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Peer-to-Peer Networks Applied to Power Grid*

Hakem Beitollahi Geert Deconinck
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Electrical Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

In order to improve and deploy distributed control
systems for the power grid a robust ICT
infrastructure is required partially based on
dependable middleware that exploits redundancy and
diversity in communication networks.
The dynamic nature of power grid applications
makes necessity of using peer-to-peer (P2P)
networks in this system. The main requirements of
P2P networks for power grid are that they are
scalable, self-organizing and distributed.
Furthermore they degrade gracefully in the advent of
failures, restore automatically after repair and need
to cope with dynamic environment.
This paper at first classifies P2P networks according
their architecture and compares them. Then it
analyzes P2P networks based on their architectures
for controlling power grid components. It shows
hybrid decentralized indexing P2P networks are best
choice and most suitable architecture for power grid.

1. Introduction
The power grid transports and distributes electricity
from the power plants to the consumers [1] (figure Figure 1: power grid with a small number of power plants
1). Improving performance of power grid (optimize connected to the meshed high voltage grid and distributed
power quality, cost, energy loss, etc.) needs generation and loads in the radial low voltage distribution
precise management and distributed control [2]. physical process of electricity distribution need to be
Since Sep 11, 2001 the security of major connected with information infrastructures, through
international and national infrastructures in all corporate networks, which are in turn connected to
countries has became a more critical concern to the internet.
governments and industry. So nowadays a The dynamic nature of applications on power grid
dependable networked ICT system for the (e.g. the Autonomous Electricity Network
management and control of the electric power grid is applications [4]) makes that information
desired [3]. CRUTIAL (CRitical UTility infrastructure on power grid is needed not only for
InfrastructurAL resilience) is a recently started static configuration but also for modification during
European IST research project addressing run time of application. For example the set of
dependable network for the management of the components that needs to communicate varies over
electric power grid, in which agents controlling the
Acknowledgements: This project is partially supported by the K.U.Leuven Research Council (project GOA/2007/09) and by
the European Commission (projects IST-4-27513 CRUTIAL and IST-4-026923 GRID).
time because of switching of generators and loads in particular character of P2P networks in order to
the distributed generation and hence, the logical avoid single point of failure as well as
communication topology has to follow accordingly performance bottlenecks in the network.
[2]. This dynamic nature of applications provides 3) The principle of self-organization: as a result
opportunities to use peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. of decentralization, there exists no longer a node
The main requirements of P2P networks for power that can centrally coordinate its activity or a
girds are that they are scalable, self-organizing and database to centrally store global information
distributed. Furthermore they degrade gracefully in about the system. Therefore nodes have to self-
the advent of failures, restore automatically after organize themselves, based on whatever local
repair and can cope with dynamic environment. They information is available and interacting with
allow construction of a communication structure that locally reachable nodes.
requires little communication and also allow In the last few years, P2P systems have rapidly
implementation of distributed algorithms for the evolved and emerged as a promising platform to
control and coordination among nodes as well as for deploy new applications and services in the internet
the aggregation of measured data. So studying and [11, 12]. One of the reasons P2P systems are seen as
analyzing P2P networks carefully and studying an excellent platform for large scale distributed
whether they are sufficiently dependable for power systems is their resilience in the presence of node
grid is very necessary. failures. However malicious faults (attacks) are
This paper classifies the P2P networks based on their serious threats in these systems.
architectures and enumerates the advantages and
disadvantages of them. It then evaluates and analyzes 3. Peer-to-peer Architecture
P2P networks for controlling power grid components
and shows the hybrid decentralized indexing P2P According to differences of query search mechanism,
type is the good and suitable choice for power grid. logical topology and degree of decentralization, the
This paper provides guidance for researchers and P2P architecture can be classified into four types.
practitioners to design robust and effective P2P
networks applications requiring basic knowledge a) Purely unstructured decentralized
about P2P networks, accessibility, fault resilience, This P2P system is a distributed system without any
control mechanisms of power grid and how a centralized control. In such systems all nodes are
computer network like P2P is applied to power grid. equivalent in functionality. In these systems nodes
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in are named as servant (SERver + cliENT). This means
section 2 definition of P2P is presented. Section 3 all nodes of a P2P system can act at the same time as
presents the P2P architectures. Section 4 briefly server as well as a client. The logical P2P topology in
studies the basic control base for new power grid these systems is often random and unstructured mesh.
system. Section 5 shows P2P network is a new The query is executed hop-by-hop through the mesh
opportunity for controlling power grid components till success/failure or timeout. An example of these
and section 6 presents conclusion. systems is Gnutella [13].

2. Peer-to-Peer systems Routing algorithm:

Purely unstructured systems like Gnutella use
Many different definitions for P2P exist [5-10]; we flooding broadcast of queries for routing. In these
can extract several principles about P2P networks systems each query from a peer is flooded
from these definitions that will be useful in the (broadcasted) to directly connected peers, which
context of power grid. themselves flood their peers and etc., until the
1) The principle of resource sharing: all P2P request is answered or a maximum number of
networks have an aspect of file or resource flooding steps occur.
sharing (both physical resources and logical Different flooding policies have been implemented to
resources). As a result of resource sharing, improve search in these systems. In Gnutella to find a
applications can be realized which it could not file, a node issues queries to its neighbors. The most
be set up by a single node. typical query method is flooding where the query is
2) The principle of decentralization: Parts of the broadcasted to all neighbors (hops) within certain
network or even the entire network are no longer TTL (Time-To-Live) value. At each hop the value of
operated centrally. Decentralization is a the TTL is decremented, and when it reaches zero the
message is dropped. In order to avoid loops, the Examples of this system are Chord [14], CAN [15],
nodes use the unique message identifiers to detect and Pastry [16].
and drop duplicated messages. When the file was
found in a certain node, it initiates a direct out-of- Routing algorithm:
network download, establishing a direct connection In these systems the routing model adds structure to
between the source and target node (figure 2). the way information about resources are stored using
distributed hash tables. This structure provides a
mapping between the resource identifier and location,
in the form of distributed routing table. With this
method the queries can be efficiently routed to the
node with the desired resource. This method also
reduces the number of hops that must be taken to
locate a resource. Among examples of these systems
we have chosen the Chord routing algorithm.
Figure 3 shows Chord routing model.
N8+1 N14
N8+2 N14
N8+4 N14
N1 N8+8 N14
N8+16 N32
N8 N8+32 N42
Source Finger table

N54 Destinstion
Query N14

Response N51

Figure 2 : Flooding Search N21


• Advantages of these systems: N38 N32

i) They are inherently fault-tolerant, since there is

no central point of failure and the loss of a peer
Figure 3: Chord routing model
or even a number of peers can easily be
ii) They are flexible and robust. • Advantages of these systems:
i) They have a quick and efficient query search or
• Disadvantages of these systems: in other words they are quick in routing.
i) They are slow in routing. ii) They provide load balancing.
ii) No guarantee about quality of service. iii) They have a deterministic search guarantee.
iii)Predicting system behavior is hard because of iv) They are scalable and robust.
the lack of a global view at the system level. v) Managing the system is easy.
iv) They are not scalable.
v) Managing the system is hard. • Disadvantages of these systems:
i) They are vulnerable under malicious attacks. In
b) Purely structured decentralized comparison with group A they are worse under
They are similar to P2P systems of group A with this malicious attacks because they have
difference that the logical P2P topology is a deterministic and structured architecture and this
structured topology such as mesh, ring, d-dimension is a important point for attackers.
torus or butterfly. These structured topologies are ii) They are not flexible.
usually constructed using distributed hashing tables
(DHT) techniques. The query is also executed hop-
by-hop through the structured topology, and is sure c) Hybrid centralized indexing
to be successful after some deterministic hops under In these systems there is a central server that
ideal case. maintains directions of information about registered
users to the network. In these systems each arriving and proxy search requests on behalf of these peers. In
node needs to actively notify the server about its such systems peers are automatically elected to
information, then other nodes only need to search become super-nodes if they have sufficient
peer’s address from server about its wanted objects. bandwidth and good processing power. Like systems
There is the end-to-end interaction between two peer of group C there is end-to-end interaction (data
clients. Napster [17] is an example of these systems. exchanging) between two peer clients. Figure 5
shows these systems. Kazaa [18] and Morpheus [19]
Routing algorithm: are two decentralized indexing systems.
In these systems the peers of the community connect
to a centralized directory server, which stores all
information regarding location and usage of
resources. Upon request from a peer, the central
index will match the request with the best peer in its
directory that matches the request. The best peer
could be the one that is cheapest, fastest, nearest, or
most available, depending on the user needs. Then
the data exchange will occur directly between the
two peers. Napster uses this method. Figure 4 shows
routing in Napster as an example of these systems.



“Where is X.doc”

A Figure 5: Hybrid decentralized indexing

A has X.doc

Download X.doc Routing algorithm:

Figure 4: Routing algorithm in Napster In these systems every super-node is associated with
a set of nodes and every node connects to a super-
node to which it belongs. When a search for a data
• Advantages of these systems: item issued by node n1, lookup message will follow
i) They are very simple and easy to be deployed. the path from a super-node of node n1 to all super
ii) They are quick and efficient for information nodes, the operation will repeat until success or until
discovery (routing or query search). all paths are completely searched.
iii) Searches are comprehensive and they can
provide guarantee in searches. • Advantages of these systems:
iv) Managing the system is easy. i) They are quick and efficient for search query
• Disadvantages of these systems: ii) In comparison with other groups they reduce the
i) They are vulnerable to malicious attacks. traffic on message exchanging.
ii) They are single point failure in server. iii) In comparison with group C they reduce the
iii) They have bad scalability. workload on central server because they have
iv) They are not so flexible and robust. several servers.
iv) In comparison with group C there is no unique
d) Hybrid decentralized indexing: point of failure. In these systems if one or more
In these systems some nodes that called super-nodes super-nodes go down, the nodes connected to
are central servers and they register users to the them can open new connections with others, and
system and also facilitate the peer discovery process. the network can continue the operation. In fact
Super-nodes maintain the central indexes for the after super-nodes go down, the existing peers
information shared by local peers connected to them become super-nodes themselves.
v) They are scalable.
vi) They are flexible and robust. level conclusion on the current state of the
vii) Managing the system is easy. component. Agents may also send control parameters
to the control system (e.g. SCADA) of the
• Disadvantages of these systems: component.
i) In comparison with group A and B they are more An important aspect of agents, besides autonomy, is
vulnerable to malicious attacks because of super- that they communicate with a society of (similar)
nodes. agents, from which they may fetch external
ii) In comparison with group C, they present slower knowledge of their interest. This way of exchanging
information discovery. information enables an agent to not be only aware of
the state of its own component, but also to have a
4. Basic control base for new power grid notion of the global environment in which it is
system operating. These societies can be built easily by
setting up a peer-to-peer network.
Today, there is an important trend to use small
dispersed generators in low or medium voltage, also 5. P2P networks for Microgrid control
referred to as Distributed Generation (DG), for applications
producing electricity [20, 21, 22].
However, this dramatically changing in power grid Agent based control scheme by using P2P
has changed the traditional distributed grid topology, communication opens new opportunities for
control systems, security measurements, etc [20, 21]. controlling power grid elements. Various
All these changes put new and extra stress on power applications of agent based control schemes (smart
grid where power is one of the most important grids) have been proposed in literature. Here we give
commodities for industrial, economical and everyday a short overview of some noteworthy applications
activities. and role of P2P network on them.
Control of power elements in power grid has three Intelligent Protection: paper [25] has shown that
control levels [4, 22, 23] A) Primary control is used malfunctioning or wrongful switching of protection
to balance both active and reactive power, based on systems are at basis of 63% of all major system
frequency measured locally. This kind of control has disturbances. Therefore various schemes are
no need for communications. B) Secondary control is presented to control these circuit breakers by
mainly used for maintaining rated voltage levels or intelligent agents, using for example fuzzy logic and
rated frequency and scheduled power transfers C) communication with other agents to decide the best
tertiary control optimizes generators output for action when a near short circuit current is observed
economic criteria. The last two control levels both [26]. By the P2P network, the agent floods the
require some form of coordination and problem to other agents and then by collective
communication with other generator controllers. By agreement algorithms they can decide the best action.
adding DGs to power grid for these levels of control, All types of P2P network can be useful for this
traditional central control systems are not suitable application especially type B and D for some time
due to expenses such as expensive, dedicated deadlines of best action. This application can also be
communication lines and a large number of load done by type D very efficiency. The agent
balancing servers. So we are looking for less encountering a problem sends a message to its server
expensive ICT-infrastructure for control paradigms. and then the server wants other servers (any server
has some agents) to send their commands for solving
Agent based control systems the problem. So the server can decide the best action
Evolutions in the power grid have convinced us to intelligently based on all commands.
design an intelligent, distributed control scheme [2, Agents in Power Market: Multi-agent technology
24]. In this scheme power grid components (e.g. can be used for real-time online power markets.
generators, dispatching loads) are equipped with an Agents buy and/or sell power trying to minimize the
autonomous control entity (agent). These agents are costs and/or maximizing income while meeting the
implemented on some electronic devices (e.g. PCs or demand of their master (e.g. generation facility,
DSPs). Agents can supervise the grid component at factory, household, etc.) [27]. P2P technology
hand, fetching state parameters of the components of provides directly communication between any two
the component from various sensors. Agents interpret agents and also provides communication and
these parameters and aggregate these into a high discussion of an agent with all other agents. So with
these properties of P2P network and also file sharing simple example of P2P network formed between
property of this network, agents can minimize the agents has shown in figure 6.
costs and/or maximize income according the best
decision in power market.
Supply demand matching: Intelligent forecasting of
demand and generation (e.g. for solar cells or wind
turbines) and matching these by adjusting generator
output or intelligent loads, may reduce regulating
needs and costs [27].
Intelligent load shedding: loads may be switched
off when network load is high, according to some
properties. Heating or air conditioning may be
switched off temporary without anyone noticing,
while hospitals or traffic signals may only be shed
when there are no other options. As nodes (agents
here) are autonomous and self-organized in P2P Low Voltage Distribution Grid with embedded DG
networks, they can switch off some loads like heating
or air condition temporarily based on some
conditions to balance the network load.
Autonomous electricity grid (AEG): An AEG is
low voltage net with a decent amount of DG
installed, that is self-regulating and possibly able to
continue operating, if necessary in a degraded way,
when it is disconnected from the high voltage
transmission grid [2, 28, 29]. We can consider the
control sites of power plants (high voltage plants and
DGs) as LANs where any LAN has a super-node to
communicate with other LANs. Super-nodes
communicate together by a P2P network (recall type
D of P2P architecture). As Super-nodes are members
of P2P network they are autonomous and self-
organized and can leave the network based on their Corresponding Peer-to-peer Network
interest or power grid conditions. With this
architecture the AEG application is implemented. For
example if DG resources are disconnected from the Househould (with smart loads)
high voltage grid, we can consider that super-nodes
of distributed generators’ LANs have been Wind torbin
disconnected from super-nodes of high voltage
generators’ LANs and peer-to-peer connection still
exist among super-nodes of distributed generators’ Fossil fuel driven small generator
Photovolic generator

Importance of P2P network for secondary and Peer-to-peer network links

tertiary control
As mentioned before secondary and tertiary controls Public communications
need some form of coordination and communication
LV power line
with other generator’s controllers. For this agents
(generator’s controllers) set up a P2P network which
Grid connected transform
directly or indirectly interconnects all controller
agents in the distribution grid. The topology and
Controller agent
fault-tolerance mechanisms of this overlay network
make it suitable to be used in unbounded systems
using an unreliable open network such as Internet. A Figure 6: Example of P2P network that applied to power grid
Agents communicate together by gossiping 6. Conclusion
algorithm. In gossiping algorithm, every agent
exchanges information at fixed time intervals with Considering advantages and disadvantages of
one of its neighbors (chosen randomly). If that different architecture of P2P networks, system
neighbor exchanges this new information with one of designer can choose a topology for their system
its neighbors (and so forth), the news spreads in the according to their requirements.
network. All types of P2P architectures implement Evaluations in the power grid show it requires an
the gossiping algorithm. In type A it is enough any intelligent, distributed and dynamic control system.
node (agent) exchanges information with one of its P2P networks are good and suitable choice for power
random neighbors and so forth. In type B as any node grid due to dynamism, scalable, self-organizing, and
has its finger table list it is enough any node decentralized nature.
exchanges information with members of its finger Preliminary studies on P2P types (considering
table list and then the members exchange information advantages and disadvantages of P2P types and
with members of their finger table list. In types C and resilience of P2P types to random faults and attacks)
D any node just exchanges information to its server show type D, the hybrid decentralized indexing type,
(super-node) and then server (super-node) spread is the most suitable and best for power grid among
information over the network by exchange P2P types because of scalability, flexibility, quick
information to other its nodes or other servers (super- and efficient routing and easy management.
nodes) and so forth.
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