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Autumn leaves

My take on the jazz standard Autumn leaves.

I have played the saxophone for almost seven years and the piano for two
years. During these years I have come over a lot of different genres and
styles of music; classical, pop, funk, and jazz for example. When I started
to study the art of jazz a couple years ago the jazz standard Autumn leaves
was the first piece I studied. Autumn leaves was written by Joseph Cosma
in 1945 under its original French name “Les Feuilles mortes” for a film.
After the publication of the film the song got popular amongst many jazz
musicians for its easy form but still beautiful chords, making it a great first
step into jazz. After all these years with Autumn leaves in the repertoire I
think I have got a bit tired of playing and listening to it, but that doesn’t
mean it isn’t a great piece, just a bit unoriginal.

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