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Wednesday 15th June 2022 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes

For Examiner Use

Question Mark


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• @StudyHack_Edu

• I am by no means a teacher or
examiner, but I have spent a long time
creating these resources and they are
mapped out to the advanced
information as set out by AQA.
• The questions are original and should
make good practice for the 2022
• If you have any further questions,
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Answer all questions in the spaces provided. box

0 1 . 1 Homeostasis maintains optimal conditions for enzyme action and all cell

What does this include in the human body?

[3 marks]

0 1 . 2 Outline the differences between the nervous and endocrine systems

[3 marks]

Question 1 continues on the next page

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Core body temperature fluctuates throughout the day to maintain the optimum box

conditions for cellular activity

Figure 1 shows the fluctuation

Figure 1

0 1 . 3 Which part of the brain is responsible for control of core body temperature?
[1 mark]

0 1 . 4 Describe the trend shown in the graph above for core body temperature
throughout the day.
[3 marks]

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Question 1 continues on the next page
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0 1 . 5 A man is running a marathon on a warm day with low humidity

Suggest how the body of the man will react to the stimulus in order to cool the
man down
[4 marks]

0 1 . 6 Which letter is the correct label for Adrenal Glands? [1 mark]



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0 2 . 1 Describe two differences between type 1 and 2 diabetes box

[2 marks]

Dialysis can be used to treat those who suffer from kidney failure

Figure 1 shows a dialysis machine

Figure 1

0 2 . 2 Explain how toxic waste substances are removed from the bloodstream during
[4 marks]

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Question 2 continues on the next page
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0 2 . 3 State two advantages of a kidney transplant instead of dialysis

[2 marks]

0 2 . 4 Define the term ‘deamination’

[1 mark]

0 2 . 5 Describe the role of the kidneys in selective reabsorption to produce urine

[5 marks]


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0 3 This question is about plant hormones

0 3 . 1 Suggest what is meant by a negative gravitropic response [2 marks]

0 3 . 2 Auxins are a well-known form of plant hormone used by horticulturalists.

However, there are a large number of other essential plant hormones.
Match each plant hormone with its correct definition.

To control cell
division and
ripening of fruits

To inhibit or
promote cell
elongation in
Auxins plant cuttings

To kill harmful
Gibberellin pathogens

To initiate seed

To reduce the rate

of fruit ripening

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Question 3 continues on the next page
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A students wants to investigate the effect of gravity on some newly germinated seedlings. box

Here is the student’s method:

1. Measure the length of the root of each of 20 bean seedlings.

2. Pin 10 seedlings each facing a different direction onto moist cotton wool in apparatus A
3. Pin 10 seedlings each facing the same direction onto moist cotton wool in Apparatus B
4. Leave sample A in a dark cupboard and sample B next to window
5. After the 2 days:
• measure the length of the root of each seedling
• make a drawing to show the appearance of each seedling

0 3 . 3 Suggest an error in the student’s method

[2 marks]

0 3 . 4 Some of the seedlings in the student’s investigation were exposed to light.

Explain how some of shoots from the seedlings began to bend towards the
[3 marks]

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0 4 . 1 Why does asexual reproduction lead to genetically identical offspring?

[2 marks]

0 4 . 2 Outline the similarities and differences between meiosis and mitosis

[4 marks]

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Question 4 continues on the next page
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0 4 . 3 Describe how the understanding of the human genome can be used to trace
human migration patterns over history, helping scientists to better understand
[5 marks]

0 4 . 4 Figure 1 shows the structure of a nucleotide

Label the phosphate group with an X


Figure 1

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Question 4 continues on the next page
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0 4 . 5 The genetic material in the nucleus of a cell is composed of DNA

Describe the structure of a molecule of DNA such as Figure 2

[6 marks]

Figure 2

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Question 4 continues on the next page
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0 4 . 6 What is a genotype?

[1 mark]

0 4 . 7 Define cystic fibrosis and explain how it can lead to damage of the lungs in
the long term
[3 marks]

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Question 4 continues on the next page
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0 4 . 8 Explain why both parents of a child have to be carriers of the allele for cystic
fibrosis for it to be inherited by the child

You should use a genetic diagram in your answer

[4 marks]


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0 5 . 1 What is an ecosystem?

[2 marks]

0 5 . 2 Explain how 3 abiotic factors affect communities

[6 marks]

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Question 5 continues on the next page
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0 5 . 3 Many households recycle organic waste and put it into compost heaps
Compost is produced by mixing soil and this waste
Many compost heaps have air holes. Explain why.
[3 marks]

0 5 . 4 The diagram below illustrates part of the carbon cycle

Explain how the carbon from organisms that die is recycled

[4 marks]

CO2 in the Atmosphere

Green plants/ algae




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0 6 Some students investigated the size of a distribution and abundance of daises in box
some woods



150m 150m


0 6 . 1 Calculate the area of the woodland.

Leave your answer in m2

[4 marks]

Answer m2

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Question 6 continues on the next page
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The students:
• placed a 1 m × 1 m square quadrat at 5 in the woodland
• counted the number of daisies plants in each quadrat.
Below shows a table of the results

Quadrat number Number of daisies

1 3
2 7
3 1
4 3
5 4

0 6 . 2 Suggest how the student’s investigation could be improved

[1 mark]

0 6 . 3 Using the data in the table and the diagram above work out an estimate
for the number of daisies in the field
[5 marks]
Answer in standard form


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Question 6 continues on the next page
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0 6 . 4 Evaluate the similarities and differences in the information gained from box

quadrats and transects

[4 marks]

0 6 . 5 Below is an image of a chicken farm

Suggest two ways in which the efficiency of food production is maximised

[2 marks]


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Question 6 continues on the next page
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0 6 . 6 Methods of farming such as this have become increasingly more box

necessarily with the rapidly expanding population

Give three reasons why the population has grown so quickly over the
last few hundred years
[3 marks]


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Question Answer Marks
1.1 • Blood glucose concentration 3
• Body temperature
• Water level
1.2 • Endocrine system involves glands that secrete 3
• The blood carries the hormone to a target organ where
it produces an effect. Compared to the nervous system
the effects are slower but act for longer.
• Reference to synapses / gaps between neurones
• Extra time for release / movement of chemical
1.3 • Thermoregulatory Centre (in the hypothalamus of the 1

1.4 • Fluctuates 3
• Identifies a peak and minimum time of day
• Cyclical
1.5 • Thermoregulatory centre in brain recognises the 4
stimulus (muscular contraction), respiring a lot and
warming the body up.
• The Thermoregulatory centre contains receptors that are
sensitive to change in blood temperature through the
• Muscles controlling hairs relax to flatten hair, minimising
any insulating effect so cooling can take place.
More sweat produced by sweat glands, cooling skin
surface as sweat evaporates.
• Blood vessels close to skin surface dilate,
increasing volume of blood in capillaries to maximise
cooling by radiation and convection from skin surface.

1.6 D 1

2.1 • Type 1 is due to pancreas making insufficient insulin, 3

whereas type 2 is caused by body cells not responding
to the insulin produced by the pancreas
• Type 1 requires insulin injections; type 2 requires insulin
injections only if improved diet/increased exercise/losing
weight/drugs not effective.
• Type 1 diabetes is most common in children and
• There is a correlation between Type 2 diabetes and
• Type 1 can be managed but not cured, type 2 may be
Question Answer Marks
2.2 • Dialysis fluid contains glucose and salts (with similar 4
concentration to the blood)
• Exchange occurs across a partially permeable
• The blood taken from the arm of the patient flows in the
opposite direction as the dialysis fluid
• Minerals / salts / ions / urea move by diffusion down a
concentration gradient grow high to low concentration
• Water, moves by osmosis
• Proteins too large to move across membrane,
• Glucose not removed
• Toxic substances removed from the bloodstream
2.3 • Cheaper long term for NHS / hospital 2
• No need for regular / long hospital visits or is a long-term
• Flexible lifestyle, such as can go on holidays
• Costs of transport to/from hospital during dialysis
• No risk of infection from frequent needles / treatment
• Less / no need to control diet
• Maintains correct concentration of substances in blood /

2.4 • The process of breaking down excess protein (primarily 1

in the liver)

2.5 • Filtration of the blood happens in the kidney 5

• Substances are selectively reabsorbed
• All the glucose and water is reabsorbed
• Reabsorbs some of the ions
• The waste products are released through the urine
3.1 • The shoots grow upwards 2
• Therefore, away from gravity

3.2 3
Question Answer Marks
3.3 • Placed in different locations 2
• Two independent variables so cannot measure the
effect of each factor on the dependent variable
3.4 • Unequal distribution 3
• Of auxins (growth hormones)
• The side not exposed to light has more auxins so
experiences a greater rate of elongation that causes it
to bend

4.1 • No mixing of genetic information 2

• No fusion of gametes
• Only mitosis is involved
4.2 Indicative content: 4

• Both involve the replication of DNA
• Both increased total number of sub-cellular structures

• Mitosis involves one cell division to form diploid cells
• Meiosis involves two divisions and forms haploid cells
• Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells
but meiosis produces four cells
• Meiosis induces genetic variation as it it involves the
mixing of genetic material from two parents
• Mitosis produces cells with two of each chromosome vs
meiosis which produces cells with one of each
4.3 Indicative content: 5

• The genome is the entire set of genetic material of an

• The analysis of the genome enables scientists to map
out markers found in the modern-day human species
• The origins of all species are from ancestors of those
who lived 60,000 years ago and migrated from regions
of Africa
• Different ethnic groups express different genetic
makeups and so DNA sampling and testing by scientists
is needed
• Those who have more recent genetic links will have
similar genetic patterns which explains modern
4.4 1
Question Answer Marks
4.5 Indicative content 6

• DNA is a polymer made up of repeating sub-units

• It has two strands and forma a double helix structure
• It has sugar, phosphate and base molecules
• Alternating sugar and phosphate
• T-A
• G-C
• Bases all form a nucleotide structure around a sugar
• Sequence of nucleotides
4.6 • The combination of alleles that controls each 1
characteristic expressed

4.7 • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic order that leads to the body 3

producing a large amount of mucus that gets trapped in
respiratory passageways.
• It affects cell membranes
• Can lead to death
4.8 • Cystic fibrosis is due to the recessive allele 4
• This is inherited from both parents for the inherited
disease to pass to the child
• People who are heterozygous are not affected by the
disease but are known as ‘carriers’
Question Answer Marks
5.1 • The interaction between community (biotic factors) and 2
the abiotic factors

5.2 Indicative content: 6

1. Light intensity- plants require light for photosynthesis.
More light leads to greater photosynthetic rate
2. Temperature- limiting factor for photosynthesis in
3. Moisture- Plants and animals require water for survival
4. Soil pH and mineral content- Different species of
plants are adapted to survive in different conditions
with different nutrient levels
5. Wind intensity and direction- affects the rate of
transpiration in plants…etc
6. Carbon dioxide levels in plants- fundamental for
7. Oxygen concentration- some fish and aquatic species
can only survive in water that has high oxygen
5.3 • Rate of decay is faster 3
• As oxygen is exposed compost which enables
microorganisms and decomposers to respire aerobically
5.4 microorganisms / decomposers/ detritivores 4

• digest / decompose/ break down organic matter

• use of enzymes

• absorption by diffusion / active transport

• must be of breakdown products

• respiration / combustion

• release of carbon dioxide

• CO2 can be used (by trees) in photosynthesis

6.1 • Calculates area of rectangle (200*150)=30,000 4

• Calculate area of trapezium (200+100/2)*50= 7,500
• Total area= 30,000 + 7,500= 37,500
6.2 • Greater sample size (more quadrats) 1
• Randomly placed to avoid bias

6.3 • Finds average from the table: 5

• (4+7+1+3+4)/5=3.6
• 3.6*37,500=135,000
• 1.35x10^5
Question Answer Marks
6.4 • Quadrats are typically used with a transect 4
• Quadrats are good for random sampling and transects
are good for systematic sampling
• Quadrats can show the overall distribution of organisms
in an environment + good for avoiding bias
Transects used for specific study of specific area of a
habitat an how it changes throughout
• E.g. could have been used for woodland investigation as
light intensity varies throughout
6.5 • Movement is limited so less energy wasted 2
• Temperature is regulated to less energy lost in keeping
warm and through respiration
• Fed high protein foods to increase growth
6.6 • Modern medicine 3
• We are the top of the food chain (apex predators)
• Building and construction to shelter us from weather
• Modern farming methods
• Discovery and mining of more natural resources (new
methods of extraction…etc)

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