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Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Yellow Belt
• Techniques:

No. Technique Name Description Date Instructed Notes

1 Delayed Sword Front - Right Hand
2 Aggressive Twins Front - Two Hand
3 Sword of Destruction Left Straight Hand
4 Deflecting Hammer Front- Right Front
Thrust Kick
5 Spreading Branch Rear- Bear Hug -
Arms Pinned
6 The Pincher Left Flank- Right Arm
7 Checking the Storm Front- Right Step-
Through Overhead
Club Attack
8 Mace of Aggression Front- Two Hand
Lapel Grab -Pulling In
9 Attacking Mace Front- Straight Right
Hand Punch
10 Intellectual Departure Front- Right Front
Thrust Kick

• Forms / Sets:

No Form / Set Name Description Date Instructed Notes

1 Short Form 1 Basic Block Form Primary power principal
of this form is Torque.
2 Star Block Set Basic Blocks Set Focus on this set is Point
of Origin

1 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Delayed Sword (Front - Right Hand Grab)

1. With your feet together step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow as you
execute a right inward block to right inner wrist of opponent. Have your left hand
guard near your solar plexus to act as a check if needed.

2. Immediately slide your right foot back to a transitional cat stance (from your right
neutral bow stance). Execute a right front snap kick to your attacker's groin.

3. As you plant your right foot toward 11 o’clock, deliver a right outward hand-sword
to the right side of opponent’s neck. Note: Utilize marriage of gravity with this final

Aggressive Twins (Front- Two-Hand Push)

1. With your feet together, step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow as you
execute a right inward strike to both arms of opponent with your left hand covering.

2. From your right neutral bow, immediately deliver a right knife-edge kick horizontally
across opponent’s left shin. (This kick to expose your attacker's centerline)

3. Plant your right foot back to its original position (last position) and deliver a left ball
kick to opponent’s sternum.

4. Plant your left kicking foot toward 1 o’clock into a modified left neutral bow. Pivot
immediately to not lose any power and execute a right spinning rear kick to your
attacker. Land forward in a right neutral bow.

Sword of Destruction (Front- Left Hand Punch)

1. With your feet together step back with your left foot into a tight neutral bow as you
execute a right extended outward strike to left inner wrist of opponent’s left punch
with your left hand covering. Cock your right hand up to the right and over your

2 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

2. From your right neutral bow immediately deliver a right front snap ball kick to
opponent’s groin.

3. As you plant your right foot toward 11 o’clock, deliver a right inward hand-sword
strike (chop) to left side of opponent’s neck.

Deflecting Hammer (Front- Right Front Thrust Kick)

1. With your feet together and hand up in a ready position, step back with your left foot
into a right neutral bow as you execute a right diagonal downward outward strike
against outside of opponent’s right kicking leg.

2. From your right neutral bow, grab the outside of the opponents right arm as a check.

3. Immediately shuffle forward (push drag) as you execute a right inward horizontal
elbow strike to opponent’s right ribcage, or face (depending upon circumstances).

Spreading Branch (Rear- Bear Hug with Arms Pinned)

1. An attacker at 6 o'clock grabs you in a bear hug pinning your arms.

2. Before the grab locks all the way, pin your attacker's left hand to your chest with
your left hand. Bring your right up (bent at the elbow). Note: This motion will
prepare your right hand for the next strike as well as cause your attacker's grip to
separate while stepping to 9 o’clock with your left foot. Step your right foot to 8
o’clock buckling the opponent’s left leg as you execute a right back hammer-fist to
your attacker's groin.

3. With your opponent reacting to your groin strike, thus releasing his grasp, have your
right hand grab your opponents neck delivering a ridge-hand on the process and lock
the head with your left hand, placing it on the left side of the opponent’s head. Pull
the opponent’s head while simultaneously delivering a right knee kick to the
opponent’s face or chest.

4. As you’re planting your right foot forward toward 1 o’clock, have your left hand
push down on opponent’s head while your right arm circles counter clockwise and
prepares for the next strike.

5. As you plant your right foot (employing marriage of gravity) and in coordination
with the foot plant, conclude your counter clockwise motion by executing a right
overhead downward elbow strike to upper spine of opponent.

3 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

The Pincher (Left Flank- Right Arm Headlock)

1. With your opponent to your left, applying a headlock with his right arm, have your
head turn to the left and tuck your chin against your chest as your right foot moves
forward to 1 o’clock (right close kneel stance). Simultaneously grab your opponent’s
right wrist with your right hand while your left hand (more specifically your fingers
and thumb) pinches the nerve in the back of your opponent’s right knee or inner

2. Shift your left foot forward (toward 12 o’clock) into a left neutral bow as your right
hand (which is still maintaining a right wrist grab) pulls toward you while your left
vertical forearm thrusts forward and against the back of your opponent’s right elbow
to either break it or sprain it.

3. Release your right hand as your left hand now checks down on opponent’s right arm
and deliver a right snapping punch to opponent’s right mastoid.

Checking the Storm (Front- Right Overhead Club)

1. With your feet together, have your right foot step to 3 o’clock as you execute a left
extended outward strike to inner wrist of opponent’s striking right arm while
dropping into a left 45° cat stance facing 11 o’clock.

2. From your left 45° cat stance immediately execute a left front snap ball kick to
opponent’s groin.

3. Plant your left foot forward towards 12 o’clock (adjusting the distance as you see fit)
and immediately execute a step-through knife-edge kick to inside of opponent’s right
knee to buckle it or break it.

4. Plant your right foot toward 11 o’clock and execute a right back-knuckle strike to
opponent’s head.

5. Plant your right foot to 10 o'clock in a right neutral bow as you execute a right
horizontal back-fist to your attacker's face. Note: Execute this strike by pulling your
right hand from under your left.

4 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Mace of Aggression (Front- Two Hand Lapel Grab -Pulling In)

1. An attacker at 12 o'clock grabs your lapels with both of their hands and pulls you in.

2. Simultaneously pin your attacker's hands with your left hand as you execute a right
stomp to your attacker's right instep and a right overhead hammer-fist to your
attacker's face. (This strike should strike your attacker's face and continue onto the
attacker's arms.)

3. Land in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you collapse your right arm on top
of your attacker's arms. (Utilize marriage of gravity with this strike.) Pull your right arm
through into a chamber position. [Your right leg will be acting as a check on your
attacker's right knee.]

4. Execute a right inward elbow strike to the left side of your attacker's jaw.

5. Shift forward as you execute a right outward elbow strike to the right side of your
attacker's jaw.

Attacking Mace (Front- Right Step-Through Punch)

1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through punch.

2. Step your right foot to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you
execute a left inward block to your attacker's triceps.

3. Pivot into a left forward bow as you execute a right punch to your attacker's right
ribs. (Your left hand should remain as a check at your attacker's elbow.) This punch
should turn your attacker to expose the centerline.

4. Circle your right hand clockwise around your attacker's right wrist. Instantly pull
your attacker's right arm down past your right hip and execute a right front kick to
your attacker's groin. (Your left hand should return to chamber). (This kick is a front
kick if you turned them with your punch; a round kick if not). Note: your right elbow
should be anchored.

5. Land in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. Pivot into a right forward bow as you
execute a left vertical snap punch to your attacker's right kidney. (If you plant your
right knee inside of, and over your attacker's right knee, the punch and subsequent
buckle will drop them to the ground.)

5 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Intellectual Departure (Front- Rick Step-Through Front Kick)

1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through front kick.

2. Since you aren't prepared, step your left foot back to 4:30 as you pivot into a right
reverse close kneel and execute a right inward downward block, palm down, to your
attacker's right inner leg. Note: This will place you facing your attacker while your
body faces away. In addition, the block will also stretch your attacker out and expose
their centerline.

3. Immediately execute a right rear kick to your attacker's groin. Note: This should
bring their head forward to you.

4. Plant your right-kick to 1 o'clock to be in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you
execute a right back-fist to your attacker's face.

5. Execute a right knife-edge kick to your attacker's farthest knee. Note: This cna be
done with a drag step or to step your left foot to 3 o'clock and execute the right kick.
All depends on the distance.

6 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Short Form 1
A. Start from a meditative horse stance facing 12 o’clock.

1. Drop your left foot back to 6 o’clock, into a right neutral bow while simultaneously
delivering a right hammering inward block and a left back elbow strike.

2. Drop your right foot back to 6 o’clock, into a left neutral bow while simultaneously
delivering a left thrusting inward block and a right back elbow strike.

3. Turn to face your next imaginary opponent at 9 o’clock. Step with your right foot to
3 o’clock, into a left neutral bow, while simultaneously delivering a left outward
block and a right back elbow strike.

4. Drop your left foot back to 3 o’clock into a right neutral bow while simultaneously
delivering a right outward block and a left back elbow strike.

5. Turn to face your next imaginary opponent at 3 o’clock, moving your right foot
forward to "cover." Settle into a left neutral bow while simultaneously delivering a
left upward block and a right back elbow strike.

6. Drop your left foot back to 9 o’clock into a right neutral bow while simultaneously
delivering a right upward block and a left back elbow strike.

7. Turn to face your next imaginary opponent at 6 o’clock; step back with your left foot
towards 12 o’clock, into a right neutral bow, while simultaneously delivering a right
downward block and a left back elbow strike.

8. Drop your right foot back to a 12 o’clock, into a left neutral bow, while
simultaneously delivering a left downward block and a right back elbow strike.

9. Step clockwise with your left foot to 12 o’clock, returning to a meditative horse
stance, thus returning to point of origin.

10. Repeat on left side for a total of 18 movements.

11. Bow.

12. Finish on a meditative hose stance facing 12 o’clock.

7 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

Warrior & Scholar Kenpo – Yellow Belt Curriculum

Star Block Set

The concepts focused on in this set are those of "Point of Origin." In other words, you do not have to re-
chamber to execute another block. You can instantly and quickly turn one block into another. Try to imagine
a star as you do this.

A. Start from a meditative horse stance facing 12 o’clock.

1. Execute a left upward block.

2. Leaving your hand as the focal point, turn it into a left inward block.

3. From the inside, rotate at the shoulder so now it is a left extended outward block.

4. From there, circle it down until it is a left downward block.

5. From there, go into reverse motion and execute a left inward downward block.

6. Execute a left back elbow strike.

7. Execute a left push-down block.

8. Chamber.

9. Repeat on the opposite side, using the same sequence of blocks with the right arm.

10. Repeat with both sides, using same sequence of blocks and remembering that right
goes over left.

8 © Copyright 2005 Kenpomanual

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