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F: Hello?

R: Hi? This is the number for the flatmate?

F: Oh yes, yes it is. What’s your name?

R: Patricia Roxana

F: What a lovely name! Mine is Flor Lozano

R: Thank you!

F: I have to make you some questions. First of all, where and what do you study?

R: I study advAKacy at UDEP

F: Ohh, I study ARKETEKSHER at UDEP too. So, I would like to know what are your daily habits.

R: Well, I work in the mornings and study at afternoon, so I arrive at 10 pIAm.

F: That`s heAvy. Well and what do you do in your free time? Maybe you hang out with friends

R: Yeah, on weekends, if I am free. But, enough from me. Could you tell me please where is the
flat ubicated?

F: Of course, is very close to the University actually, near “Roky`s”

R: That is wonderful, you know, for the transport. I was wondering how many bedrooms does
the flat have.

F: It counts with two bedrooms.

R: Great, and one thing more. Are they completed fArnishd?

F: Well, the bedroom has already the bed and a closet but you have to bring the other things.

R: Okay, that works for me. Thank you very much. Can we meet to coordinE the other details?

F: Of course, see you tomorrow at 11 am.

Flor Lozano

Patricia Roxana

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