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Literature Review

Customer Purchase Decision

The study of the process by which individuals or groups select, purchase, utilize, or dispose
of items, services, ideas, or experiences to meet their wants and aspirations is known as
consumer behavior. It is depend on the product quality, brand image, packaging, price,
product performance and other features of the product. Understanding how consumers are
getting purchase decision is very important. “What buy” is may be different from customer to
customer according to their perceived features, such as quality, price, brand image,
packaging, reliability, etc.

Sheikh Qazzafi (2019) did a research regarding consumer buying decision process. This
research was found that, if the product is for everyday use or is inexpensive, the consumer
has little influence in the decision-making process. When purchasing everyday items, it is
very likely that one or more phases of the decision-making process will be skipped. When a
need arises, individuals purchase products or services.

Product Quality

Quality, according to Kotler and Keller (2014), is the sum of the traits and characteristics of a
product or service that may meet the needs of customers. Product quality can feel from
ingredients that use to produce the product, the level of healthy, reliability level, customer
perceived quality. A high level of quality can influence a customer's decision to buy a
product or service. It corresponds to the findings of Shaharudin (2011), who discovered that
the level product decision is based on eight aspects of framework quality and their
relationship to client buying behavior.

Band Image

A brand image encapsulates consumer views of a company's overall personality. This image
incorporates evaluative, albeit not always conscious, assessments of a brand's relative
strengths and weaknesses. Brand image is shaped by the marketing materials and promotional
activities of the company behind the brand, as well as the consumer experience with the
brand over time.

Awasthi, Brijesh; Mehta, Masuma (2020) were explained their research, about generation Y
and Z's perceptions of branding and anti-branding in relation to Nestle Maggi noodles. When
a particular brand fails to meet customer expectations, anti-branding communities
emerge. According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) 2015, the
study focuses on the alleged usage of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and excessive levels of
lead in Maggi noodles (a popular noodles brand in India). According to the study, Generation
Z customers are more emotionally attached to a brand than Generation Y consumers, and
anti-branding initiatives have a long-term influence on customer brand ties. The findings
show that powerful brands are less affected by anti-branding in the long run, although there is
a considerable difference between Generations Y and Z.


The act of designing and creating the product's container and wrapping is known as
packaging. The package is the product's cover, which is used to store, handle, and protect the
product from external influences such as sunlight, moisture, and damage. Packaging enhances
the product's appeal and serves as a powerful sales tool. Attractive packaging entices buyers
to purchase the goods. The importance of product packaging in delivering needed
information to customers, Including instructions on how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose
of the packaging or product, as well as the product's constituents. Marketers can use the
packaging and labeling to entice potential purchasers to acquire the goods.

The package becomes the most significant and last weapon for reaching the consumer,
transferring information, strengthening product positioning in the consumer's mind, and
influencing his or her decision-making process (Butkeviciene, V., Stravinskiene, J.,
Ratelione, A., 2008).


Price is how much customers pay for buy particular product or service. The influence of a
change in a firm's product price on the quantity requested of that product is referred to as
pricing power. The degree to which individuals, consumers, or producers adjust their demand
or the amount supplied in reaction to price changes is impact of price changes.

Price is an essential factor in purchasing decisions, according to Varadin and Ceoatia's (2015)
research, and it has an impact on the company. The findings also illustrate how non-price
factors have become more important in purchasing decisions over the years, and that
customers have always followed and will continue to follow a company's price-related

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