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Comparison between telc English B1 examinations and telc English B1 Hotel

and Restaurant
Note: Tables contain only the differences!

Examination Procedure

telc English B1 telc English B1 Hotel and

Number of candidates Normally two, sometimes one, i.e. Always one candidate only.
in case of an uneven number of
candidates or when only one
candidate has registered.
Material for candidates Task sheets Separate task sheets for candidates
working in hotels or candidates
working in restaurants.

The Structure of the Oral Examination

telc English B1 telc English B1 Hotel and Restaurant

Part 1 Social Contacts Welcoming a guest
Part 2 Topic-Based Conversation Describing your work
Part 3 Task Task

Please also note the following for telc English B1 Hotel and Restaurant:

 The task sheets have different topics for candidates working in hotels and candidates working in
restaurants. The candidate chooses which one to prepare for and is given the appropriate task sheet
at the start of the preparation time.
 Part 1 and Part 2 are identical in all examinations and Part 2 must be prepared beforehand.
The candidate is expected to bring printed material from work (e. g. a hotel brochure or a menu) to
the examination.
 Part 1 and Part 3 are situations as they may typically take place at work and one examiner takes
on the role of a guest for these parts. Part 3 has two tasks for the candidate to prepare during the
20-minute preparation phase. During the examination, the examiner chooses one task and starts
the conversation in such a way that the candidate knows which task he/she is expected to role-play.

For more detailed information please also refer to the telc English B1 Hotel and Restaurant, Mock
Examination 1 and the Handbook.

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