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To worry волноваться, беспокоиться To believe верить

To feel чувствовать To manage управлять, руководить

To plan планировать To decide решать, принимать решение
To exercise тренироваться To achieve достигать, добиваться
1. Match the words with the pictures (соедини слова с картинками)

plan believe decide manage

worry achieve exercise feel

2. Fill in (заполни пропуски новыми словами. 1 пропуск - 1 слово)
I _________ every time when I need to take tests in school.
I _________ all my activities because I want to do many things during a week.
Tom _________ five times a week because he wants to win a football match. If he wins his
match, he will _________ success and will be a famous football player in the city.
A lot of people _________ in God, but I don’t. I think science is a great thing.
Marry wants to go to party, but she can’t _________ what dress she wants to wear.
My mom is a businesswoman and she knows how to _________ time: she always does a lot of
work during the day.
Mike will _________ bad if you tell him the truth.

3. Fill in (заполни пропуски новыми словами. 1 пропуск - 1 слово)

If you want to solve a problem, you need to _________
your time.
Don't _________ about this, you just need to solve your
Just ________ in yourself and you will achieve
everything you plan.
If you exercise, it helps you to ________ good.
Decide what to do and you will ________ your
Important важный, серьёзный A routine рутина/распорядок/ежедневные действия
Rare редкий, уникальный A journey путешествие
Expensive дорогой A thought мысль

1. Combine these words into word combinations (составь из этих 6 слов 3

словосочетания) Important routine
Rare journey
Expensive thought
2. Choose the right word (выбери правильное слово)

feel/thought journey/exercise rare/routine

rare/important expensive/rare routine/expensive

3. Choose the opposite word (выбери противоположное слово)

Cheap Pleasant Main

expensive Great rare Unique important Basic
Dirty Common Unserious

4. Fill the gaps (заполни пропуски)

Lamborghini Huracan is an Scientiests found a _________ fish This information is

_________ sportcar. in the Indian Ocean yesterday. _________ for you.

I dream of _________ every Studying is my _________. It was a crazy _________.

To deal with (a problem/a rough time)
To run a business вести бизнес
иметь дело с, справляться с
To come to mind прийти в голову
(проблемой, трудностями)

1. Tell a story about your business using these words and phrases (расскажи историю своего
бизнеса, используя эти слова и фразы):

an idea
I decided to ...
This thought came to my mind when ...
I started running business in... (when...)
I deal with (a problem/a rough time)
believe in myself/my family believe when I ...
My plan was ...
I wanted to achieve a success
manage time expensive
It was important to... a supplier (поставщик)

Nobody helped me/my family helped me

2. Describe the pictures (опиши картинки)

3. Guess what words are hidden (догадайся какие слова спрятаны ниже)


am/are IS

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