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Questions for doctors


1 Discussion
Discuss any of the questions below. If you want to browse some useful expressions for discussions,
scan the QR code with your mobile device or go to

1. Why did you decide to become a doctor?

2. What is your specialisation? Why did you choose this one in particular?
3. Were you ever afraid of blood? How did you overcome this fear?
4. Do you remember your first day of work as a doctor? Describe it.
5. What do you enjoy about your work?
6. Have you ever wanted to quit medicine and stop being a doctor?
7. What is the most frustrating aspect of your job?
8. How do you deal with patients who are terminally ill? Is there any way to console them?
9. Do you always tell your patients the truth? Have you ever lied to a patient or a family member?
10. Do you think that doctors in your country are underpaid and overworked?
11. Do you work in a hospital or do you run a private practice? Which working model is better in your
12. What is your opinion of the health care system in your country? How could it be improved?
13. Do you think that an ideal health care system exists? On what principles should it be based?
14. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of private and public health care in your
15. Who was your most memorable patient? Why do you remember him or her so well?
16. What are your views on alternative medicine? Would you recommend acupuncture or homeopathy?
17. How do you see the future of the medicine? Which specialisations will be more in demand and which
ones will be abandoned?
18. In your opinion, what are the biggest threats to human health today?
19. In your opinion, how far are we from finding a cure for cancer or AIDS?
20. How do you think life expectancy will change in the next hundred years?
21. Will it be possible to live 200 years? What are the implications for people's health?

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Review your flashcards at least 3-5 times a week for 20 minutes to keep the material fresh in your memory.
Questions for doctors - Key

1- Discussion

Select and ask the student(s) questions from the list and stimulate a discussion. Alternatively, have the students
themselves ask and answer selected questions in pairs or groups. During the discussions, correct mistakes by
paraphrasing the students in natural English and provide the additional vocabulary that they need to express their
ideas and opinions. You can encourage students with mobile devices to scan the QR code in order to access useful
expressions for giving opinions, agreeing, disagreeing and connecting ideas. These expressions and structures
will help them discuss some of the questions in the worksheet.

You can review this worksheet online at i

Review your flashcards at least 3-5 times a week for 20 minutes to keep the material fresh in your memory.

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