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Quotes from our pastor speaking of us as being spirit and even our body.


First step: instantaneous change or translation of the spirit into the inward kingdom of God. Next, the
progressive journey or pilgrimage through the wilderness, that is to say, intellectual differentialities, the
pilgrimage of death, hell, and resurrection, bringing forth the inward spirits – the souls in prison – into
the glorious liberties of grace, wrought in the outer man, the new body of Christ, which is Canaan land,
having borne the image of the earthy, the beast image, which was derived from the fall, after new
birth and regeneration, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly, Christ’s body and image, the
house Peter spoke of in the Spirit, eternal in the heavens, (spirit) not made with hands. - glp/sc

Third step: transfiguration of the human body by divine illumination and the conquering of the outer man.
It’s not I that liveth, but Christ, from the world of sight to the world of faith, through the wilderness of

He that is Born of the Spirit (born again) is Spirit! - Holy Bible

showing that all are in bondage to the beggarly elements of the world; that is to say, the first-born, which
is the flesh, is bound, gravitationally speaking, by sensual appetites and earthly forces; for, that which is
of the earth is earthly, Adam, being made of the dust; but, as sons of God, we are born of the Spirit, free
from earthly bondage; for which is of heaven is heavenly. Spirit inherits spirit, which is the Kingdom
of God, while flesh inherits flesh or corruption, which is the Kingdom of Satan. glp/sc

Satan being cast out of heaven, he is a spirit, then we see from Adam was cast out Eve, as Adam was a
Spirit as to God, then we see why Eve became as to the devil as she was that cast out spirit that savored
the flesh! God said to the angels or spirits, who can I send who will go for me, and an angel or spirit
spoke up and said it would go and it would go as a "lying spirit", see the Father of Lies. PN

Notice, in the wilderness, three phases of baptizing are represented, to show Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, according to Matt. 28. This represents Law, Grace and Righteousness. Law shows the natural
water world of vegetation (Jew World); Grace reveals the physical blood world of humanity (Catholic
world); while Righteousness declares the angelic spiritual world of spirits (Protestant world). 4 These
three witnesses agree in one, which means that they are one composition in their present state of
creation, but they are dissected by time elements in divisional parts for godly educational
purposes. -glp/sc

Remember, Joseph and Benjamin were the children of Rachel. They were true brothers, the body and
the spirit, the Jew and the Protestant. The other sons were the sons of Leah, the half brothers,
meaning flesh, - glp/sc

God, who is a trinity in one, was a oneness in the beginning, dissected Himself into a trinity for the
purpose of multiplication, and then returned to a oneness, in the final analysis of His plans. The trinity
teachings are the uncertain sounds of the trumpet, so that they who observe these teachings cannot
prepare themselves unto the battle of Almighty God. - GLP/SC (Meaning there never was body soul
and spirit, there was but Spirit) pn

which is the glorification of the celestial. 1 These three groups, as a telescope of three parts pulled out,
Catholic out of the Jew, Protestant out of the Catholic, and will be pushed together again, to show the
reuniting of the body, soul and spirit (the departed spiritual part of man); the people that are in the
grave, the people that are in the soul realm of existence now, the angels and man coming together
in a oneness; - GLP/SC (a revelation that man is angel -pn)

Faith joins and unites, makes One. Unbelief separates creating the illusion of separation. PN
Death is the veil of illusion that hides the truth of Unity! For when a person dies, the real them. (spirit)
goes back to Oneness with God, or The Spirit. PN

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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