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15 de marzo de 2019

Comunicación de datos


José David Ortiz Cuadros

Presentado por:

Alexandra Imbrech
Carlos Albert Meneses

Universidad autónoma de

Facultad de Ingeniería

Taller primer PDF

1: List 3 different protocols that appear in the protocol column in the unfiltered
packet-listing window in step 7 above.
Http, Tcp, TLSV1.2

2:How long did it take from when the HTTP GET message was sent until the HTTP
OK reply was received?

 Time, in seconds,
HTTP GET : 14.0 Segundos salid
HTTP : 14.1 Segundos llegada

 Time field in time-of-day format.

HTTP GET : 2019-03-08 07:16:42,9 salida
HTTP : 2019-03-08 07: 16: 43,1 llegada

3: What is the Internet address of the
❖ What is the Internet address of your computer?

Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . :

Vínculo: dirección IPv6 local. . . : fe80::619b:30ce:b102:3af9%10

Dirección IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Máscara de subred . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Puerta de enlace predeterminada . . . . . :

4: Print the two HTTP messages (GET and OK)

❖ Mensaje de salida

❖ Mensaje de respuesta
1: Ejercicio segundo PDF

❖ Paquete numero 530 al salir

❖ Paguete numero 538 al llegar respuesta

❖ What is the 48-bit Ethernet address of your computer?

2: What is the 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame?

La dirección Mac de guía no existe por que esta dirección solo es para dispositivos de red

Dispositivos de red como por ejemplo.

● Una tarjeta de red wifi.

● Ordenador.

● Teléfono celular.

● Memoria RAM.

● Router.

3: Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What upper layer

protocol does this correspond to?

Pertenece a la capa de red

4. ¿ How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII “G” in

“GET” appear in the Ethernet frame?

54-56 Bytes.

5. What is the value of the Ethernet source address? Is this the address of your computer, or of (Hint: the answer is no). What device has this as its Ethernet address?
Es la dirección Mac del router.

6. What is the destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this the Ethernet address of your

Es la dirección Mac del equipo que se está usando.

7. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What upper layer protocol does
this correspond to?

Dado los dos bytes hexadecimales es la capa de red.

8. How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII “O” in “OK” (i.e., the
HTTP response code) appear in the Ethernet frame?
44 bytes.

9: Write down the contents of your computer’s ARP cache. What is the meaning of

each column value?

No permite ver las respuestas debido a que solicita permisos de administrador

10: What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the

Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message?

11: Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field. What upper layer
protocol does this correspond to?

12-14 Bytes.
12. Download the ARP specification from

a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the

ARP opcode field begin?

Desde el inicio existen 20 bytes hasta el ARP Opcode.

b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the

Ethernet frame in which an ARP request is made?

El valor del Opcode para el request es de 00 01

c) Does the ARP message contain the IP address of the sender?

Si , el ip del sender es (00:09:0f:09:02:20)

d) Where in the ARP request does the “question” appear – the Ethernet

address of the machine whose corresponding IP address is being queried?

El campo "Target MAC address" se establece en 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00 para realizar la consulta de
la dirección IP que está siendo requerida (

13. Now find the ARP reply that was sent in response to the ARP request.
a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the

ARP opcode field begin?

14-15 Bytes.

b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the

Ethernet frame in which an ARP response is made?

c) Where in the ARP message does the “answer” to the earlier ARP request

appear – the IP address of the machine having the Ethernet address whose

corresponding IP address is being queried?

Si aparece la dirección IP del computador de consulta.

14. What are the hexadecimal

values for the source and
destination addresses in the

Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message?

Source: (d4:be:d9:ea:07:00)

Destination: (00:09:0f:09:02:20)

15) Why is there no ARP reply (sent in response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the
packet trace?

No hay respuesta para la segunda request, porque no estamos en la máquina que envió
la solicitud.

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