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oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences


Leo Conti | Mark Easton | Maggy Saldais

big ideas
Vladimir Dumovic | Richard Kostecki

ISBN 978-0-19-030754-7
humanities and
9 780190 307547 social sciences
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© Leo Conti, Mark Easton, Maggy Saldais, Vladimir Dumovic, Richard Kostecki 2016
© Oxford University Press 2016
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Conti, Leo, author.
Oxford big ideas. Humanities and social sciences 7 Western Australian curriculum / Leo Conti,
Mark Easton, Maggy Saldais, Vladimir Dumovic, Richard Kostecki.
ISBN: 9780190307547 (paperback)
Includes index.
For secondary school age.
Humanities – Textbooks.
Humanities – Study and teaching (Secondary) – Western Australia.
Education – Curricula – Western Australia.
Easton, Mark Gerald, author.
Saldais, Maggy, author.
Dumovic, Vladimir, author.

Kostecki, Richard, author.

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Contents by skill�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� viii
Using Oxford Big Ideas Humanities and Social Sciences������������x

2C How much water do we have?
Geography 2.11 Water in Australia................................................................................ 66
2.12 Water quality and quantity in Australia.......................................... 68
Concepts and skills 2.13 Water in the world.............................................................................. 70
Chapter 1 2.14 New ways of thinking about water................................................. 72
The geography toolkit.............................................................................. 4 2C Rich task: Windhoek, Namibia........................................................ 74

1A What are the geographical concepts? 2D How do we manage water?
1.1 Geographical concepts........................................................................6 2.15 The challenges of managing water................................................ 76
2.16 Water and Indigenous Australians.................................................. 78
1B What are the geographical skills? PL 2.17 Competition for water supplies....................................................... 80
1.2 Geographical skills ............................................................................ 12
2.18 Managing water scarcity................................................................... 82
1.3 Questioning and research ............................................................... 13
2.19 Managing water in Australia’s biggest cities................................ 84
1.4 Analysing.............................................................................................. 26
2.20 Managing water at home................................................................. 88
1.5 Evaulating............................................................................................. 30
2D Rich task: The Wodaabe nomads.................................................. 90
1.6 Communicating and reflecting........................................................ 31
1C What is fieldwork? Place and liveability
1.7 Fieldwork in geography..................................................................... 35 Chapter 3
Liveable cities .............................................................................................92
Water in the world

3A What makes a city liveable?

Chapter 2
3.1 Why we live where we do................................................................. 94
Water in the world.....................................................................................40
3.2 Measuring liveability........................................................................... 96
2A How is water an environmental resource? 3.3 Climate.................................................................................................. 98
2.1 Environmental resources: an overview.......................................... 42 3.4 Environmental quality.......................................................................100
2.2 The importance of water.................................................................. 44 3.5 Infrastructure......................................................................................102
2.3 Where water comes from................................................................. 46 3.6 Safety and stability...........................................................................104
2.4 Accessing water resources.............................................................. 48 3.7 Access to health care and education..........................................106
2.5 Stored water........................................................................................ 50 3A Rich task: Mawson Station............................................................108
2.6 The world’s drinking water............................................................... 52
3B Where are the world’s most and least liveable cities?
2A Rich task: Perth’s water supply....................................................... 54
3.8 The world’s most liveable cities.....................................................110
2B How does water connect and affect places? 3.9 Vienna: a liveable city......................................................................112
2.7 Water connects people and places............................................... 56 3.10 The world’s least liveable cities.....................................................114
2.8 Water affects places.......................................................................... 58 3.11 Harare: a least liveable cities.........................................................116
2.9 Water for food..................................................................................... 60 3.12 Australia’s liveable cities..................................................................118
2.10 Water for energy................................................................................. 62 3.13 Liveable suburbs..............................................................................120
2B Rich task: The Ok Tedi mine............................................................ 64 3B Rich task: The liveability of your local area.................................122
Chapter 4 PART 2 D
Living in Australia .................................................................................. 124 History C
4A Where do Australians live and why?
4.1 Where early Indigenous Australians lived...................................126 Concepts and skills
4.2 Indigenous communities.................................................................128 Chapter 5
4.3 Where modern Australians live......................................................130 The history toolkit.................................................................................. 162 8
4.4 Living in large cities..........................................................................132
5A What are the historical concepts?
4.5 Living in rural areas..........................................................................134
5.1 Historical concepts..........................................................................164
4.6 Living in coastal areas.....................................................................136
4.7 Living in remote places...................................................................138 5B What are the historical skills?
4A Rich task: Living on Macquarie Island.........................................142 5.2 Historical skills ..................................................................................172
5.3 Questioning and researching ........................................................173
4B How can we make places more liveable?
5.4 Analysing............................................................................................178
4.8 Strategies for improving liveability................................................144
5.5 Evaluating...........................................................................................179
4.9 Improving transportation.................................................................146
5.6 Communicating and reflecting......................................................180
4.10 Improving liveability for young people.........................................148
4.11 Improving sustainability...................................................................150

4.12 Improving spaces for wildlife.........................................................152
4.13 Connecting through communities................................................154 Chapter 6
4.14 Liveability in communities...............................................................156
PL The ancient world................................................................................... 184
4B Rich task: Hamburg – a green city...............................................158
6A Where and when did civilisations in the ancient
world develop?
6.1 The first humans...............................................................................186
6.2 The location of ancient civilisations..............................................188
6.3 A timeline of ancient civilisations...................................................190
Depth study 1: Investigating the ancient past
Chapter 7 9
Investigating the ancient past........................................................ 192

7A How is history investigated?
7.1 How historians investigate history................................................194
7.2 Archaeological digs..........................................................................196
7A Rich task: Historical timelines........................................................198

7B What sources can be used in a historical investigation? 9

7.3 Primary and secondary sources...................................................200 9
7B Rich task: Interpreting sources.....................................................202

7C What methods are used to investigate the past?

7.3 Scientific techniques........................................................................204 9
7C Rich task: Studying Aboriginal Australia.....................................206
7D Why is conservation important?
7.5 Conserving and protecting sources.............................................210
7D Rich task: Conserving ancient sites.............................................212

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Licensed to Teacher obook3, from Sample School until 2026-12-31.
Depth study 2: Investigating one ancient society Chapter 10
Ancient Rome............................................................................................ 282
Chapter 8
Ancient Egypt............................................................................................ 214
10A How did physical features influence development in
ancient Rome?
8A How did physical features influence development in
ancient Egypt? 10.1 Ancient Rome: a timeline................................................................284

8.1 Ancient Egypt: a timeline................................................................216 10.2 The Mediterranean Sea and the Tiber River..............................286

8.2 The Nile...............................................................................................218 10.3 Earthquakes and volcanoes..........................................................288

8.3 The climate of ancient Egypt.........................................................222 10A Rich task: The legend of Romulus and Remus........................290

8A Rich task: Irrigation in ancient Egypt...........................................224 10B What shaped the roles of key groups in ancient Rome?

8B What shaped the roles of key groups in ancient Egypt? 10.4 Key groups in ancient Roman society.........................................292

8.4 Key groups in Egyptian society.....................................................226 10.5 Significant individual: Julius Caesar.............................................294

8.5 Pharaohs............................................................................................228 10.6 Other key groups in Roman society............................................296

8.6 Significant individual: Tutankhamun.............................................230 10B Rich task: Four Roman emperors................................................298

8.7 Other key groups in ancient Egyptian society...........................232 10C How did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient
8B Rich task: Farming in ancient Egypt............................................234 Roman society?
10.7 Religious beliefs and practices......................................................300

8C How did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient
Egyptian lifestyles? 10.8 Everyday life.......................................................................................302

8.8 Religious beliefs and practices......................................................236 10.9 Roman baths.....................................................................................304

8.9 Everyday life.......................................................................................238

PL 10.10 Public entertainment........................................................................306

8.10 Warfare................................................................................................240 10.11 The Colosseum.................................................................................308

8.11 Death and funeral customs............................................................242 10.12 Warfare................................................................................................310

8.12 How Egyptian mummies were made..........................................244 10.13 Death and funeral customs............................................................312

8C Rich task: The Great Pyramid at Giza.........................................246 10C Rich task: Gladiators.......................................................................314

Chapter 9
Ancient Greece......................................................................................... 248 Chapter 11
Ancient India (obook only chapter)............................................. 316
9A How did physical features influence development in ancient
Greece? 11A How did physical features influence development in
ancient India?

9.1 Ancient Greece: a timeline.............................................................250

9.2 The impact of geography on ancient Greece............................252 11.1 Ancient India: a timeline
9.3 A typical Greek city-state...............................................................254 11.2 Landscape and climate
9.4 The beginnings of ancient Greece...............................................256 11.3 Ancient India’s early civilisation
9A Rich task: A closer look at the Minoans.....................................258 11A Rich task: Understanding daily life in the Indus Valley

9B What shaped the roles of key groups in ancient Greece? 11B What shaped the roles of key groups in ancient India?
9.5 The political systems of ancient Greece.....................................260 11.4 The social structure of ancient India
9.6 Key groups in ancient Greek society...........................................262 11.5 Other key groups in Indian society
9B Rich task: Sappho............................................................................264 11B Rich task: The status of Untouchables

9C How did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient 11C How did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient
Greek society? Indian society?
9.7 Religious beliefs and practices......................................................266 11.6 Religious beliefs and practices
9.8 The birth of the Olympic games....................................................268 11.7 Everyday life
9.9 Everyday life.......................................................................................270 11.8 Warfare
9.10 Warfare................................................................................................274 11.9 Death and funeral customs
9.11 Significant individual: Leonidas.....................................................276 11C Rich task: The legacy of ancient India
9.12 Death and funeral customs............................................................278
9C Rich task: Ancient Greek pottery..................................................280
Chapter 12 PART 3
Ancient China............................................................................................ 318 Economics and business
12A How did physical features influence development in
ancient China? Concepts and skills
12.1 Ancient China: a timeline................................................................320
Chapter 13
12.2 Landscape and climate...................................................................322 The economics and business toolkit......................................... 352
12A Rich task: China’s geographical features...................................324
13A What are the economics and business concepts?
12B What shaped the roles of key groups in ancient China?
13.1 Economics and business concepts ............................................354
12.3 Chinese dynasties............................................................................326
12.4 Significant individual: Qin Shi Huang...........................................330 13B What are the economics and business skills?
12.5 Key groups in Chinese society......................................................332 13.2 Economics and business skills.................................................... 358
12.6 Women in ancient China.................................................................334 13.3 Questioning and researching ......................................................359
12B Rich task: Qin Shi Huang...............................................................336 13.4 Analysing ...........................................................................................360
13.5 Evaluating...........................................................................................361
12C How did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient
13.6 Communicating and reflecting......................................................363
Chinese society?
12.7 Religious beliefs and practices......................................................338
Producing and consuming

12.8 Everyday life.......................................................................................340
12.9 Warfare................................................................................................342 Chapter 14
12.10 The Great Wall of China..................................................................344
PL Economic choices.................................................................................. 364
12.11 Death and funeral customs............................................................346
14A How do individuals and businesses make economic choices?
12C Rich task: The legend of Mulan....................................................348
14.1 Making rational decisions...............................................................366
14.2 Producers and consumers.............................................................368
14A Rich task: An everyday dilemma................................................. 370

14B How do businesses respond to consumer demand?

14.3 Influencing prices..............................................................................372
14.4 How businesses respond to consumer demand.....................376
14B Rich task: Market research ...........................................................378

14C Why do we work?

14.5 Why we work.....................................................................................380
14.6 Types of work....................................................................................384
14.7 Earning an income...........................................................................388
14.8 Retirement..........................................................................................390
14C Rich task: Career change...............................................................394

Chapter 15
Innovation and entrepreneurship................................................. 396

15A What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?

15.1 Innovation and entrepreneurship..................................................398
15.2 Skills of entrepreneurs.....................................................................400
15.3 Establishing a shared vision...........................................................402
15.4 Innovation in Western Australia.....................................................404
15A Rich task: Social entrepreneurs: Thankyou...............................406
Civics and citizenship
Glossary: Geography................................................................................ 452

Concepts and skills Glossary: History......................................................................................... 455

Chapter 16 Glossary: Economics and business................................................... 459

The civics and citizenship toolkit................................................ 410 Glossary: Civics and citizenship.......................................................... 460
Index................................................................................................................. 461
16A What are the civics and citizenship concepts?
16.1 Civics and citizenship concepts....................................................412 Acknowledgements .................................................................................. 469

16B What are the civics and citizenship skills?

16.2 Civics and citizenship skills........................................................... 416
16.3 Questioning and researching ........................................................417
16.4 Analysing............................................................................................419
16.5 Evaluating...........................................................................................420
16.6 Communicating and reflecting......................................................421

Designing our political and legal system

Chapter 17
Designing our political and legal system................................ 422 PL
17A How is Australia’s political system shaped by
the constitution?
17.1 The purpose and value of the Australian constitution.............424
17.2 Three levels of government............................................................426
17.3 The separation of powers...............................................................428
17.4 Australia’s bicameral parliament...................................................430
17.5 Changing the constitution..............................................................433
17A Rich task: A classroom constitution............................................436

17B What are the key principles of Australia’s legal system?


17.6 Australia’s legal system...................................................................438

17.7 Principles of Australia’s legal system...........................................440
17.8 Participants in the legal system....................................................444
17.9 Accessing legal representation.....................................................448
17B Rich task: The code of Hammurabi.............................................450
by skill

Geography skills History skills

Skill Chapter Page Skill Chapter Page

Developing geographical questions 1 13 Generating questions to inform a historical 5 173
Using line scale to measure distances 1 22
Creating a timeline 5 181
Creating an annotated visual display (AVD) 1 33
Creating a timeline 7 198
Using the PQE method to describe maps 2 49
Comparing primary and secondary sources 7 202
Using a map legend 2 55

Analysing primary and secondary sources 7 208
Identifying change over time 2 65
Identifying and located relevant sources 7 212
Drawing climate graphs 2 PL 74 about ancient sites using ICT
Understanding flow maps 2 90 Interpreting primary sources 8 224
Comparing climate graphs 3 98 Using primary sources as evidence 8 234
Analysing a map 3 108 Creating a flowchart 8 247
Explaining patterns on maps 3 121 Using Venn diagrams to identify continuity 9 259
and change
Completing a map survey 3 122
Generating historical inquiry questions 9 265
Completing a street survey 3 122
Using the Internet to find relevant and reliable 9 281
Understanding population pyramids 4 141

Preparing fieldwork sketches 4 142

Creating a historical storyboard 10 290
Drawing a concept map 4 155
Plotting events on a timeline 10 299
Interpreting oblique aerial images 4 158
Identify and locate relevant sources 10 314

Analysing historical representations 11 obook

Identifying and analysing the perspectives of 11 obook

people from the past

Creating and delivering an audiovisual 11 obook


Analysing a map 12 324

Presenting a written point of view 12 336

Recognising values in primary sources 12 349

viii oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
Economic and Civics and citizenship skills
business skills
Skill Chapter Page Skill Chapter Page
Evaluating alternatives 13 361 Developing civics and citizenship questions 16 417

Creating a list of pros and cons 14 370 Creating a constitution 17 437

Conducting surveys 14 378 Interpreting a law in a court case 17 451

Interpreting economic data from a table 14 395

Interviewing an entrepreneur 15 407


contents by skill ix
Oxford Big Ideas Humanities
and Social Sciences
Oxford Big Ideas Humanities and Social Sciences is a brand-new series
developed and written to provide complete coverage of the Western Australian
Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences– Geography, History, Economics
and Business, and Civics and Citizenship – across Years 7–10.

Focus on inquiry
Each chapter of Oxford Big Ideas Humanities and Social Sciences is structured
around key inquiry questions from the Western Australian Curriculum. Each
unit of the text supports teachers and students as they adopt an inquiry-based
approach to the key learning areas in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Depth study 2:
Investigating one

ancient society

The learning
Unit 2 The European
and Mediterranean world
sequence in each Ancient Ancient Greece covered
an area known today

as Greece as well
as the parts of modern

chapter is clearly
Turkey near the Aegean
many colonies or
Mediterranean Sea
Sea. It also had
settlements around
and the Black Sea.
About 30Greece
000 years ago, the Sahara Desert Ancient

set out under key

is sometimes called
of north Africa the ‘cradle of
Westerwas a grassy plain. It began
n civilisation’ becaus
e of theindebt that

Stunning full-colour
to dry outWester
around 8000 BCE. This change
n society owes to
climate forced
includepeople in the regionthe
to early
moveGreeks. This
s democracy as

inquiry questions. drifted towards the areaa next

on. Manydrama formto ofthe
(theatre) and the
Nile River, where the land was more modern Olympic

photography generates
. Some modern architec
and there was a good water supply.
sculptu turethis
From and chapter
re also draw on the

Students are
simple start developed one of the classical
world’s traditions
of ancient Greece. The work
civilisations of
– ancient Egypt. It lasted forancient
nearly Greek
mathem aticians, thinkers

discussion and interest.

and the

3000 years. As the population grew, storyte llers still

inspires many people today.
became more structured. Powerful rulers, called

encouraged to pharaohs, expanded Egypt’s territory. Huge

monuments, temples and pyramids were built

use their prior 9A

that would last for thousands of years.

Source 1 Ruins
of the ancient Greek
town of Selinous,
on the island of Sicily

(now part of modern-d
ay Italy)

How did physical

knowledge and What shaped the Source 1 A statue of the pharaoh Rameses II in one of the two temples built at Abu Simbel, in southern Egypt, in the
influence the devel roles of key
opment of 13th century BCE. The temples were a monument to Rameses II and his queen, Nefertari, as well as many Egyptian gods.
Investigating one
groups in ancient

10A 10B 10C 10D

ancient Greece? Greece? How did beliefs, ancient society
values and This depth study
offers a choice of
1 Greece is a very 1 Athens and Sparta practices influence • Ancient Egypt
five topics:
make predictions
mountainous region, were two ancient
it very difficult for which made states. Athens was Greek city-
place to place. How
the ancient Greeks
to travel from whereas Sparta was
a ‘democracy’ (rule
by many), Greek society? • Ancient Greece

might this have influence an ‘oligarchy’ (rule • Ancient Rome

do you think the lives by few). How
How did geography features
way settlements
248 oxford big ideas
developed across d the
ancient Greece? What shaped the roles of key
states would have
of citizens in these
two city- How did beliefs, values
1 The Selinous temple
is believed toand
be a monument
How did contacts and conflicts
• Ancient India
humanitie been different as to the Greek goddess • Ancient China
influence the development of s and social sciences
groups in ancient Egypt? practices
about theinfluence ancient this tell us
Hera. What does
change ancient Egypt?
at the start of each
7 western australian two styles of governm a result of the
curriculum ent? importance of religious You must choose
beliefs to the AT LEAST ONE
of these
ancient Egypt? 1 The temples at Abu Simbel contain many statues Egyptian lifestyles?
ancient Greeks? topics for study.
1 Ancient Egypt was built around the Nile River.
of the pharaoh Rameses II. Why do you think The Nile made it was for people to access the
1 The Nile provided the ancient Egyptians with 1 Many Egyptian temples were dedicated to various
it was common practice in ancient Egypt for major cities. How do you think this would have

new topic.
many benefits that allowed their society to gods. What does this tell us about the importance chapter 9 ancient
pharaohs to immortalise themselves in such helped Ancient Egyptians to trade? greece 249
develop and prosper. What do you think some of of religious beliefs to the ancient Egyptians?
these benefits were?
280 oxford big ideas humanities 7 victorian curriculum chapter 10 ancient egypt 281

Focus on engagement
Each unit of the Student book combines a range of engaging source materials
– such as photographs, videos, data tables, graphs and illustrations – with
supporting questions and activities.

3.7 Access to he
alth care
and education
AFRICA, SOUTH 3A What makes

Source materials
ASIA AND AUSTRAL a city liveable?

Algiers Tunis 71/67/66

33/25/39 63/73/74 Beijing
Tripoli 63/67/63 Tianjin 67/67/75

– such as
People who live 50/58/58 Cairo 71/83/70
2A How is water an environmental resource?
in the world’s most Kuwait 58/75/59
Tokyo 100/100/95
often have access liveable cities 63/58/56 Al Khobar 67/92/74 New Delhi 67/58/75 Suzhou Osaka 100/100/95
to good health care 67/58/60 Riyadh Bahrain 63/67/71 Shanghai 63/75/72

2.1 Environmental resources:

services, Kathmandu 46/58/47
including doctors, Abu Dhabi
Muscat Karachi 46/67/41
public and private Types of environmental 67/58/59 Jeddah
Wind is used to power 75/75/75
specialist clinics hospitals, Dakar 42/50/56
63/83/73 South
Taipei 83/100/82
and over-the-counte resources:
r drugs.
ships andaran
Africaand Middle East Mumbai
Shenzhen 63/67/73
They also have

access to a range Renewable resources to produce electricity.

an overview
other education of schools and 63/100/66 Bangkok
facilities, such as EvenPhnom
gravity is a
and universities. training centres Non-renewable resources
Lagos 33/33/39
Penh 38/58/51
In many liveable 46/50/50
Douala 25/33/43 42/67/47 Colombo resource. Without gravity,
those in Australi cities, including Continuous resources The Sun provides the energy South-E ast Asia
a, school educatio for plantsand animals to seeds from trees and
compulsory, it is n is not only Nairobi 42/67/53 63/92/74 Kuala Lumpur
plants would never fall to

free. grow and forms the basis 88/83/89 Singapore
Often cities in Canada of everything weLEGEND
eat. It also the ground and grow into
The amount of oxygen in our Human
Over thousands of years, humans have , the USA, Australi
developed ways aofand life Development Index plants. There would also
Western Europe rank highly Plants, animals and human beings atmosphere stays about the evaporates water,
Over setting
the 46/67/55 Jakarta
that depend on almost all environmental forresources
health care found be no rain to help them
andon are renewable resources. Humans, water cycle in 0.76
33/42/52 Lusaka
educatio n, while same because it is constantly to 0.85 38/50/39
African survive. Port Moresby
Earth. Water in from rainfall, minerals cities
the world are theand
from rocks, foodranked
lowest from however, are unique in that our use of recycled through plants, Harare 21/67/37 0.66 to 0.75

Check your learning

for these services

political cartoons,
the Earth’s resources is disrupting the 0.56 to 0.65
the forests and oceans have allowed us to. build homes, farms, animals and oceans.
Earth’s natural systems. 58/83/69 Johannesbu
0.46 to 0.55 Forests are a renewable
rg Pretoria 58/83/68
The situation in the
0.36 to 0.45 resource that is under serious
cities and highways all over the world. We have found and used
In some parts of the world, Under 0.36
resources in almost every corner of the Earth. Oil is drilled from threat. Most of the world’s
Australi a
electricity is generated from
developing world No data available 100/92/94
Plants are renewable resources natural forest cover has been Brisbane
beneath polar ice caps and water is drilled from far below barren Source 1 A modernbecause operating
they produce
heat0 within800the Earth.
1600 km This is
Health care/educa 100/100/96
at aseeds in overall city score tion/ cleared or logged.
theatre Perth

graphs – simplify activities accompany every

deserts. Deep in examin
the rainforests we have found plants that can hospital known as geothermal energy. (out of 100) 100/100/96
When ing access to health order to reproduce themselves. 58/83/68 100/100/96 Adelaide Sydney
cure illnesses anding
develop we have even worked and to
out how generate
educatio n in
Region border
countries it is Source 3 Fresh water is vital for Melbourne
water flowing ineasy
from be the
done ourto think that nothing
rivers. all life forms on Earth,
to improve the
been some significa situation. Yet there Soil is formed when rocks break including plants,
nt improvements have Source: Oxford University
down. We use soil to grow the

difficult concepts unit, allowing students to

Types of environmental resources
The number of
mothers who die
in recent years. crops we eat. The animals we
animals and humans. Press

birth each while giving farm for food also rely on the Check your learnin
Geographers divideyear, all offor
, has almost halved soil for the grass they eat.
g 3.7
1990. The main since
resources on Earth into three reasons are thought to be:
types. Remember and unders
care in hospital improved Most of Australia’s
s and birth clinics; tand electricity comes from the

and engage consolidate and extend

Renewable resources and better access education
of girls and women; 1 What improvements
have been madeburning of coal. Coal is an
professionals, such to health care in developing countries in health careresource
and education
The first type – renewable resources
as materna – lwill important energy
nurses and doctors. ?
Though the current 2 What changes have in many countries.
replenish themselves naturally rate over
means led to these improvem
a day die while that 800 women ents?
if we do not use them too giving
birth, the improve Apply and analys

their understanding. These

ments in the

reluctant learners.
last two decades Minerals are used as a resource in many
The trees in a forest are agive
good hope that this rate
even further. will decline 3 Why do you ways. Uranium is just one of thousands
think educatin
example of a renewable of gminerals
girls is mined
a key around
Worldw Ocean waves are resources maternal death rate? part of the world. It is
lowering the
resource. We ide,them
can cut 89 per cent of all being used at this nuclear power station
primary school– for surfers 4 Examine Source
down for wood,now attend
but they will
school. Althoug agedand holiday- 3. The map
to produce electricity.
makers. They can also be
h 67 million shows health care and educatio
children worldwi in selected cities in

are graded according

grow back in time. We just de are not at school, Africa, Asia and Australia n scores
improvement on this is aused
to generate electricity each country shaded . The map also shows
according to the Human
need to manage
not enrolled
1999 when the
them carefully. and
number of children
may be a valuable natural Check your learning (HDI).
2.1 This uses measure Development Index
resource in the future.
In countries such asinAustralia,
primary freshschool was 106 s of life expectancy,
domestic product literacy and gross
countries that have million. The (GDP) to
water is considered a renewable made resource
the greatest but improve Remember and understand
a In which
Apply and
show analyse
the living standard
s in each country.
in this area are ments region is HDI the

to Bloom’s Taxonomy –
it needs to be carefully the poorestto
managed ensuresthat
countrie lowest?
Africa. In many of sub-Saharan 1 What are the three main types
b How of do cities in5 Collect pictures of continuous resources,
enough is available forofeverybody.
these countries, this region score
such as resources? Give two examples of
c In which for health care
non-renewable resources and and
and Mali, it is believed Rwanda region is HDI education?
that abolishing the highest?
has been the main school fees each type. d How do cities resources from newspapers, magazines
Non-renewable resources
factor behind this Source 2 These in this region score
or the Internet. forSorthealth
pictures into
improve children 2 Why is it important to look
e after
Write a short paragrap and educatio
The second type – non-renewable resources – are ment. only available of Congo, are enjoying in Brazzaville, Democratic Republic n?

catering for a range of

groups describin
and g
106 oxford big ideas the benefits of a
free education. renewable resources, such as standards (as shown the connection resource
how each between
in limited (finite) humanitie
amounts. If we
s and overuse
social them, they will one
sciences 7 western fresh water?
in the HDI),
cities of the regionsis used by health care and educatio living
day run out. Minerals such as coal, oil, diamonds and australian curriculum
uranium shown on the map. n in the
3 Describe how you may have used a non-
are good examples of non-renewable resources. Evaluate and create
renewable resource in the last hour.
6 What do you think is the most important

abilities and learning styles.

4 What problems might societies around
Continuous resources Oil is the world’s most commonly resource shown in Source 1? Give
the world face if people continue to rely
The third type – continuous resources – are available in used source of energy. It is also some reasons for your answer chapter 3 liveable
and be cities 107
used to make many important Source 1 An overview heavily on non-renewable resources?
unlimited (infinite) amounts. No matter how much or how prepared to discuss this with a partner
goods, such as plastics, petrol of the many types
often we use them, they will never run out. Energy from the Sun of environmental and with the class.
and fertiliser for farms.
and wind are both examples of continuous resources. resources.

42 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum chapter 2 water in the world 43

x oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
Focus on concepts and skills
Complete coverage of all concepts and skills provided in stand-alone reference
‘toolkits’. All of these concepts and skills are also integrated throughout the text
so students can see them at work in context.

5.1 Historical co
Rich task activities Historians use seven
of these concept
concepts to help
s at once; at other
them investigate
and understand
Continuity and chan
Historians recognis
e that over time
the past. At times

encourage students to
will begin to think times you may focus stay the same, while some things
on just one. As you will use several 9C Howchange.
did beliefs, values and practices influence ancient Greek lifestyles?

Skill drill activities guide

like a historian. you learn to apply others This concept
• perspectives The seven key concept each concept, you is referred to as
s in History are: continuity and
• continuity and of continuity and change. Example
• empathy change change can be seen s
• cause and effect
9C rich task • significance
• contest
Historians have identified
• evidence
ability.four main styles of
every civilisation
and any given period
of time.

apply the knowledge and

skilldrill Historians refer
to aspects of the

and support students step

ancient Greek pottery (see Source 1), each with
Perspectives that have remaine
d the same over

Ancient Greek
its own characteristics. continuities. Aspects time as
The concept of perspect Using the Internet to find relevant
the same are referred
of the past that e Does the site contain spelling mistakes or
do not stay grammatical errors? (If so, this is usually an
ives is an importa to as changes. Change
historical inquiry. nt part of
and reliable sources
can occur within

skills they have learned

Perspective is a point a certain civilisat indication that the site is not particularly reliable.)
position from which of view – the ion or

by step as they learn and

people see and understa specific time f Is the information current? Can you find evidence
going on in the nd events Being able to locate relevantperiod, primary but and alsosecondary
across different
world around them. civilisations of recent updates?
had different points People will have sources using the Internet isand time periods.
an important historical skill.
of view (or perspect Many historical For a detailed description of this skill, refer to
Ancient Greek a particul pottery
ar event,is a very useful ives) about However, you need to keep in mindcontinu
that notities all information
influence pages 174–175 of ‘The history toolkit’.
person, civilisat how we act and

in each chapter to a new

source.ngBecause it is so durable, ion or artefact you find on the Internet is necessarily true, accurate,
live today. For example, look
on their age,

apply key skills.

gender, social position at Source
reliable or credible. So, 2. You willtoinstantl
many pieces and their havebeliefs
beenand recovered by
in addition being able y betoable
to tell
Apply the skill
values. Just source material what this you
online, man need to be able
is doing. to evaluate the
historians have like anyone else, Discus throwin 1 Copy the table (Source 1) into
archaeologists and studied
which can influenc ancient
reliability of the sport you
information thatfind.
dates back to the
g is an
their interpretation
of the past for e BCE. The 5th century your notebook. It outlines four
The ancient Greeks used ceramics and the way in which Use the following sport
steps to originat
apply this edskill:

and interesting case study,

they write about it. Despite in ancient Greece, different styles of Greek pottery
their but is now a routine
cooking, serving,
historian transporting and
s must storing
own all perspectives, Step 1 Identify key words related to partyour of topic
everyand type
modern track-and the approximate period in
try to understand and-field competi
kinds ofand food andthatmaterials. the different values these into a search engine such tion,asnot Google. (Use only which each style was popular.
beliefs shapedThe amphora
and affected event at–the
these keywords Olympi
do not type cinGames.
to mention
whole sentences or
a popular
Characteristics of the first two styles
was thewho most livedcommon
in the past.type of storage the lives of people questions.) a good example of a historic
Discus throwin
g is have been provided for you as

event or issue.
al continuity.
pot used For example
in ancient Greece. Because
, many people today the Step 2 Add further Now relevant
look at Sources
keywords2toand refine your search examples.
the belief that slavery would share 3 together

Extend your understanding

Greeks decorated pots in distinctive
is wrong. They styleswould try tofind
if you cannot identify
what you wantof on
theyour first attempt.and
shocked and outraged be some differences between2 Conduct an Internet search
them. Even though
over different
quarter of time periodsby (orthe fact they
eras), that about one Step 3 Look beyond the first page both of people
results. The best
are shown
to find relevant,
2 This credible and
statue created by the Romans in
the population 2nd
can beslaves.
usedHoweve to workr, out when ofsettlements
ancient Rome were competing in discus
results do not always appear first. throwing: reliablecentury
sourceBCEmaterial about tion of
is a reproduc the
Myron’s Discobolu a famous Greek

slavery was an accepted • one is a man, thediscus
otherthrower s, created around
styles of ancient statue,
part of life Step 4 Assess the reliability of theeach siteisby asking yourself 460–450 BCE. It
were built,
in lived Rome,
ancient in or abandoned.
from the perspec The other about release
Greek pottery. You willtoneed
shows a

activities challenge students

a woman his throw.
themselalso tives of slaves the following questions:
decorations ves andindicate
society theintypes of things
general. Today, • isone to locate information about the
assumption is that a logical a Who the is naked,
author or creator?
the other If itisis an individual,
that were important to these
slaves societies,
led poor lives andjust wearing
do they have any qualifications listed (e.g. a degree,
characteristics of the black-figure
they were slaves. because
was not and red-figure styles, and record this
whatSomelife was like. In fact,
masters took great
of always
what we the case. • the
title)? If it isancient
an organisation,
discus is islarger
it a reputable
information in dot points in
care and a government than

to conduct further research,

about education, festivals of their
dailygoodlife slaves, as organisation
the modern such as or university
ents could be discus. your table. Source 3 An
hard to find – and department?
These differences
comes fromwho
A slave scenescouldpainted on pots.
cook banquet
expensive. are historic 3 Find images of pots created in example of ancient
prized because entertai s was especially Source 2 An ancient Greek amphora in the b What is the. purpose
changes In ancient of the website? Isalit trying to Greek pottery in
ning was very importa Greece only each of the four styles, in order the geometric style,
Rome’s elite families black-figure style, 6th century BCE inform,
men were persuade allowedor sell?
nt to to compete they to familiarise yourself with their 8th century BCE
. Those slaves who had few skills c Iswere the site objective? Is the author’s, point of view

or complete group work, to

were1 Development of Greek pottery over time Source 1 This required
less well looked Roman floor mosaic to compete naked, features and appearance.
after because they slave carrying a tray shows a young biased?
and the techniq
and cheaper
Style Approximate were easier of food for a Image ue and equipm
to replace. Characteristics banquet. It Reliable 4 In the final column of the table, record the URLs of the
to around the 2nd
century CE. dates back
URLs d Is(the information accurate? Can theent
the discuses information be
It is importa ) they used sites you have found and believe to be credible and
nt to consider aspects
ofcomplex verified
sophisti you cross-check itwere
if cated not assources of
with other
taking this 900–700
Geometric BCE
into account • Decorated with the past geometric patterns such as checks, meanders,
from the as those used today. reliable (using the four steps outlined on this page).
you begin perspectives of information?
zigzags andtoconcentric
see thatcircles. people living at

deepen their understanding

rather than a terrible owning slaves was the time. By

similar to employi


oxford big ideas


700–620 BCE
ng a cleaner
of a
• Painted
• Angular

sphinxes and phoenixes.

in fine black lines.
or astick
rights and freedom
figures of humans and animals.
babysitt er to help out around
a natural part of
s. By today’s standard
the as sirens, lions,
• Decorated with mythological and exotic creatures suchhouse.

humanities and • Cartoon-like figures coloured with white, brown and purple slip (glaze).

620–480 BCE

520–330 BCE
social sciences
7 western
• Details, such as hair andaustralian
feathers, scratched
curriculuminto the clay, perhaps
influenced by the ivory and bone carvings of Africa and Asia.

280 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
life in ancient Rome
s it could be conside
Extend your understanding
1 Design a Greek amphora in one of the styles you have
researched. Consider the following features before
• type of decoration – patterns or people
• colours
• depiction of figures – stick figures, cartoon-like
you 3 Dani Samuels
Throw Final on Day
or realistic
• 8amount
of Australia competes
of the London in the Women’s
of detail – hair, features,
2012 Olympic Games.
clothing. Discus
2 Imagine that your amphora was unearthed in 2017.
What would it reveal about life in ancient Greece?

chapter 5 the history

chapter 9 ancient greece


of an issue or skill being
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x 900
Large  Desktop  1440


Student obook assess provides a fully interactive Teacher

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resources for students – such as videos, BOOK RESOURCES ASSESSMENTS

worksheets, interactives objects, online quizzes Go to page...

and multimedia links – are linked to each unit  Part 1: Geography Chapter 10 Ancient Egypt

 Part 2: History 10.4 Key groups in

in the book making them easier to access than Egyptian society
 Concepts and skills
ever before.  Unit 1 Aboriginal and Pages 292–293
Torres Strait Islander
peoples and cultures

obook assess is compatible with laptops, iPads,  Unit 2 The European

Begin Topic
Mediterranean world
tablets and IWBs, and access to content is  Chapter 10 Ancient

provided online and offline. 10A How did geography

influence the development
ancient Egypt? Resources
10B What shaped the roles
key groups in ancient Egypt?

ws ws
10.4 Key groups in
Egyptian society tn a
Teacher support is offered in digital format via 10.5 Pharaohs

10.6 Significant individual:

10.4 Compare female
10.4 Compare female rulers

10.4 Answers
10.4 Teacher notes rulers Answers
Teacher obook assess. Teacher notes, answers, Tutankhamun

10.7 Other key groups in

Teacher notes
tests, additional worksheets, lesson ideas, Fold
ancient Egyptian society

10B Rich task: Farming in

planning tips and assessment advice are provided ancient Egypt

10C How did beliefs, values

for every unit. Teacher obook assess allows and practices influence ancient
Egyptian lifestyles?

teachers to manage their classes by assigning 10D How did contacts and
conflicts change ancient

work, tracking progress and planning assessment. Egypt?

 11 Ancient Greece

 12 Ancient Rome

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University Press Australi
Depth study 1: Investigating
the ancient past

the ancient
Finding out about the past is not easy. Some
ancient peoples and civilisations have left

behind evidence of their existence, while many
others have not. This means our knowledge PL
and understanding is often incomplete. We
can look at evidence such as these ruins at
Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to find clues about the
past, but they do not always give us the full
story. Historians use a range of sources in order
to piece together stories and events that took
place in ancient times. They also consider a

range of different opinions and perspectives

about what happened in order to reach the
most likely conclusions.

7A 7B
How is history investigated? What sources can be used in a
1  ow do you think historians could use the ruins at
H historical investigation?
Göbekli Tepe to piece together an understanding of
1 These ruins are a primary source for the study of
the past?
ancient history, because they were made during the
period being studied. What can primary sources tell us
about history that sources made afterwards cannot?

192 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum

Source 1 Göbekli Tepe, located in south-eastern Turkey, is the world’s oldest human-made religious building.
Historians believe it was most likely built by hunter-gatherers around 12 000 years ago.

7C 7D
What methods are used to Why is conservation important?
investigate the past? 1 What types of things might damage these ruins?

1 How could scientists and historians work together in 2 Why do you think historians would want to conserve
order to better understand these ruins? them?

2 What types of things could they tell us about this

ancient society?

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 193

7.1 How historians
investigate history
History is the study of the past. Historians try to behind more primary sources than others. No matter
understand and explain the past by examining its how many sources a historian finds, each piece can
remains – fossils, bones, books, ruins – known as only tell part of the story. And regardless of whether
sources. Historians use sources to generate theories the source is a small fragment of ancient pottery or a
(known as hypotheses) about people and events detailed book, it will only represent a small piece of
from the past. The process of investigating history the puzzle or one person’s perspective. To combat this
therefore involves finding sources, asking questions problem, historians need to research widely, recognise
about these sources, and then creating hypotheses. bias and accept that there are periods in history
In order to prove these hypotheses, historians for which we cannot gather evidence. Increasingly,
continue looking for more sources and gathering historians work with experts in other fields – such

more evidence. as scientists, biologists, translators, palaeontologists,
Some historical sources are easier to find than geologists and archaeologists – to construct a more
others. Some groups of people from the past have left
PL accurate and complete picture of the past.

Source 1 Historians are time detectives. They examine sources from the past, such as human remains, and interpret the evidence
they find to construct explanations about how people lived and why particular events happened.

194 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7A How is history investigated?

What sources can be

used in a historical
Historians use a variety of sources
in historical investigations. These are
usually divided into primary sources
and secondary sources.

Primary sources
Primary sources are things that existed
or were written or made during the time
being studied. They have a direct link to
the event, period or person being studied.

Secondary sources
Secondary sources are things that

have been created after the time being
studied. A secondary source interprets
and analyses primary sources. These
sources are one or more steps removed
from the event. A secondary source for
Source 3 Archaeologists excavate ancient sites in order to find artefacts,
one historical inquiry may be a primary buildings or even human remains that will help them understand the past.
source for another. For example, a
painting of a 10th-century battle by
Source 4 Some examples of primary and secondary sources
a 17th-century artist is a primary source
for that artist’s life but a secondary Primary sources Secondary sources
source for the battle. Anything that existed or was written Anything that interprets or explains

or made during the time being primary sources, and was created
studied, such as: after the time being studied, such as:
• skeletons or corpses • textbooks, including this one
• buildings • books, magazines, articles and
• paintings websites
• documents or inscriptions • films and documentaries
• music, songs or stories • maps
• costumes, clothing and jewellery • timelines.
Source 2 This spearhead is a primary source that • household items.
provides evidence about our Indigenous Australian

Check your learning 7.1

Remember and understand 3 Historians today work with a range of different
experts to analyse the past. List three such experts.
1 Describe some of the sources historians use to
investigate the past. What they can tell us? Apply and analyse
2 What is a hypothesis? Why is it important for a 4 In your own words, explain the difference between
historian to have a hypothesis at the start of a primary sources and secondary sources.
historical investigation?

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 195

7.2 Archaeological
If you missed the grand final of your favourite sport and wanted
to know what happened, you probably wouldn’t get reliable
information if you spoke to just one person. You would need
to check many sources of information – newspapers, television
reports, game replays, fan blogs and so on. Likewise, historians
cannot just rely on one source of evidence for an investigation.
Historians need to act like detectives, constantly searching for
clues about the past to gather as much evidence as possible.
When conducting investigations into the ancient past,
historians rely on the work of many other experts, including

biologists, geneticists, palaeontologists and archaeologists.
Many of these experts work together at archaeological digs,
which are an important source of evidence of the ancient past.
Archaeologists uncover sources of evidence of past peoples.
This includes not only skeletons but also the places where they Source 1 Indigenous art at Injalak Hill,
lived and travelled, such as the ruins of towns, temples and Northern Territory. This is evidence of
Australia’s ancient Aboriginal people.
tombs; artefacts they made, such as pottery, weapons, tools and A historian might investigate the age of these
coins; inscriptions and stone reliefs they carved; even rubbish
paintings, who painted them and why.
dumps (middens) and fire sites. Some sources are so old that
Sources of evidence
they have turned into fossils or remain only as a ‘shadow’ or
crust in the soil. Some archaeologists work underwater, looking

Archival material (e.g. letters, reports,

for sources on or beneath the sea bed, such as old shipwrecks.
documentaries, voice recordings,
Most sources found on land are buried. They might be newspapers, official documents)
covered by the silt of past floods, sand blown by the wind, found in libraries, archives and on
or forests that have grown over them. Some, like the ancient specialised Internet sites
Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, lie beneath more recent cities
Textbooks and journals by experts
or settlements that have been built over the top of them.
relating to the matter under
Once a site is discovered, archaeologists rope off or otherwise investigation
protect the site, called the ‘dig’. It is then marked off into
segments, in a grid. This allows the precise location of any Portable artefacts (e.g. tools) and
items that are found to be specified. After surveying the site, other sources (e.g. a skull) in places
archaeologists remove overlying rocks and dirt. Ancient objects such as museums, libraries and
can be extremely delicate, so archaeologists need to take great art galleries
care uncovering them.
Once a source has been fully exposed or excavated, the Cemeteries, caves, beach middens,
historic sites (e.g. with ruins) and
archaeologist photographs and numbers it, and records details
so on
of its size, appearance and exact location.

Source 2 Sources of evidence for a

historical investigation. Some can be found at
archaeological digs. Others can be used to make
sense of objects found at digs.

196 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7A How is history investigated?

keyconcept: Significance

Ötzi the Iceman

In 1991, the preserved corpse of a man who had
lived 5300 years ago was found accidentally
by tourists in the Ötzal Alps, in northern Italy.
Ötzi the Iceman is the oldest natural mummy
in Europe. At first, the people who found him
did not realise the significance of their find. A
jackhammer was used to chisel the corpse
out, damaging part of the body. Later, the body
was treated with much more care. The mummy
provided many different types of evidence that
showed what life was like when Ötzi was alive.
For example, his lungs were blackened, probably
from breathing in campfire smoke, and his
stomach contained remnants of what he had

been eating. Scientists could tell what kind of
environment he had lived in from pollen found
in his intestine, and they could see what sort of Source 3 The remains of Ötzi the Iceman
lifestyle he had led from his bones. He also had
a tattoo. With the corpse were clothes, tools and equipment, which presented further clues
to his life. Ötzi gave historians new insights into the lives of ancient Europeans. For more
information on the key concept of significance, refer to page 169 of ‘The history toolkit’.
Check your learning 7.2

Remember and understand

1 Identify what kinds of sites
archaeologists excavate.
2 Explain how archaeologists investigate
a dig.

Apply and analyse

3 Analyse how Ötzi the Iceman’s body
could be used to provide information
about life in the Ötzal Alps more than
5000 years ago.
4 Sketch an archaeological dig and
label the different types of evidence
that could be found there.

Evaluate and create

5 Imagine you are an archaeologist.
Briefly explain why your job is
Source 4 Some archaeological excavations can be quite deep because important to the study of history.
the sources being excavated may be covered by many layers of dirt, rock
and debris.

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 197

7A rich task 1000 500 1 500 1000

Historical timelines Step 1 Work out the length of time you want
to represent on your timeline, for example from
1000 BCE to 3321000 CE. Then divide the c. 350
Timelines are a critical part of the study of evenly into
blocks of
1 time, in last
year BCE conquers
Another timeline showing hieroglyphic
what you did
history because they allow us to place events in 1000 might
yesterday Egypt500
1 hours;writing
be divided into 500showing
chronological order (that is, the order in which BCE in the 20th century
key events CE might be divided into CE
they took place). It is important when studying 1000 500 1 500 1000
history to know when particular events happened c. 350
Alexander the last use of
so that we can draw conclusions about cause 332
Great conquers
c. 350
Alexander the last use of
and effect, and so we can understand the context Egypt writing
Great conquers
186 hieroglyphic
of particular historical events. Egypt writing
the Rosetta Stone
1000 500 is carved
1 500 1000

1000 500 1 500 1000
skilldrill BCE CE CE

Creating a timeline
A timeline is a diagram showing a range of events over time. The
the Rosetta Stone
is carved
332 the Rosetta c.
events are arranged in the order in which they occurred. Usually is carved
Alexander the Great last use of and
Step 2 Mark specific events on the timeline
a timeline is shown as a horizontal or vertical bar or a single line. conquers Egypt
include their dates. They must be accurately writing
This allows it to be drawn precisely.
plotted. If you do not know the exact date, place
Usually BCE (or BC) and CE (or AD) are shown with the abbreviation c. (from Latin word circa, meaning
1000 500 1 500 1000
directional arrows at one or both ends of a timeline. This ‘around’) in front of it, for example c. 350. Write a
indicates that time did not start or stop when the timeline starts brief description of each event on the timeline.
332 c. 350

or stops.
Alexander the Great last use of
Source 1 shows how to construct a timeline step by step. 332 c. 350
conquers Egypt hieroglyphic writing
c. 3100 Alexander the Great 186 last use of
Apply the skill start of the conquers Egypt the Rosetta hieroglyphic writing
1000Kingdom500 Stone
1 is carved500 1000
1 Draw a timeline to show these important discoveries and
inventions. 1000 500 1 500 1000
Wheel – 3500 BCE BCE CE CE

Silk – 2700 BCE

c. 3100 186
Alphabet – 1100 BCE start of the the Rosetta
c. 3100 186
Paper – 105 BCE Egyptian Kingdom Stone is carved
start of the the Rosetta
Gunpowder – 900 CE Egyptian Kingdom Stone is carved
Car – 1885 CE
Step 3 To represent a huge span of time, you may
Personal computer – 1964 CE
need to break your timeline into segments separated
DVD player – 1998 CE by a jagged break in order to fit it on the page. The
iPod – 2001 CE break shows that a section of time has been left out,
so make sure that no events fall in the time you are
2 What sort of events do you think historians plot on timelines? leaving out.
3 Why can a timeline be more useful than a list of dates?
Source 1 Steps in drawing a timeline

198 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7A How is history investigated?

Extend your understanding

Timelines can help us to understand how different historical events
might have influenced each other. Construct a personal timeline
for somebody in order to understand how history has affected that
Step 1 Find a person significantly older than you to interview. This
could be a grandparent or an older family friend. Ask them to tell
you the most important things that have happened to them in their
life, and when they happened. Construct a timeline of the important
events in that person’s life.
Step 2 Do some research to determine what events were happening
in the world and in this person’s country during their life. Add those
events on the timeline in a different colour so you can distinguish
them from your subject’s personal story.
Step 3 Study the timeline and answer the following questions:

1 Can you draw any links between personal events and the
world events happening around your subject? For example,
the person you interviewed may have fought in a war, or
may have travelled overseas to see the Olympic Games.
2 Which events do you think were most influential in your
subject’s life?
3 How do you think the historical events on the timeline would
have affected you if you were born at the same time as your
subject? Take into account how old you would have been
when each event occurred.

Source 2 The personal timelines of older people can be a rich source of history.

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 199

7.3 Primary and
secondary sources
Historical sources are items that a historian looks for
and then studies to investigate the past. If the right
questions are asked about sources, they can provide
evidence for an argument about history. Historians
want to know who made a source, how old it is, where
it came from, whether it is reliable, and what motivated
the person who created it. Historians also look for any
gaps or silences in the evidence. Sometimes what is not
said can be as important as what is.
The past is represented in many different forms and

from a range of different perspectives. They include
people’s remains, what is left of what they built, wrote,
crafted or painted, and what they have passed down
by way of stories, rituals and ceremonies. The past is
also represented by historians and others who write
about events or historical periods after they happened. Source 1 This Torres Strait Islander’s jewellery, clothing and
Sources can be divided into two categories: primary and paint are primary sources of evidence about the Indigenous
secondary sources. culture of Saibai Island.
Primary sources secondary sources are listed in Source 2. A source may
be both primary and secondary, depending on which
Primary sources are those that were created during historical period is being studied. Imagine you had a

the time being studied. They have a direct link to the painting of a 10th-century battle by a 17th-century
event, period or person being studied. They may be: artist. The painting would be a secondary source about
• the skull of a person who lived during the period the battle, since it was created long after the battle. It
• the remains of an ancient temple would be a primary source about that artist’s life or
• a document or inscription written during about painting styles in the 17th century, since it was
the period created during the period being studied.
• the oral testimony (first-person account)
of someone who saw or experienced the
Examples of secondary sources used in historical inquiries
time in question.
To find primary sources, historians can look in a Interpretations of past events by historians and other scholars
number of places. These include excavating ancient
sites and also looking in libraries and museums, Films and documentaries about past events
which often have rich collections of primary sources.
Maps depicting past journeys and trends

Secondary sources Graphical displays (e.g. timelines)

Secondary sources deal with a particular period,
but they are made after that time. For example, this Books, magazine articles and websites
textbook is a secondary source. Some examples of Source 2 Some examples of secondary sources

200 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
AB What sources can be used in a historical investigation?

Source 3 A comparison of primary and secondary sources

Type of source Value or purpose Limitation

Primary source • Was created by somebody who actually experienced the event. • May be inaccurate or distorted.
• Gives direct insight into the past. • May be damaged or incomplete.
• Is a surviving link to a particular time in history.

Secondary source • Can fill in gaps about primary sources. • May be inaccurate or distorted.
• Is often prepared by experts in their field. • Is not a direct link to the past.
• Can provide other valid perspectives. • Is prepared after the time being studied.
• Shows how evidence can be used to construct versions of the
past (called representations).

keyconcept: Evidence Check your learning 7.3

Oral history Remember and understand

1 In your own words, write a definition for
The Indigenous societies of ancient Australia had an
primary and secondary sources.

oral culture. With no form of writing, their records were
2 Make a table that lists some examples of
preserved in a range of ways. These include the paintings
they left, their ceremonies, and the stories, laws and primary and secondary sources.
traditions they passed on by word of mouth. Historians
and anthropologists rely heavily on these primary
sources in searching for evidence of Indigenous people’s
PL Apply and analyse
3 Explain what we can learn from oral history
and identify some of the advantages and
history. Source 4 is one example of an oral account of
disadvantages of oral accounts.
the Japaljarri-Jungarrayi – a creation story.
4 Imagine you are a historian in the year 2100
Source 4 who is studying the life of a person who died
in 2013. What primary and secondary sources
The story I am telling is about my fathers
could you use to gather evidence about their
in the Dreamtime who made the stars
life? List two of each.

travel across the sky … They were not made

5 Compare and contrast the usefulness of
randomly, but by the Japaljarri-Jungarrayi
primary and secondary sources. List three
Dreaming who created the Milky Way and
advantages and three disadvantages of each.
carried stars and witi poles [logs, set on fire
at one end to provide light] as he travelled …
We were taught about these Dreamings by
our grandfathers, fathers and elder brothers.

The [people to the north and west of Alice

Springs] instructed us in the Warlpiri law and
told us not to forget what we had been taught
… I am now telling the Dreaming of the Milky
Way, all of those millions of stars up above us,
as I was told it by our old men.
Paddy Japaljarri Sims,
‘Yiwarrakurlu/Milky Way’ in Warlukurlangu Artists,
Kuruwarri/Yuendumu Doors, Australian Institute of
Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, 1987, Door 29, p. 127

For more information about the key concept of evidence,

Source 5 Aboriginal rock art is an example of a
refer to page 167 of ‘The history toolkit’. primary source.

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 201

7B rich task

sources Source 1 A modern artist’s
interpretation of how the
Colossus of Rhodes may
have been built
Historians need to use a variety of sources
to develop an understanding of a particular
historical event or concept. Primary and
secondary sources provide different types
of information and different levels of accuracy.
Both types of sources can be biased in
particular ways, depending on who made

or wrote them and why.

Comparing primary and
secondary sources
In the study of history, it is important to distinguish
between primary and secondary sources of evidence.
It is also important to be able to determine how reliable

these sources are.

When examining a source you must determine:
• who made it
• why it was made
• whether the creator may have wanted to influence
people reading or viewing it
• what information the creator might have had access
to when making it
• whether the creator could have had a bias or unfair
prejudice towards the thing or event they describe
in the source
• how reliable it is.

Source 2 A modern artist’s interpretation of how

the Colossus of Rhodes may have looked

202 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7B What sources can be used in a historical investigation?

Source 3 Source 5

At Rhodes was set up a Colossus of seventy cubits Even as it lies it excites our wonder and
high, representing the Sun … the artist expended admiration. Few men can clasp the thumb in
as much bronze on it as seemed likely to create a their arms, and its fingers are larger than most
dearth [shortage] in the mines, for the casting of statues. Where the limbs are broken asunder,
the statue was an operation in which the bronze vast caverns are seen yawning in the interior.
industry of the whole world was concerned. Within it, too, are to be seen large masses
Philo of Byzantium, scientist and engineer, of rock, by the weight of which the artist
1st century BCE steadied it while erecting it.
Pliny the Elder, Roman author (23−79 CE)
Source 4

Colossus, one of the seven wonders of the Source 6

world, was built around 304 BCE by Chares the Colossus of Rhodes (Gk. kolossos, ‘a more than
Lindos (from Lindos), in honour of Apollo the lifesize statue’), a bronze statue of the Greek
god of the sun (Helios in Greek) and patron sun-god Helios, one of the Seven Wonders of
god of Rhodes. It stood one hundred feet tall the ancient world. Erected to commemorate

and it was located at the entrance of Mandraki the successful defence of the city against a
harbour. Made entirely of bronze, it was then siege in 305–304 BCE, it stood at the entrance
used as a lighthouse. It symbolised the strength
and wealth of the Rhodian people.
It is believed to have been destroyed in 226 BCE
of the harbour (the tradition that it stood
astride the entrance is discredited), and was
70 cubits high (30–35 m, 100–115 ft). It was
by a powerful earthquake. Later the pieces, it is completed c. 280 BCE and overthrown by an
believed, were taken by the Egyptians. earthquake c. 224 BCE.
Rhodes Travel, Oxford Companion to Classical Literature, Oxford University Press

Apply the skill


1 Look carefully at Sources 1–6 describing the Colossus of Rhodes and complete the table. Like all historians, you
may need to conduct some research to help you, or even make an educated guess based on the evidence available
to you. Use this evidence to make an assessment about whether the sources show any bias and decide how reliable
each one is. Justify your responses for each source.

Source Primary/ Creator Reason source Date created Bias or Reliability

number Secondary source was created (if known) prejudice

Extend your understanding

Now form small groups to answer the following questions 3 When did it fall and why?
based on the most reliable sources provided: 4 Which are the two primary sources? At which point in
1 When was the statue built and why? the history of the statue were they written?
2 How tall was it? 5 How sure can we be of what the Colossus looked like?

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 203

7.4 Scientific techniques
When archaeologists and historians find objects
from the past, they often need help from scientists
who use the latest techniques and machinery to
gather more information. Many of these techniques
– known as scientific techniques – are used to assess
the likely age of sources. They can tell us,
for example, the ages of the skulls in Source 2.
Scientific techniques like the ones described below
need to be used in combination with other historical
techniques and evidence to provide a complete
explanation of the past.

Scientific dating techniques

Many scientific dating techniques are used to Source 2 Three skulls – front: Homo habilis (Kenya,
investigate the past. Some are absolute dating PL 1.88 million years old); centre: Homo erectus (Kow Swamp,
techniques, which allow the age of an object to be Victoria, 13 000 years old); back: Homo sapiens (Keilor, Victoria,
13 000 years old)
stated as precisely as possible (in years). Others are
relative dating techniques, which can only determine
whether an object is of an earlier or more recent date Stratigraphy
relative to (compared with) another object.
Stratigraphy involves analysing sources found in the
different strata of earth. Strata are layers marking
Some scientific techniques used to analyse historical different geological time periods. Since the layers of
sources rocks are generally youngest on top and oldest on the

bottom, items found in the lowest strata will usually

Stratigraphy (analysis of soil or rock layers) be the oldest (see Source 3). In an archaeological dig,
scientists may know that a particular stratum (the
Fluorine dating (analysis of the age of bones) singular form of strata) is 1000 years old. This means
that the items excavated from that stratum will
Radiocarbon dating probably be of a similar age.
Natural disasters and geological events can change
Dendrochronology (analysis of tree rings)
the way strata are arranged, so it is not an exact
science. Stratigraphy is a relative dating technique.
DNA analysis
Fluorine dating
Ice-core sampling
Bones can be dated using fluorine dating. Bones
Palynology (analysis of microscopic organic absorb the chemical element fluorine from the soil in
compounds) which they are immersed. The longer they are there,
the more fluorine they absorb. Like stratigraphy, this
Source 1 Some scientific techniques used to investigate
the past is a relative dating technique.

204 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7C What methods are used to investigate the past?

Dendrochronology refers to tree-ring dating.
Scientists can date a tree by studying the growth
rings in a cross-section of its trunk (see Source 5).
Each year in a tree’s life, a new ring forms. It varies
B in shape and width according to the conditions that
C year. It has two parts: a light part (spring growth) and
a dark part (summer/autumn growth). Scientists can
study these rings and can compare rings between
trees to determine their age.
E Sometimes experts can calculate the relative age of
wooden artefacts, such as bowls or floorboards. This
Source 3 Different artefacts are found in different strata (or is possible if they can match the ring patterns in the
layers). These are generally positioned according to their age.
wood with those of local trees of the same species.
Artefacts found in stratum A will be more recent than those
found in stratum E.

Radiocarbon dating

Radiocarbon dating is a complex technology that is
more accurate than stratigraphy and fluorine dating. PL
It is an absolute dating technique. All living things
contain a particular type of carbon called C14, which
is why we are called carbon-based life forms. This
carbon is continuously renewed while an organism
is alive. Living things stop absorbing C14 when they
die. C14 is radioactive, which means that, over time,
it breaks down at a known rate into a different type
of carbon. Scientists use special equipment to work
out how much C14 is still present in once-living

organisms. Using that information, they can work

out how long ago the organism died, and therefore
how old it is. Source 5 Trees grow a new ring every year.

Source 4 Radiocarbon dating would determine the likely age of mummified human remains such as these.
This corpse was found in central Asia.

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 205

Other scientific techniques
DNA analysis
All living organisms (except some viruses) contain
deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. DNA holds the
genetic code that determines how a living thing
develops and operates. It is comparable to the ones
and zeros that make up computer code and tell your
software what to do. DNA is sometimes preserved in
the remains of once-living organisms. Scientists can
learn a lot from studying DNA. They can tell what
type of organism it is. They can also tell how closely
Source 7 Analysis of the fossilised pollen in this soil core
related it is to other species and to other individuals allows researchers to find out how plant life in a particular area
of the same species. For example, they can study the changed over thousands of years.
DNA of ancient remains and determine how closely
related they are to modern humans. Palynology
Palynology is the study of microscopic organic
Ice-core sampling

compounds (such as pollen) that are found in
This technique works in a similar way to stratigraphy. soil. Taking soil cores enables scientists to analyse
Ice-core samples are long cylinders of ice that have fossilised pollen and find out how plant life in a
been drilled from thick ice sheets. These samples
are most commonly taken in the polar ice caps of
PL particular area has changed over thousands of years
(see Source 7).
Antarctica and Greenland, or from high mountain
glaciers all over the world. As ice forms in the
gradually increasing build-up of annual layers of Check your learning 7.4
snow, lower layers are older than upper layers. This
Remember and understand
means that an ice core contains ice formed over
many years. Air trapped at various sections along 1 In your own words, describe each of the scientific
an ice core, such as the one shown in Source 6, techniques covered in this section.

provides evidence of what the atmosphere was like at 2 Describe how DNA analysis can help historians to
different periods in the past. Scientists can then form better understand a source.
conclusions about the climate at a particular time.
Apply and analyse
3 Explain why it is important to be able to date
4 Imagine you found human remains at an
archaeological dig. Which methods would be best
suited to dating these remains and why?

Evaluate and create

5 Explain which dating technique you think is the
most accurate or the most reliable. Justify your
6 Study the evidence about the age of the Sphinx in
the following Key concept section. Determine how
old you think the Sphinx is. Make sure you support
your decision with evidence.

Source 6 Scientists collecting ice-core samples in Antarctica

206 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7C What methods are used to investigate the past?

keyconcept: Contestability

The mystery of the Sphinx EVIDENCE FROM EROSION

Some archaeologists and scientists believe the Sphinx
Historians and archaeologists disagree about how
was built about 9000 years ago. They argue that the
old the Sphinx is. Different forms of evidence point to
erosion on the Sphinx could only have been caused
different answers, and historians look at various forms
by steady rainfall. The last time it rained steadily in the
of evidence in combination to form an opinion about
Sahara was about 8000 years ago.
the Sphinx’s age.
Other scientists contest this evidence. They
Most archaeologists believe that the Sphinx is about
argue that the erosion could have other causes. The
4500 years old, having been built around 2500 BCE,
erosion could also have been caused by water rising
but there are some who believe it is much older.
in the ground under the Sphinx. It moves up into the
The Sphinx lies among Egypt’s pyramids at Giza. limestone, and when it evaporates it leaves behind salt,
It was carved from an outcrop of limestone rock and which can cause the limestone to break down.
was probably once painted. The Sphinx has been
Finally, there is no
studied by many scholars and scientists. There is much
evidence of an Egyptian
we know but also a great deal we do not. For example,
civilisation that existed in

whose face is represented on this monument?
7000 BCE. For the Sphinx
How and why was the face and nose of the Sphinx
to be 9000 years old, there
damaged? Are there tunnels beneath it? How old is it?
PL would have to have been
HISTORICAL EVIDENCE an ancient civilisation that
pre-dated the Egyptians.
Between the front paws of the structure there is a tablet
This is a tantalising idea,
inscribed with hieroglyphs (similar to those in Source 9).
but is it true?
The hieroglyphs describe a dream of the Egyptian
For more information
king Thutmosis IV, who ruled Egypt between 1424 and
on the key concept of
1417 BCE. He ordered that this inscription be made. It
contestability, refer to
includes the statement that the Sphinx was made ‘in the
page 170 of ‘The history Source 9 Stone relief of
days of Khafre, when the world was young’.
toolkit’. Egyptian hieroglyphs found

The Sphinx lies close to the tomb of the Egyptian at the entrance to a tomb
pharaoh Khafre, who lived c. 2603–2578 BCE. It is
also believed to resemble Khafre.

Source 8 The Sphinx, with the

body of a lion and the head of
a man

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 207

7C rich task

In addition to using scientific techniques,
historians use a range of other methods to
investigate the past. This always involves
using a wide variety of sources. To Source 1 A woomera (top), a shell used in rainmaking
ceremonies, and a killing stick (bottom)
understand the ancient past of Australia,
historians use artefacts, photographs, oral

accounts and other sources. A combination
of sources must be used if a historian is to PL
create a complete picture of the past.

Source 2 A stone spearhead from the Kimberley region

Analysing primary and secondary of Australia


Sources of the first Australians reveal a mostly semi-

nomadic people. There is evidence they understood the
land and seasons and had great skills as trackers and
mimickers (of animal noises, for example). They adapted
the natural resources they found to:
• build their shelters
• manage their environments
• fashion their weapons, tools and musical instruments
• make carry bags, water containers and cradles
• keep themselves warm, fed, watered and alive.
Study the following sources and use them to develop an
understanding of how various Indigenous Australian
groups used natural resources to survive in the harsh
Australian environment.
Source 3 Two Indigenous men using natural resources to start
a fire

208 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7C What methods are used to investigate the past?

Source 4 Hunting techniques among the Iora tribe in the Sydney region

By any standards, the Aborigines were technologically weak but

manually adept. They had not invented the bow-and-arrow,
but they had exquisite skill as stalkers, trackers and mimics. A
competent hunter needs to be able to read every displacement of
a leaf or scuffed print in the dust. He must freeze in mid-step and
stand unblinking on one leg for half an hour, waiting for a goanna
to work up the courage to come all the way out of its log. He must
know how to pick up a blacksnake by the tail and crack its head
off, as one cracks a whip … Above all, the hunter needed to know
every detail of animal life in his territory – migratory patterns,
feeding habits, nesting, shelter, mating. Only thus could a small
nomadic group survive.
Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of Convicts to
Source 5 An early 18th-century painting
Australia, 1787–1868, The Harvill Press, London, 1996, p. 12
showing Indigenous men hunting birds,
entitled Throwing the spear, Ballarat Fine

Art Gallery
Apply the skill
1 Fill in the table to help develop your understanding of Sources 2, 3 and 5.
Source What does the source How did the activity or item What can you tell about the ancient
number depict or describe? depicted or described in the source people’s relationship with the land
help that particular Aboriginal from the source?
group to survive?

2 Write a 100-word paragraph to explain how 3 How could you find out more information about any of

Indigenous Australians used the land. Make sure you these sources?
refer to at least two sources provided here. 4 How could you determine the age of the artefacts in
Sources 1 and 2?

Extend your understanding

Historical sources are often more useful to a historian when he

or she can access additional sources of information about a
particular source. Look at the Aboriginal rock art in Source 6.
1 What can you tell about the people who painted this, just
from looking at it?
2 Do some research on the Internet to find out more about the
people who lived at Injalak Hill. What more can you tell about
the source using the additional information you have found?
3 What techniques could you use to determine how old this
rock art is?

Source 6 Aboriginal rock art at Injalak Hill, Arnhem Land

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 209

7.5 Conserving and
protecting sources
Historical sources can be very fragile. Once exposed to the
open air, weather, pollution and humidity, many items will
quickly deteriorate. In addition, sources may be stolen or broken
by careless handling. If a source is important, it needs to be
conserved to secure its value for future generations.
Tourist numbers are growing rapidly in places such as
Pompeii and the Indigenous art caves in the Kimberley. Too
much trekking over the same ground, too much touching
and too much breathing in a confined space can damage
sources, especially if they are very old and fragile. In addition,

such actions may sometimes cause offence to others, or show
disrespect to others’ beliefs. Source 1 A conservator restoring an ancient
statue of Marcus Aurelius’ horse. Marcus
Conservators are now taking a range of measures to protect
certain objects and places from overexposure. For example,
Indigenous cave art is often fenced off. Such an action respects
Aurelius (121−180 CE) was Roman emperor
for the last 19 years of his life.

the spirituality of Indigenous people but also protects this keyconcept: Evidence
ancient art from damage. Another example is the inclusion
of certain old buildings in Australia and around the world on Preserving our heritage
heritage lists, which ensures their protection and conservation.
Many sources are stored in libraries, archives, art galleries
and public museums where they can be cared for and preserved.

Valuable, fragile or very important sources can usually be viewed

but not borrowed, touched or removed. Some examples include:
• the Mitchell Library in the State Library of New South Wales,
which houses a huge collection of historical sources on
• the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne
Museum, which aims to ‘keep alive’ the oral stories and
history of Victoria’s Koorie people. In this case, conservation
is about making sure stories are not forgotten. Historical sources are part of our heritage.
Venues such as museums and galleries provide security They are a reminder of the glories and
and proper storage facilities. Their design also sets the right terrors of past times, and the mistakes
environmental conditions. Some items, for example, must have and great advances made. They remind
muted light or low humidity. Think how your clothes fade us where we have come from and what
when you wear them outside in the sun a lot. It is important to shaped our societies and cultures. They
protect historical sources from such damage. In addition, these give us a sense of who we are as a people.
Conserving these remnants of the past
institutions have staff who know how to restore and repair
ensures that future generations will be able
damaged items. They also know which artefacts are the most
to appreciate a shared heritage.
important to conserve, because conservation can be expensive.

210 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7D Why is conservation important?

Source 2 The Gallery of First Australians in the National Museum
of Australia in Canberra includes this display, which provides
evidence of the strong connection Torres Strait Islanders had
with the sea. The museum conserves these sources in order
PL to maintain this part of Australian history.

Check your learning 7.5

Remember and understand
1 In your own words, describe what
conservation is.
2 List the different reasons for

conserving historical sources.

Apply and analyse

3 Explain what precautions museums put
in place for fragile artefacts and why.
4 Outline the reasons for banning
access to popular Indigenous sites.

Evaluate and create

Source 3 The Pintupi Aborigines’ women’s Dreaming site
5 Justify whether you think access to
It is important to conserve not just our recent past but also
significant Indigenous sites (like the
our ancient past. Some groups want to ban access to significant
one shown in Source 3) should be
Indigenous sites in order to aid their conservation. Large numbers
of tourists visiting a site can both physically damage it and can be
6 Create a plan for conservation of an
regarded as disrespectful.
important source of history in your
Source 3 shows a sacred women’s Dreaming site belonging
community. Think about why it is
to the Pintupi Aborigines. Some people think public access to
important and what factors may cause
such sites should be limited in order to conserve it.
it to be damaged.
For more information on the key concept of evidence, refer
to page 167 of ‘The history toolkit’.

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 211

7D rich task Step 2 Use the questions you have listed
in your table to create keywords and

Conserving search terms for an Internet search.

Step 3 Conduct an Internet search

ancient sites
to gather relevant sources and to
answer your questions about the
ancient site. You may also like to
find images of the site and any
In order to conserve and restore ancient conservation work that has been
historical sites, historians need to understand done so far.
what these sites used to look like, how they Step 4 Remember to assess the
reliability of the sources you have
were constructed and how they may have collected. Think about who wrote Source 1 Detail
been damaged over the years. Conservation them and why. Also be aware of the of an ox on the
types of websites you collected them front wall of a
projects are expensive and time-consuming, reconstruction of
from. Were they reputable? A set of
so historians need to do extensive research guidelines to help you identify relevant
the Ishtar Gate

to understand a site before conservators and reliable sources on the Internet is
can accurately restore it. included in ‘The historian’s toolkit’ in
this book.
This rich task looks at two major conservation projects: the Source 2 An artist’s impression of a procession entering
the city of Babylon through the Ishtar Gate
Gate of Ishtar in Iraq and the Tomb of Menna in Egypt.

Identifying and locating relevant
sources about ancient sites

using ICT
Researching ancient sites to understand why they are
significant, what they were like in the ancient past and
how they have changed is an important part of the work
that archaeologists, historians and conservators do. The
first part of this research involves identifying and locating
different sources to help them. To begin such research,
follow these steps:
Step 1 Construct a table to organise your thoughts and
direct your research. Begin by listing the things you
already know about the ancient site (such as where
it is, what civilisation it was built by, and anything you
know about that civilisation). Then list the things you
still need to find out about the ancient site (such as
who built it, how it was built, what it looked like when it
was built, what it looks like today, what it was used for,
how and why it was damaged, and whether or not it is
worth conserving).

212 oxford big ideas humanities and social sciences 7 western australian curriculum
7D Why is conservation important?

Source 3 The entrance to the Tomb of Source 4 Detail of a wall painting from
Menna in Luxor, Egypt the interior of the Tomb of Menna
Apply the skill
1 Conduct an Internet search to locate and identify 2 Make a list of all of the websites you visited and the

relevant sources related to these ancient sites: sources you gathered.
a the Ishtar Gate – the main entrance to the ancient a Which of these sources do you think are the most
walled city of Babylon built around 575 BCE, now PL reliable and relevant? How can you tell?
part of modern-day Iraq b Which of these sources do you think are not reliable
b the Tomb of Menna – the tomb of an Egyptian or relevant? How can you tell?
official in Egypt who died around 3400 years ago, 3 Now imagine that the governments of Iraq and Egypt
during the rule of pharaoh Amenhotep III. are deciding whether to fund the conservation of these
Follow the steps outlined above to complete the two ancient sites. Make a recommendation about why
following table in your notebook. and how each site should be conserved (if you believe
it should).
Site 1 – Site 2 –
Ishtar Gate Tomb of

Menna Extend your understanding

What I know already
1 Conduct some further research to find out which
Where is it?
organisations are currently responsible for conserving
What civilisation built it? the Ishtar Gate and the Tomb of Menna.
Do I know anything else 2 Conservation projects are expensive, so determine
about it? who is funding these organisations to work on the
What I still need to find out sites.
Who built it? 3 What reasons do the organisations give for conserving
the Ishtar Gate and the Tomb of Menna?
How was it built?
4 Do you think that there are any other reasons to fund
What did it look like when it
the sites’ conservation?
was built?
5 Imagine you are a historian working for one of these
What does it look like now?
organisations. Write a ‘funding proposal’ paragraph
What was it used for? that justifies why your organisation requires funding to
How and why was it continue its conservation work of the site.

Should it be conserved?

chapter 7 investigating the ancient past 213


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