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1. Which statement by an older adult regarding her diet A.Dark cherry
indicates a need for FURTHER teaching by the nurse? B.Clear as water
A.“I’m going to have dinner with my friends more often.” C.Pale yellow or slightly pink
B.“I plan to eat more dairy foods like milk and yogurt D.Concentrated yellow with small clots
every day.”
C. “I plan to eat more raw fruits and whole grain foods 6. A client with benign prostatic hyperplasia undergoes
everyday.” transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). The
D. “I need to eat foods high in fat to help me keep warm nurse should request which solution from the pharmacy,
this winter.” so it is available postoperatively for continuous bladder
irrigation (CBI)?
2. A nurse is working with the family of a client who has A.Sterile water
Alzheimer’s disease. The nurse notes that the client’s B.Sterile normal saline
spouse is too exhausted to provide care all alone. The C.Sterile Dakin’s solution
adult children live too far away to provide relief on a D. Sterile water with 5% dextrose
weekly basis. Which nursing interventions would be
helpful? 7. An older adult client at the retirement center spits her
A.Recommending that the client be placed in a food out and throws it on the floor. She yells, “This
long-term care facility. chicken is dry and cold! I can’t stand the food here!”
B.Encouraging the spouse to talk about the difficulties How should the nurse respond to the client?
involved in caring for a loved one. A.“Now look what you’ve done! You’re ruining this meal
C. Suggesting that the spouse seek psychological for the whole community. Aren’t you ashamed of
counselling to help cope with exhaustion. yourself?”
D. Calling a family meeting to tell that absent children B.“I think you had better return to your apartment now.
that they must participate in caregiving. I’ll make arrangements for a new meal to be served to
you there.”
3. An elderly client requires behavioral therapies to C.“Let me get you another serving that is more to your
decrease or eliminate urinary incontinence. Which liking. Would you like to see the chef and select your
procedures would the nurse expect to include in the own serving?”
teaching plan for this client? D.“One of the things that was agreed upon was that
A.Kegel exercises anyone who did not use appropriate behavior would be
B.External catheters asked to leave the dining room. Please leave now.”
C.Self-catheterization devices
D. Post void residual monitoring 8. A health care provider prescribes a follow-up home
care visit for an older adult client with emphysema.
4. The client scheduled for a transurethral resection When the home care nurse arrives, the client is smoking.
prostatectomy (TURP) has listened to the surgeon’s Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic?
explanation of the surgery. The client later asks the A.“Well, I can see you never got to the stop smoking
nurse to explain again how the prostate is going to be clinic!”
removed. The nurse should tell the client that the B.“I’m glad I caught you smoking! Now that your secret
prostate will be removed through which location? is out, let’s decide what you are going to do.”
A. The urethra C.“I notice that you are smoking. Did you explore the
B. A lower abdominal incision stop smoking program at the senior citizens center?”
C. An upper abdominal incision D.“I wonder if you realize that you are slowly killing
D. An incision made in the perineal area yourself. Why prolong the agony? You can just jump off
the bridge!”
5. The nurse is caring for a client who has returned from
the post-anesthesia care unit after prostatectomy. The 9. The nurse is providing medication instructions to an
client has a three-way Foley catheter with an infusion of older client who is taking digoxin daily. The nurse
continuous bladder irrigation (CBI). Which color explains to the client that decreased lean body mass and
description of the urinary drainage should lead the nurse decreased glomerular filtration rate, which are
to determine that the flow rate is adequate? age-related body changes, could place the client at risk


for which complication with medication therapy? the nurse suspects this client has which medical
A.Decreased absorption of digoxin problem?
B.Increased risk for digoxin toxicity A.Delirium
C.Decreased therapeutic effect of digoxin B.Dementia
D. Increased risk for side effects related to digoxin C.Osteoporosis
D.Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
10. The nurse is caring for an older client in a long-term
care facility. Which action contributes to encouraging 17. The nurse is developing a plan of care for an older
autonomy in the client? client with dementia. The nurse develops which realistic
A.Planning meals outcome for the client?
B.Decorating the room A.The client will function at the highest level of
C.Scheduling haircut appointments independence possible.
D.Allowing the client to choose social activities B.The client will be admitted to a nursing home to have
the needs of activities of daily living met.
11. The nurse is providing care to an older client with C.The nursing staff will attend to all of the client’s
hearing loss. Which of the following is correct about activities of daily living needs during the hospital stay.
older clients with hearing loss? D.The client will complete all activities of daily living
A.They are often distracted. independently within a 1- to 1½-hour time frame.
B.They have middle ear changes.
C.They respond to low-pitched tones. 18. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with
D.They develop moist cerumen production. dementia who has needs related to nutrition. Which
appropriate goal should the nurse plan for with this
12. The nurse is performing an assessment on an older client?
client who is having difficulty sleeping at night. Which A. Client will be free of hallucinations.
statement by the client indicates the need for further B. Client will feed self with cueing within 24 hours.
teaching regarding measures to improve sleep? C. Client will be oriented to place by the time of
A.“I swim 3 times a week.” discharge.
B.“I have stopped smoking cigars.” D. Client will correctly identify objects in his or her room
C.“I drink hot chocolate before bedtime.” by the time of discharge
D.“I read for 40 minutes before bedtime.”
19. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with
13. The nurse is performing an assessment on an older delirium who states, “Look at the spiders on the wall.”
adult client. Which assessment data would indicate a How should the nurse respond?
potential complication associated with the skin? A. “Would you like me to kill the spiders for you?”
A.Crusting B. “While there may be spiders on the wall, they are not
B.Wrinkling going to hurt you.”
C.Deepening of expression lines C. “I know that you are frightened, but I do not see any
D.Thinning and loss of elasticity in the skin spiders on the wall.”
D.“You are having a hallucination; I’m sure there are no
14. The nurse is visiting a client for the first time. While spiders in this room.”
assessing the client’s medication history, it is noted that
there are 19 prescriptions and several over-the-counter 20. The nurse is caring for an older client who has been
medications that the client has been taking. Which placed in Buck’s extension traction after a hip fracture.
intervention should the nurse take first? During the assessment of the client, the nurse notes that
A.Check for medication interactions. the client is disoriented. What is the appropriate nursing
B.Determine whether there are medication duplications. intervention for this client?
C. Call the prescribing doctor and report polypharmacy. A.Apply restraints to the client.
D. Determine whether a family member supervises B. Ask the family to stay with the client.
medication administration. C. Ask the laboratory to perform electrolyte studies.
D. Reorient the client frequently and place a clock and a
15. The long-term care nurse is performing assessments calendar in the client’s room.
on several of the residents. Which are normal
age-related physiological changes the nurse should NOT 21. An older client is admitted to the hospital with a
expect to note? fractured hip and is experiencing periods of confusion.
A.Decline in visual acuity The nurse develops a plan of care and should identify
B.Decline in long-term memory which psychosocial outcome?
C.Increased susceptibility to urinary tract infections A.Improved sleep patterns
D.Increased incidence of awakening after sleep onset B.Reduced family fears and anxiety
C.Meeting self-care needs independently
16. The nurse reviews the client’s health care record and D. Increased ability to concentrate and participate in
notes that the client is taking donepezil hydrochloride care
(Aricept). Understanding the purpose of this medication,


22. The home care nurse visits an older client night
experiencing limited range of motion who is upset about B.Reports having difficulty distinguishing some colors
urinary incontinence. Which should the nurse determine C.Reports seeing halos around lights
is a potential environmental contributor to the client’s D.Reports diminished visual acuity
A.A low toilet seat 28. An 85-year-old client is hospitalized for diverticulitis.
B.Nightlights in the hallways The client’s 83-year-old girlfriend spends most of the
C.Large, unmovable furniture day and evening with him. Several nurses have made
D. A bathroom at each end of the house comments about the couple’s relationship. Which nurse’s
comment represents a myth about the intimacy needs of
23. When assessing the cardiovascular system of a older adults in general?
75-year-old male, a nurse auscultates a systolic heart A.Sexual interest tends to persist throughout one’s life
murmur. This is the only abnormality noted. Which span.
analysis by the nurse is correct? B.Older adults require less physical contact than younger
A.Indication for valve replacement adults.
B.Indication that the client has congestive heart failure C.Sexual expression may not enhance the quality of life
(CHF) of older adults.
C.Usually representative of underlying heart disease D.Sexual expression is not difficult or impossible for
D.Common due to age-related calcification and stiffening some older adults.
of the heart valves
29. All the following goals should be included in the plan
24. When a nurse completes height measurement for a of care for a client with dementia except:
62-year-old female client, the woman says that she has A.The client will remain physically safe.
lost half an inch. Which explanation by the nurse is most B.The client will receive emotional support.
accurate? C.The client will receive physical health care.
A.“As we age, we lose muscle mass.” D.The client will show cognitive improvement.
B.“Bone loss is due to lack of exercise.”
C.“Aging changes in the cartilage of the knees and hips 30. A home health nurse caring for a client diagnosed
result in shortening stature.” with Alzheimer’s disease is attempting to determine
D.“The vertebral column shortens due to compression whether the client’s daughter understands the client’s
and thinning of the vertebrae with aging.” prognosis. Which of the daughter’s questions to the
nurse will most accurately assess the daughter’s
25. For which age-related skin changes should a nurse understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and its prognosis?
assess an 81-year-old hospitalized client to best protect A.“What types of support services are available?”
the client from developing pressure ulcer? B.“What can we do to improve our father’s memory?”
A.Increased tissue vascularity C.“Which local hospital has the best treatment
B.Increase in subcutaneous tissue program?”
C.Loss of skin thickness and elasticity D.“How long does it take for his medication to cure his
D.Increased rate of cellular replacement condition?”
26. A 76-year-old client is admitted to a surgical unit
following a right colectomy for a small tumor. The client
has lactated Ringer’s solution infusing intravenously at
125 mL/hr, O2 per nasal cannula at 3 L, and a right
abdominal dressing. A nurse analyzes the client’s
assessment information and identifies the nursing
diagnosis: Risk for infection (pneumonia) due to
age-related functional changes in the respiratory system.
Which age-related assessment most likely prompted the
nurse to establish the nursing diagnosis?
A.Decreased residual volume
B.Decreased cough reflex
C.Increased vital capacity
D.Increased PaO2

27. A nurse obtains information for a 75-year-old client

and concludes that some findings are not age related
and require further follow-up because the client is at risk
for falls. Which report by the client represents a
non-age-related finding that requires
additional investigation?
A.Reports experiencing a decreased ability to see at


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