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Predicting stock prices is a challenging task that involves analyzing historical data and identifying

patterns to make accurate predictions. There are several libraries available in Python that can be
used for this task, including Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn. Here's an example code using these
libraries to detect stock prices and predict the future price:

pythonCopy code

import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import

matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load stock data df = pd.read_csv('stock_data.csv') # Split data into training
and testing sets train_data = df[:100] test_data = df[100:] # Extract input and output variables x_train
= np.array(train_data['Date']).reshape((-1, 1)) y_train = np.array(train_data['Close']) x_test =
np.array(test_data['Date']).reshape((-1, 1)) y_test = np.array(test_data['Close']) # Train linear
regression model model = LinearRegression(), y_train) # Make predictions
y_pred_train = model.predict(x_train) y_pred_test = model.predict(x_test) # Plot results
plt.plot(train_data['Date'], y_train, label='Training Data') plt.plot(test_data['Date'], y_test,
label='Testing Data') plt.plot(train_data['Date'], y_pred_train, label='Training Prediction')
plt.plot(test_data['Date'], y_pred_test, label='Testing Prediction') plt.legend()

In this code, we first load stock data from a CSV file and split it into training and testing sets. We then
extract the input variable (dates) and output variable (stock prices) and use them to train a linear
regression model. The LinearRegression() function from Scikit-learn is used for this purpose.

Once the model is trained, we use it to make predictions on both the training and testing sets. We
then plot the results using the plot() function from Matplotlib.

It's important to note that this code only uses linear regression for stock price prediction, which is a
simplistic approach. To improve prediction accuracy, more advanced techniques such as time series
analysis, neural networks, or machine learning algorithms can be used. Additionally, it's important to
understand that stock prices are highly volatile and unpredictable, so any predictions made should
be taken with caution.

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