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Kurset nga lenda i-Electronic’s ne Akademin ton te trajnimeve

Courses from the subject of i-Electronics in our training academy

Moduli I

Trajnimi ne formimin e qarqeve elektrike dhe konfigurimin e pllakes elektronike Arduino Uno
me microcontroller dhe pllakes elektronike Raspberry Pi me microprocesor.
Training in the creation of electrical circuits and the configuration of the Arduino Uno electronic
board with a microcontroller and the Raspberry Pi electronic board with a microprocessor.
- The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on
the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU)

- Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers (SBCs)

 Arduino Uno me mikrokontoller

 Raspberry Pi me mikroprocesor
Moduli II
Tranime ne gjuhet programuese per krijimin e web-faqeve dhe mirembajtjene tyre per
institucionet e ndryshme publike dhe kompani private sic jane:
Training in programming languages for the creation of websites and their maintenance for
various public institutions and private companies such as:
 Bootstrep
 React.js
 Dhe programe te tjera sipas kerkeses se kandidateve ( and other programs according to
the request of the candidates).

Moduli III
Trajnimet ne programet e Microsoft Office 365 (Documents, Spreadsheet, Presentation, dhe
Database )
Training in Microsoft Office 365 programs (Documents, Spreadsheet, Presentation, and
 Elementare - Basic
 Mesatare dhe te – Intermediate and
 Avansuar - Advanced

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