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Aluno(a): nº: Turma: Nota

Ano: 8º Ano E.F. Data: ___/12/2017 Trabalho Recuperação

Professor(a): Jose Matéria: Inglês Valor: 30,0

Sua prova deve ser feita à caneta azul ou preta.

Não rasure e não use corretivo.
Entregue no dia da prova.

1) Faça o comparativo dos adjetivos.

Ex: Julie is ___________(quiet) than her sister.

Julie is quieter than her sister.

a) Dogs are ________________________________ (intelligent) than rabbits.

b) Lucy is ________________________________(old) than Ellie.

c) Russia is far ________________________________(large) than the UK.

d) My Latin class is ________________________________ (boring) than my English class.

e) London is ________________________________(busy) than Glasgow.

2) Faça o SUPERLATIVO dos adjetivos.

Ex: She bought the ________________________________ (big) cake in the shop.

She bought the biggest cake in the shop.

a) Who is the ________________________________(tall) person in your family?

b) My mum is the ________________________________ (good) cook in the world.

c) December is the ________________________________ (cold) month of the year in my


d) What's the ________________________________ (dangerous) animal in the world?

e) Ethan is the ________________________________ (happy) boy that I know.

3) complete as frases com as formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas de USED TO

used to - didn't use to - didn't use to - Did they use to - used to - did you use to - didn't

use to - used to

a) David Beckham__________________________________ play for Manchester United.

b) We __________________________________ have a computer, but we do now.

c) __________________________________ (they) work together?

d) That restaurant __________________________________ be a clothes shop.

e) She __________________________________like him, but now they're married.

f) Where __________________________________ (you) go to school?

g) There __________________________________be a police station here.

h) I__________________________________ like vegetables, but I do now.

4) Escreva a forma Comparativa dos adjetivos.

Ex: tall - taller

a) fast _______________________

b) heavy_______________________

c) dangerous_______________________

d) small_______________________

e) large_______________________

5) reescreva as frases com USED TO.

Ex: I / live in a flat when I was a child.

I USED TO live in a flat when I was a child.

a) We / go to the beach every summer


b) She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it


c) They both / have short hair


d) I / play tennis when I was at school


e) She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all

6) Passe as frases do exercício 5 para a forma NEGATIVA.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

7) Passe as frases do exercício 5 para a forma INTERROGATIVA.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

8) Corrija as frases.

Ex: Whales are big thaan dogs.

Whales are BIGGER than dogs

a) Cats are popularer than snakes.


b) Pigs are intelligenter as other animals.


c) Turtles are slow than crocodiles.


d) Elephants are heavyer than pigs.


e) Bears are more rare than snakes.


9) Escrevas os adjetivos em suas formas COMPARATIVAS e SUPERLATIVAS.

Adjective Comparative Superlative






10) Escreva a foma correta. Comparativo ou Superlativo:

Ex: My house is (big) bigger than yours.

a) This flower is (beautiful) ______________________________ than that one.

b) This is the (interesting) ______________________________ book I have ever read.

c) The weather this summer is even (bad) ) ______________________________ than last


d) Who is the (rich) ______________________________ woman on earth?e)

A holiday by the sea is (good) ______________________________ than a holiday in the


11) Escreva a forma Superlativa dos adjetivos.

Ex: Ugly – ugliest

a) tall _____________________________

b) expensive _____________________________

c) large _____________________________

d) big _____________________________

e) pretty _____________________________

12- Complete these sentences using the Comparative form:

a) My brother is _______________(tall) than my sister, but she is

________________(intelligent) than him.

b) He wanted to be _________________ (rich) than his boss.

c) These trees are _______________(small) than those ones.

d) His compositions were _______________ (short) but _____________________( interesting)

than ours.

13-Complete these sentences using the Superlative form:

a) In your opinion, what is the ___________________ (incredible) thing in Nature?

b) What is the ___________________ (long) river in the world?

c) What is the name of the ___________________ (small) particle of matter?

d) Who is the ___________________ (popular) singer in Brazil?

e) Which is the __________________(poor) nation in the world?

14-Superlatives ou comparatives? Underline a forma correta:

a) Neptune is farther than/the farthest planet in solar system.

b) The cheetah is faster than/ the fastest land mammal.

c) Mount Everest is higher than/the highest mountain in the world.

d) One of the world’s taller/tallest tower is CN Tower in Toronto, Canada.

15- Circule a forma correta do comparativo e o superlativo nas frases abaixo:

a) The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean is deeper than/ the deepest any other point in the


b) The University of Moroco is older than/ the oldest the University of São Paulo.

c) The blue whale is bigger than / the biggest the white shark.

d) Sydney Opera House is one of the more famous than / most famous modern buildings in the


e) The Amazon River is longer than / the longest the Mississippi River.

f) Pablo Picasso is one of the more important than/most important painters in the world.

16- Complete usando as formas Comparativas:

a) My brother is _______________(tall) than my sister, but she is ________________(intelligent) than


b) He wanted to be _________________ (rich) than his boss.

c) These trees are _______________(small) than those ones.

d) His compositions were _______________ (short) but _____________________( interesting) than


17-Complete usando as formas Superlativas

a) In your opinion, what is the ___________________ (incredible) thing in Nature?

b) What is the ___________________ (long) river in the world?

c) What is the name of the ___________________ (small) particle of matter?

d) Who is the ___________________ (popular) singer in Brazil?

e) Which is the __________________(poor) nation in the world?

18- Superlatives or comparatives? Escolha a opção correta.

a) Neptune is farther than/the farthest planet in solar system.

b) The cheetah is faster than/ the fastest land mammal.

c) Mount Everest is higher than/the highest mountain in the world.

d) One of the world’s taller/tallest tower is CN Tower in Toronto, Canada.

19- Comparativos ou Superlativos, circule a opção correta

a) The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean is deeper than/ the deepest any other point in the world.

b) The University of Moroco is older than/ the oldest the University of São Paulo.

c) The blue whale is bigger than / the biggest the white shark.

d) Sydney Opera House is one of the more famous than / most famous modern buildings in the world.

e) The Amazon River is longer than / the longest the Mississippi River.

f) Pablo Picasso is one of the more important than/most important painters in the world.

20- Observe as informações abaixo e complete as frases usando os coparativos corretos:

Lewis Hamilton

Place of birth: Tewin, Great Britain.

Date of birth: January 7, 1985

Started in F1: 2007

Weight: 64 kg

Height: 1,74 m
a) Hamilton is ____________________ Räikkönen. (young/old)

b) Räikkönen started in Formula 1 ____________________ Hamilton. (late/ early)

c) Räikkönen is ____________________ Hamilton. (light/heavy)

d) Hamilton is ____________________ Räikkönen. ( tall / short)

e) Hamilton is ____________________Räikkönen. ( light/heavy)

Kimi Räikkönen

Place of birth: Espoo, Finland.

Date of birth: October 17, 1979

Started in F1: 2001

Weight: 62 kg

Height: 1,75 m

21- Leia o texto e complete as sentenças abaixo:


Trans fat is a specific type of fat formed when liquid oils are transformed in solid fats,

like margarine. A small quantity of trans fat is naturally present in food and is not

harmful. The problem is that people are eating much more than they should. This

type of fat raises low-dentist lipoprotein (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) that increases your


of heart disease. Margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, or

mainly processed foods contain trans fat. To make trans fat, hydrogen is added to

vegetable oil – in a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf

life and flavor stability of foods.

Hydrogenation – Harmful – Trans fat – LDL – Crackers

a) When a liquid oil is transformed into solid fat it is called


b) A small quantity of trans fat is not _______________________ to our health.

c) Trans fat raises low-density lipoprotein, also called _______________________.

d) Margarines, _______________________ candies, cookies, snack foods, fried


and processed foods in general contain trans fat.

e) _______________________ is a process in which hydrogen is added to

vegetable oil creating trans fat.

22- Leia o texto e complete o Quadro:

Ayrton Senna da Silva was born on March,

1960, in São Paulo, Brazil. Ayrton adored cars and

his father gave him his first go-kart when he was

only four year old. This was just the beginning of a

brilliant career. He started racing Formula 1600 in

1981, went on to Formula Ford 2000 in 1982, to

Formula 3 in 1983 and finally started racing Formula

1 in 1984. From his early days with *Toleman,

Ayrton showed that he was maybe the most talented

driver ever to compete in Formula 1. Nobody could beat him on wet tracks; he drove

with his heart and concentration. In ten years, Senna got 65 pole positions, won 41 races

and 3 championships.

The brilliance of this great star ended tragically. The date was May 1,1994. The

place was Imola, a small city in Italy. As Ayrton Senna was driving through the

Tamburello corner, the steering wheel of his car broke in his hands. He tried to control

the car, but couldn’t. His car hit the wall at 320 kilometers per hour. The man who

loved cars and racing so much came to his death at high speed. His name will always

remain in the galaxy of the great star of Formula 1.

*Toleman was an English Formula 1 team. It was active between 1981 and 1985.

Complete name: _______________________________________________________

Date of birth: _______________________________________________________

Place of birth: _______________________________________________________

Started in Formula Ford in : _______________ Started in Formula 3 in:


Pole Positions: _______________ Victories: _______________ Championships:


Date of death: _______________ Place of death: _______________

23- Leia o texto e responda as questões dadas

There are a lot of wild animals in the world today:

elephants, tigers, crocodiles, giraffes, lions,

hippopotamus, rhinoceros, bears, just to mention some.

About 225 million years ago there were amazing animals

called dinosaurs.

There were more than 1,000 kinds of dinosaurs. Some

were terrifyingly huge, while others were very small.

There were dinosaurs on the earth for 160 million years.

Dinosaur means “terrible wizard”, but dinosaurs were not

lizards. They were like giants reptiles, but they were

different from reptiles in many ways.

Most dinosaurs were herbivorous (they eat plants).Their

teeth were many shapes. There were herbivorous

dinosaurs with 2,000 teeth!

There were also carnivorous dinosaurs. They had huge teeth and powerful jaw muscles for a strong

bite. What was their food? Small animals and also other dinosaurs.

a) Como se chamavam os animais que viviam há cerca de 225 milhões de



b) Quantas espécies de dinossauros havia?


c) Todos os dinossauros tinham o mesmo tamanho?


d) O que significa a palavra “dinosaur”?


24- Reescreva as frases tranformado-as em verdade de acordo com o

texto acima.

a) There weren’t dinosaurs 225 million years ago.


b) There were some small dinosaurs.


c) Dinosaurs were huge lizards.


d) There were only carnivorous dinosaurs.


25-Relacione os adjetivos opostos:

a- The smallest ( ) the dirtiest

b- The coldest ( ) the furthest

c- The most expensive ( ) the tallest

d- The best ( ) the wettest

e- The most difficult ( ) the easiest

f- The driest ( ) the worst

g- The shortest ( ) the cheapest

h- The nearest ( ) the hottest

i- The cleanest ( a ) the biggest

26- Complete as frases com o superlativo com os adjetivos dados:

EX: The tigers are the most dangerous animals in the zoo. (dangerous)
a- Our house is ______________________house on the street. (big)

b- For me, Saturday is _____________________ day of the week. ( good)

c- My bedroom is ___________________________ room in our house. ( small)

d- July is ______________________ month in my country. ( hot)

e- My neighbors upstairs are _______________ people in the world. ( noise)

f- ______________________ driver in my family is my dad. ( bad)

27- Complete o quadro abaixo:

Adj Comparative Superlative

big _________________ the biggest

long longer _________________

dangerous _________________ the most dangerous

popular more popular __________________

beautiful _________________ the most beautiful

hot hotter __________________

28- Passe os adjetivos para o modo comparativo:


a- High ________________________

b- dirty ________________________

c- dangerous ____________________

d- good ________________________

e- thin _________________________

29- Complete com o modo comparativo:

ex: My boyfriend is younger than me. He is 18. (young)

a- Italian is ________________ for Spanish students ____________it is for English

students.( easy)

b- This restaurant is ______________ when it first opened. (big)

c- Cuzco is_________________ from the ocean _____________ Lima. (far)

d- I´m _________________ my brother. He is very tall.(short)

30- Complete com as opções adequadas abaixo:

older than - the youngest - taller than - more expensive than- the shortest

a)I'm ___________________ my siter.

b)He is ___________________ student in his class.

c)The cat is ________________ the dog.

d)The blue T-shirt is _______________ the black blouse.

e)My aunt is _____________ in her family.

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