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Foundation Course for Devops & Cloud

• Linux
o Overview
o Understanding Linux Architecture
o Shell and Kernel Overview
o Linux Distributions
o Using Shell
o Exploring Filesystems o
Working with Text Files o
Process Management o
Package Management
o Managing User Accounts
o Disk & Filesystem management
o Disk Storage
o Partitions
o Mounts
o Linux Networking
o Service Management in Linux
o Init
o systemd
o Server Configurations in Linux
o Web Server
o Application Server
o Syslog
o Shell Scripting
o Why and What of Shell Scripting
o Shell Terminals
o Creation & Execution of Shell Scripts
o Variables & Variable Scopes
o Conditions in Shell Scripts
o Iterating with loops
o Functions in Shell Scripts
o Regular Expressions
o Command Piping with grep
o Stream Editor
o Understanding basics of
sed o Sed commands
o AWK Fundamentals
o Exercises
• Networking
o Basic Networking Concepts
o Computer Network
o Terminology
o Network Protocol
o Ping & Traceroute
o What is IP address
o Network Categories and Component
o Domain Naming System
• DevOps – Big Picture
o Why DevOps
o Business Perspective
o IT Perspective
o Developer Perspective
o Tester Perspective
o Operations Perspective
o What is DevOps
o Definition o Stakeholders of DevOps
o What is SDLC o Phases of SDLC
o Role of Dev in SDLC
o Role of Ops in SDLC
o What is Agile and Scrum
o Agile Development Process
o Role of Dev in Agile
o Role of Ops in Agile
o Problem That DevOps Solves
o Making a DevOps Transition
o Introduction
o Installation and Configuration of GIT
o Basic GIT Commands (Init, Add, push, pull, clone, commit, log)
o GIT Branching and Stashing
o GIT Tags and Web hooks
o Git Administration
o Git Flow
o Exercises
• Maven
o Introduction to Build/Management tools
o Life cycle of Maven
o Installation and configuration of Maven
o Building sample Maven Project
o Understanding Maven POM.xml
• Jenkins
o Introduction to Continuous Integration
(CI) o Installation and Configuration of
Jenkins o Managing Jenkins
o Types of jobs
o Configuring jobs
o Understanding different Jenkins Plugins
o Creating Sample CI/CD pipeline Job
o Exercises

• Amazon Web services

o Why we need cloud
o Basic AWS Concepts
o Creating AWS account and navigate the AWS Console
o Identity & Access Management
o Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
o Simple Storage Service (S3)
o Launching and using an EC2 instance
o Provisioning RDS MySQL Database
o Simple Notification Service (SNS)
o Cloud Watch Metrics and Alarms.
o Creating Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and using Auto Scaling
o Using Route 53 and writing sample Lambda function
o AWS Cloud Formation
• Python
o Introduction
o Why Python
o Installing Python
o Python 2 vs Python 3
o Types in Python
o Integers & Floats
o String
o Booleans
o None
o Lists o Dictionary
o Other Data Types o
Statements in Python
o If
o Loops
o Break & Continue
o While
o Exceptions in Python
• Terraform
o Infrastructure Provisioning
o What is Infrastructure as Code
o Infrastructure as Code in the Cloud
o How Terraform Does Infra Provisioning
o Installation
o Terraform Constructs
o Terraform DSL
o Providers
o Resource
o Arguments
o Attributes
o Variables
o Maps and Lookups
o Modules
o Local State
o Remote State
o Terraform DSL
o Declaring Variables
o Working with Resources
o Terraform Remote State and
Workspace o Terraform Trouble Shooting
o Using Terraform to create AWS Cloud Infrastructure
• Ansible
o System Architecture and Design of
Ansible o Installation and Configuration
o Core Concepts of Ansible
o Inventory
o Module
o Adhoc Command
o Playbooks
o Inventory and Playbook Parsing
o Module transport and Execution
o Variable Types & Variable Precedence
o External data access
o Ansible Essentials
o Static Inventories
o Dynamic Inventories
o Common Modules o
Playbook syntax
o Conditionals o
Error Handling
o Variables and Facts
o Templates
o Roles and Ansible Galaxy
o Parallelism
• Containerization
• Docker
o Advantages of Docker over Virtualization tools
o Installation and configuration of Docker
o Creating Docker container and building Docker images.
o Creating Docker files
o Docker volumes and understanding Docker Hub and Docker Registry.
o Cloud Technologies
• Kubernetes
o Overview
o Introduction to Microservices
o Clustering and Orchestration o
Kubernetes Architecture
o Kubernetes Core Concepts
o Pods
o Namespaces
o API primitives
o Kubernetes runtime
o Health checks
o Application Scheduling
o Kubernetes Networking
o Service Discovery
o Multitenancy
o Kubernetes Namespaces
o Kubernetes Storage Overview
o Persistent Storage & Stateful sets
o Monitoring, Logging & Troubleshooting
• Native Kubernetes on Amazon Cloud using Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS)

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