact these were the target, and most vital to Satan’s abolishing worship to the Creator?

You are invited to participate and judge by weighing the evidence. Each question will be
given points and each point is equal to a pound of evidence. The choice is between the
Saturday Sabbath, as proclaimed by Papal Rome, and Angel Rodriguez of the B.R.I. or
the Lunar Sabbath, as proclaimed by the principles that rule in the heavens, and Kerrie
French of the Creator’s Calendar. Scripture is the standard by which this subject must be
weighed and not past experience. Prayerfully ask yourself, which option reveals the
weight of evidence in harmony with Scripture?

To most effectively present both views, the questions will be followed first by the views
of Angel Rodriguez and then by Kerrie French’s rebuttal and response. All concepts and
terms in this document can be further researched at

Question 1a. I’ve been told that the Biblical Sabbath was a lunar Sabbath fixed to
the moon, rather than a specific day of the week independent of the moon or sun.
What do you think? 5 Points.

Angel Rodriguez:
Any Biblical evidence to support this proposal is lacking. Therefore, I feel
uncomfortable honoring the issue by addressing it here. But apparently I should say
something about it.

If the time for the Sabbath was determined by the moon, then the Sabbath will have to be
observed at different days during the month and not on the seventh day of the [Papal
Roman] week. The Sabbath could be any day of the week, based on the time of the new
moon. Let me say a few things about this matter.

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

I must respond to the opening statement by Angel Rodriguez, declaring, “Any Biblical
evidence to support this proposal is lacking,” as this sets the reader up to either cancel
Scripture as viable altogether or cast great doubt upon this astonishingly relevant subject.
In doing so, Angel Rodriguez positions himself as the sole authority on all points of

doctrine. Has it ever been sound doctrine to exhort believers by declaring, “any Biblical
evidence is lacking.” This statement is in conflict with fundamental duty and the grandest
virtue among the faithful who are to “search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are
so (Acts 17:11).” Scripture alone defines truth, history supports it and astronomy verifies
it. Personal feelings outside of these parameters amount to little. The Biblical standard
for searching for truth is here stated:

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line,
line upon line, here a little, there a little." Isaiah 28:10 NKJV

Angel Rodriguez’s statement regarding the Sabbath being determined by the moon, states
that if the Sabbath were lunar “the Sabbath will have to be observed at different days
during the month and not on the seventh day of the week.”

Many people have no knowledge that throughout earth’s history mankind has, out of the
rebelliousness of their hearts, crafted calendars with different length months and varying
length weeks, all to disassociate themselves from the binding claims of the laws of the
Creator. Is it possible that the modern Roman calendar named after Pope Gregory may be
one of these? If so, would not our loving Creator have provided a set of criteria that
defines His true calendar? Would this calendar not contain perfect weeks derived of six
work days and a seventh-day Sabbath, all fitting into His preordained and perfect month.
Would this not be designed so that we may worship Him according to His correct time-
keeping, in harmony with the rhythms of heaven?

Many are not aware that the original Roman Julian calendar week was eight days in
length and cycled without end. Saturday, then known as deis Saturni was the first day of
the Roman planetary week and was never considered sacred, nor was it ever confused
with the Hebrew lunar Sabbath.

The modern seven-day week came into use during the early imperial
period, after the Julian calendar came into effect, apparently stimulated by
immigration from the Roman East. For a while it coexisted alongside the
old 8-day nundinal cycle, and fasti are known which show both cycles. It
was finally given official status by Constantine in 321. Roman Calendar
Encyclopedia, “Days of the Week”

It was Constantine who in A.D. 324, legislated the change

from the eight-day week to a seven-day week that cycled
without end. Wouldn’t the Creator have ordained His week
and month to be in harmony with His divinely appointed
time principles, rather than the man-made calendar
principles of the Pope of Rome? (Genesis 1:14-18)

It is true, that if we are comparing the lunisolar calendar to

the standard of the modern Papal calendar, it will appear that the Sabbath floats through
the week from one month to another. However, if we use the Creator’s lunisolar calendar

model as the standard, it is the false Papal “Saturday” that floats from week to week and
from month to month. It is of great importance to note that while there are similarities
between the two calendar styles they are not in harmony with each other beyond a 30 day
period. Each calendar style defines its seventh-day Sabbath on different days.

The A.D. 31 calendar below strikingly illustrates the “Saturdays” of Rome’s calendar
floating throughout this lunisolar year standard. These “Saturdays” are highlighted in
pale green as a visual aide. Each black box represents a Roman month and illustrates the
same floating phenomena as they are unmistakably severed from the Creator’s
preordained New Moon days. For convenience, each Roman day is illustrated in black

In contrast, the lunar weeks and their corresponding seventh-day Sabbaths are clarified
by the lunar phases, as each are numbered from New Moon day. Notice the symmetry
and perfect order displayed by the New Moon days as they are followed by their weeks
and seventh-day Sabbaths. Each falls consistently throughout the entire year.

As this article will progressively provide support on behalf of the lunisolar calendar, keep
in the back of your mind, that this lunisolar calendar is the one ordained and established

at creation. It was to this model that the holy appointed feast days were rendered. Please
refer back to this illustration often as it is the foundation for the Creator’s calendar
principles. Please click on the image to enlarge it.

The Sabbath as a “Sign” of Creation:

According to Scripture, the Creator prepared His calendar prior to creating Adam and
Eve, by appointing the sun, moon and stars to rule (measure time) for signs (Sabbaths),
seasons (months) days and years during the fourth day of creation. All they had to do
was to look up into the starry heavens for the first visible crescent moon to commence the
monthly count of dates and monthly count of weeks.

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and
for days and years . . . Genesis 1:14 NKJV

Strong # Bible Hebrew Strong’s Hebrew Brown-Driver-Briggs

Version Definitions Hebrew Definitions
226 signs ‘owth a sign; a flag; a beacon; a sign; a signal; a
evidence; mark; token; distinguishing mark; a
banner; remembrance;
standard; ensign; a
proof ;
4150 seasons mo-ade` an appointment; an appointed time; an
moed` specifically a festival; an appointed place; a
assembly; technically the appointed meeting; a
congregation; a signal; set feast; an appointed
an appointed fixed time; sign or signal;
3117 days yowm from an unused root day; time; year; a day
meaning to be hot; a day; (as opposed to night); a
sunrise to sunset; sunset working day; today;
to sunset; yesterday; tomorrow;
8141 years shaneh a year; a revolution of a year; a division of
time; time; a measure of
2320 new moon chodesh the new moon; by the new moon, month,
implication, a month: monthly;
monthly, new moon. a) the first day of
the month;
b) the lunar month

At first glance above, it may appear that the “seasons” (mo-ade` #4150) reference only
festival appointments, or congregational assemblies. However, notice in the Strong’s
Bible Dictionary and B-D-B, it is also identified as both a signal and an appointment in
fixed time. So of what might it be a signal of, and what time might it be fixed to?

Amazingly, both questions can be answered with one answer: lunar time as defined by
the moon.

He appointed the moons for seasons (#4150 mo-ade`). . . Psalms 104:19

What becomes apparent from the Hebrew definitions above in connection with the
Scripture verses below, is that the seventh-day Sabbath is indeed also a “sign.” The
implication of this is that the Sabbath, which punctuates the seven-day week of creation
is, after all, reckoned by the sun, moon and stars, as specified in Genesis 1:14. In contrast
there is no mention in Genesis, or anywhere else in Scripture that the Sabbath is reckoned
by an unbroken-cycle-of-weeks since creation, wholly disconnected from the Creator’s
principles that rule in the heavens.

Notice it is the heavenly Father speaking. He is the one who preordained the Sabbath to
be “a sign.” Is it conceivable that the “signs” referred to in Genesis 1:14, and associated
with days and years, may be eternally linked to “the week” ending with a “Sabbath.”

Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign (#226 owth)

between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who
sanctifies them. Yet the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the
wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes; they despised my judgments,
which, if a man does, he shall live by them; and they greatly defiled My
Sabbaths. Ezekiel 20:12-13 NKJV

I am the Lord your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and

do them; hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign (#226 owth)
between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God.
Ezekiel 20:19-20 NKJV

They also who dwell in the farthest parts are afraid of Your signs (#226
owth); you make the outgoings of the morning and evening rejoice.
Psalms 65:88 NKJV

Your enemies roar in the midst of Your meeting place; they set up their
banners (counterfeit wall calendars with continuous weekly cycles) for
signs (#226 owth). Psalms 74:4

We do not see our signs (#226 owth); there is no longer any prophet; nor
is there any among us who knows time (#5704 `ad).

Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed at the signs
(#226 owth), of heaven (#8064 shamayim – revolving celestial bodies) for
the Gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are
futile . . . Jeremiah 10:2-3 NKJV

In the final analysis of Genesis 1:14, the correct translation would read:

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for Sabbaths and lunar
months, and for days and lunisolar years . . . Genesis 1:14 NKJV

The question must be asked, 1) what organization, 2) by whose authority, 3) for what
reason, would the Sabbath and the lunar months be written right off the first page of
Scripture? Or perhaps in the heavenly Father’s great wisdom, these terms were encoded
on purpose and connected to clues that would later be found.

The New Moon and the Lunar Month:

All will agree that there has never been a day on earth that was disassociated from the
sun, whether it was visible or not. The sun rises and sets with no daily change marking
one day as different from the next, just like a long string of pearls. But many are not
aware that among the principles that rule in the heavens, it is the moon alone that defines
each monthly calendar date, as both the terms “month” and “mo-ade’” (#4150) were
derived from the word “moon.” So while the sun defines when the day begins and ends
the moon actually declares each day’s “date” as counted or numbered from New Moon

The terms “New Moon” (# 2320) and “lunar month” (# 2320) are interchangeable, as
both are intrinsically connected to the Creator’s ordained month. The “crescent New
Moon” refers to a specific phase, while the “lunar month” includes all 30 phases. These
phases change daily in a pattern consistent with their longitudinal positions in the sky.
The crescent New Moon is simply the first lunar phase that appears anew following the
dark conjunction lunar phase that closes the month. The crescent New Moon is only seen
on the horizon of the western sky at sunset. Once it is seen, the Shofar is blown,
announcing the next day is New Moon day. Psalms 81:3.

In the Oxford English Dictionary clip below, the term “month” is defined as – “A
measure of time corresponding to the period of revolution of the moon.” Notice also, the
similarity in spelling between the Genesis 1:14 word “mo-ade`” (#4150) and the
variations of the word “month” through history in different languages. Is it possible that
Genesis is actually defining all the creator’s units of time in Genesis 1:14, which in
addition to “days and years,” by default would include months (mo-ade` #4150) and
weeks with corresponding Sabbaths (‘owth #226)? What might be the implications? It
would imply that not only the days and the years are defined by the sun, moon and stars,
but also the weeks, Sabbaths, and months. As a result, both months and Sabbaths would
be determined and fixed to the moon, and numbered from New Moon day. Therefore all
units of time would be consistently determined by the orchestration of sun, moon, and
stars, and not according to varying set of time measures as some suggest (Deuteronomy
25:15). But is there evidence of this?

The term “New Moon” and “month” (chodesh #2320) are used interchangeably
throughout Scripture. Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon defines this same word
correctly three ways: a) New Moon; b) the first day of the month; c) lunar month. While
the term “Sabbath” is recorded approximately 150 times in Scripture, the term “New
Moon” or “lunar month” is recorded nearly 300 times.

Comparing the two verses below it is discovered that there was more than twice the
number of sacrifices to be performed by Israel on New Moon days than on seventh-day
Sabbaths. This demonstrates the great value the Heavenly Father places upon His New
Moon days.

On the Sabbath day two lambs in their first year, without blemish, and
two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil,
with its drink offering . . . Numbers 28:9 NKJV

At the beginnings of your [lunar #2320] months you shall present a burnt
offering to the Yahuwah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs in
their first year, without blemish; 12 three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour
as a grain offering, mixed with oil, for each bull . . . Numbers 28:11 NKJV

Illustrated below, the Creator’s lunisolar calendar for the Fourth Month corresponds to
July of the Roman Gregorian calendar for 2011. Since the moon was preordained by the
Creator for seasons (lunar months = #4150 mo-ade`), His lunar monthly dates are fixed to
the count from the New Moon. Thus the New Moon is the standard upon which all dates
are fixed according to Scripture (Exodus 12:1-3).

Two or Three Kinds of Days?

Ezekiel 46:1 defines with a “thus saith the Lord” that He ordained three kinds of days
which are named and have specific function. Notice below that the “east gate” of the
temple, being open or closed for worship, actually defines that these days can never
overlap. A day is either a work day or a worship day and never both. There is no guess
work here. Therefore New Moon days will never fall on work days, just as Sabbaths can
never fall on work days. Likewise, New Moon days can never be seventh-day Sabbaths.

Thus says the Lord God: “The gateway of the inner court that faces
toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it
shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.
Ezekiel 46:1

1) East gate is shut six working days.

2) East gate is open on the Sabbath.
3) East gate is open on New Moon day.

• Two kinds of days make up the Biblical week – work days and

• Three kinds of days make up a month – New Moon days, work days
and Sabbaths.
• The east gate is opened for worship on both New Moon days and
Sabbath days.
• The east gate is shut for worship on work days.
• Sabbath days and work days never overlap.
• New Moon days and work days never overlap.
• New Moon days and Sabbaths never overlap, as they were divinely
designed as unique kinds of days.
• New Moon day occurs each month and is never a work day or a
• By its very existence, the New Moon day breaks the cycle of work
days and Sabbath days, each lunar month.
• As a result, it is impossible for unbroken-chains-of-weeks to have
cycled without end, since creation.
• Cycling weeks cannot remain unbroken for 6,000 years, 6 months, or 6
weeks, for the very reason that the New Moon day exists and
continues to stand as a beacon of time, breaking the week cycle each
and every month. All units of time are heralded by the three part
orchestration of the sun, moon and stars, the great principles that rule
in the heavens, bearing the signature of the Creator.

When Constantine changed the “week” from eight-days to seven-days, he continued the
use of its unique attribute that cycled without end. Consequently, since the creation week
identified only two kinds of days, 1) work days and 2) Sabbaths, most of the world
bought into His “continuous-weekly-cycle theory,” as the two appeared to be in sync.
However, with diligent research, into Biblical time keeping, it becomes apparent that the
Creator ordained three kinds of days in contrast to only two kinds of days. It is the “New
Moon day” that is the third kind of day, which is not mentioned in the Genesis 1 account.
Because there are only two kinds of days identified in Genesis 1, it was easy to believe
Roman propaganda that her week, with its continuous weekly cycle, was in harmony with
that of Creation. Yet this is the supreme deception. When the New Moon day, the third
kind of day, is placed in position, the week cycle containing two kinds of days, is broken
each and every month. Therefore, every date that is identified in Scripture, is consistently
counted from the New Moon day, including the seventh-day Sabbaths, as their cycle
starts and stops according to the refreshing of the New Moon. This “lost time principle,”
now restored, signals that all seventh-day Sabbaths occur consistently throughout the
entire Bible, upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of each lunar month.

In contrast, if you look on your modern wall calendar you will find that the New Moon
day falls consistently on work days nearly every month. This is a wake up call that the
modern calendar used to define work days and Sabbaths, is an imposter, as it is contrary
to the Holy Scriptures. By default your “wall calendar” has been telling you the seventh-
day Sabbath is Saturday, when this is just another lie of Rome. We have all fallen into
this pit of deception, which was prophesied in Revelation 13:3, “And all the world
marveled and followed the beast.” As S.D.A.’s we always thought this applied to the

other churches, and not to us, as we kept the true Sabbath on Saturday. However, in
believing this, we would be calling John the revelator a liar, as the verse definitively
states, “ALL the world marveled and followed the beast.”

Constantine and the Week:

The establishment of a counterfeit calendar is the first step necessary for counterfeit
worship, both of which were crafted at the famous Council of Nicaea. Upon this premise
“the repulsive and revolting” Biblical lunisolar calendar was replaced with the pagan
solar calendar, as a tribute to their gods. The planetary continuous weekly cycle then
replaced the Biblical week, which had always been fixed to the count from the New

In 321 A.D., Constantine, emperor of Rome . . . by civil enactments made

“the venerable day of the Sun,” which day was then “notable for its
veneration,” the weekly rest day of the empire . . . The enforcement of the
weekly observance of Sunday gave official recognition to the week of
seven days and resulted in the introduction of it into the official civil
calendar of Rome. The Romans passed that calendar down to us, and in it
we have still the ancient planetary titles of the days of the week. Odom,
op. cit., p. 243-244, emphasis supplied.

When the historical and time centric facts of the Julian calendar are comprehended, it
becomes apparent that Sunday is not the only spurious worship day established upon
paganism. Saturday, dies Saturni, is also a counterfeit and spurious worship day. The
mere fact it is the seventh-day of the modern Roman week, sets it in opposition to the true
seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible. Both days are fruit of a false, man-made calendar
system. Therefore, neither Saturday nor Sunday can be the true Bible Sabbath.

This planetary week was paganism’s counterfeit of the true, Biblical week
instituted by the Creator in the beginning of Earth’s history. In the
counterfeit week employed in ancient paganism “the venerable day of the
Sun” was esteemed by the heathen above the other six days because it was
regarded as sacred to the Sun, the chief of the planetary deities . . . Just as
the true Sabbath is inseparably linked with the Biblical week, so the false
Sabbath of pagan origin needed a weekly cycle. Thus we have found that
the planetary week of paganism is Sunday’s twin sister, and that the two
counterfeit institutions were linked together ... Odom, op. cit., p. 243-244,
emphasis supplied.

Angel Rodriguez is simply a victim of Roman propaganda, as we all have been. As a

result he continues to cling to a pagan “Saturday” Sabbath theory that cannot be
supported from Scripture, either by name or by its rhythm. This is why in his opening
statement it is imperative that he cause his audience to throw out of his court of law “any
Biblical evidence.” As it continues to be demonstrated, Scripture is the revealer of the
lunar Sabbath truth.

What about Ellen White?

So, one must ask, was Ellen White deceived, as she clearly believed and declared the
seventh-day to be “Saturday?” Just as with the prophets Daniel and John the revelator and
so many others, Yahushua has spoken through His servants in the onward progression of
furthering His truths, He has spoken through Ellen White. Each has brought advancing
light to the table in His perfect timing, revealing key components of His appointed times
and true Sabbaths. Just as Daniel and John were not given all the light of truth in their
day, neither was Ellen White. Each had their prophetic role to play to prepare the faithful
for the last great and final conflict. Ellen White simply was not given all the light for the

Ellen White was not given inspiration on the subject of Yahuwah’s preordained units of
time. She had a “thus saith the Lord” that the Seventh-day is the Sabbath, a most
important first step in restoring the Creator’s true Sabbath. However, she was never
given a “thus saith the Lord” that “Saturday” is the seventh-day. These two concepts are
miles apart. Remember the assumptions of the ancient Hebrew people in regards to the
Messiah. They assumed that the Messiah would come as a King in splendor and majesty
and deliver them from their enemies. While it is true that Christ will one day be crowned
as a King, it was to be the fourth phase, rather than the first phase of the Saviour’s four-
fold ministry

Taking all things into consideration, is it possible that the heavenly Father can give new
light on a subject as only the first step toward a full disclosure, and still have it
accomplish His timely purposes? Yes it is. As a result, an entire church organization
sprang up over the new light of the seventh-day Sabbath, fully assuming it to be Saturday.
This first step regarding the seventh-day being the Sabbath was indeed a huge revelation
for its appointed time. This most assuredly accomplished a grand purpose for the
reformation, as it highlighted and brought to bear that His holy day was indeed the
seventh and not the first day of the week.

It is Ellen White herself that declared she was not shown all the truth. What this means is
that she herself maintained and taught that “all light” was not revealed to her. This in no
way diminishes her prophetic gift. In contrast, if she had stated that all things were
revealed to her and that all her writings were without error, then this discovery of the
Biblical lunar Sabbath would expose her as a false prophet. But this is NOT the case!
There are numerous statements that she makes under inspiration where she does not even
recognize that they do not support her erroneous calendar beliefs.

Those who live up to all the light they have will be given greater light.
Light and grace will be given to those who thus obey God. They will
behold wondrous things out of His law. Great truths that have lain
unheeded and unseen since the day of Pentecost, are to shine from God's
word in their native purity. Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 473.

“As we gather up the divine rays shining from the gospel, we shall have a
clearer insight into the Jewish economy, and a deeper appreciation of its

important truths. Our exploration of truth is yet incomplete. We have

gathered up only a few rays of light. Those who are not daily students of
the Word will not solve the problems of the Jewish economy. They will
not understand the truths taught by the temple service.” Spalding Magan
Collection, p. 306 (Ellen White).

The term “Jewish economy” references three things. The first things we think of are
time and money. Yet, it also includes the laws of Yahuwah, with each part played out in
the visual aide of the Sanctuary Service. All three parts of this detailed economy define
the divinely preordained system of “trade” for the redemption and restoration of
mankind. A plan developed in the heavenly courts whereby the Creator himself would
“trade” His perfect eternal life, as a ransom for the souls of men. All who confess with
penitent hearts to Yahushua (Jesus), their Priest, and walk in obedience to a new life,
freely receive this unequal “trade.” They are then transformed into His image, and given
passage to an eternal reward with the saints.

The entire Sanctuary system was based upon the pattern shown on the mount, which
contained the principles of the heavenly lunisolar time-system. The truths taught by the
time-centric earthly temple service give us insight into Yahushua’s continued multi-part
ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary for the restoration of sinners back to their full and
divine purpose. In stating that “truth is yet incomplete,” it means that Ellen White and
all the S.D.A.’s in her day, were to continue forward in the steps of reform. In stating
that they had “gathered up only a few rays of light,” defines that the majority of light was
yet to be revealed. To remain stagnant upon the progressive truths of the 1800’s is to
remain seated in the first step to a full disclosure, when the Spirit of truth beckons His
faithful to rise and walk in the fullness of light.

Refer to article, “Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates.”

The Evidence:

• All of the Creator’s principles of time are according to the sun, moon and stars. Genesis
1:14, Ezekiel 46:1
• Sabbaths = signs (#226 ‘owth). Ezekiel 20:12-13, Ezekiel 20:19-20
• Months (monad) = seasons (#4150 mo-ade`). Genesis 1:14
• The Creator’s months are lunar according to Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon and
Exodus 12:1-3.
• There are three kinds of days, not just two. It is the New Moon day that breaks the cycle
of weeks each month. Ezekiel 46:1
• The Creator’s calendar dates are counted from the New Moon. Exodus. 12:1-3; Leviticus
23:5-39, Ezekiel 46:1, 2Chronicles 23:30-32
• The Creator’s Sabbaths are counted from the New Moon. Exodus 12:1-3; Leviticus 23:5-
39, Ezekiel 46:1, 2 Chronicles 23:30-32
• The Creator’s lunisolar calendar contains four seven day weeks each month. Exodus.
12:1-3, Leviticus 23:5-39, Ezekiel. 46:1, 2 Chronicles 23:30-32
• Ellen White states, “Our exploration of truth is yet incomplete.”

Question 1b. What about the Israelite Calendar, was it lunisolar? 5 points

Angel Rodriguez:
The Israelite calendar was lunisolar, that is to say time was measured on the basis of the
new moon (the rotation of the moon around the earth) and also the sun (the rotation of the
earth around the sun). A lunar calendar of 12 months is about 11 days shorter than the
solar calendar, which is approximately 365 days. In the ancient world this was solved by
adding an extra month seven times in 19 years. In the Bible the moon calendar was used
to fix the time for the festivals—for instance, 14 days after the new moon came Passover
(Num. 28:16). Apparently some people are arguing that the Sabbath itself was to be
observed seven days after the first day of the month.

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

The response above is accurate and well stated. The B.R.I. has clearly and unmistakably
defined Israel’s calendar as lunisolar. Angel Rodriguez even describes this moon calendar
as “fixing” the time for the festivals. This alone should stimulate questions as to why
mankind, especially the S.D.A. Church has abandoned their foundational Sanctuary
beliefs, with its lunisolar time instituted by our Creator, at the very time its time-centric
prophetic details are being fulfilled in the Heavenly Sanctuary above. How could this be
unless the S.D.A. church now believes that heaven’s lunisolar time system was dependent
on earth’s temple (the copy) and the sacrificial system? This concept is upside down. It
was Yahuwah, the Father, who required Moses to erect the wilderness sanctuary
“according to the pattern shown on the mount” (Hebrews 8:5). This pattern was none
other than the Heavenly Sanctuary. The earthly sanctuary and temples were only the
copies, which were destined to become obsolete when the heavenly Sanctuary work
commenced. This was not to begin until type met antitype at the cross of Calvary, by the
personal ministry of our Saviour.

“. . . who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was
divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He
said, "See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on
the mountain.” Hebrews 8:3-6 NKJV

It was to the “ancient world” as well as to all people of all ages that the Creator gave His
lunisolar calendar, defined by the sun, moon and stars as the principles that rule in the
heavens, for His divisions of time. It was to this ancient world that the following dialog
occurred between Yahuwah and Moses commanding that he teach all of Israel to follow
His New Moons and lunar months as the divisions of His years. As a result, all years
associated with our heavenly Father were indeed preordained to be lunisolar and not
strictly solar.

Click link below to open Exodus 12 word study

Commandingly spoke, Yahuwah to Moses and to Aaron while in the land

of Egypt, declaring: “New moon, this one, belongs to the beginning of the

lunar months. It is first in place, time and rank, as in old time past, the
same accordingly, lunar months are the divisions or measure of time for a
year. Declare and teach this to all the congregation of Israel saying, ‘on
the tenth of this lunar month do as follows: Reserve accordingly every
man a lamb for each household of the father, a lamb for each house.’”
Exodus 12:1-3 Interlinear Hebrew, Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon.

Fifteen hundred years later at the fullness of time, our Saviour and Messiah, Yahushua
(Jesus) laid down His life as the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” In doing
so, He had to fully meet the requirement of both the times and laws of Scripture, as
typified in the Sanctuary system. This system was based upon the lunisolar time
principles of the heavenly pattern. At His death the door closed on the Old Covenant
system that required the death of sacrificial animals. However, at His death the door was
flung open for all time to His own ministration in the Heavenly Sanctuary, the
commencement of the New Covenant, as the true lamb who takes away the sin of the

This heavenly system is built on the perpetuity and continuation of the same lunisolar
principles that were shown Moses in the mount (Exodus 25:40). While the Saviour’s
death marked the finished work of the sacrifice for mankind, it was only the first step in
His three part Sanctuary, New Covenant Ministry. First, He was to be the lamb, second,
the priest and third, the High Priest for the complete atonement and restoration of

The study of the Sanctuary system and all its ramifications was once the foundational
truth of the S.D.A. Church. Have its truths somehow diminished, or have our views of
them been altered? Which gets a more popular response today— to declare the holy
feasts and the Sanctuary system ended at the cross, or to declare the Papal Roman
calendar is a fraud? One of these is an imposter, because just as oil and water don’t mix,
the Sanctuary system with its lunisolar feasts cannot be harmonized with the rhythms of
the modern Roman calendar. Could this be the underlying reason it has become so
unpopular to discuss the Sanctuary and its holy feasts of late? Is the S.D.A. church bent
on being in harmony with Rome and her calendar? Has the S.D.A. church tactically
changed sides? The historic S.D.A. church identified Rome to be the great enemy in both
the Old and New Testament. Is this still true today? By eliminating the holy feasts, we
must eliminate the Sanctuary system, both earthly and heavenly, then by eliminating
these we can finally eliminate the “infamous” lunisolar calendar that causes us to be out
of harmony with Rome. In doing so, the S.D.A. church appears to have swapped truth
for error, and will not be able to prepare her people for the final events, and soon return
of the Saviour. It appears there is a fox or two in the hen house.

The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is

the foundation of our faith. Councils for the Church, p. 347.

All subsequent generations can verify and authenticate that indeed Yahushua (Jesus), was
the promised Messiah, the redeemer, as He perfectly met all the requirements of heaven’s
divine laws and ordained lunisolar time units. He had to lay down His life on Passover,
the fourteenth day, as counted from the New Moon and not a spurious pagan calendar.
He was to remain in the tomb on the Sabbath, but rise on the sixteenth day (as counted
from the New Moon), the day the First Fruits offering was waved before Yahuwah. Did
this occur on time? Did this occur upon lunisolar principles? YES! “For He changes
not.” Malachi 3:6. Did this occur according to Roman calendation principles? NO!
Might the two in any way harmonize with one another as the S.D.A. church suggests?

Below is another passage of Scripture based on Strong’s Bible Dictionary and Brown-
Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. The Sabbaths, months and years are all to be numbered
according to the very same time measurement.

Click on link below to open 1 Chronicles 23 word study

Everyone exalt, and restore Yahuwah’s Sabbaths, the New Moons with
their lunar months, and yearly fixed feast times. Number them by the
ordained measure of the elliptical and perpetual [lunar] face that turns,
forming time as was purposed by Yahuwah. Guard and protect this sign
marker with a posted watch of the place of assembly, as convened for

signs, as a token of evidence. Watch over this holy and dedicated thing as
a charge and service by the sons of Aaron, and the others who minister
unto the sanctuary of Yahuwah. 1 Chronicles 23:30-32 Interlinear
Hebrew text, Strong’s Bible Dictionary and Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew

Remarkably, it is a single remedy that restores each of the above units of time. The
remedy for the lost Sabbaths, lunar months, and annual holy feast days is the same. Each
are to be “numbered” according to the “elliptical, perpetual measure of the moon.”
Shocking as this may be, “the week” with its seventh-day Sabbath was ordained at
creation to be fixed permanently to the same numbering count as that of the month. As a
result, the seventh-day Sabbaths by divine design were eternally fixed to the 8th, 15th,
22nd, and 29th civil calendar dates, each and every lunar month.

Here in this passage of 1 Chronicles 23:30-32 we discover that we are to number the
Sabbaths, the New Moon and it’s lunar month days, and the years with their specific
appointed holy days, according to the “elliptical,” and “perpetual face that turns.” Can
this be representative of anything other than the moon, since we can clearly rule out the
sun, and the stars? This command to number the Sabbaths according to the “elliptical
and perpetual face that turns,” is another way of commanding that we “fix” the seven
days of the week to the numbered days of the month. In addition, the months are also to
be numbered or counted for each year according to the number of lunations.

As illustrated above, both the earth and the moon orbit the sun in a counter-clockwise
direction. Notice the oval or “elliptical” pattern of the moons path around the earth.
When the moon is farthest from the sun, as pictured on the left, it is “full.” When the
moon is closest to the sun it is in its dark “conjunction” lunar phase, this occurs because
the sun is shining on the moon’s backside as seen from earth. However, the moon is
recognized as “new” only when a crescent of reflected light is seen “anew” at sunset, on
the western horizon in Jerusalem, following the dark phase. Jerusalem is Yahuwah’s
divinely ordained International Time Line marker.

The above graphic also demonstrates:

• Twelve lunar months in this lunisolar year (a thirteenth month occurs

approximately every third year).
• There are 29-30 days in each lunar month.
• Notice how the counter-clockwise path of the moon commences in the
position of New Moon day (1), the day following the closest point to the
sun. Then the moon’s path continues to the outer edges of its orbit only to
swing in toward the sun again toward the end of its lunation (month). The
moon remains in a varied but perpetual state of an ellipse.
• The seventh-day Sabbath was preordained at creation and “fixed” to the
lunar civil calendar dates counting from New Moon day. Fraudulently,
mankind has been led to believe that there are only two kinds of days—
work days and Sabbath days. Yet, Scripture teaches there are three kinds

of days— work days, Sabbath days, and New Moon days. It is the New
Moon day that occurs at the commencement of each month that breaks the
weekly cycle, refreshing each new month with a cycle of four complete
weeks. (Ezekiel 46:1)

Refer to word study, “1 Chronicles 23:30-32”

The Evidence:

• The ancient Hebrew calendar was lunisolar, as correctly stated by Angel Rodriguez.
Leviticus 23:1-39
• All feast days of the earthly sanctuary were “fixed” to the lunisolar calendar. Mutually
agreed by both. Leviticus 23:1-39.
• The lunisolar calendar has been abandoned by all the world. Daniel 7:25, Revelation
• Moses was taught by Yahuwah that years are made up of lunar months, causing years to
be lunisolar. Exodus 12:1-3
• The earthly sanctuary was a mere “copy” of the Heavenly original; by default, heaven’s
calendation is lunisolar. Hebrews 8:3-6
• The correct understanding of the ministration of the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation
of the S.D.A. Church. Councils for the Church, p. 347.
• In order for the S.D.A. church to remain in harmony with the rhythms of Rome, she must
disassociate from the teachings of both the earthly copy and heavenly Sanctuary
original, their holy appointed feasts, and their lunisolar time system, upon which our
Saviour ministers above. Any suggestion that the lunisolar time system upon which each
of these is based, continues to be viable or obligatory today, is heresy to Rome and her
• Sabbaths, lunar months and the Creator’s years are all numbered from the New Moons.
2 Chronicles 23:30-32

Question 2. The Sabbath and the Moon, are they connected in time? 5 points

Angel Rodriguez:
At the beginning of the twentieth century the connection between the Sabbath and the
moon was proposed and defended by a number of critical scholars. They rejected the
biblical origin of the Sabbath and suggested that its origin was related to several “evil
days” in the Babylonian calendar, including the day of the full moon, during which
people rested. Those days occurred in a sequence of about seven days. Further study
indicated that the so-called “evil days” were not a sequence of seven days; they were the
first, seventh, fourteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days of the month.
That theory has since been abandoned.

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

The Biblical origin of the Sabbath is best defined within Scripture itself and not in a
history book. With this said, there has been much written on this subject, specifically
quotes that address how it was that the Hebrew people came to give up their Sabbaths and
lunar months for that of the Roman week that cycled without end. Of particular interest
are those quotes by Jewish sources. Here I will let history speak for itself.

The “Week” in History - 101:

In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Cæsar invited Sosigenes, an

Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar,
and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the
lunar calendar altogether. Months must be arranged on a seasonal basis,
and a tropical (solar) year used, as in the Egyptian calendar. “The Julian
Calendar,” Encyclopedia Britannica.

Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recur in the
course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was,
dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410.

The (early) Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks, which ended with
special observances on the seventh day, but none the less were tied to the
moon's course. Rest Days, p. 254-255 by Hutton Webster

The weeks do not continue in a regular cycle regardless of the moon.

Each month has four weeks, the beginning with the New Moon. I have no
doubt that this was the old Hebrew system. Babylonian Menologies and
the Semitic Calendars, p. 89.

The Sabbath depending, in Israel’s nomadic period, upon the observation

of the phases of the moon, it could not, accordingly be a fixed day [fixed
to the week that cycles without end].

Historically, new moon spotters in Israel watched for the thin crescent to
establish the beginning of each month. Once seen they reported their
sighting to the calendar court authorities of the Sanhedrin. Note what one
authority says, “Originally, the New Moon was not fixed by astronomical
calculation, but was solemnly proclaimed after witnesses had testified to
the reappearance of the crescent of the moon.” Encyclopaedia Judaica,
Vol. 12, p. 1039.

The invention of the continuous week was therefore one of the most
significant breakthroughs in human beings’ attempts to break away from
being prisoners of nature [and from under God’s law] and create a social
world of their own.” The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of
the Week, Eviator Zerubavel, New York: The Free Press, 1985. p.11.

Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish

society, at the time of Jesus...was practicing a fixed seven-day week
which was the same as the modern fixed [cycling planetary designations]
seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a

fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As
long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and
customs, including that of THE CONSECUTIVE WEEK, WERE HELD
AT BAY. Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance

Ever since Constantine legislated in A.D. 324, his new “seven day week” with its
continuous-weekly-cycle, and appointed Sunday as the holy day, the whole world has
been deceived by His dual craftiness, and led to forget the Creator’s true calendation.

Shortly afterward, in A.D. 358, Sanhedrin Patriarch Hillel II, motivated by the onslaught
of continued Jewish persecution, determined to provide an authorized mathematically-
based calendar for all time to come that would be in harmony with Rome. By so doing,
he severed the ties that united the Jews of the Diaspora to their historical Scriptural roots
and to the patriarchate. It is recorded that Rome’s unbroken-cycle-of-weeks of seven days
was adopted at a clandestine and maybe final meeting of the Sanhedrin in A.D. 358,
marking the last universal decision made by that body. Thus the Jews swapped the
Biblical lunar Sabbaths for the popularized Roman continuous weekly cycle, causing her
Sabbaths to no longer be in sync with the New Moons and all other holy appointed feast

Blindly, all the modern world has “wandered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3) for
calendation. But there is hope, as the light from heaven is brilliantly shining to dispel the
darkness of error, and at such a critical hour. Scripture after scripture, and verse after
verse are being revealed and restored from the rubble of being entirely lost in translation.
On the wings of two or three witnesses, they testify to the truth, and unravel the lie. It is
discovered that Bible scholars for the past 1600 years have all bought into Rome’s
calculated dual deception, either in part or in whole. Sunday keepers have swallowed it
whole, while Saturday keepers have at least sought a “seventh-day.” This being one step
closer to the Creator’s ordained day of worship. Yet, both days are built upon the same
false, Roman devised continuous weekly cycle. While Saturday is indeed the seventh-
day, it is not the true seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible, as ordained by the Creator, and
Saviour of mankind.

Refer to article, “Principles that Rule in the Heavens.”

Refer to article, “Amazing Evidence from Antiquity.”

The Evidence:

• Rome’s first calendar had an eight-day week that cycled without end.
• This first Roman calendar was designed to disassociate its rhythms from that of the moon.
• The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was dependent upon the lunar cycle.
• The New Moon spotters in Israel watched for the thin crescent to establish the beginning of each
• The invention of the continuous week was a significant attempt to break away from nature and
create a social world of their own.
• The change from a lunar to a “fixed cycling” week was brought about by the power and influence
of Rome.

Question 3. Genesis 1 and the Sabbath, is there a relation to the New Moon?
5 points

Angel Rodriguez:
The origin of the biblical Sabbath is definitely connected with the creation week. It was
instituted by God three days after the creation of the moon (Gen. 1:14; 2:2), not the
seventh day after the first day of the month. It was to function independent of the month
on a specific sequence of days unconnected from the moon and the sun, but uniquely
grounded in God’s power to rule over time. The seventhness of the Sabbath is related to
the passing of time, from the beginning of God’s creating activity on planet earth to its
close. This is indeed a unique divine act, a fragmentation of time in a sequence of seven
days exclusively fixed and governed by God Himself.

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

No place can be found in all of Scripture that highlights the week as having a unique time
system of its own, fully disconnected from the sun, moon or stars, or from the lunar
phases. On the contrary, every place in Scripture that a date can be associated with the
seventh-day Sabbath, it consistently falls upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of a lunar

Verified below, are Twelve Bible Stories that identify the seventh-day Sabbaths on the
8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the lunar month. No Bible references can be found that define
the Sabbaths to be on any other dates. Refer to article, “Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly

• Three months in a row. Exodus 12, 16, 19

• Spring and fall feasts. Leviticus 23:5-6, 34-35; Numbers 29:12-39.
• Two annual feasts and their respective high Sabbaths. Leviticus 23:5-6,
34, 35; Numbers 29:12-39.
• Dedication of priesthood of Aaron and his sons. Exodus 40:2, 17;
Leviticus 8, 9.
• The time of Solomon. 2 Chronicles 7:8-10.
• The time of Esther. Esther 9:18.
• King Hezekiah’s reform. 2 Chronicles 29:17.
• Three kinds of days that never overlap. Ezekiel 46:1.
• Healing the Blind Man on the Sabbath. John 8:2, John 9:6.
• Circumcision on the Sabbath. John 7:21-24
• Time of the Crucifixion. Mark 15:42; John 19:31; Leviticus 23:6-7, 11,
15; John 19:42.
• Time of the Resurrection. Matthew 20:1; Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1-2;
Luke 24:1; John 20:1.

Creation Week and New Moon Day:


Exodus 20:10 declares, “the seventh-day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.” Our
Creator shared “His Sabbath” with mankind, that we may be in sync with the worship
rhythms of heaven, the angels, and unfallen worlds as they assemble on His pre-
appointed holy days. But in addition to Yahuwah sharing His Sabbaths with mankind, He
also imputed to earth heaven’s lunar months and lunisolar years via heaven’s own New
Moon time indicator. How can we know for certain?

Each day of earth’s creation fell upon a work day of the Heavenly Father. These six work
days were sandwiched between His two holy days. These were the holy New Moon day
and His holy seventh-day Sabbath. These holy days are always rest days, not only for His
creations, but also for the Creator, himself, that He may avail Himself to receive their
worship. As a result, there are never more than six days in a row in which the heavenly
Father is free to create. This is in perfect harmony with Exodus 20:10.

While our Creator is omnipotent, it is a known fact that there is ONE THING HE
CANNOT DO. He cannot lie! However, it has been discovered that there is an
additional thing that He cannot do, which is of great significance in establishing the
parameters of His preordained calendar rhythms. Our Creator could not create the New
Moon on the New Moon day. This is an impossibility for the shear fact that New Moon
day is a holy day unto Yahuwah and the entire universe, rendering it a “rest” day and not
a work day. Our loving Creator is both consistent and He “changes not.”

The calendar illustration below demonstrates what occurred during the creation week.
On the New Moon Day (in blue) the Creator could not have been on earth for any reason,
as He was both resting and receiving worship from the angels and all the previous
creations. Each of the Creator’s six work days are (in green). The first day of creation on
earth was the second day of the month for the Creator, whose time rhythms He was to
share with Adam and Eve, in a few short days.

It is hard for mankind to fathom that from the Creator’s perspective, time was ongoing,
while earth’s time had only just begun. The 8th day of the month (in gold) is the seventh-
day of the week, an eternal holy seventh-day Sabbath of Yahuwah’s, past present and
future. Here again He would be resting and receiving worship from all His creation, but
now for the first time earthlings were to be included in the Creator’s holy day of rest and

The fact that the sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day of the creation week
was a preordained “sign” to demonstrate to mankind that earth’s “time” was not
independent from that of heaven. Rather, earth’s “time” was hung from heaven’s own
portals of time. Just as the Tree of Life was placed in the garden, fully endowed with fruit
on the third day, all of creation was created in their complete form with apparent age.
Nothing was created as seeds, eggs, or babies. Likewise, on the fourth day the celestial
bodies were created and placed in their precise positions in the heavens, reflecting, by
their positions, the passage of the first recorded days of creation. Therefore, earth’s first
week and month were set, as a clock would be, according to heaven’s clock and heaven’s
New Moon. Earth was never intended to operate on an independent time-system from

that of the entire universe. This was the missing puzzle piece in the Genesis account of
the week. It was heaven’s New Moon that set the count for days, weeks, and months,
upon the earth. Now Genesis can be harmonized with the remainder of the Scriptures.

Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the entrance to this
gateway before the LORD on the Sabbaths and the New Moons. Ezekiel
46:3-4 NKJV

In the calendar above, the first New Moon of the year, corresponds to Mar.-Apr, is in the shape of a dish.

Earth’s sun, moon and stars were not created, or their time set and placed in their celestial
positions until the fourth day, as a testimony that “time” upon earth was designed after
the pattern of, and in harmony with the heavenly throne. While heaven’s time system is
earth’s benefactor, only those who are obedient to its principles are the beneficiaries.
Revelation represents this group of people as a pure woman with the following unique

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with
the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.
Revelation 12:1-2 NKJV

In heaven and the earth made new, the same calendar rhythm instituted at creation will be
utilized. According to the following verse, will its week be based on Roman principles that
cycle without end, independent of the moon, or will its week be in harmony with the sun,
moon and stars, the principles that rule in the heavens?

And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to
another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me," says the LORD. Isaiah 66:23

There is no getting around the importance the heavenly Father places upon His holy New
Moon days and seventh-day Sabbaths. New Moon days mark the commencement of each
month, week and year. Try as one might, the Creator’s true Sabbaths cannot be located any
other way.

The Ellen White quote below describes the experience of the saints in heaven and the earth
made new. They will witness suns, stars and systems all circling the throne of our heavenly
Father. Does this quote appear to imply that “time” in heaven also consists of the same
celestial type time markers? Does this not confirm that the earth’s celestial bodies are
patterned after the heavenly? Are these not in place for the purpose of governing the times
for worship of the Creator of the universe. Would this not be the Creator’s system, like
synchronized watches, beckoning His many creations to come and worship before Him upon
His holy days?

With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation--suns and stars and systems, all
in their appointed order circling the throne of Deity. Great Controversy, p. 677.

Mankind, has been honored by their loving heavenly Father, as He gave us the same time
system, utilizing a sun, moon and stars, as those that define time in the heavenly courts.
Nothing is different. There are no wall calendars there designating when to come before His
throne to worship. All the unfallen worlds would also have suns, moons and stars that keep
the exact same time system. All are in perfect harmony, even better than a Swiss watch.
Could it be the result of the rebelliousness of man’s heart that we have crafted a different
calendar upon different principles, causing us to worship, we know not who, on days we
know not why. May our wonderful Saviour have mercy upon us all.

Refer to article, “Sabbath’s Consistent Monthly Dates.”

The Evidence:
• Twelve Bible Stories identify the seventh-day Sabbaths to fall consistently on lunar dates
of the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th.
• Earth’s time system is a copy of the heavenly and not the original.
• It is impossible for the Creator to Create the New Moon on New Moon Day.
• Our Creator can only create on six work days.
• Our Creator must always rest on New Moon days and seventh-day Sabbaths.
• In addition to the Sabbath, our Creator shared His New Moon.
• Earth’s first week and month were set according to heaven’s clock.
• Through all eternity, the saints will witness the suns, stars and systems circling the throne
of deity.

The above calendar illustration will assist the reader in locating the layout of the “Seventh-
day” holy convocations and those holy convocations occurring in their ordained months.

Question 4. Sabbath and Festivals, how are they related? 5 points

Angel Rodriguez:
A lunar Sabbath would imply that the Sabbath is part of the Israelite festivals, but that is
not the case. The seventh-day Sabbath was instituted long before the festivals were given
to the Israelites. The Hebrew term translated “feasts, festivals,” is mo’edim, and it means
“fixed/appointed time, meetings.” It refers to different activities that were not necessarily
dated by the lunar calendar (e.g., Jer. 8:7; Hosea 2:9). Even if one were to argue that the
term applies to the Sabbath, it does not follow that the time for the Sabbath was fixed by
the moon (cf. Lev. 23:2). Besides, the Bible makes clear that the Sabbath is to be
differentiated from the festivals (Lev. 23:37, 38).

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

In response to Angel Rodriguez’s statement— Actually, a “lunar Sabbath” would imply
that the original calendar placed in the heavens by our Creator was “lunisolar.” This same
Creator and heavenly Father would have been 100% consistent to position His Feasts
according to the same time system 2,500 years later, according to their lunar months (mo-
ade #4150).

Angel Rodriguez uses Leviticus 23:37-38 as evidence that Sabbaths are not festivals. He
clarifies that in verse 38 the term “besides” is used four times and therefore renders
Sabbaths as separate from feasts. Yet, from both the Merriam Webster Collegiate
Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary the term “besides” equally means: a) other
than, b) together with, c) in addition to. This verse is simply summarizing all the
important elements that are to be “included with” these offerings so that nothing is left
out and no assumptions are made to the contrary. Often, Scripture rephrases itself,
placing important elements in different light.

To effectively answer Question 4, Leviticus 23 will be analyzed systematically, and point

by point. It will be demonstrated below that the true Sabbath is both a feast and
intricately associated with the all other Feasts. This can only occur when both months
and weeks are calculated using the same time measure, with the count prompted by the
New Moon day marker. In this case it is the Creator’s lunisolar calendar.

A distinction is made by Yahuwah between the earthly sanctuary and the heavenly. One
is made with hands (the hands of man) as instructed according to the pattern shown on
the mount. (Hebrews 8:5) The other is the heavenly Sanctuary, not made with hands, and
is the divine system, the original pattern for human restoration. It is to this system that
the earthly pointed. So while the earthly came to an end at the cross, it marked the
prophetic commencement of our Saviour’s work and ministry in real time, in the
heavenly places of the holy and most holy, well documented compartments of the

Each feast (holy convocation) transpired at its appointed time each year as a rehearsal of
its prophetic counterpart. These prophetic counterparts will continue to unfold in real
time as they follow the movements of our Messiah in heavenly places according to the
preordained lunisolar pattern shown Moses on the mount. (Hebrews 8:5; Ezekiel 43:10)
Lunisolar calendation did not disappear either at the cross or at the destruction of
Jerusalem, when the earthly temple was ultimately destroyed. Rather, our focus is then
directed to the continuation of lunisolar time in the heavenly Sanctuary, where our
Saviour commenced His ministry on our behalf, for the restoration of souls. While the
work of the heavenly Sanctuary will one day reach its completion, the lunisolar time
upon which it was placed, will continue into eternity.

And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from
one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me," says
the LORD. Isaiah 66:23 NKJV

The Feast of the Seventh-day— Annual Rehearsal of the Thousand Year

Sabbath Rest in the New Jerusalem – Leviticus 23:1-3
The seventh-day Sabbath is the first feast listed in the lineup of feasts in Leviticus 23:1-3.
There is a distinction between the seventh-day Sabbath feast and the other feasts that
follow in Leviticus 23:4-44. The difference between them are the intervals in which each
occur. Verse 3 states the Sabbath feast is to occur on “day seven” each week as a holy
convocation. Verse 4 states the other feast days are to be holy convocations and are to
occur in their specific “months” (#4150 mo-ade’)( refer to previous table). Notice that
both the “day seven” feasts and the “month” feasts are given the same status of “holy
convocations.” Unequivocally, Holy convocations are feasts.

Feast of Passover— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Lamb Slain for Sin –
Leviticus 23:5
The spring Feast of Passover is the first lunar month appointed feast (holy convocation)
of the year. According to Exodus 12 and Leviticus 23, it commences at sunrise on the
14th day of the first month of Abib, counting from the New Moon day. It is always the 6th
day of the week, also known as the preparation day. It is always on or very near the full
moon. The day following Passover is always the seventh-day Sabbath, which is also
always a High Sabbath, because on it the Feast of Unleavened Bread commences. The
Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament never refer to Passover as Friday. It is
the first of the Appointed Feasts which Christ the Messiah fulfilled precisely, as He died
during the daylight hours of the 14th.

Because Passover is only found by counting to the fourteenth day following the New
Moon, the time system is distinguished as lunisolar time-keeping. But notice that the
seventh-day Sabbath is consistently located on the day following Passover, this fact
“forever fixes” the seventh-day Sabbath to the same count from New Moon day.

Feast of Unleavened Bread— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Bread of Life

– His Life for Ours – Leviticus 23:6-8
The spring Feast of Unleavened Bread begins at sunrise on the specific day the Bible
named the “15th day” of the first month of Abib, counting from the New Moon. This
second feast commences on a seventh-day Sabbath, making the first day of this seven-day
feast a “High Sabbath” each and every year. This feast ends on the sixth-day of the
week, the 21st of the month. The very next day is the 22nd counting from New Moon day
and it is the seventh-day Sabbath, and a holy convocation. (Compare with Leviticus

Using the Scriptural criteria alone, this Feast of Unleavened Bread is both “fixed” to the
15th day count from New Moon day and “fixed” to the seventh-day of the week. As a
result it would be impossible to locate this holy appointed feast by using a Gregorian
calendar with weeks that cycle without end. Like oil and water, the Gregorian calendar
and Biblical time-keeping do not mix. So which is easier to do— declare the Roman
Gregorian calendar in error or dismiss Biblical lunisolar time-keeping, of which the
Feasts and true Sabbaths belong? It is these holy appointed Feasts of Yahuwah that stand
as a perpetual witness to the Creator’s unchanging celestial time system.

Feast of First Fruits— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Lamb to be

Resurrected – Leviticus 23:9-15
This feast is often referred to as Wave Sheaf and occupies the 16th day of Abib, as
counted from the New Moon day, which is also permanently “fixed” to the first day of
the week. This day follows the seventh-day Sabbath of the 15th today, just as it did at the
time of Moses and during the three days of the crucifixion and resurrection of Yahushua
(Jesus). This is a “nail in a sure place.” Leviticus 23:9-15, Matthew 28:1-8

He shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted on your behalf;
on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. And you shall offer on
that day, when you wave the sheaf, a male lamb of the first year, without
blemish, as a burnt offering to the LORD. Leviticus 23:11-13 NKJV

Easter, “Feast of the Resurrection” is Rome’s counterfeit holiday for this most important
Resurrection day of our Messiah and Saviour. Many are not aware of Rome’s proactive
system of “fixing” Easter to the first Sunday after the “full moon.” Therefore, Easter is
likewise appointed by Rome according to the lunar phases. They do this to insure that
their man-made spring holiday will never fall on Scripture’s true and appointed lunisolar
“Feast of First Fruits.” Refer to article, “Why Must Rome Consistently Fix “Easter” to
the Moon?

Count to Pentecost— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Messiah to be Ordained

Priest in Heaven – Leviticus 23:16-22
Pentecost means fifty, which stood for fifty days. First and foremost, the correct calendar
must be established upon which to calculate it. Neither the Julian nor the Gregorian
calendars existed at the time Pentecost was instituted by Yahuwah. Also, it is utterly
impossible to count to Pentecost using any other calendar than the Scriptural mandated
lunisolar calendar, as it is the only one that fits all the criteria: 1) Begin counting on the
16th day from New Moon; 2) The 16th day is always the first day of the week, because it
always follows a seventh-day Sabbath on the 15th; 3) Only count “Sabbaths complete;”
4) Never count New Moon Days or Translation days; 5) Seven weeks is a total of 49
days ending on a seventh-day Sabbath; 6) Then a day is to be added to the count to make
it 50 days, therefore the Festival of Pentecost is located on the first day of the week.
Yahuwah uses these six criteria to punctuate that His ordained week and seventh-day
Sabbath are reckoned by the very same sacred lunisolar calendar as all the yearly
appointed festivals. This is demonstrated and clarified by this count to Pentecost being
fixed simultaneously on both the date of the month counting from the New Moon day, as
well as fixed within the days of the week, each and every year. In addition, seven
Sabbath’s complete were the time units used to arrive at the correct date for the lunisolar
feast of Pentecost. How can it be declared that the Sabbaths have nothing whatever to do
with the Feasts, when they are the ordained units of time to count?

From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave
offering, count off seven full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day
after the seventh Sabbath and then present an offering of new grain to the
LORD. Leviticus 23:15-17

Feast of Trumpets— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Final Call to

Repentance – Leviticus 23:24-25
The Feast of Trumpets is a one day feast occurring on the New Moon day of the Seventh
Month in the fall of the Scriptural Hebrew year. The name of the feast itself identifies it
as announcing or trumpeting an upcoming important event. In this case as in the typical
yearly sanctuary service the trumpets warned of the coming final ”Judgment Day,” as
marked by the Feast Day of Atonement,” which follows ten days later.

In the prophetic scheme of events, the seven plagues announced and born out by the
“Seven Trumpets,” will play out in real time, commencing on New Moon day of the
Feast of Trumpets (Revelation 8:1-11-15). This Feast of Trumpets is preordained to
mark the commencement of Revelation’s last warning to the inhabitants of earth in
preparation for the final judgment and close of probation. It will be a wake up call as
never before given. Those who cling to the belief that the Seven Trumpets were historical
events, will experience an overwhelming surprise, as they discover they are not ready for
the sealing (Revelation 9:4). Each Trumpet (plague) will occur in its order, and each will
commence upon the next New Moon day until they have run their course. Each plague is
preordained to last a full lunar month, except the Fifth Trumpet (woe), as it is to last five
full lunar months, commencing upon the Eleventh (lunar) Month (Feb.) of the same
lunisolar year. But it will terminate on the last day of the Third Month (Mar./Apr.) of the
following year. Finally, the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet (woes) last only one full lunar
month each. From start to finish these Seven Trumpet plagues cover a period of 11 lunar

The heavenly Father will utilize to His glory, this month by month parade of cataclysmic
New Moon events as a sign marker to gather all His lunisolar believers under the same
heavenly umbrella, that all may be in perfect harmony and in one accord with His true
New Moon day.

Is it conceivable that the reason the “Seven Trumpet” plagues only last 11 months, is so
the final “Seven Last Plagues” of Revelation 16:1 can also be poured out prior to Day of
Atonement, the 10th day of the Seventh Month? The twelfth New Moon following the first
Trumpet plague is the commencement of the Sixth Month of the next year. In this way
the “Seven Last Plagues” can be completed within 45 days. At the end of this 45 days is
the Feast of Tabernacles which typifies the Second Coming of Yahushua. It is mentioned
over and over in Revelation 16 that the people to whom the Seven Last Plagues fell, “did
not repent.” By default, they are “weighed in the balances and found wanting” on the
Great and Final Judgment Day, typified by the Feast Day of Atonement, of the 10th day of
the Seventh Month, this is then followed five days later by the Feast of Tabernacles.

Therefore, on New Moon day of the Seventh Month (lunar), one month after the
termination of the Seven Trumpets, Yahushua announces the day and hour of His second
coming. Thus a full year will have transpired from the commencement of the Seven
Trumpet (plagues) until Yahushua (Jesus) announces the day and hour of His coming.

All who willfully do no not wake up, and look to the heavens will not recognize that all
the last day events are synchronized according to Scripture’s lunisolar time. Only too,
late will they discover, the spirit of truth had been calling them to humbly surrender.

Feast Day of Atonement— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Judgment Day

and Close of Probation – Leviticus 23:27-32
The Day of Atonement falls on the 10th day of the Seventh Month (not a pagan named
day), counting from the New Moon. Like all the appointed Feast days of Yahuwah, it is
fixed not only on the specific date of the month counting from the New Moon, but is also
fixed on its specific date of the week. This is because five days later is the Feast of
Tabernacles which commences every year on the seventh-day Sabbath, the 15th of the
Seventh Month. Therefore, it will always fall on the 2nd day of the second week, counting
from the New Moon.

Feast of Tabernacles— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Second Coming of

the Messiah – Leviticus 23:33-36
This Festival commenced on the 15th day of the Seventh Month, counting from the New
Moon, and ends on the 21st day. Because the first day of this festival begins on a seventh-
day Sabbath, it is also a High Sabbath. By clarifying that the day following the seven
day feast (known as the eighth day) was a seventh-day Sabbath, Yahuwah punctuated that
His ordained week and seventh-day Sabbath are reckoned by His sacred and holy
lunisolar calendar system. This is demonstrated and clarified by this full week festival
being “fixed” simultaneously to both the date of the lunisolar month, as well as to the
specific days of the week, each and every year. This Festival of Tabernacles can not be
located correctly on any other form of calendar other than the calendar of Divine origin.
It is here demonstrated that the unbroken-cycles-of-successive-weeks were not authored
by the Creator, as they can never be in harmony with the time-centric criteria given by
the heavenly Father.

The Eighth Day— Annual Rehearsal of the Prophetic Welcome into the Holy
City at the Commencement of the Thousand Years – Leviticus 23:36
This eighth day is located on the day following the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles,
which would place it on the 22nd day of the Seventh Month, counting from the New
Moon day. This eighth-day falls on the seventh-day Sabbath each and every year. It is
only the eighth-day, because it is referred to as following the seven-day Feast of

Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in
the fruit of the land, you shall keep the feast of the LORD for seven days;
on the first day there shall be a sabbath-rest, and on the eighth day a
sabbath-rest. Leviticus 23:39 NKJV

“You shall keep the feast of the LORD for seven days,” then there is an immediate
mention of an eighth day, stating it to be a Sabbath rest. Notice at the end of verse 39 it
states, “. . . on the first day there shall be a Sabbath-rest, and on the eighth-day a Sabbath-
rest.” There is no getting around the point that is made here. As it is again “a nail in a

sure place.” Moses under divine guidance is clarifying that the first day of the seven day
Feast of Tabernacles, as well as the day following it, are both seventh-day Sabbaths. By
necessity, and to remain in harmony with the written word, the 15th and 22nd of the
Seventh Month, will continue to be seventh-day Sabbaths each and every year. This is
mathematically impossible to achieve with the Roman Gregorian calendar with its
unbroken cycle of successive weeks.

Prophetically, the eighth day appears to mark the commencement of the one thousand
year Sabbath. It also appears to mark the final great day when Yahushua, Himself opens
the gates of heaven and welcomes His redeemed to enter, saying, “well done, good and
faithful servant . . . enter into the joy of your master. Matthew 25:21

It is in these verses that the heavenly Father profoundly clarifies the foundational
connection and unbreakable bond between the days of the week and the days of the
month. This shows the weeks were fixed to the count from the New Moon, every month.
This is the same as if He had literally written it in stone, as this Feast of Tabernacles was
to occur on these same dates, on seventh-day Sabbaths, each and every year for all time.
As a sacred witness all the Feast Days of the heavenly Father, together testify to His
celestial clock/calendar in the heavens, for lunar years, months and weeks, and calendar
dates. All time upon earth was patterned after the original that circles the throne of
Yahuwah. The sacred holy feast days render “unbroken cycles of successive weeks,” a
fraud of mammoth proportions.

The Distance Between the Spring and Fall Feasts

Both the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread and the fall Feast of Tabernacles commence
on a seventh-day Sabbath and the 15th day counting from their respective New Moons.
Using only a continuous weekly cycle of seven days, it is impossible to connect the 15th
of any spring month to the 15th of any fall month where both dates fall on the seventh-day
Sabbath. With this simple test is seen that the presumed unbroken-cycle-of-successive
weeks cannot remain in harmony with the Creator’s Scriptural calendar for even six
months. Therefore, the time span between the spring and fall feasts demonstrate that
cycling weeks cannot remain unbroken for 6,000 years, 6 months, or 6 weeks, for the
very reason that the New Moon day exists and continues to stand as a beacon of time,
breaking the week cycle each and every month.

Refer to article, “The Creator’s Units of Time”

Refer to article, “Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge.”

The Evidence:
• The lunar seventh-day Sabbath Feast is a weekly rehearsal of the one thousand year
Sabbath rest in the New Jerusalem.
• All the other Feasts listed above are annual rehearsals occurring in their appointed lunar
months. These depict their prophetic counterparts in real time according to the
ministration of Yahushua, our priest and high priest, in the holy and most holy place of
His Sanctuary above, governed by perpetual lunisolar time.

• Cycling weeks cannot remain unbroken for 6,000 years, 6 months, or even 6 weeks, as
they are NEVER able to connect the spring feasts to the fall feasts in an unbroken cycle,
using the Leviticus 23:1-39 time-centric criteria.

Question 5. Was the “rest” required for the Sabbath different from the “rest”
required for the ceremonial Sabbaths? 5 points

Angel Rodriguez:
Finally, the Sabbath rest was different from the rest required during the ceremonial
Sabbath. Leviticus 23:3 states that during the Sabbath the Israelites were “not to do any
work” (NIV). But during the time of the sacred assembly the people were commanded to
“do no regular work” (23:8, 21, 25, 35, 36, NIV). This indicates that there was a type of
work they were allowed to do during the festivals that was forbidden during the Sabbath.

Although the intentions of those promoting the lunar Sabbath may be good, they have to
be aware of the fact that they are unintentionally introducing and promoting a sabbath
rest that is different from the biblical seventh-day Sabbath rest.

Kerrie French’s Rebuttal and Response:

Angel Rodriguez states above that the seventh-day Sabbath “rest” was different from the
“rest” required during the ceremonial Sabbath, resulting in the belief that ceremonial
Sabbaths were never seventh-day Sabbaths. Sighting Leviticus 23:3, which defines this
feast or ceremonial Sabbaths, he compares it to the seventh-day Sabbath of the Fourth
Commandment, in which we are commanded “not to do any work.”

The two Hebrew words used in the Fourth Commandment are (any = kol #3605) and
(work = #4399). Yet, these are the exact same words used for the Feast of the Seventh-
day in Leviticus 23:1-3. In every case that the command is given to commence a holy
Feast day on a seventh-day, it is always a seventh-day Sabbath, and the requirement is
that “not any work” be done upon that holy convocation. Defined below is the weight of

Biblical Feast Days A 7th-Day A Work A New Not to do Do

Lev. 23:1-44 Sabbath Day Moon Day Any (#3605) No (#3605)
Work (#4399) Servile (#5656)
Feast of the Seventh-day v. 1-3 Yes - - applies -
Feast of Passover v. 4-5 - Yes - - -
Feast of U.L.B v. 6-8 Yes - - applies also applies
Feast of Wave Sheaf v. 9-14 - Yes - - applies
Feast of Pentecost v. 15-22 ? ? ? applies also applies
Feast of Trumpets v. 23-25 - - Yes applies also applies
Feast Day of Atone. v. 26-32 - Yes - - applies
Feast of Tabernacles v. 33-44 Yes - - applies also applies

In the graphic above, all four “feasts” determined to commence upon the Sabbath or New
Moon day are each defined by the same language of the Fourth Commandment stating,

“not to do any work” (any = #3605 and work = #4399). Interestingly, in every case
except the Feast of the Seventh Day and the Feast of Passover, “no regular (servile)
work” was in addition commanded not to be done. In other words, every feast except
two are given the command, “to do no regular work,” but on those feasts called holy
convocation Sabbaths (which there are four), the additional command is given that they
are “not to do any work.”

Evidently, this subject was not well researched by the B.R.I., as the points sighted as
evidence can not be substantiated. Serendipitously, these very points support the
seventh-day Sabbath to be in fact the first feast of obligation. This is because its
parameters are marked with the exact same language of the Fourth Commandment, “not
to do any work.”

Whether one is a feast keeper yet or not, it is still revealed in Scripture that all the feasts
identified in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are found according to the
count from New Moon day. It must be noted that the Sabbath is also listed as a feast that
occurs every seventh-day, as counted from the New Moon. (Leviticus 23:1-39)

The Evidence:
• Four feasts are identified in the chart above that commence upon the seventh-day Sabbath
or New Moon day. These are the 1) “Feast of the Seventh-day, 2) Feast of Unleavened
Bread, 3) Feast of Trumpets, 4) Feast of Tabernacles. Each of these feast Sabbaths
contain the exact same characteristics that “not any work” is to be done, and are therefore
in harmony with the Fourth Commandment. Angel Rodriguez’s argument is false.

Final Comments:
The final call is given to “come out of her my people” (Revelation 18:4). But of what are
His people to come out of? We are to come out of the false traditions of men as
symbolized by Egypt, Babylon, and Rome, and their collective mixture of truth with
error. Yahuwah’s people are called to remove themselves from all dictates of the Beast
Power; the same Beast Power that Daniel declared was to change the calendar and the
law of Yahuwah. This power with its laws and false calendar is the great enemy of the
souls of men.

“He shall insult the Most High, he

shall torment/wear out the holy ones of
the Most High, and he shall attempt to
change the calendar and the
ordinance” Daniel 7:25 Twentieth
Century Knox translation.

Is it any surprise that the crest symbol

for Pope Gregory, of Gregorian
calendar fame, is none other than that
of a dragon?

All those who proactively choose to be faithful to their heavenly Father, “to walk not
according to the flesh, but according to the spirit” (Romans 8:1), will seek to align
themselves with the all the principles of heaven. It is the principles born out by the sun,
moon and stars (Genesis 1:14-18), that will place His faithful in harmony and “in one
accord” with the rhythms of heaven, the angels and the unfallen worlds beyond.

The evidence presented here is of an urgent nature, as the events prophesied by each holy
appointed feast day are to be completed in their order, just as they began. The very next
event to come upon the world will be the Seven Trumpet plagues. It appears they are to
commence precisely upon the Feast of Trumpets, the New Moon day of the Seventh
Month. Please review the details for this event in this article and Scripture and pray that
you will not “be weighed in the balances and found wanting.”

There is a cross to bear for each soul who chooses to follow the “way the truth and the
life” (John 14:6). The lamb slain from the foundation of the world is the great theme born
out in Scripture and the heavenly Sanctuary, the original pattern. As displayed in the
Sanctuary image above, it is only in keeping the holy Feasts at their appointed times that
one can truly “follow the lamb whithersoever He goeth.” Each time-centric lunisolar
event was designed for man to participate and enter by faith into full cooperation with
Yahushua’s three part restoration ministry. May each prayerfully enquire, how it is that
they may “follow the lamb whithersoever He goeth” (Revelation 14:4), on earth, that
they may be counted worthy to follow in heaven according to the same lunisolar time
theme of the heavenly Sanctuary.

Some of us have had time to get the truth and to advance step by step, and
every step we have taken has given us strength to take the next. But now
time is almost finished, and what we have been years learning, they will
have to learn in a few months. They will also have much to unlearn and
much to learn again. Those who would not receive the mark of the beast
and his image when the decree goes forth, must have decided now to say,
Nay, we will not regard the institution of the beast. Early Writings, p.67

I know that the sanctuary question stands in righteousness and truth, just
as we have held it for so many years. It is the enemy that leads minds off
on sidetracks. He is pleased when those who know the truth become
engrossed in collecting scriptures to pile around erroneous theories, which
have no foundation in truth. The scriptures thus used are misapplied; they
were not given to substantiate error, but to strengthen truth.--Gospel
Workers, p. 303. (1915.)

The Sanctuary a Point of Special Attack.-- In the future, deception of

every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want
solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which
the Lord has established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as
the doctrine that there is no sanctuary. This is one of the points on which
there will be a departing from the faith. Where shall we find safety unless

it be in the truths that the Lord has been giving for the last fifty years?--
Review and Herald, May 25, 1905.

The two conflicting time systems will one day be seen in their proper light, bringing
closure to the age old great controversy between Yahushua and Satan. One reveals the
most beautiful story ever told in the context of the heavenly Sanctuary, while the other
disowns it. Your choice of calendars determines who you worship, and will have eternal
consequences. Will you follow the ever popular calendar crafted by man, or the Creator’s
calendar that’s visible in the heavens, beyond the reach of man or beast?

“As for me and my house, we will serve Yahuwah.” Joshua 24:14

When a man or woman is honestly mistaken

And they hear the truth,
They will either quit being mistaken
Or cease to be honest ~
Richard Humpal

The evidence has been presented. Its time to prayerfully consider in which position lies the
Scriptural weight of evidence. The choice is between the Saturday Sabbath as proclaimed by
Papal Rome, or the Lunar Sabbath as proclaimed by the principles that rule in the heavens.

Saturday Lunar
Sabbath Sabbath

1a. ______ 1a. ______

1b. ______ 1b. ______
2. ______ 2. ______
3. ______ 3. ______
4. ______ 4. ______
5. ______ 5. ______

______ ______
Total Total

May Yahuwah continue to bless you as you diligently seek Him.

Kerrie L. French
Freelance Writer/Illustrator

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